[glib] hindi translation update
- From: Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [glib] hindi translation update
- Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 08:53:00 +0000 (UTC)
commit afc2294fa84992784945842048a3e8799d73f1a8
Author: Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan redhat com>
Date: Fri Nov 23 14:22:25 2012 +0530
hindi translation update
po/hi.po | 873 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 files changed, 451 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
index c284b4a..3d53c28 100644
--- a/po/hi.po
+++ b/po/hi.po
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: glib.master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-16 17:52+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-23 14:04+0530\n"
-"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-14 23:40+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-18 13:10+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: rajesh <rajeshkajha yahoo com>\n"
"Language-Team: Hindi <indlinux-hindi lists sourceforge net>\n"
"Language: hi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ msgstr "àààà àààà ààà àà %s ààà àààà à
#: ../gio/gbufferedinputstream.c:905 ../gio/gbufferedoutputstream.c:581
#: ../gio/gdataoutputstream.c:568
+#| msgid "Seek not supported on stream"
msgid "Seek not supported on base stream"
msgstr "ààà ààà ààààààà àà ààààààà àààà àà"
#: ../gio/gbufferedinputstream.c:951
+#| msgid "Cannot truncate GMemoryInputStream"
msgid "Cannot truncate GBufferedInputStream"
msgstr "GBufferedInputStream ààà àààà àààà àà"
@@ -59,13 +61,14 @@ msgid "Stream is already closed"
msgstr "àààà àààà àà ààà àà"
#: ../gio/gbufferedoutputstream.c:618 ../gio/gdataoutputstream.c:598
+#| msgid "Truncate not supported on stream"
msgid "Truncate not supported on base stream"
msgstr "ààà ààààààà àà àààà ààààààà àààà àà"
#: ../gio/gcancellable.c:318 ../gio/gdbusconnection.c:1885
-#: ../gio/gdbusconnection.c:1977 ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:1420
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2129 ../gio/gsimpleasyncresult.c:843
-#: ../gio/gsimpleasyncresult.c:869
+#: ../gio/gdbusconnection.c:1977 ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:1414
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2152 ../gio/gsimpleasyncresult.c:841
+#: ../gio/gsimpleasyncresult.c:867
#, c-format
msgid "Operation was cancelled"
msgstr "àààààà àààà àà"
@@ -84,23 +87,23 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààà àààààààà ààààà
#: ../gio/gcharsetconverter.c:344 ../gio/gdatainputstream.c:854
#: ../gio/gdatainputstream.c:1294 ../glib/gconvert.c:764
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1156 ../glib/giochannel.c:1584 ../glib/giochannel.c:1626
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:2470 ../glib/gutf8.c:841 ../glib/gutf8.c:1292
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1156 ../glib/giochannel.c:1583 ../glib/giochannel.c:1625
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:2468 ../glib/gutf8.c:841 ../glib/gutf8.c:1292
msgid "Invalid byte sequence in conversion input"
msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààà àààà àààà ààààààà"
#: ../gio/gcharsetconverter.c:349 ../glib/gconvert.c:772
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1081 ../glib/giochannel.c:1591 ../glib/giochannel.c:2482
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1081 ../glib/giochannel.c:1590 ../glib/giochannel.c:2480
#, c-format
msgid "Error during conversion: %s"
msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gcharsetconverter.c:446 ../gio/gsocket.c:997
+#: ../gio/gcharsetconverter.c:446 ../gio/gsocket.c:963
msgid "Cancellable initialization not supported"
msgstr "àààà àààà ààààà àààààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
#: ../gio/gcharsetconverter.c:457 ../glib/gconvert.c:564
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:642 ../glib/giochannel.c:1412
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:642 ../glib/giochannel.c:1411
#, c-format
msgid "Conversion from character set '%s' to '%s' is not supported"
msgstr "àààà àààà '%s' àà '%s' ààà àààààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
@@ -167,11 +170,15 @@ msgstr "ààà `%s' ààà àààààà - àààààà àà
#: ../gio/gdbusaddress.c:454
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Address element `%s', does not contain a colon (:)"
msgid "Address element `%s' does not contain a colon (:)"
msgstr "ààà àààà `%s' àààà àààà (:) àààààà àààà àààà àà"
#: ../gio/gdbusaddress.c:475
#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Key/Value pair %d, `%s', in address element `%s', does not contain an "
+#| "equal sign"
msgid ""
"Key/Value pair %d, `%s', in address element `%s' does not contain an equal "
@@ -246,6 +253,7 @@ msgstr "ààà àà ààà ààààà àà"
#: ../gio/gdbusaddress.c:1030
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Cannot spawn a message bus without a machine-id: "
msgid "Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid"
msgstr "àà setuid àààà àà àà àà ààààà àà àà ààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
@@ -310,7 +318,7 @@ msgid ""
"Exhausted all available authentication mechanisms (tried: %s) (available: %s)"
msgstr "ààà àààààà àààààààààà ààààà àààààà (ààààà: %s) (àààààà: %s)"
-#: ../gio/gdbusauth.c:1175
+#: ../gio/gdbusauth.c:1174
msgid "Cancelled via GDBusAuthObserver::authorize-authenticated-peer"
msgstr "GDBusAuthObserver àà àààààà àà àààà :: àààààà àààààààààà - ààààààà "
@@ -508,8 +516,8 @@ msgid ""
"SIGNAL message: The INTERFACE header field is using the reserved value org."
msgstr ""
-"SIGNAL ààààà: The INTERFACE àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà "
-"org.freedesktop.DBus.Local "
+"SIGNAL ààààà: The INTERFACE àààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà org.freedesktop.DBus."
+"Local "
"àà ààààà àà ààà àà"
#: ../gio/gdbusmessage.c:998
@@ -655,12 +663,13 @@ msgstr "`%s' àààààà àà àààà àà ààà ààà
msgid "Error return with empty body"
msgstr "ààààà àààà àà ààà àààààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:2068
+#: ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:2062
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Unable to trash file: %s"
msgid "Unable to get Hardware profile: %s"
msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:2113
+#: ../gio/gdbusprivate.c:2107
msgid "Unable to load /var/lib/dbus/machine-id or /etc/machine-id: "
msgstr " /var/lib/dbus/machine-id or /etc/machine-id ààà àààà ààà àààààà: "
@@ -707,11 +716,11 @@ msgstr "àààààààà '%s' àà ààà àà àà GUID àà
msgid "Cannot listen on unsupported transport `%s'"
msgstr "àààààààà àààààà `%s' àà àààà ààà àààà ààà "
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:92
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:88
msgid "COMMAND"
msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:97
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:93
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -732,55 +741,55 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà àààà \"%s COMMAND --help\" àààààààà ààààà àà ààà àààà àà ààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:166 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:222 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:294
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:318 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:701 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1020
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1453
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:162 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:218 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:290
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:314 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:697 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1016
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1449
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s\n"
msgstr "àààààà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:177 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:235 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1469
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:173 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:231 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1465
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing introspection XML: %s\n"
msgstr "àààààààààààà XML àààààààà ààà àààààà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:352
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:348
msgid "Connect to the system bus"
msgstr "ààààà àà àà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:353
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:349
msgid "Connect to the session bus"
msgstr "àààà àà àà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:354
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:350
msgid "Connect to given D-Bus address"
msgstr "ààà àà àà àà ààà àà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:364
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:360
msgid "Connection Endpoint Options:"
msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ààààà àààààà:"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:365
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:361
msgid "Options specifying the connection endpoint"
msgstr "ààààààà ààààà ààààà ààààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:387
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:383
#, c-format
msgid "No connection endpoint specified"
msgstr "ààà ààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:397
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:393
#, c-format
msgid "Multiple connection endpoints specified"
msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:467
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:463
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: According to introspection data, interface `%s' does not exist\n"
msgstr "ààààààà: àààààààààààà àààà àà àààààà, ààààààà `%s' ààààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:476
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:472
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: According to introspection data, method `%s' does not exist on "
@@ -789,152 +798,153 @@ msgstr ""
"ààààààà: àààààààààààà àààà àà àààààà, àààà `%s' ààààààà `%s' àà ààààà àààà "
"àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:538
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:534
msgid "Optional destination for signal (unique name)"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà àààààààà àààààà (àààààààà ààà)"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:539
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:535
msgid "Object path to emit signal on"
msgstr "ààààà àà àà ààààà àààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:540
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:536
msgid "Signal and interface name"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:572
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:568
msgid "Emit a signal."
msgstr "ààààà àà àààààààà."
