Re: Proposing Tracker for inclusion into GNOME 2.18

Sanford Armstrong wrote:
On 10/24/06, Don Scorgie <DonScorgie blueyonder co uk> wrote:

On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 00:07 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Jamie McCracken">

t-s-t uses the same code as g-s-t so it inherits the working code. Its a
better search tool because it can show search snippets like google as well
as providing high speed search.
And it does so by using... Tracker? Which means you're not just proposing
t-s-t, but the Tracker indexer and database? You really need to start being
clear now.
yes we are proposing the lot - sorry for any confusion there
One question (sorry for my ignorance): Does the replacement of g-s-t by
t-s-t mean that in order to search files, the tracker deamon needs to be

Also, I presume this means that only indexed files can be located?

yes - tracker can be configured to index multiple root directories and partitions

What if I have file types that tracker doesn't know/care about?  Do I
have to resort to using command line tools for a simple search based
on filename/date/etc?

the only files we dont index are hidden files (or in hidden directories)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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