Re: Changing Yelp to use GtkHtml1 instead of GtkHtml2

On 5 May 2002, Mikael Hallendal wrote:

> lör 2002-05-04 klockan 22.09 skrev Sander Vesik:
> Hi!
> > > This is a simple technical issue that needs to be discussed. Either:
> > > 
> > > a) CSS is unimportant because we do not need to use it in Yelp, or
> > > b) CSS is important because we need to use it in Yelp.
> > > 
> > 
> > We don't need CSS in yelp - at least as far as i know. We need the
> > combination of yelp and the stylesheet to diplay all the content correctly
> > and be acessible. I have no grounds to claim that this means we must have
> > CSS support in the html widget used by yelp.
> Is this the answer from a guy that doesn't have a clue? You are arguing
> very much on IRC that we DO need CSS. Can you then stand up and back
> that up with some facts. I'm pretty tired of hearing every time I ask if
> it would be possible to use a working maintained widget instead of a
> semi-working (totally untested) and unmaintained widget to get the
> answer WE NEED CSS! from you and after that silence when I ask why.

I need CSS for the things I am doing (or rather, the way I am and want to
do them), which is not the same thing as saying that "we" need CSS. 

I want to use CSS to specify all appearance related parts beacuse:

	* it will allow me to get a result which will give me acceptable
	  results on any css supporting viewer with minimal additional

	* all of style will be concentrated in one place making things
	  like branding related style changes very easy and efficent and
	  docbook to html transformation and style can be kept separate

	* it makes it  possible to meaningfully act on and interpret
	  things like "the spacing between the header and following text
	  is two large, make it half as wide"

	* while not needed by anything i do presently, in principle,
	  special rendering needs (whtever for accessbility or some other
	  reason) can be solved by just specifiying a second overlay

Changing to doing this part in some other way is of course possible (at an
exterme, it is possible to just run a second, style-applying transform on
the html). But i'm not particularily thrilled by the idea.

>   Mikael Hallendal
> -- 
> Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
> CodeFactory AB        
> Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918


	I see a dark sail on the horizon
	Set under a dark cloud that hides the sun
	Bring me my Broadsword and clear understanding

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