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:606 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:832 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1559
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1791
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:602 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:828 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1555
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1787
#, c-format
msgid "Error connecting: %s\n"
msgstr "àààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:618
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:614
#, c-format
msgid "Error: object path not specified.\n"
msgstr "àààààà: ààààà ààààààààà àà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:623 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:893 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1617
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1850
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:619 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:889 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1613
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1846
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s is not a valid object path\n"
msgstr "àààààà: %s àà ààààà ààààà àà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:629
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:625
#, c-format
msgid "Error: signal not specified.\n"
msgstr "àààààà: ààààà ààààààààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:636
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:632
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Error: signal not specified.\n"
msgid "Error: signal must be the fully-qualified name.\n"
msgstr "àààààà: ààààà àààà ààààà àààààààà àààà ààà àààà ààààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:644
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:640
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s is not a valid interface name\n"
msgstr "àààààà: %s àà ààà ààààààà ààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:650
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s is not a valid member name\n"
msgstr "àààààà: %s àà ààààà ààààà ààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:656
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:652
#, c-format
msgid "Error: %s is not a valid unique bus name.\n"
msgstr "àààààà: %s àà ààà àààààààà àà ààà àààà àà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:679 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:992
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:675 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:988
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing parameter %d: %s\n"
msgstr "àààààààà %d ààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:708
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:704
#, c-format
msgid "Error flushing connection: %s\n"
msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààà ààà àààààà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:735
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:731
msgid "Destination name to invoke method on"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:736
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:732
msgid "Object path to invoke method on"
msgstr "ààààà àà àà àààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:737
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:733
msgid "Method and interface name"
msgstr "àààà àà ààààààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:738
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:734
msgid "Timeout in seconds"
msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:777
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:773
msgid "Invoke a method on a remote object."
msgstr " àààààà ààààà àà àà àààà àààààà."
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:852 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1578 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1810
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:848 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1574 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "Error: Destination is not specified\n"
msgstr "àààààà: àààààà ààààààààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:873 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1597
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:869 ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1593
#, c-format
msgid "Error: Object path is not specified\n"
msgstr "àààààà: àààààààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:908
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:904
#, c-format
msgid "Error: Method name is not specified\n"
msgstr "àààààà: àààà ààà ààààààààà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:919
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:915
#, c-format
msgid "Error: Method name `%s' is invalid\n"
msgstr "àààààà: àààà ààà `%s' àààààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:984
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing parameter %d of type `%s': %s\n"
msgstr "àààààààà %d ààààà àààà ààà àààààà `%s' àààààà àà: %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1416
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1412
msgid "Destination name to introspect"
msgstr "àààààààààààà àà ààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1417
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1413
msgid "Object path to introspect"
msgstr "ààààà àààààààààààà àààà àà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1418
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1414
msgid "Print XML"
msgstr "ààààà XML"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1419
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1415
msgid "Introspect children"
msgstr "àààààààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1420
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1416
msgid "Only print properties"
msgstr "àààà ààà ààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1511
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1507
msgid "Introspect a remote object."
msgstr "àààààà ààààà àà àààààààààààà."
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1709
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1705
msgid "Destination name to monitor"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àà ààààààà àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1710
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1706
msgid "Object path to monitor"
msgstr "ààààà àà àà ààà àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1743
+#: ../gio/gdbus-tool.c:1739
msgid "Monitor a remote object."
msgstr "àààààà ààààà àà àààààà àààà."
@@ -1034,7 +1044,7 @@ msgstr "GEmblemedIcon àà ààà àà GEmblem àààààààà
#: ../gio/gfile.c:4422 ../gio/gfile.c:4507 ../gio/gfile.c:4597
#: ../gio/gfile.c:4694 ../gio/gfile.c:4781 ../gio/gfile.c:4873
#: ../gio/gfile.c:5206 ../gio/gfile.c:5530 ../gio/gfile.c:5598
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:7214 ../gio/gfile.c:7304 ../gio/gfile.c:7388
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:7225 ../gio/gfile.c:7315 ../gio/gfile.c:7399
#: ../gio/win32/gwinhttpfile.c:439
msgid "Operation not supported"
msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
@@ -1049,12 +1059,12 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
#. Translators: This is an error message when trying to find
#. * the enclosing (user visible) mount of a file, but none
#. * exists.
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:1405 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1093 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1104
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1117
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:1405 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1089 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1100
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1113
msgid "Containing mount does not exist"
msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà ààààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:2460 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2285
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:2460 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2308
msgid "Can't copy over directory"
msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààà àààà àà àààà àà"
@@ -1062,7 +1072,7 @@ msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààà àààà àà
msgid "Can't copy directory over directory"
msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààààààààà àààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:2528 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2294
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:2528 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2317
msgid "Target file exists"
msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààà àà"
@@ -1096,11 +1106,11 @@ msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
msgid "File names cannot contain '%c'"
msgstr "ààààà ààà ààà '%c' àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:6279 ../gio/gvolume.c:364
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:6290 ../gio/gvolume.c:364
msgid "volume doesn't implement mount"
msgstr "àààà ààààà àààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gfile.c:6387
+#: ../gio/gfile.c:6398
msgid "No application is registered as handling this file"
msgstr "àà ààààà àà àààààààà àà ààà ààà ààà ààààààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
@@ -1176,6 +1186,7 @@ msgid "Type %s does not implement from_tokens() on the GIcon interface"
msgstr "%s àààààà from_tokens() àà GIcon ààààààà àà àààà àààà àààà àà"
#: ../gio/gicon.c:428
+#| msgid "Can't handle the supplied version the icon encoding"
msgid "Can't handle the supplied version of the icon encoding"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àà ààààààà ààààààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
@@ -1221,43 +1232,44 @@ msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà àààà ààà
msgid "Stream has outstanding operation"
msgstr "ààààààà àà ààà ààà àààààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:145 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1459
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:141 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1455
#, c-format
msgid "Element <%s> not allowed inside <%s>"
msgstr "àààà <%s> àààà àààà ààààààààà àààà àà <%s>"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:149
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "Element <%s> not allowed at toplevel"
msgstr "àààà <%s> ààààààààà àà ààààààààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:239
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:235
#, c-format
msgid "File %s appears multiple times in the resource"
msgstr "%s àààà àààààà ààà àà ààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:252
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:248
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to locate '%s' in any source directory"
msgstr "àààà àà ààààà àààààààààà ààà '%s' àà ààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:263
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:259
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to locate '%s' in current directory"
msgstr "ààààààà àààààààààà ààà '%s' àà ààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:291
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:288
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown processing option \"%s\""
msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà àààààà \"%s\""
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:310 ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:370
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:306 ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:365
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create temp file: %s"
msgstr "temp ààààà ààààà ààà àààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:340
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:336
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Error processing input file with xmllint"
msgid ""
"Error processing input file with xmllint:\n"
@@ -1265,8 +1277,9 @@ msgstr ""
"xmllint àà ààà ààààà ààààà àà ààààààààà ààà àààààà:\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:396
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:391
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Error processing input file with to-pixdata"
msgid ""
"Error processing input file with to-pixdata:\n"
@@ -1274,31 +1287,31 @@ msgstr ""
"to-pixdata àà ààà ààààà ààààà àà ààààààààà ààà àààààà:\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:410
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:404
#, c-format
msgid "Error reading file %s: %s"
msgstr "%s àààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:430
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:424
#, c-format
msgid "Error compressing file %s"
msgstr "%s àààà àààààààà àààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:494 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1571
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:488 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1567
#, c-format
msgid "text may not appear inside <%s>"
msgstr "ààà àààà àààà ààààà àààà àà àààà àà <%s>"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:619
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:611
msgid "name of the output file"
msgstr "àààààà ààààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:619 ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:650
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:482 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:548
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:611 ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:644
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:478 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:544
msgid "FILE"
msgstr "ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:620
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:612
msgid ""
"The directories where files are to be read from (default to current "
@@ -1306,43 +1319,39 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààààààà àààà ààààààà (ààààààà àààààààààà àà àààààààà) àà ààà àààà àà ààà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:620 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1999
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2028
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:612 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1995
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2025
msgstr "àààààààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:621
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:613
msgid ""
"Generate output in the format selected for by the target filename extension"
msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà ààààààààà àà ààà ààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà ààààà àààà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:622
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:614
msgid "Generate source header"
msgstr "ààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:623
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:615
msgid "Generate sourcecode used to link in the resource file into your code"
msgstr ""
"ààààà ààà ààààààà àààà àààà ààà ààà àààààà ààààà ààà àààà àà ààààà àààà àà "
"ààà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:624
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:616
msgid "Generate dependency list"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:625
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:617
msgid "Don't automatically create and register resource"
msgstr "àààààààà ààà àà àààààà ààààààà àà ààààààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:626
-msgid "Don't export functions; declare them G_GNUC_INTERNAL"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àà àààà; àààààà G_GNUC_INTERNAL ààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:627
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:618
msgid "C identifier name used for the generated source code"
msgstr "àà àààààààààà ààà ààààààà àààà àà ààààà ààà àà ààà àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:653
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:647
msgid ""
"Compile a resource specification into a resource file.\n"
"Resource specification files have the extension .gresource.xml,\n"
@@ -1352,60 +1361,64 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà ààààààààà àààà ààààààààà .gresource.xml àà,\n"
"àà àààààà àà ààààà ààààààààà .gresource àà ààà àààà àà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:669
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-resources.c:663
#, c-format
msgid "You should give exactly one file name\n"
msgstr "àààà àààààà ààà àà ààààà ààà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:778
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:774
msgid "empty names are not permitted"
msgstr "àààà ààà àà àààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:788
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:784
#, c-format
msgid "invalid name '%s': names must begin with a lowercase letter"
msgstr "àààà ààà '%s': ààà ààààààà ààààà àà ààà àààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:800
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:796
#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "invalid name '%s': invalid character '%c'; only lowercase letters, "
+#| "numbers and dash ('-') are permitted."
