Re: Atomix [Re: Trying to reach consensus for the proposed modules]

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Guilherme de S. Pastore wrote:

> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:28:32 -0200
> From: Guilherme de S. Pastore <gpastore gnome org>
> To: desktop-devel-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: Atomix [Re: Trying to reach consensus for the proposed
>     modules]
> Em Qui, 2006-01-12 às 00:06 +0000, Alan Horkan escreveu:
> > I have some criticisms of it none of which are show stoppers for playing
> > and enjoying Atomix but it would be better if Atomix met the same high
> > standards for accessibility, usability and documentation as other Gnome
> > applications.  Will it get more attention if it is not included?
> Getting attention from people who think it's not ready to actually
> report bugs so they can be fixed instead of ranting on public mailing
> lists might be a huge step forward :)

I think it is unfair to characterize my comments as a rant but I'll
apologise anyway if you think my praise of Atomix wasn't good enough.  I
really do like Atomix.  It isn't my decision but I've given an opinion (at
an appropriate time and politely I thought?) and it is up to others to
decide if they do think Atomix is ready.

As you know I have already provided some feedback on Atomix and I'm glad
you made some changes in response.  I'll try and find time to make lots
more suggestions but developers dont respond well to long lists of
requests and I dont have enough hours in the day.

Atomix doesn't seem to have much documentation if any (and when you asked
me to volunteer to write it I didn't want to make any promises I cant
keep, I've got bills to pay first and other projects).  I find the way
atomix does play pause a little odd, and the mix of Exit and end game is a
little confusing*.  The option to skip level is cumbersome forcing you to
step through the games in order, which is not unreasonable for a game but
from the education point of view I think it would be better if it were
access other levels more easily (I think Gnome Atomix will become more
popular and with even more levels it will be a big help if you you can dip
into them more easily out of order, if the old level builder works at all
I might be able to make some levels but I'd need quite a bit of help
from you and more time).

I wish I had more time but unfortunately I dont.

* I encourage you to post a message about Atomix to Gnome games list, I'm
sure they will have suggestions on how you could make Atomix more
consistent with the other games.  The usability list might have worthwhile
suggestions concernign the Gnome Human Interface guidlines (some potential
minor tweaks). I'd love for Atomix to be scalable and have nicely high
contrast themes too, and menu and keyboard navigation for more which
might count as accessibitliy but I dont know as much about accessibility
as I really should.

I do hope Atomix will be part of Gnome the release after next, maybe it is
already there.  Please do all try it out!


Alan Horkan

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