Re: new run dialog


> > 3. Drag the icon to create launchers from the commands you entered.
> Handy.

Cool.  Do we have a keynavvable equivalent?  i.e. a menu with 'Create
Launcher', etc.?

> > 7. Made more accessible. I added more descriptions and stuff.
> Sweet.

Yeah, thanks a lot!

> > 8. Default icon is GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE so it should be themeable. Only
> > problem here is that no big icon for that is available so it gets scaled
> > up. Someone should make a big icon ... :)
> Hrm, I kinda liked that funny geary diamond. Oh well. ;-)

One way to theme this would be to make versions of the diamond for
the various themes and put them in desktop-icon-sets, rather than

best regards,


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