msgid ""
"invalid name '%s': invalid character '%c'; only lowercase letters, numbers "
"and hyphen ('-') are permitted."
msgstr ""
"àààààà ààà '%s': àààààà àààà '%c'; àààà ààààààà ààààà, àààààà àà àààà ààààà "
-"('-') àà "
-"ààààààà ààà."
+"('-') àà ààààààà ààà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:809
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:805
#, c-format
+#| msgid "invalid name '%s': two successive dashes ('--') are not permitted."
msgid "invalid name '%s': two successive hyphens ('--') are not permitted."
msgstr "àààà ààà '%s': àà àààààà àààà ààààà ('--') àà àààààà àààà àà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:818
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:814
#, c-format
+#| msgid "invalid name '%s': the last character may not be a dash ('-')."
msgid "invalid name '%s': the last character may not be a hyphen ('-')."
msgstr "àààà ààà '%s': ààààà àààà àà ààà ('-') àààà àà àààà àà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:826
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:822
#, c-format
msgid "invalid name '%s': maximum length is 1024"
msgstr "àààà ààà '%s': àààààà àààààà 1024 àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:895
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:891
#, c-format
msgid "<child name='%s'> already specified"
msgstr "<child name='%s'> ààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:921
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:917
msgid "cannot add keys to a 'list-of' schema"
msgstr "'àààà àà' àààààà àà ààà ààààà àààà àààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:932
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:928
#, c-format
msgid "<key name='%s'> already specified"
msgstr "<key name='%s'> ààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:950
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:946
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<key name='%s'> shadows <key name='%s'> in <schema id='%s'>; use <override> "
@@ -1414,7 +1427,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<key name='%s'> àààà <key name='%s'> àà <schema id='%s'>ààà; àààààà àààà "
"<override> ààà àà ààààààà àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:961
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:957
#, c-format
msgid ""
"exactly one of 'type', 'enum' or 'flags' must be specified as an attribute "
@@ -1424,63 +1437,65 @@ msgstr ""
"ààààààààà àààà "
"àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:980
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:976
#, c-format
msgid "<%s id='%s'> not (yet) defined."
msgstr "<%s id='%s'> ààààààààà (ààà àà) àààà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:995
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:991
#, c-format
msgid "invalid GVariant type string '%s'"
msgstr "àààà GVariant àààààà àààààààà '%s'"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1025
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1021
msgid "<override> given but schema isn't extending anything"
msgstr "<override> àà ààààà àààààà ààà àà àààà àààààà àà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1038
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1034
#, c-format
msgid "no <key name='%s'> to override"
msgstr "ààà <key name='%s'> ààààààà àààà àà ààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1046
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1042
#, c-format
msgid "<override name='%s'> already specified"
msgstr "<override name='%s'> àààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1117
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1113
#, c-format
msgid "<schema id='%s'> already specified"
msgstr "<schema id='%s'> àààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1129
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1125
#, c-format
+#| msgid "<schema id='%s'> extends not yet existing schema '%s'"
msgid "<schema id='%s'> extends not-yet-existing schema '%s'"
msgstr "<schema id='%s'> àà ààààààà àààààà àààààà '%s' ààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1145
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1141
#, c-format
+#| msgid "<schema id='%s'> is list of not yet existing schema '%s'"
msgid "<schema id='%s'> is list of not-yet-existing schema '%s'"
msgstr "<schema id='%s'> àà àààààà àààààà '%s' ààà àà àà àààà àààà àà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1153
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1149
#, c-format
msgid "Can not be a list of a schema with a path"
msgstr " àà àà ààà àààààà àà àà àààà àààà àà àààà àà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1163
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1159
#, c-format
msgid "Can not extend a schema with a path"
msgstr "à àà ààà àà àààààà àà ààààààà àààà àà àààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1173
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1169
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<schema id='%s'> is a list, extending <schema id='%s'> which is not a list"
msgstr ""
"<schema id='%s'> àà àààà àà, <schema id='%s'> ààààààà àà àà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1183
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<schema id='%s' list-of='%s'> extends <schema id='%s' list-of='%s'> but '%s' "
@@ -1489,79 +1504,82 @@ msgstr ""
"<schema id='%s' list-of='%s'> <schema id='%s' list-of='%s'> àà ààààààà ààààà "
"'%s' àà ààààààà '%s' àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1200
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1196
#, c-format
msgid "a path, if given, must begin and end with a slash"
msgstr "àà, ààà àààà, àààà àààà àà ààà àà àà ààààà àà ààà ààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1207
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1203
#, c-format
msgid "the path of a list must end with ':/'"
msgstr "àààà àà àà ':/' àà ààà àààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1239
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1235
#, c-format
msgid "<%s id='%s'> already specified"
msgstr "<%s id='%s'> àààà àà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1463
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1459
#, c-format
+#| msgid "Element <%s> not allowed at toplevel"
msgid "Element <%s> not allowed at the top level"
msgstr "àààà <%s> ààààààààà àà ààààààààààààà àààà àà"
#. Translators: Do not translate "--strict".
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1757 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1828
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1904
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1753 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1824
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1900
#, c-format
msgid "--strict was specified; exiting.\n"
msgstr "--àààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àà, àààà àààà ààà àà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1765
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1761
#, c-format
msgid "This entire file has been ignored.\n"
msgstr "àà àààà ààààà àà àààààààà àà àààà ààà àà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1824
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1820
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring this file.\n"
msgstr "àà ààààà àà ààààààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1864
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1860
#, c-format
msgid "No such key `%s' in schema `%s' as specified in override file `%s'"
msgstr ""
"ààà ààà ààààà '%s' àààààà ààà `%s' ààà ààààààà ààààà `%s' ààà ààààààààà àààà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1870 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1928
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1956
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1866 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1924
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1952
#, c-format
msgid "; ignoring override for this key.\n"
msgstr "; àà ààààà àà ààà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1874 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1932
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1960
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1870 ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1928
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1956
#, c-format
msgid " and --strict was specified; exiting.\n"
msgstr " àà --àààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àà, àààà àààà ààà àà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1890
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1886
#, c-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "error parsing key `%s' in schema `%s' as specified in override file `%s': "
-#| "%s. "
msgid ""
-"error parsing key `%s' in schema `%s' as specified in override file `%s': %s."
+"error parsing key `%s' in schema `%s' as specified in override file `%s': "
+"%s. "
msgstr ""
"àààààààà àà ààààà àààààà ààààà '%s' àààààà ààà `%s' àà ààà àà ààààààà ààààà`%"
-"s' ààà ààààààààà: %s."
+"s' ààà "
+"ààààààààà: %s. "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1900
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1896
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring override for this key.\n"
msgstr "àà ààààà àà ààà ààààààà àà àààààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1918
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1914
#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "override for key `%s' in schema `%s' in override file `%s' is out of the "
+#| "range given in the schema"
msgid ""
"override for key `%s' in schema `%s' in override file `%s' is outside the "
"range given in the schema"
@@ -1570,7 +1588,7 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààààà àà "
"àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1946
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1942
#, c-format
msgid ""
"override for key `%s' in schema `%s' in override file `%s' is not in the "
@@ -1580,23 +1598,23 @@ msgstr ""
"àà àààà ààà "
"àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1999
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1995
msgid "where to store the gschemas.compiled file"
msgstr "gschemas.compiled ààààà àà àààààààà àààà àààà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2000
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1996
msgid "Abort on any errors in schemas"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà àà àààààà àà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2001
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1997
msgid "Do not write the gschema.compiled file"
msgstr "Gschema.compiled ààààà àààà ààààà àà "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2002
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:1998
msgid "Do not enforce key name restrictions"
msgstr "ààààà ààà àààààààà àààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2031
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2028
msgid ""
"Compile all GSettings schema files into a schema cache.\n"
"Schema files are required to have the extension .gschema.xml,\n"
@@ -1606,143 +1624,143 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà ààààààà àà ààà ààààààà àààà àà ààà àààààà ààà .gschema.xml,\n"
"àà ààà ààààà àààà gschemas.compiled àà."
