Re: Baobab

On 7/26/06, Alex Jones <alex weej com> wrote:
The treemap in GDMap really is much more usable. Perhaps we should port
the logic. I think they call it a cushioned treemap or something,
because it manages to make squares (as best it can), not rectangles! As
a result, you don't see thick black lines all over the place where a
file's representation is of proportions 40:1. Also the colouring is much
easier to analyse. Each colour in GDMap represents a file type, so you
can see if you have a massive folder of videos somewhere very easily!

We can work on the treemap. But I believe that it will be more useful
to have two different graphical representation, the user will select:
a treemap (even with rectangles instead of squares) and a ring-chart.
We are currently working on this enhancement.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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