Re: opening a program with the middle button

* Jun 09 12:37 David Prieto <frandavid100 gmail com>:
> Hi, I have a suggestion I already posted in Ubuntu Launchpad. Here it
> goes:
> First thing I do when I switch on my laptop is open evolution to read my
> e-mails, liferea to get my news feeds and epiphany to browse some
> forums. Not necessarily when switching it on, but overall I usually run
> these programs together.
> As of now, this requires too many clicks - I have to click applications,
> internet, evolution, applications, internet, liferea, applications,
> internet, epiphany.
> It would be so much better if middle-clicking a launcher would launch
> the program, but leave the menu open. Then I would only have to click
> applications, internet, evolution (middle-click), liferea
> (middle-click), epiphany.
> What do you think about it?

You could ofcourse create desktop shortcuts or panel launchers for the
applications you use most frequently. But I like the idea, another
alternative might be to add a "Run application" in the right-click menu.

Johan Svedberg, johan svedberg com,

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