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2047
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2044
#, c-format
msgid "You should give exactly one directory name\n"
msgstr "àààà àààààà ààà àà àààààààààà ààà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2086
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2083
#, c-format
msgid "No schema files found: "
msgstr "ààà àààààà àààà àààà àààà: "
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2089
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2086
#, c-format
msgid "doing nothing.\n"
msgstr "ààà àààà àà ààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2092
+#: ../gio/glib-compile-schemas.c:2089
#, c-format
msgid "removed existing output file.\n"
msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààààà ààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/glocaldirectorymonitor.c:288
+#: ../gio/glocaldirectorymonitor.c:287
msgid "Unable to find default local directory monitor type"
msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààààààààà àààààà àààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:594 ../gio/win32/gwinhttpfile.c:422
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:590 ../gio/win32/gwinhttpfile.c:422
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid filename %s"
msgstr "àààà àààààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:971
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:967
#, c-format
msgid "Error getting filesystem info: %s"
msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1139
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1135
msgid "Can't rename root directory"
msgstr "ààà àààààààààà àà ààà àààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1159 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1185
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1155 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "Error renaming file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1168
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1164
msgid "Can't rename file, filename already exists"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà àààà ààà àààà àà, àààààààà àààà àà ààààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1181 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2158 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2187
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2347 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:581
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1177 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2181 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2210
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2370 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:581
#: ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:634 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:679
#: ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:1167
msgid "Invalid filename"
msgstr "àààà àààààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1348 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1372
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1344 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1368
msgid "Can't open directory"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1356
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1352
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1497
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1493
#, c-format
msgid "Error removing file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1837
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1860
#, c-format
msgid "Error trashing file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1860
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1883
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create trash dir %s: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà %s ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1881
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1904
msgid "Unable to find toplevel directory for trash"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà àààà àààààà àààààààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1960 ../gio/glocalfile.c:1980
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:1983 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2003
msgid "Unable to find or create trash directory"
msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà ààààààà àà ààààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2014
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2037
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create trashing info file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2043 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2048 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2128
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2135
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2066 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2071 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2151
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2158
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to trash file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2136 ../glib/gregex.c:280
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2159 ../glib/gregex.c:280
msgid "internal error"
msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2162
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2185
#, c-format
msgid "Error creating directory: %s"
msgstr "àààààààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2191
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2214
#, c-format
msgid "Filesystem does not support symbolic links"
msgstr "àààààààààà ààààààààààà àààà àà àààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2195
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2218
#, c-format
msgid "Error making symbolic link: %s"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2257 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2351
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2280 ../gio/glocalfile.c:2374
#, c-format
msgid "Error moving file: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2280
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2303
msgid "Can't move directory over directory"
msgstr "àààààààààà àà àààààààààà àààà ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2307 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:965
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2330 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:965
#: ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:979 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:994
#: ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:1010 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:1024
msgid "Backup file creation failed"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2326
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2349
#, c-format
msgid "Error removing target file: %s"
msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2340
+#: ../gio/glocalfile.c:2363
msgid "Move between mounts not supported"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààààààà ààààààà àààà"
@@ -1763,79 +1781,79 @@ msgstr "àààà ààààààààà ààààààà ààà
msgid "Error setting extended attribute '%s': %s"
msgstr "ààààààààà ààààààà '%s' ààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1434
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1425
msgid " (invalid encoding)"
msgstr " (àààà ààààààààà)"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1628 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:843
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1617 ../gio/glocalfileoutputstream.c:843
#, c-format
msgid "Error when getting information for file '%s': %s"
msgstr "àààà '%s' àà ààà ààààààà ààààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1863
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1852
#, c-format
msgid "Error when getting information for file descriptor: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àààààà àà ààà ààààààà ààààààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1908
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1897
msgid "Invalid attribute type (uint32 expected)"
msgstr "àààà ààààààà àààààà (uint32 àààààààààà)"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1926
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1915
msgid "Invalid attribute type (uint64 expected)"
msgstr "àààà ààààààà àààààà (uint64 àààààààààà)"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1945 ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1964
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1934 ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1953
msgid "Invalid attribute type (byte string expected)"
msgstr "àààà ààààààà àààààà (àààà àààààààà àààààààààà)"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1999
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:1988
msgid "Cannot set permissions on symlinks"
msgstr "ààààààà àà àààààà ààà àààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2015
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2004
#, c-format
msgid "Error setting permissions: %s"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2066
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "Error setting owner: %s"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2089
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2078
msgid "symlink must be non-NULL"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà àààà ààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2099 ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2118
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2129
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2088 ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2107
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "Error setting symlink: %s"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà àà àààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2108
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2097
msgid "Error setting symlink: file is not a symlink"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà àà àààààà ààà àààààà: ààààà àà àààààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2234
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2223
#, c-format
msgid "Error setting modification or access time: %s"
msgstr "àààààààà àà ààààà ààà ààà àààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2257
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2246
msgid "SELinux context must be non-NULL"
msgstr "SELinux àààààà àààà àààààààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2272
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2261
#, c-format
msgid "Error setting SELinux context: %s"
msgstr "SELinux àààààà àààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2279
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2268
msgid "SELinux is not enabled on this system"
msgstr "SELinux àà ààààà àà ààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2371
+#: ../gio/glocalfileinfo.c:2360
#, c-format
msgid "Setting attribute %s not supported"
msgstr "ààààààà %s àà àààààà ààààààà àààà àà"
@@ -2031,40 +2049,40 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààààààà àààà àààà à
msgid "Source stream is already closed"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àààà àà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:912
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:917
#, c-format
msgid "Error resolving '%s': %s"
msgstr "'%s' àà àà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:962
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:967
#, c-format
msgid "Error reverse-resolving '%s': %s"
msgstr "'%s' àà ààààà àààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1165 ../gio/gresolver.c:1364
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1170 ../gio/gresolver.c:1369
#, c-format
msgid "No DNS record of the requested type for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' àà ààà àààààààà àààààà àà ààà DNS ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1170 ../gio/gresolver.c:1369
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1175 ../gio/gresolver.c:1374
#, c-format
msgid "Temporarily unable to resolve '%s'"
msgstr "ààààààà ààà àà '%s' àà àààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1175 ../gio/gresolver.c:1374
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1180 ../gio/gresolver.c:1379
#, c-format
msgid "Error resolving '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' àà àààà ààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1203 ../gio/gresolver.c:1264
+#: ../gio/gresolver.c:1208 ../gio/gresolver.c:1269
#, c-format
msgid "Incomplete data received for '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' àà ààà àààààà àààààà ààààààà"
#: ../gio/gresource.c:291 ../gio/gresource.c:539 ../gio/gresource.c:556
#: ../gio/gresource.c:677 ../gio/gresource.c:746 ../gio/gresource.c:807
-#: ../gio/gresource.c:887 ../gio/gresourcefile.c:454
-#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:555 ../gio/gresourcefile.c:657
+#: ../gio/gresource.c:887 ../gio/gresourcefile.c:452
+#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:553 ../gio/gresourcefile.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "The resource at '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "'%s' ààà àààààà ààààà àààà àà"
@@ -2074,28 +2092,28 @@ msgstr "'%s' ààà àààààà ààààà àààà àà"
msgid "The resource at '%s' failed to decompress"
msgstr "'%s' ààà àààààà àà ààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àààà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:653
+#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:651
#, c-format
msgid "The resource at '%s' is not a directory"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' àà àà àààààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:861
+#: ../gio/gresourcefile.c:859
msgid "Input stream doesn't implement seek"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààà àà àààà àààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:475 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:529
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:471 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:525
