Re: Bad hang in gtkfilechooser after running beagle for awhile

> Okay...several hours later, plus one restart of X (unrelated to this
> bug)...
> >  - only one beagled and beagled-helper are running (ps ux | grep beagle)
> Here's the output of ps ux | grep beagle:
> sandy     1773  0.0  0.6  89768 28164 ?        SNl  06:51   0:01
> beagled /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --replace --bg
> sandy     1908  0.0  0.4  61648 18092 ?        SNl  Mar11   0:02
> beagled-helper /usr/lib/beagle/IndexHelper.exe
> sandy     6135  0.0  0.4  60860 18396 ?        SNl  Mar11   0:02
> beagled-helper /usr/lib/beagle/IndexHelper.exe
> sandy     7084  1.0  1.3 131428 55224 ?        SNl  Mar11  13:48
> beagled /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg
> sandy    10197  0.0  0.4  61772 18372 ?        SNl  00:55   0:02
> beagled-helper /usr/lib/beagle/IndexHelper.exe
> sandy    23138  0.0  0.0   3040   728 pts/4    R+   10:08   0:00 grep
> beagle sandy    30328  0.0  0.4  61896 18600 ?        SNl  Mar11   0:02
> beagled-helper /usr/lib/beagle/IndexHelper.exe
> sandy    32666  0.0  0.4  63292 18708 ?        SNl  06:31   0:01
> beagled-helper /usr/lib/beagle/IndexHelper.exe

Multiple beagled and multiple indexhelper will certainly cause problem. If you 
killed X (session) by ctrl-alt-backspace kind of thing, then that might not 
have killed the existing beagled. The one started in the next session should 
have in turn killed the previous one (but looks like it didnt). And then 
there are lots of indexhelpers too. Most of this is fixed in 0.3.0 and some 
extreme corner cases are scheduled for 0.3.4.

For now, if you can manage to somehow call beagle-shutdown at logout (e.g. 
session logout scripts), that will save you some trouble. With 0.2.x, the 
goal is to ensure that there is only one beagled and one index-helper. In the 
worst case, run a script at startup which will send SIGINT followed by a 
SIGKILL after 10sec to all beagled and beagled-helper.

> Are you still interested in seeing ~/.beagle/current*?  I've copied
> them over, just in case.  Now I'm going to restart beagle.

No need for them. I believe the error in your case is solely due to beagle 
processes deadlocking while quitting.

- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @
beagle / KDE / Mandriva / Inspiron-1100

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