Re: Beagle not using GNOME thumbnails (?)

Dnia 21-03-2005, pon o godzinie 16:25 -0500, Joe Shaw napisał(a):

> It should be using the thumbnails.  In Best hit Ctrl-U to see the HTML
> source and see where the file is being loaded from.  I just tried it on
> a jpg in my homedir, and it worked for me:

Got it. 

It will only use thumbnails if the path+filename doesn't contain spaces.
For 'wystawa.jpg' I get:


For 'wystawa wystawa.jpg' I get:

<img src="file:///home/mdk/Desktop/zdjecia/monika/wystawa wystawa.jpg">

Filling this as a bug.

Michał Dominik K.
mdk mdk org pl

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