Re: EOG features


When I find photos with wrong orientation it's convenient not having to
open GIMP just to rotate it. It's nice not needing fairly complex image
editors or photo managers for this simple task. And it would not be as
easy for someone who doesn't know gimp to rotate the image (and even if
you do know gimp, it still takes some time starting up, and so on). I
don't see why it should be removed when it's there, not taking up much
space and being very convenient.

Johan - just an ordinary GNOME user :)

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 18:40 -0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a little dilema about EOG redesign: should EOG be able to
> save image changes (rotation) to disk? I tend to say "no" because,
> actually, EOG is an image VIEWER (there is GIMP for image editing). My
> plan is: 1) add an "Open With" "File" menu item to make it easy to
> access an image editor; 2) replace "Save"  and "Save as" menu items
> with a "Save  copy" one, like Evince; 3) auto-rotate images based on
> EXIF data.
> I'd like to know what you dudes think about it. I don't know if saving
> image changes is a common EOG use case. IMHO, it shouldn't be. :-)
> p eace
> --lucasr
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