Re: gnome desktop integration library

On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 18:50 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:

> As to what to put in there: I'm opposed to gnome-desktop going there
> since there's only one useful function there now (thanks to GKeyFile):

SMB browsing doesn't work on GtkFileChooser in 2.15.  You know why?
Because someone replaced gnome_desktop_item_new_from_uri() with
g_key_file_load_from_file().  So, the fake .desktop files that gnome-vfs
generates in memory when doing SMB browsing can't be loaded at all,
since they are not filenames, but URIs!

Also, GnomeDesktopItem is higher level than GKeyFile.

GKeyFile is "load an .ini file".

GnomeDesktopItem is "load a desktop item" (which happens
to be implemented as a .ini file).

GKeyFile doesn't know that the "OnlyShowIn=" key must be a list of
strings, and that these strings are separated by semicolons.

GnomeDesktopItem has a get_icon() function, to which you feed an icon

Etc.  They are just different levels of abstraction.


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