Re: Shiny Things Are Coming....

Speaking of shiny things

I've sent in a patch for Tomboy that will let the dbus API know about note


For us, this means we can now not only have the "ooh, new data, you wanna
sync?" response.. but we can start to think about "always up to date"
(AUTD). Not FileModule already has this kind of feature too, though its a
bit too spammy  yet...

I think now the sync logic has the get_changes API this might be quite
easy to refactor in a cheap AUTD mode, although I haven't thought about it
more than.. oooh thats cool!

If we can rig up a sync worker with a dummy get_changes function - one
that just returns the UID that we got from a tomboy event - then just our
change will get applied to the other DP. The catch is that we don't know
if the other DP has changes because it might not do AUTD!

Maybe for now AUTD mode just involves triggering a full sync, though
utilising events may well become important as we find our selves with
bigger data sets to handle :)

I'm quite eager to be able to do AUTD with Backpackit. Obviously
backpackit can't trigger a sync, but we can update backpackit the *second*
tomboy does something :-)


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