msgid "Print help"
msgstr "àààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:476 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:544
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:472 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:540
msgid "[COMMAND]"
msgstr "[COMMAND]"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:481
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:477
msgid "List sections containing resources in an elf FILE"
msgstr "àààà àààààà àà ààààà elf ààààà ààà àààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:487
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:483
msgid ""
"List resources\n"
"If SECTION is given, only list resources in this section\n"
@@ -2105,16 +2123,16 @@ msgstr ""
"ààà àààààà àààà àà, àààà àà àààààà ààà àààààààà àà àààà\n"
"ààà àà àààà àààà àà, àààà ààà àààà àààààààà àà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:490 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:500
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:486 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:496
msgid "FILE [PATH]"
msgstr "FILE [PATH]"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:491 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:501
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:508
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:487 ../gio/gresource-tool.c:497
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:504
msgid "SECTION"
msgstr "ààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:496
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:492
msgid ""
"List resources with details\n"
"If SECTION is given, only list resources in this section\n"
@@ -2126,15 +2144,15 @@ msgstr ""
"ààà àà àààà àààà àà, àààà ààà àààà àààààààà àà àààà\n"
"ààààà ààà àààààà, àààà àà ààààààà ààààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:506
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:502
msgid "Extract a resource file to stdout"
msgstr "Stdout ààà àààààà ààààà àà ààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:507
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:503
msgid "FILE PATH"
msgstr "ààààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:513 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:609
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:509 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:605
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unknown command %s\n"
@@ -2143,7 +2161,7 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà ààààà %s\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:521
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:517
msgid ""
" gresource [--section SECTION] COMMAND [ARGS...]\n"
@@ -2171,7 +2189,7 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà àààà 'gresource help COMMAND' ààààààà ààà àààà àà ààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:535
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:531
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -2186,23 +2204,23 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:538 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:642
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:534 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:638
msgid "Arguments:\n"
msgstr "ààààààààà:\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:542
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:538
msgid " SECTION An (optional) elf section name\n"
msgstr " àààààà àà (àààààààà) elf àààààà ààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:546 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:649
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:542 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:645
msgid " COMMAND The (optional) command to explain\n"
msgstr " àààà (àààààààà) àà àààààààà àà ààà àààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:552
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:548
msgid " FILE An elf file (a binary or a shared library)\n"
msgstr " ààààà elf ààààà (àà ààààààààà àà àà àààà ààààààààà)\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:555
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:551
msgid ""
" FILE An elf file (a binary or a shared library)\n"
" or a compiled resource file\n"
@@ -2210,90 +2228,90 @@ msgstr ""
" ààààà elf ààààà (àà ààààààààà àà àà àààà ààààààààà)\n"
" àà àààààà àààààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:559
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:555
msgid "[PATH]"
msgstr "[PATH]"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:561
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:557
msgid " PATH An (optional) resource path (may be partial)\n"
msgstr " àà (àààààààà) àààààà àà (ààààà àà àààà àà)\n"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:562
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:558
msgid "PATH"
msgstr "àà"
-#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:564
+#: ../gio/gresource-tool.c:560
msgid " PATH A resource path\n"
msgstr " àà àààààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:57 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:78
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:53 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "No such schema '%s'\n"
msgstr "ààà ààà àààààà '%s' àààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:63
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:59
#, c-format
msgid "Schema '%s' is not relocatable (path must not be specified)\n"
msgstr ""
"àààààà '%s' ààààààààààààà (àà ààààààààà àààà àààà àààà ààààà) àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:84
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Schema '%s' is relocatable (path must be specified)\n"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' ààààààààààààà (àà ààààààààà àààà àààà ààààà)\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:98
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "Empty path given.\n"
msgstr "àà àààà ààà àà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:104
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:100
#, c-format
msgid "Path must begin with a slash (/)\n"
msgstr "àà àà ààààà (/) àà ààà àààà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:110
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Path must end with a slash (/)\n"
msgstr "àà àà ààààà (/) àà ààà àààààà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:116
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:112
#, c-format
msgid "Path must not contain two adjacent slashes (//)\n"
msgstr "àà àà ààààà ààààà (/ /) àààà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:137
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:133
#, c-format
msgid "No such key '%s'\n"
msgstr "ààà ààà ààààà '%s' àààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:502
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:498
#, c-format
msgid "The provided value is outside of the valid range\n"
msgstr "àààààà àààà ààà ààààà àààà àà àààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:535
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:531
msgid "List the installed (non-relocatable) schemas"
msgstr "àààà ààà ààààààà (ààà ààààààààààààà) àààààà "
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:541
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:537
msgid "List the installed relocatable schemas"
msgstr "ààààààààààààà àààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:547
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:543
msgid "List the keys in SCHEMA"
msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààà àà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:548 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:554
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:591
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:544 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:550
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:587
msgid "SCHEMA[:PATH]"
msgstr "SCHEMA[:PATH]"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:553
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:549
msgid "List the children of SCHEMA"
msgstr "àààààà àà àààààà àà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:559
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:555
msgid ""
"List keys and values, recursively\n"
"If no SCHEMA is given, list all keys\n"
@@ -2301,44 +2319,44 @@ msgstr ""
"àààà ààààà àà ààààààà, àààà àààà àà\n"
"ààà ààà àààààà àààà àààà àààà àà, ààà ààààà àà àààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:561
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:557
msgid "[SCHEMA[:PATH]]"
msgstr "[SCHEMA[:PATH]]"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:566
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:562
msgid "Get the value of KEY"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:567 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:573
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:585 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:597
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:563 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:569
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:581 ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:593
msgstr "SCHEMA[:PATH] ààààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:572
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:568
msgid "Query the range of valid values for KEY"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààààà ààààà àà àààààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:578
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:574
msgid "Set the value of KEY to VALUE"
msgstr "ààà àà ààà ààààà àà ààà ààààààààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:579
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:575
msgstr "SCHEMA[:PATH] ààààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:584
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:580
msgid "Reset KEY to its default value"
msgstr "àààà àààààààà ààà àà ààà ààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:590
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:586
msgid "Reset all keys in SCHEMA to their defaults"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà àààààà àà ààà ààà ààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:596
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:592
msgid "Check if KEY is writable"
msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààà ààààà ààààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:602
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:598
msgid ""
"Monitor KEY for changes.\n"
"If no KEY is specified, monitor all keys in SCHEMA.\n"
@@ -2348,11 +2366,11 @@ msgstr ""
"ààà ààà ààààà ààààààààà àààà àààà àà, àààààà ààà ààà ààààà àà ààààààà.\n"
"^C àà ààààà àà ààààààà àààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:605
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:601
msgid "SCHEMA[:PATH] [KEY]"
msgstr "SCHEMA[:PATH] [KEY]"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:617
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:613
msgid ""
" gsettings [--schemadir SCHEMADIR] COMMAND [ARGS...]\n"
@@ -2396,7 +2414,7 @@ msgstr ""
"àààààà àààà 'gsettings help COMMAND' ààààààà ààà àààà àà ààà.\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:639
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:635
#, c-format
msgid ""
@@ -2411,11 +2429,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:645
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:641
msgid " SCHEMADIR A directory to search for additional schemas\n"
msgstr " SCHEMADIR àààààààà àààààà àà ààà ààà àààààààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:653
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:649
msgid ""
" SCHEMA The name of the schema\n"
" PATH The path, for relocatable schemas\n"
@@ -2423,146 +2441,147 @@ msgstr ""
" SCHEMA àààààà àà ààà\n"
" PATH ààààààààààààà àààààà àà ààà àà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:658
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:654
msgid " KEY The (optional) key within the schema\n"
msgstr " ààààà àààààà àà àààà ààààà (àààààààà)\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:662
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:658
msgid " KEY The key within the schema\n"
msgstr " ààààà àààààà àà àààà ààààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:666
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:662
msgid " VALUE The value to set\n"
msgstr " ààà ààààààààà àà ààà ààà\n"
-#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:784
+#: ../gio/gsettings-tool.c:783
#, c-format
msgid "Empty schema name given\n"
msgstr "àààà àààààà ààà ààà àà \n"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:310
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:286
msgid "Invalid socket, not initialized"
msgstr "àààà ààààà, àààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:317
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:293
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid socket, initialization failed due to: %s"
msgstr "àààà ààààà, àààà àààà àààààààà àààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:325
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:301
msgid "Socket is already closed"
msgstr "ààààà àààà àà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:333 ../gio/gsocket.c:3562 ../gio/gsocket.c:3617
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:309 ../gio/gsocket.c:3529 ../gio/gsocket.c:3584
msgid "Socket I/O timed out"
msgstr "ààààà I/O àààà ààà àà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:500
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "creating GSocket from fd: %s"
msgstr "fd àà GSocket ààà ààà àà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:534 ../gio/gsocket.c:541 ../gio/gsocket.c:557
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:510 ../gio/gsocket.c:517 ../gio/gsocket.c:533
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create socket: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:534
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:510
msgid "Unknown family was specified"
msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àà."
