Re: One drive; backups for two computers

Thanks very much for taking the trouble to reply Vej.

Based on your information, I've now been able to free up a great deal of space on my external drive.

Thanks again,


On 2018-04-14 04:03 PM, Vej wrote:
Hello Lesli.

Lets start with a few definitions, which will be needed for this:

 A backup made by Déjà Dup consists of full backups and incremental backups. A full backup is including all the files you want to back up, while an incremental backup is keeping changes since the last full backup only. One full backup and all the incremental backups based on this full backup are called a backup chain.

Files from a full backup are named something like duplicity-full.20180104T014532Z.vol1.difftar.gpg which means that this backup is from 04 th of January 2018.
Incremental backups give the date of the backup and the date of the last backup: is based on the aforementioned full backup, while is based on that incremental backup and so on.

So if you know when you got your new laptop, you can easily find the backup chains which are older and therefore belong to the old computer.



Am 14.04.2018 um 15:53 schrieb Leslie Katz:
I had a laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and used deja dup to back up to an external drive.

I got a new laptop running Ubuntu 16.04 and began to use deja dup to back up to the same external drive.

The external drive is now getting full and I'd like to delete the files and folders that relate to the backups for the old laptop.

I don't know, however, which files and folders relate to the backups for the old laptop and which relate to the backups for the new laptop.

If anyone could tell me how to decide which files and folders I can safely delete, I'd be very grateful.

Thank you,



Leslie Katz

email: lesliek [at] mymts [dot] net

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