Beagle on FC3


I finally got beagle (0.0.5) working on FC3 without breaking hal by
using dbus 0.23. I installed mono from the This is version
1.0.5 but there are quite some problems. Beagle starts fine but after a
while it starts using all my memory and making the whole computer
unuseable. I start beagle with beagled --fg --debug. When a crawling
thread starts, after about 5 to 15 files the memory usage goes from 20%
to 100% and my pc starts swaping.
This happens in about 5 seconds. When I kill beagle the memory usage
goes to 20%, this means that beagle uses about 400mb ram in less then 5
seconds time. Is there a way to find out what the problem is?

There are some other problems. I compiled a custom 2.6.10 with inotify.
Everytime I reboot I have to chmod 644 /dev/inotify. I already added the
inotify:root:root:0666 to /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions
like the ubuntu wiki says but this doesn't work.

And the last problem is that mono crashes sometimes with this error
(before it starts eating my memory) with an error like this
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x09239800 ***
I also get this error when I open a note in tomboy or want to create a
new note. This is probably mono related, how can I solve this?


Bart Vanbrabant <bart vanbrabant zoeloelip be>
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