Re: PROPOSAL: GNOME Volume Manager for GNOME 2.8

Today at 14:20, Jochem Huhmann wrote:
> The Right Thing would be to handle themes with GnomeVFS. To the user
> the themes could be presented as directories and files, easy to tinker
> with. Behind the scenes the themes could be stored/queried in a more
> efficient way then.

The speed increase is exactly in taking advantage of "staticness" of
the content, at least I guess so (I didn't look at the "packer").
It's probably based on having a *one-time* slow step of packing, and
having fast accesses afterwards.

If we try to cater for access needed to be used like a *writeable*
filesystem, we're going to get more speed decreases, and we'd end up
with the same stuff we have now.  If we don't, we'd have utterly slow
GnomeVFS access method (you'd need to re-run packer for all files on
every single change, no matter how tiny is it).

So, the choice here seems clear: either fast *or* flexible, but not
both at the same time.  So, I like Alan's proposal of trying the
cache first, and if that fails, use the current methods.


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