Re: EOG features

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Johan Ersvik wrote:

> Hi,
> When I find photos with wrong orientation it's convenient not having to
> open GIMP just to rotate it. It's nice not needing fairly complex image
> editors or photo managers for this simple task. And it would not be as
> easy for someone who doesn't know gimp to rotate the image (and even if
> you do know gimp, it still takes some time starting up, and so on). I
> don't see why it should be removed when it's there, not taking up much
> space and being very convenient.

Yes, rotation (-90, +90) is everybody's unique most frequently
used feature of image editing.  I personally like use gthumb,
since it's a browser and viewer.  And it used to have the rotate
buttons right there on the toolbar.  At this time, it has the
rotation on the toolbar for folder view, but not image view!
It's got all other manipulations that I need when managing my
photos: Enhance and Crop.

Now eog has the rotate buttons on the toolbar (the rotate-left,
rotate-right buttons themselves, not a button to bring up the
dialog), which is awesome.  But it doesn't have a browser mode.
So one have to go over his photos in Nautilus, if one needs
rotations, fire up eog, rotate, save, quit.  Not very handy.

One way to improve this scenario is for Nautilus to add rotation
to context menu of images.  That would be uber cool.  Other than
that, since rotation is the only editing feature eog offers, I
don't mind if you go Evince way.  But then, why not merge EOG
with evince then?

(unfortunately) I have to use gthumb to be efficient.  Any way to
redunce the redundancy of having both EOG and gthumb is
appreciated. :)

> Regards, Johan - just an ordinary GNOME user :)


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