Re: KDE and Gnome

W liście z śro, 27-08-2003, godz. 19:20, Mike Newman pisze: 
> On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 17:53, Marcin Antczak wrote:
> > In fact I work in Gnome, only because I have gtk Eclipse here, but I'm
> > tired reporting bugs in last 2 days I reported 21 bugs and I see at last
> > 30 more.
> I hesitate to reply to a post in this thread, and especially to this
> inflamatory and pointless one, but I hate exaggeration more than I hate
> stupid flames, so here goes:
> According to Bugzilla, you have filed 10 bugs - all between 23rd and
> 27th August 2003. Five of these are already resolved duplicates, three
> need more information and two remain unconfirmed. Pretty damn good turn
> around by the Bug Squad there I think.

Well sorry but remaining bugs was in my out box so they will go in a
while. I will try to fill bugzilla report for next bugs in my free time.

I don't get your sarcasm about resolved duplicates - I just don't have
powerfull enough machine to compile fresh cvs gnome every day so it is
natural that user reports bugs already resolved.

> > Gnome 2.4 should have "nothing works here" codename or sholud have 0.2.4
> > version number.
> On the basis of the statistics above '50% of the things I tried don't
> work' is a more empirical response. Realistically, I doubt you care
> much.

Well.. I really don't want to start a flame war or something... I just
must say that Gnome 2.4 rc1 is just annoying.

User interface is a mess, but I'll try to compile new cvs version and
see what's going on. I hope it will be better.

> > And it is propably my problem with codecs or something but I get scrappy
> > sounds in speakers during playback everytime my hdd is running. I don't
> > have time to fix this and I listen to music from CD but this is another
> > annoying part of my current linux experience ;-)
> None of the bugs you filed were against Rhythmbox, which was your
> original reason for complaining!

I don't work as beta tester so in a _free_ time I will report this bug.
BTW bug-buddy in my opinion is annoying too - why I can't report more
than one bug at once? It rebuilds product list each time and it takes
about a minute.... wrrr.

And first I'll try why I have such scrappy sounds in my speakers
probably gstreamer is broken I want to investigate first.

Marcin Antczak <marcin antczak e-dev pl>
e-dev studio -

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