Re: gnome desktop integration library

Bastien Nocera wrote:

Well, I'd love to not to see this reimplemented in every application
that tries to simply inhibit the screensaver. See:

Why would I need to reimplement this on X/GNOME, MacOS X, and Windows
myself, when other applications that do "presentations" would need the
same APIs?

Another option is to do a smallish cross-platform library called "libdesktop" or something like that - defined as a library that provides access to general-interest nongraphical runtime facilities of the desktop environment hosting the application.

it might contain "GdkSession", and maybe a simple prefs API similar to the Java one, with GConf and the registry as two backends. It could even contain a very primitive vfs abstraction, though I think it'd be kind of dangerous to go down that road.

App developers would love to have that library.

Personally I think GTK+ should contain it (maybe in a separate .so from libgtk proper even, I don't know). But, failing that, it's a bounded and useful definition for a separate library.

Hey, is this "Portland"? ;-)


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