[simple-scan] Created tag 3.37.2

The signed tag '3.37.2' was created.

Tagger: Robert Ancell <robert ancell canonical com>
Date: 1591143715 +1200


Changes since the last tag '3.37.1':

Bartosz (1):
      Revert "Improve quality of the Text scans."

Bartosz Kosiorek (2):
      Enable snap creation during CI build
      Change the size of the paper to avoid visual glitches

Cheng-Chia Tseng (2):
      Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation
      Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation

Florentina Mușat (1):
      Update Romanian translation

Jacob Emery (1):
      Arch Linux dependencies added

Kristjan SCHMIDT (1):
      Update Esperanto translation

Michael Weghorn (1):
      Remember save-directory based on actual file URI

Robert Ancell (1):

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