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:541
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:517
msgid "Unknown protocol was specified"
msgstr "àààààà ààààààààà ààààààààà àààà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1756
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1722
#, c-format
msgid "could not get local address: %s"
msgstr "ààààààà ààà àààà àà ààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1799
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1765
#, c-format
msgid "could not get remote address: %s"
msgstr "àààààà ààà àààà àà ààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1860
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1826
#, c-format
msgid "could not listen: %s"
msgstr "ààà àààà ààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1934
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1900
#, c-format
msgid "Error binding to address: %s"
msgstr "ààà ààà àààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1988 ../gio/gsocket.c:2025
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1953 ../gio/gsocket.c:1989
#, c-format
msgid "Error joining multicast group: %s"
msgstr "àààààààààà àààà ààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1989 ../gio/gsocket.c:2026
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1954 ../gio/gsocket.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "Error leaving multicast group: %s"
msgstr "àààààààààà àààà àààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1990
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:1955
msgid "No support for source-specific multicast"
msgstr "ààààà - ààààààà àààààààààààà àà ààà ààà àààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2210
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2174
#, c-format
msgid "Error accepting connection: %s"
msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2331
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2295
msgid "Connection in progress"
msgstr "ààààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2383 ../gio/gsocket.c:4406
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2347 ../gio/gsocket.c:4326
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to get pending error: %s"
msgstr "àààààà àààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2549
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2517
#, c-format
msgid "Error receiving data: %s"
msgstr "àààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2727
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2695
#, c-format
msgid "Error sending data: %s"
msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2841
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2809
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to shutdown socket: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2920
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:2888
#, c-format
msgid "Error closing socket: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3555
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3522
#, c-format
msgid "Waiting for socket condition: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àààààà àà ààà ààààààààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3833 ../gio/gsocket.c:3914
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3800 ../gio/gsocket.c:3881
#, c-format
msgid "Error sending message: %s"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3858
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:3825
+#| msgid "GSocketControlMessage not supported on windows"
msgid "GSocketControlMessage not supported on Windows"
msgstr "GSocketControlMessage ààààààà àà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:4192 ../gio/gsocket.c:4324
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:4105 ../gio/gsocket.c:4241
#, c-format
msgid "Error receiving message: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gsocket.c:4425
+#: ../gio/gsocket.c:4345
msgid "g_socket_get_credentials not implemented for this OS"
msgstr "g_socket_get_credentials ààààààààà àààà àà àààà àà ààà àà ààà"
@@ -2580,15 +2599,16 @@ msgstr "%s àà àààààà àààà àà ààà: "
msgid "Could not connect: "
msgstr "àààààà àààà àà ààà:"
-#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:976 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1540
+#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:976 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1547
msgid "Unknown error on connect"
msgstr "àààààà àààà àà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1029 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1478
+#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1029 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1486
+#| msgid "Trying to proxy over non-TCP connection is not supported."
msgid "Proxying over a non-TCP connection is not supported."
msgstr "ààà-TCP ààààààà àà àààààààà ààààààà àààà"
-#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1055 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1499
+#: ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1055 ../gio/gsocketclient.c:1507
#, c-format
msgid "Proxy protocol '%s' is not supported."
msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà '%s' ààààààà àààà àà."
@@ -2601,25 +2621,25 @@ msgstr "àààààà àààà àà ààà àà"
msgid "Added socket is closed"
msgstr "ààààà ààà ààààà ààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:120
+#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "SOCKSv4 does not support IPv6 address '%s'"
msgstr "SOCKSv4 IPv6 ààà '%s' àààààà àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:138
+#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:139
msgid "Username is too long for SOCKSv4 protocol"
msgstr "àààààààààà ààà SOCKSv4 ààààààààà àà ààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:155
+#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "Hostname '%s' is too long for SOCKSv4 protocol"
msgstr "àààààààà '%s' SOCKSv4 ààààààààà àà ààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:181
+#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:182
msgid "The server is not a SOCKSv4 proxy server."
msgstr "ààààà àà SOCKSv4 àààààààà ààààà àààà àà."
-#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:188
+#: ../gio/gsocks4aproxy.c:189
msgid "Connection through SOCKSv4 server was rejected"
msgstr "SOCKSv4 ààààà àà àààààà àà ààààààà àààààààà àà àààà àà"
@@ -2735,12 +2755,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The password entered is incorrect."
msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà àà."
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:164 ../gio/gunixconnection.c:566
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:164 ../gio/gunixconnection.c:579
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting 1 control message, got %d"
msgstr "1 àààààààà ààààà àà ààà àà ààà àà, %d àààà"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:177 ../gio/gunixconnection.c:576
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:177 ../gio/gunixconnection.c:589
msgid "Unexpected type of ancillary data"
msgstr "ààààà àààààà àà ààààààààààà àààààà"
@@ -2757,39 +2777,39 @@ msgstr "àààà fd àààà"
msgid "Error sending credentials: "
msgstr "ààààààààààààà ààààà ààà àààààà: "
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:497
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:510
#, c-format
msgid "Error checking if SO_PASSCRED is enabled for socket: %s"
msgstr "àààààà àààà àà ààà àà ààà SO_PASSCRED ààààààà àà ààà ààààà àà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:506
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:519
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unexpected option length while checking if SO_PASSCRED is enabled for "
"socket. Expected %d bytes, got %d"
msgstr ""
-" àààà àà ààààà ààààààààààà àààààà ààààà ààà SO_PASSCRED ààààà àà ààà ààààà "
-"àà. àààààààà "
+" àààà àà ààààà ààààààààààà àààààà ààààà ààà SO_PASSCRED ààààà àà ààà ààààà àà."
+" àààààààà "
"%d àààààà, ààààààà %d"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:523
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:536
#, c-format
msgid "Error enabling SO_PASSCRED: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:552
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:565
msgid ""
"Expecting to read a single byte for receiving credentials but read zero bytes"
msgstr ""
"ààààààààààààà ààààààà àààà àà ààà àà ààà àààà àààà àà, ààààà ààààà àààààà "
"ààààà àà àààààà àà"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:590
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:603
#, c-format
msgid "Not expecting control message, but got %d"
msgstr "1 àààààààà ààààà àà ààà àà ààà àà, %d àààà"
-#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:616
+#: ../gio/gunixconnection.c:629
#, c-format
msgid "Error while disabling SO_PASSCRED: %s"
msgstr "SO_PASSCRED ààààà àà ààààà àààààà: %s"
@@ -2815,6 +2835,7 @@ msgid "Error writing to file descriptor: %s"
msgstr "ààààà àààààààààà àààààà àààà ààà àààààà: %s"
#: ../gio/gunixsocketaddress.c:244
+#| msgid "Abstract unix domain socket addresses not supported on this system"
msgid "Abstract UNIX domain socket addresses not supported on this system"
msgstr "ààààààà UNIX ààààà ààààà ààà àà ààààà àà ààààààà àààà"
@@ -2891,6 +2912,7 @@ msgid "Ignored, for compat with GTestDbus"
msgstr "àààààà àààà ààà, GTestDbus àà ààà àààà"
#: ../gio/tests/gdbus-daemon.c:20
+#| msgid "Print help"
msgid "Print address"
msgstr "ààà ààààà"
@@ -2898,11 +2920,11 @@ msgstr "ààà ààààà"
msgid "Print address in shell mode"
msgstr "ààà àààààà ààà ààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/tests/gdbus-daemon.c:28
+#: ../gio/tests/gdbus-daemon.c:30
msgid "Run a dbus service"
msgstr "ààà àààà àààà ààààà"
-#: ../gio/tests/gdbus-daemon.c:42
+#: ../gio/tests/gdbus-daemon.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "Wrong args\n"
msgstr "ààà àààà\n"
@@ -2987,38 +3009,38 @@ msgstr "ààààà àà ààà ààà ààààà àààà
msgid "Cannot convert fallback '%s' to codeset '%s'"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' àà ààà ààà '%s' ààà ààààààààà àààà àà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1871
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1870
#, c-format
msgid "The URI '%s' is not an absolute URI using the \"file\" scheme"
msgstr ""
"\"file\" ààààà àà ààààà àààà àààà àààààà '%s' àà àààààààà àààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1881
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1880
#, c-format
msgid "The local file URI '%s' may not include a '#'"
msgstr "ààààààà ààààà àààààà '%s' ààà àà '#' àààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1898
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1897
#, c-format
msgid "The URI '%s' is invalid"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1910
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1909
#, c-format
msgid "The hostname of the URI '%s' is invalid"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' àà ààààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1926
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:1925
