Re: Awesome new Mozilla roadmap!

On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 20:20, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 April 2003 02:07, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> |  On Mon, 2003-04-07 at 21:12, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> |  > KDE does it because KDE *can* deliver first-class browser.
> |  > AFAIK, it's the best browser on the market, if you count both
> |  > standards-compatibility and ability to render pages designed for MS IE.
> |
> |  Some anecdotal evidence: I've used Safari on a Mac, and there are some
> |  pages that are _not_ rendered correctly. They are edge cases, although
> |  it can occasionally make a site unusable. I have not come across any
> |  pages Mozilla could not render for a long time. 
> Try any page designed with document.all DHTML model, and you will see the 
> difference.
> To give an idea, most pages designed for MS IE4, and about 30% of pages 
> designed for MS IE5 would fail with Mozilla.

So where did you get this 30% from?

> | khtml gives the
> |  impression of being where mozilla was about 8 months ago.
> Wrong.  Mozilla is ages behind KHTML.
> It seems you just don't have any facts to support your words, and prefer to 
> give unsupported statements.

I guess the same goes for you.


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