Re: new run dialog

<quote who="Frank Worsley">

> New features?

Hee hee... This is cool. Good stuff! :-)

> 1. Support complex commands and variable expansion. For example:


> 2. Command completion for known executables ala nautilus location bar.


> 3. Drag the icon to create launchers from the commands you entered.


> 4. You can specify locations relative to your home directory. So if you
> have a 'Documents' folder you can view it by just entering 'Documents'
> in the dialog. It is generally also smarter about trying to find the
> right location you intended. In the end it defaults to http:// if it
> can't find it any other way.

Very cool, will be nice for the ex-Windows power users.

> 5. Since it uses the new gnome_url_show stuff all kinds of locations are
> now displayed correctly.

Rawk. :-)

> 6. I made absolutely sure the text entry always gets focus when the
> dialog is shown. :)
> 7. Made more accessible. I added more descriptions and stuff.


> 8. Default icon is GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE so it should be themeable. Only
> problem here is that no big icon for that is available so it gets scaled
> up. Someone should make a big icon ... :)

Hrm, I kinda liked that funny geary diamond. Oh well. ;-)

May I make a potentially controversial suggestion? Could we get rid of that
silly hidable list of menu entries? I never really got the point of that,
other than as a data source for 'known command' (hrm, what happened to PATH
and globbing?) completion.

Thanks, these are cool updates!

- Jeff

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