#, c-format
msgid "The URI '%s' contains invalidly escaped characters"
msgstr "àààààà '%s' ààà àààà àààààààà àààà àààààààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:2021
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:2020
#, c-format
msgid "The pathname '%s' is not an absolute path"
msgstr "ààààà '%s' àà àààààààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gconvert.c:2031
+#: ../glib/gconvert.c:2030
msgid "Invalid hostname"
msgstr "àààà ààààà-ààà"
@@ -3248,18 +3270,15 @@ msgctxt "abbreviated weekday name"
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "ààà "
-#: ../glib/gdir.c:120 ../glib/gdir.c:143
+#: ../glib/gdir.c:121 ../glib/gdir.c:144
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening directory '%s': %s"
msgstr "àààààààààà '%s' àà ààààà ààà àààààà: %s"
#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:671 ../glib/gfileutils.c:759
#, c-format
-#| msgid "Could not allocate %lu bytes to read file \"%s\""
-msgid "Could not allocate %ld byte to read file \"%s\""
-msgid_plural "Could not allocate %lu bytes to read file \"%s\""
-msgstr[0] "ààààà \"%s\" àà ààààà àààà%ld àààà àààààà àààà àààà àà àààà"
-msgstr[1] "ààààà \"%s\" àà ààààà àààà%ld àààà àààààà àààà àààà àà àààà"
+msgid "Could not allocate %lu bytes to read file \"%s\""
+msgstr " %lu àààà àààààà àààà àààà àà àààà ààààà \"%s\" àà ààààà àààà"
#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:686
#, c-format
@@ -3296,7 +3315,7 @@ msgstr "ààààà '%s': fdopen() ààààà ààà àààà: %
msgid "Failed to rename file '%s' to '%s': g_rename() failed: %s"
msgstr "ààààà '%s' àà '%s' ààà ààà ààààà ààà àààà: g_rename() àààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1035 ../glib/gfileutils.c:1593
+#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1035 ../glib/gfileutils.c:1579
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create file '%s': %s"
msgstr "ààààà '%s' ààààà ààà àààà: %s"
@@ -3331,56 +3350,56 @@ msgstr "'%s' ààààà ààà àààà ààà àààà: fclo
msgid "Existing file '%s' could not be removed: g_unlink() failed: %s"
msgstr "'%s' àààààà ààààà ààààà àààà àà àààà: g_unlink() àààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1556
+#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1542
#, c-format
msgid "Template '%s' invalid, should not contain a '%s'"
msgstr "àààààààà '%s' àààà àà, ààààà '%s' ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1569
+#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:1555
#, c-format
msgid "Template '%s' doesn't contain XXXXXX"
msgstr "àààààààà '%s' ààà XXXXXX àààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:2097
+#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:2083
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to read the symbolic link '%s': %s"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà '%s' àà àààààà ààààà ààà àààà %s"
-#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:2118
+#: ../glib/gfileutils.c:2104
msgid "Symbolic links not supported"
msgstr "àààààààà àààà ààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1416
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1415
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open converter from '%s' to '%s': %s"
msgstr "'%s' àà '%s' àààààààà àààà àààà àà ààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1761
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1760
msgid "Can't do a raw read in g_io_channel_read_line_string"
msgstr "àààà àà àà ààà àààà àà àààà g_io_channel_read_line_string"
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1808 ../glib/giochannel.c:2066
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:2153
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1807 ../glib/giochannel.c:2064
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:2151
msgid "Leftover unconverted data in read buffer"
msgstr "ààà àààà ààà ààà àà àààààààààà ààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1889 ../glib/giochannel.c:1966
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1888 ../glib/giochannel.c:1965
msgid "Channel terminates in a partial character"
msgstr "ààààà àààà ààà àààà àààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1952
+#: ../glib/giochannel.c:1951
msgid "Can't do a raw read in g_io_channel_read_to_end"
msgstr "àààà àà àà ààà àààà àà àààà - g_io_channel_read_to_end"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:722
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:720
msgid "Valid key file could not be found in search dirs"
msgstr "ààà àààààààààà ààà ààà ààààà ààààà àààà ààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:758
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:756
msgid "Not a regular file"
msgstr "àà ààààààà ààààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1158
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1156
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key file contains line '%s' which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment"
@@ -3388,43 +3407,43 @@ msgstr ""
"ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' àààààà àààààà àà àà àà àà ààààà ààà ààààà, àààà, àà "
"ààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1215
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1213
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid group name: %s"
msgstr "àààà àààà ààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1237
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1235
msgid "Key file does not start with a group"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà àà àààà àà ààà àààà àààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1263
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1261
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid key name: %s"
msgstr "àààà ààààà ààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1290
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1288
#, c-format
msgid "Key file contains unsupported encoding '%s'"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààààà àààààààà '%s' àààààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1533 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1695 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3073
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3139 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3265 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3398
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3540 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3770 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3837
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1531 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1693 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3071
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3137 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3263 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3396
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3538 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3768 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3835
#, c-format
msgid "Key file does not have group '%s'"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' àààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1707
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1705
#, c-format
msgid "Key file does not have key '%s'"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1814 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1930
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1812 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1928
#, c-format
msgid "Key file contains key '%s' with value '%s' which is not UTF-8"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àààààà àà '%s' ààà àà ààà àà UTF-8 àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1834 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1950 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2319
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1832 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:1948 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2317
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key file contains key '%s' which has a value that cannot be interpreted."
@@ -3432,7 +3451,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àà àààààà ààààà ààà àà àààààààà àààà àààà àà àààà "
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2536 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2902
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2534 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2900
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Key file contains key '%s' in group '%s' which has a value that cannot be "
@@ -3441,56 +3460,56 @@ msgstr ""
"ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àà '%s' àààà ààà ààààà ààà àà àààààààà àààà àààà "
"àà àààà."
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2614 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2690
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2612 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:2688
#, c-format
msgid "Key '%s' in group '%s' has value '%s' where %s was expected"
msgstr "ààààà '%s' àà ààà '%s' àà '%s' àààà ààà àààà %s àààààààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3088 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3280 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3848
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3086 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3278 ../glib/gkeyfile.c:3846
#, c-format
msgid "Key file does not have key '%s' in group '%s'"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àààà àà '%s' àààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4080
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4078
msgid "Key file contains escape character at end of line"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà àààààà àà ààà ààà àààààà àààààààà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4102
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4100
#, c-format
msgid "Key file contains invalid escape sequence '%s'"
msgstr "ààààà ààààà ààà '%s' àààààà àààààà àààààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4244
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4242
#, c-format
msgid "Value '%s' cannot be interpreted as a number."
msgstr "ààààà '%s' àà àà àààààà àà ààà àààà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà."
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4258
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4256
#, c-format
msgid "Integer value '%s' out of range"
msgstr "àààààààà ààà '%s' ààààà àà àààà àà"
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4291
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4289
#, c-format
msgid "Value '%s' cannot be interpreted as a float number."
msgstr "ààà '%s' àà àà ààààà àààààà àà ààà àààà ààààààààà àààà àà àààà."
-#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4315
+#: ../glib/gkeyfile.c:4313
#, c-format
msgid "Value '%s' cannot be interpreted as a boolean."
msgstr "ààà '%s' àà àààààà àà ààà àà ààààààààà àààà àààà àà àààà."
