Re: Gedit Slowness

Am 11.05.2003 10:33 schrieb(en) MArk Finlay:
Maybe I'm the only one with this problem,
but with 2.2.x gedit has become one of the
slowest loading applications on my desktop,
and I don't even have any plugins installed.

I find this very frustrating when all I want
is a scribble pad and I have to wait 10 seconds.

My pc is a 1.2Ghz athlon with 640mb ram. Here
are some whack-a-mole loading tests(ie. I kill
the app the second it is visable and responsive)

[sisob dogbert sisob]$ time gedit
real    0m10.576s
user    0m0.650s
sys     0m0.090s

Might be a silly question, but how are you timing that? Or what do you want to tell us by that? "time" measures the overall time an application was running, not starting up. So it would only make sense if you run the command from gnome-terminal and keep STRG+Q pressed after having pressed return, so gedit will exit immediately.

And then I get the following for me:

darko giant darko $ time gedit
 real    0m1.170s
user    0m0.810s
sys     0m0.050s
darko giant darko $

seems ok with Gnome 2.2.1, and a weaker machine than you have. :)



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