Re: Changing Yelp to use GtkHtml1 instead of GtkHtml2

lör 2002-05-04 klockan 22.09 skrev Sander Vesik:


> > This is a simple technical issue that needs to be discussed. Either:
> > 
> > a) CSS is unimportant because we do not need to use it in Yelp, or
> > b) CSS is important because we need to use it in Yelp.
> > 
> We don't need CSS in yelp - at least as far as i know. We need the
> combination of yelp and the stylesheet to diplay all the content correctly
> and be acessible. I have no grounds to claim that this means we must have
> CSS support in the html widget used by yelp.

Is this the answer from a guy that doesn't have a clue? You are arguing
very much on IRC that we DO need CSS. Can you then stand up and back
that up with some facts. I'm pretty tired of hearing every time I ask if
it would be possible to use a working maintained widget instead of a
semi-working (totally untested) and unmaintained widget to get the
answer WE NEED CSS! from you and after that silence when I ask why.

And yes, I can see CSS have pros, BUT are those more important than the
drawbacks (which I clearly listed) of using this solution. CAN it be
done in any other way?? 

I can see one other reason for your behavior and that is that you can
pass it on to someone else to make it happen if you do it the CSS-way
since not using the CSS would mean we would have to put some of it in
the XSL (which you are working on).

Regards, and *please* reply with facts, not sarcasm
  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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