Re: Conduit Nokia N810

2008/5/2 Brent Gueth <creeva gmail com>:
> I'm happy to do both testing (I ordered my own N810 last night so we'll have
> two in my household) and I'm willing to do the documentation for this as
> well.
> I'm sure however that we also need some of the other devs to step up as
> well.

Just to let you guys know, I'ved packaged a few of the dependencies
that were (as far as I can tell) missing (python-vobject and
python-dateutil) and I also have a rough first packaging of Conduit
0.3.10. I want to get rid of a few sharp edges (like needed to mess
around with ssh to install things manually with dpkg and having to
reboot before Conduit appears in the menus), but then i'll post some
instructions on how to get this going.

I'm checking my patches into Conduit SVN as I go. There will be some
more to be less specific about which python / bash to use when I wake

If anyone is familiar with getting things into the maemo repositories,
could you ping me with any info on what I need to do?


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