Re: My (ongoing) analysis of the proposed modules

<quote who="Noah Levitt">

> > Ah, I see. I guess I would prefer hold-left-and-pop-up and a keyboard
> > shortcut, rather than a mode. But that's just me More UI review stuff
> > here.  :-)
> That makes good sense. But if I do that, how do users find out about it?

Ctrl-Enter would be in the menu, I guess. Hold wouldn't be, but you'd find
it pretty quickly if you're clicking around a bit.

> > I guess I will ask the innocent user question: When would I need to do
> > this, and what does "to the power of two" mean?
> I don't know if I can explain when or why you would want to do this. For
> people who know about unicode, it just makes sense. This bug report and
> conversation might shed some light. As you can see, I resisted the
> request. But at some point, I realized that it was trivial to implement,
> so I did it.

Okay, now I grok why it's important -> why would you ever want it off?

- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
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