Re: Structured storage? (was Re: dbus and GNOME 2.8)

El lun, 05-04-2004 a las 22:41, Robert Love escribió:
> On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 22:13, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> > I do not see how the new trend towards structured storage avoids this
> > failure, especially since every operating environment seems on track
> > to grow it's own incompatible approach.
> I do not feel that older structured approaches e.g. record-based
> filesystems are readily comparable to something like WinFS.
> At the end of the day, WinFS is merely doing the structure internal to
> the filesystem that would be expressed externally by the file format. 
> Besides, the on-disk format is human-readable XML.
> Also, Storage (and I assume WinFS) has a concept of "translators" for
> converting from XML to old-style file.

Any implementors of some metadata system will need to implement this to
be competitive.

Basically, what this means is that whenever you save a file, an
automatic "extractor" plugin extracts all possible metadata from the
file you saved.

This is coupled with a mechanism to update metadata in the file whenever
anyone uses the metadata API to save the metadata.  So basically you
could tag your MP3 using id3lib or the generalized OS metadata API.  The
correct tags will always be in the file, in the metadata store, and in
the metadata cache database.

> 	Robert Love
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