Re: GSoC project - Synchronization with Mobile Devices

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Peter Somlo <peter somlo gmail com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Hi Peter,

first of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Peter Somlo,
I'm a computer science student at Czech Technical University in
Prague. For the upcoming summer I have decided to apply for a Google
Summer of Code, fortunately my project proposal has been accepted, so
I'm getting ready to do my best :).

Excellent, I look forward to it!

A significant part of my project will be connected with the lovely
software you are developing, therefore I'd like to kindly ask you to
comment upon my proposal published on my blog (don't be confused by
the word “blog”, it's just a single article for now). I know, that
there has been a lot of work on the plugins I've mentioned in the
proposal and I'm not 100% familiar with their current state, so some
information might be inaccurate. From the plugins, I would like to
focus on the support of Gammu, as my mentor in the GSoC is a developer
of it.

There is currently a partially working phone support module that uses Gammu in conduit/modules/UNSUPPORTED/PhoneModule/. I know Jc2K is also working on phone an syncml support, so I will let him outline how this fits in with his work.

There are a number of limitations in PhoneModule/, but basically
* Phone discovery seems a bit messy. I basically copied the discovery code from Wammu that uses Gammu to try and connect to every phone over every connected iterface. I know Jc2k has developed a tidy solution for bluetooth. At a guess, you should use his work to check for in range phones using bluetooth, and use gammu to check for phones connected by other means.
* There is code for getting contact and calendar data from phones using Gammu. It was always quite messy to know if a given phone supports notes, contact, calendar, todo, or all of the above. You will need to discover some way to find this about each connected phone.
* It was also hard to know ahead of time, what fields in a contact/calendar that a given phone supports. Name/Email/Phone number, more, less?. I think that for each phone, a test contact will need to be stored, and read back, in order to know the level of support. Conduit core also needs to be extended to deal with sycing with dataproviders that store less than the full amount of data.

I will talk more about the last point in another email.

For now I'm trying to gain better insight into the whole
Linux-Mobile-Synchronization world. I'm planing to start coding in the
beginning of June, by that time, I would like to iterate to a more
exact plan about what has to/can be done, and I'd appreciate your
advices also on the parts not directly related to Conduit. Right now,
I'm preparing for my exams, so I don't have much spare time, but I'll
definitely join you on IRC :)

I look forward to working with you. Please email the mailing list if you have any furthur questions.



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