Re: Google Contacts and Instant Messaging

I thougth about doing that, but, how will conduit behave, for example,
when I change some information on evolution(that has the gtalk set as a
jabber account), and then I try to sink the contact with google ?
I'll change the gtalk entry to jabber, correct ?
Do we want that ? Seems a little bit "buggy"... doesn't it ?
Em Seg, 2008-09-22 às 07:49 -0400, Andrew Conkling escreveu:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Fabio Rafael da Rosa
> <fabiorafael rosa gmail com> wrote:
>         While developing, I noticed that Evolution does not have and
>         entry for
>         Gtalk, Skype, and some newer instant messenger.
>         What should I do in this case ?.
>         Just keep it the way it was, or should I try do convert that
>         do
>         something else.
> If I recall, Evolution has an option for Jabber, which is a general
> form of Google Talk, so you could at least make that conversion
> successfully.
> -- 
> Andrew Conkling
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Fabio Rafael da Rosa 
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