Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 13:46 -0400, Joe Shaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 13:49 +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
> > I do wonder why nobody has taken a fast database-backed RDF triple store
> > (from librdf), put a sparql-based frontend on it for queries (again from
> > librdf) and used re-used a lot of code from both Beagle and Tracker for
> > harvesting the metadata...
> Do you mean pulling the data out of Beagle or Tracker and putting it
> into a separate RDF store?
> This is something we've wanted to do in Beagle for some time.  It has
> never really been fleshed out whether the right thing to do here is
> build an RDF graph on top of the existing store when presenting it to
> users or to keep a separate store for this.  Keeping a separate store
> makes searching a lot more difficult, though, unless you're searching
> only one store at a time.

Instead of whatever database you are currently using to store metadata,
use a triplestore.  You are half-way there with the current (pseudocode)
Subject.AddProperty("dc.title", sometitle).

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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