Re: panel focus

Seth Nickell <snickell stanford edu> writes:

> A side issue is how the panel indicates focus. I care much much less
> about this issue if the panel weren't so eagre to grab focus, but its
> worth noting that prelighting is broken if it passes it on to child
> widgets (i.e. the applets). I don't know if its possible to prevent
> this. GTK specifies that prelighting happens when "the mouse is over a
> widget". Some applets, sanely enough, assume this behavior. So for
> example menubars focus all their top level menu widgets when the panel
> prelights! This will be a serious issue if we try to use a menubar
> applet post GNOME 2.0. But once again, if the panel isn't so easy to
> accidentally focus, I don't care very much.

Note that the splitter bars in Gtk+ 2.0 uses a blue color (SELECTED)
to indicate that they have keyboard focus and the prelight color when
the mouse is over them.


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