Re: new module: gnome-volume-manager

So if I understand this correctly, there's no reason why HAL and
therefore gnome-volume-manager couldn't be made to work on other
platforms (*BSD, Solaris, etc.)?  So gnome-volume-manager could
potentially be a candidate for desktop release in the 2.8 time frame?


On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 11:17, Robert Love wrote:
> I put gnome-volume-manager in CVS.
> 74 word description:
>         GNOME Volume Manager is a simple GNOME daemon that acts as a
>         policy agent on top of the Project Utopia stack, which includes
>         the kernel, hotplug, udev, and HAL.  GNOME Volume Manager
>         listens for HAL events and responds with user-configurable
>         reactions.  Currently it supports automount of new media and
>         hot-plugged devices, autorun, autoplay of CDs and DVDs, and
>         automatic camera management.  Its goal is to be simple and free
>         of polling and other hacks.
> It requires a few bleeding edge components: HAL 0.2.3, udev 0.12, D-BUS
> CVS, hotplug 2003_08 or newer, and a 2.6 kernel.
> g-v-m, and all of the other components, are moving targets.  Thus things
> might be a bit rough in places where changes are frequent or expected. 
> Particular, there are some issues in HAL at the moment.  Those will be
> fixed.
> Rock the boat,
> 	Robert Love
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