Beagle-build-index on mounted CIFS share crashes

I seem to have a problem building a static index in beagle... not sure
whether it's a bug or a problem in my usage...
basically I am trying to do this:
with a mounted CIFS share using the command:

	beagle-build-index --recursive --deny-pattern '.beagle*'
--target /mnt/cifs-share/subdir/.beagle-static /mnt/cifs-share/subdir

and i get this:

[output start]

Warn: Unable to set IO priority for process to idle
Debug: IO priority for process set to best effort 7
Error: Unhandled exception thrown.  Exiting immediately.
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException: disk I/O error
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.GetNextStatement (IntPtr
pzStart, System.IntPtr pzTail, System.IntPtr pStmt) [0x00000] 
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior
behavior, Boolean want_results, System.Int32 rows_affected) [0x00000] 
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] 
  at Beagle.Util.SqliteUtils.DoNonQuery
(Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection connection, System.String
command_text) [0x00000] 
  at Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Sqlite..ctor (System.String
directory, System.String index_fingerprint) [0x00000] 
  at Beagle.Daemon.BuildIndex.DoMain (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
  at Beagle.Daemon.BuildIndex.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 

[output end]

any ideas?
I'm not sure, but it looks like it might have to do with mount.cifs not
supporting disk io priorities... but it doesn't make sense (to me, at
least) that this should have the beagle indexer crash?

Best regards,

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