A list of minor build troubles I encountered for Desktop Alpha 2


here's a list of stuff I encountered during the build so far (I'm nearly
through except for sawfish as mentioned in another mail). I don't think
these warrant bugzilla entries, and for the dependency graph stuff I
wouldn't know where to put it anyway.
Maybe it's of use to someone.

depends.dia:	libglade dependency on libxml2 not shown, but configure
		fails without it

depends.dia:	gtk-doc not mentioned. At the lastest at-spi configure
		checks for it

depends.dia	scrollkeeper not mentioned. When does it need to be 		built?

depends.dia	glade is mentioned in Gnome 2.0 box, but no package on 		ftp

gnome-vfs:	make failure:
		"bzip2-method.c:38: bzlib.h: No such file or directory"

		So libbz2-dev (debian package name) is needed but not 		sufficiently
checked by configure (I think configure
		should stop when make will fail anyway

at-spi:		make install failure:
		"-- Installing ./html/index.sgml
		/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `./html/index.sgml': No 		such file or

		After install of sgml-base sgml-data sgml-tools 		sgmls-doc sgmlspl
sgmltexi libsgmls-perl sgmltools-lite 		sgml2x (debian package names,
Idon't know which one did 		the trick) it was OK. Maybe list clearer in

gnome-core:	libzvt not mentioned in depends.dia or requirements, but


I did not vote for the Austrian government

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