Re: A list of minor build troubles I encountered for Desktop Alpha 2

On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 01:11, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> Hi,
> here's a list of stuff I encountered during the build so far (I'm nearly
> through except for sawfish as mentioned in another mail). I don't think
> these warrant bugzilla entries, and for the dependency graph stuff I
> wouldn't know where to put it anyway.
> Maybe it's of use to someone.
> depends.dia:	libglade dependency on libxml2 not shown, but configure
> 		fails without it

I mentioned this to the folks updating it, and they said it was OK to
commit a fix, but I haven't gotten there yet.  Oops.

> depends.dia:	gtk-doc not mentioned. At the lastest at-spi configure
> 		checks for it

--disable-gtk-doc turns off that check.  It's not needed to compile the
software (or shouldn't be).  Plus, the checks that most packages have
for a specific version of gtk-doc are broken.  It will find a new enough
gtk-doc, even if an older one is installed.  Rats.  

> depends.dia	scrollkeeper not mentioned. When does it need to be 		built?

You have an old copy or something.  scrollkeeper is mentioned on mine
under "GNOME 2.0 Core applications platform".  It's listed as a
dependancy for nautilus, which is only half the story.  I don't think
nautilus requires it anymore, and any application that installs
user-visible documentation will require it by the time GNOME 2.0 ships. 
> depends.dia	glade is mentioned in Gnome 2.0 box, but no package on 		ftp
> gnome-vfs:	make failure:
> 		"bzip2-method.c:38: bzlib.h: No such file or directory"
> 		So libbz2-dev (debian package name) is needed but not 		sufficiently
> checked by configure (I think configure
> 		should stop when make will fail anyway

I think this one should get filed at, and marked with
a GNOME 2 keyword.  (mind you, I'd have to go look up what the exact
keywords are, but this one definately needs to get fixed)

> at-spi:		make install failure:
> 		"-- Installing ./html/index.sgml
> 		/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `./html/index.sgml': No 		such file or
> directory"

configure --disable-gtk-doc will make that go away.

> 		After install of sgml-base sgml-data sgml-tools 		sgmls-doc sgmlspl
> sgmltexi libsgmls-perl sgmltools-lite 		sgml2x (debian package names,
> Idon't know which one did 		the trick) it was OK. Maybe list clearer in
> requirements

I agree, but I haven't been able to figure out what the actual
requirements are, so that I can file a useful bug.

> gnome-core:	libzvt not mentioned in depends.dia or requirements, but
> 		needed

Yeah, looks to be missing...  

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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