Re: Keyboard usage on some Gnome windows not working

On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 01:52 -0700, Alex Graveley wrote:
> Speaking of Emacs, one of my favorite features has always been when 
> executing an M-x command that the minibar flashes the shortcut sequence 
> you _could_ have used for the same task.
> I find that I learn the commands I use most often[1] this way.  If I 
> know the command it's because I've seen it flashed in concordance with 
> actually performing that action 15 times or so.
> I would love to play with a system that only revealed accelerators 
> somehow after I used individual commands a few times[2].  HIG-defined 
> accelerators could be shown all the time, since they should be common 
> across apps.

This will be easy to implement at the GTK+ level --- so that your app
won't have to do anything special to do the "flash the shortcut" thing
--- once we have a GtkAppWindow widget with a menu and status bar.


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