
Perhaps this has been discussed, and I missed it, but...

Looking through the change sets, I see gnome-utils has now included the
application Baobab. This is quite a handy utility if you wish to analyse
your disk space usage, but I am wondering if this application really
forms part of what one would consider 'Desktop'.

It very much seems like a 3rd party utility at the moment that has
simply been included in the core release.

This harks back to the discussion about what should be considered
'Desktop', but for the case of Baobab, perhaps we can distill this down
to three fundamental questions:
 - is it mature enough?
 - is it useful enough to the majority of our users? and
 - could this idea be integrated more tightly into existing software 
   that the user is familiar with (eg. making it a Nautilus View)


Davyd Madeley
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