-#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:130
+#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:128
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to get attributes of file '%s%s%s%s': fstat() failed: %s"
msgstr "ààààà'%s%s%s%s' àà ààààààà ààààà àààà ààà àààà: fstat() àààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:196
+#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:194
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to map %s%s%s%s: mmap() failed: %s"
msgstr " %s%s%s%s ààààà ààààààà àààà ààà àààà: mmap() àààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:262
+#: ../glib/gmappedfile.c:260
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to open file '%s': open() failed: %s"
msgstr "ààààà '%s' ààààà ààà àààà: %s"
@@ -3507,15 +3526,13 @@ msgstr "ààà ààà àààà ààààààà-8 ààààà
#: ../glib/gmarkup.c:427
#, c-format
-#| msgid "'%s' is not a valid name "
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid name"
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid name "
msgstr "'%s' ààà ààà ààà àààà àà"
#: ../glib/gmarkup.c:443
#, c-format
-#| msgid "'%s' is not a valid name: '%c' "
-msgid "'%s' is not a valid name: '%c'"
-msgstr "'%s' ààà ààà ààà àààà àà: '%c'"
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid name: '%c' "
+msgstr "'%s' ààà ààà ààà àààà àà: '%c' "
#: ../glib/gmarkup.c:552
#, c-format
@@ -3830,6 +3847,7 @@ msgid "\\c at end of pattern"
msgstr "\\c ààààààà àà ààà ààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:335
+#| msgid "unrecognized character follows \\"
msgid "unrecognized character following \\"
msgstr "ààààààà àààà \\"
@@ -3862,6 +3880,7 @@ msgid "unexpected repeat"
msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:360
+#| msgid "unrecognized character after (?"
msgid "unrecognized character after (? or (?-"
msgstr "(? àà (?- àà ààà ààààààà àààà"
@@ -3882,6 +3901,7 @@ msgid "missing ) after comment"
msgstr "ààààààààà ) ààààààà àà ààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:375
+#| msgid "regular expression too large"
msgid "regular expression is too large"
msgstr "àààààà àààààààààà àààà àààà àà"
@@ -4001,6 +4021,9 @@ msgid "inconsistent NEWLINE options"
msgstr "ààààà àààààààà àààààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:476
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\\g is not followed by a braced name or an optionally braced non-zero "
+#| "number"
msgid ""
"\\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name or number, "
"or by a plain number"
@@ -4026,10 +4049,12 @@ msgid "number is too big"
msgstr "àààààà àààà àààà àà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:492
+#| msgid "missing terminator in subpattern name"
msgid "missing subpattern name after (?&"
msgstr "(?& àà ààà ààààààààà ààààààààà ààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:495
+#| msgid "digit expected"
msgid "digit expected after (?+"
msgstr "(?+ àà ààà àààààààààà ààà"
@@ -4038,6 +4063,7 @@ msgid "] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode"
msgstr "] àààà àààààà àààà àà ààààààààààààà àààààààà àààààà ààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:501
+#| msgid "two named subpatterns have the same name"
msgid "different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed"
msgstr "àààà àààààà àà àà ààààààà àà ààà ààààà ààà àà àààààà àààà àà"
@@ -4050,10 +4076,14 @@ msgid "\\c must be followed by an ASCII character"
msgstr "\\c àà àààà ASCII àààà àà ààà ààà ààààà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:510
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\\g is not followed by a braced name or an optionally braced non-zero "
+#| "number"
msgid "\\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name"
msgstr "\\k àààààà, àààààà àààààà àà ààààààà ààà àà ààà àààà àààà àààà àààà àà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:513
+#| msgid "URIs not supported"
msgid "\\N is not supported in a class"
msgstr "\\N àààà àààà ààà ààààààà àààà àà"
@@ -4066,6 +4096,7 @@ msgid "name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)"
msgstr "(*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), àà (*THEN) ààà ààà àààà àààà àà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:522
+#| msgid "character value in \\x{...} sequence is too large"
msgid "character value in \\u.... sequence is too large"
msgstr "\\u.... àààààà ààà àààà ààà àààà àààà àà"
@@ -4083,6 +4114,7 @@ msgid "PCRE library is compiled without UTF8 properties support"
msgstr "PCRE ààààààààà àà àààà UTF8 ààà àààààà àà àààààà àààà ààà àà"
#: ../glib/gregex.c:1331
+#| msgid "PCRE library is compiled without UTF8 properties support"
msgid "PCRE library is compiled with incompatible options"
msgstr "PCRE ààààààààà àà ààààà àààààà àà ààà àààààà àààà ààà àà"
@@ -4159,119 +4191,124 @@ msgstr " %c àààà àààààà ààà àà àààà àà
msgid "Text was empty (or contained only whitespace)"
msgstr "ààà àààà àà (àà ààààà ààààà ààààà àààààà àà àà)"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:209
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:208
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to read data from child process (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà (%s) àà àààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:368
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:351
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected error in select() reading data from a child process (%s)"
msgstr ""
"àà ààààà ààààààààà (%s) àà ààààà() ààààà àà àààà ààà ààààààààààà àààààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:859 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1233
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:436
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unexpected error in waitpid() (%s)"
+msgstr "waitpid() (%s) ààà ààààààààààà àààààà"
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:855 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1231
#, c-format
msgid "Child process exited with code %ld"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà %ld àà àààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:867
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:863
#, c-format
msgid "Child process killed by signal %ld"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà %ld àà àààààà àààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:874
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:870
#, c-format
msgid "Child process stopped by signal %ld"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà %ld ààààà àà àààààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:881
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:877
#, c-format
msgid "Child process exited abnormally"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àààààààà ààà àà àààà àààà ààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1286 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:339 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:347
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1282 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:336 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:344
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to read from child pipe (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà àààà (%s) àà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1354
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1350
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to fork (%s)"
msgstr "(%s) ààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1502 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:370
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1498 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:367
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to change to directory '%s' (%s)"
msgstr "àààààààààà '%s' (%s) àà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1512
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1508
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to execute child process \"%s\" (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà \"%s\" (%s) ààààààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1522
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1518
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to redirect output or input of child process (%s)"
msgstr "àààààà àà ààààà ààààààààà (%s) àà ààààà àà àààààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1531
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1527
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to fork child process (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà (%s) ààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1539
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1535
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error executing child process \"%s\""
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà \"%s\" ààààààààààà àààà ààà àààààà àààààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1563
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1559
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to read enough data from child pid pipe (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà àààààà àààà (%s) àà àààààààà àààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1636 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:300
+#: ../glib/gspawn.c:1632 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:297
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create pipe for communicating with child process (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà (%s) àà àààààà àààà àààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:283
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:280
msgid "Failed to read data from child process"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà àà àààà ààààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:376 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:495
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:373 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:492
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to execute child process (%s)"
msgstr "ààààà ààààààààà (%s) ààààààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:445
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:442
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid program name: %s"
msgstr "àààà ààààààààà ààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:455 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:722
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1297
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:452 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:720
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1295
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid string in argument vector at %d: %s"
msgstr "%d àà àààà àààà ààà àààà àààààààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:466 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:737
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1330
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:463 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:735
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1328
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid string in environment: %s"
msgstr "ààààààà ààà àààà àààààààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:718 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1278
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:716 ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:1276
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid working directory: %s"
msgstr "àààà àààààààà àààààààààà: %s"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:783
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to execute helper program (%s)"
msgstr "àààààà ààààààààà (%s) ààààààààààà àààà ààà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:997
+#: ../glib/gspawn-win32.c:995
msgid ""
"Unexpected error in g_io_channel_win32_poll() reading data from a child "
@@ -4292,94 +4329,86 @@ msgstr "àààààààà ààààà ààà àààà àà
msgid "Character out of range for UTF-16"
msgstr "àààààà-16 àààà àààà àààà àà àààà"
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2185 ../glib/gutils.c:2212 ../glib/gutils.c:2316
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2184 ../glib/gutils.c:2211 ../glib/gutils.c:2315
#, c-format
msgid "%u byte"
msgid_plural "%u bytes"
msgstr[0] "%u àààà"
msgstr[1] "%u bytes"
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2191
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2190
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f KiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2193
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2192
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f MiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2196
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2195
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f GiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2199
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2198
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f TiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2202
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2201
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f PiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2205
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2204
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f EiB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2218
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2217
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f kB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2221 ../glib/gutils.c:2334
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2220 ../glib/gutils.c:2328
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f MB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2224 ../glib/gutils.c:2339
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2223 ../glib/gutils.c:2333
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f GB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2226 ../glib/gutils.c:2344
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2225 ../glib/gutils.c:2338
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f TB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2229 ../glib/gutils.c:2349
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2228 ../glib/gutils.c:2343
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f PB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2232 ../glib/gutils.c:2354
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2231 ../glib/gutils.c:2348
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f EB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
#. Translators: the %s in "%s bytes" will always be replaced by a number.
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2269
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2268
#, c-format
msgid "%s byte"
msgid_plural "%s bytes"
msgstr[0] "%s àààà"
msgstr[1] "%s àààààà"
-#. Translators: this is from the deprecated function g_format_size_for_display() which uses 'KB' to
-#. * mean 1024 bytes. I am aware that 'KB' is not correct, but it has been preserved for reasons of
-#. * compatibility. Users will not see this string unless a program is using this deprecated function.
-#. * Please translate as literally as possible.
-#: ../glib/gutils.c:2329
+#: ../glib/gutils.c:2323
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f KB"
msgstr "%.1f àà.àà."
-#~ msgid "Unexpected error in waitpid() (%s)"
-#~ msgstr "waitpid() (%s) ààà ààààààààààà àààààà"
#~ msgid "Abnormal program termination spawning command line `%s': %s"
#~ msgstr "àààààààà ààààààààà ààààà àààààààà ààààà àààà `%s': %s"
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