[gdk-pixbuf] Add initial Khmer translation
- From: Andre Klapper <aklapper src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gdk-pixbuf] Add initial Khmer translation
- Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 12:42:19 +0000 (UTC)
commit 8e9983aa3c5a101c112d756c8248e33fa6dd3401
Author: Khoem Sokhem <khoemsokhem khmeros info>
Date: Sat Mar 10 13:42:12 2012 +0100
Add initial Khmer translation
po/LINGUAS | 1 +
po/km.po | 962 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 963 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
index 68af5d9..2721d52 100644
--- a/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/po/LINGUAS
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ is
diff --git a/po/km.po b/po/km.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda6b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/km.po
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+# translation of gdk-pixbuf.master.po to Khmer
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Khoem Sokhem <khoemsokhem khmeros info>, 2012.
+# Seng Sutha <sutha khmeros info>, 2012.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: gdk-pixbuf.master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gtk%2b&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=gdk\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-09 15:21+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-15 11:52+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Seng Sutha <sutha khmeros info>\n"
+"Language-Team: Khmer <supprot khmeros info>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: WordForge 0.8 RC1\n"
+"X-Language: km-KH\n"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-animation.c:146 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1070
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1336
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to open file '%s': %s"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááâááááá '%s' á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-animation.c:159 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1082
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image file '%s' contains no data"
+msgstr "áááááâááááááááâáááááâáááááá '%s' ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-animation.c:201 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1118
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1388
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image file"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááá '%s' á áááâáááââáááááá á ááááááâáá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-animation.c:234
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to load animation '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt "
+"animation file"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááá '%s' á áááâáááâáááááá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:803
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to load image-loading module: %s: %s"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâáááááá ááááááâáááââáááááâááá á %s: %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:818
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Image-loading module %s does not export the proper interface; perhaps it's "
+"from a different gdk-pixbuf version?"
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâááááááâáááâááááá %s áááâááááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááááááâááá "
+"ááááááâááââááâááââááááâáááá gdk-pixbuf áááâááááâá ?"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:827 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:878
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image type '%s' is not supported"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâááááááâáááááá '%s' ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:951
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '%s'"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááâááááááâááááááááááâáááááâááááááââáááááááâááááá '%s' ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:959
+msgid "Unrecognized image file format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááâááááááâáááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1127
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to load image '%s': %s"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááá '%s' á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1905 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:888
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing to image file: %s"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááááâáááááá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1950 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2080
+#, c-format
+msgid "This build of gdk-pixbuf does not support saving the image format: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááá gdk-pixbuf âáááâáááâááááááâáááâááááááááâááááááááááâáááááâááá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1984
+msgid "Insufficient memory to save image to callback"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâááááááááâáááááá ááááááââááââááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:1997
+msgid "Failed to open temporary file"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2023
+msgid "Failed to read from temporary file"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááâááâáááááâááááááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to open '%s' for writing: %s"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááá '%s' áááááááâááááá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2302
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to close '%s' while writing image, all data may not have been saved: %"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááá '%s' áááâáááâáááâáááááá "
+"ááááááááâáááááááââáááââáááâáááááâáááâááááááááâááá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2523 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2575
+msgid "Insufficient memory to save image into a buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c:2621
+msgid "Error writing to image stream"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááâááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-loader.c:395
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Internal error: Image loader module '%s' failed to complete an operation, "
+"but didn't give a reason for the failure"
+msgstr ""
+"áááááâáááááááá á ááááááâááááááááâáááááâáááááá '%s' "
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááááááááá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-loader.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "Incremental loading of image type '%s' is not supported"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááâáááááâááááááâááááááââááâáááááâáááááá '%s' ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixdata.c:160
+msgid "Image header corrupt"
+msgstr "áááâáááááááââááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixdata.c:165
+msgid "Image format unknown"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâááááááááááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixdata.c:170 ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixdata.c:502
+msgid "Image pixel data corrupt"
+msgstr "ááááááááâááááááâááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixdata.c:446
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to allocate image buffer of %u byte"
+msgid_plural "failed to allocate image buffer of %u bytes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "áááâááááááâááááááááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâááááááâááááááââááááááââ %u áá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:244
+msgid "Unexpected icon chunk in animation"
+msgstr "áááááâááâááááâááááâááááááááâáááâáááâááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:337
+msgid "Unsupported animation type"
+msgstr "ááááááâááááâáááâááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:348 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:406
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:432 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:455
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:482 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:569
+msgid "Invalid header in animation"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:358 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:380
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:464 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:491
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:542 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:614
+msgid "Not enough memory to load animation"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:398 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:424
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:443
+msgid "Malformed chunk in animation"
+msgstr "áááááâááâááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ani.c:711
+msgid "The ANI image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá ANI"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:229 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:266
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:337 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:369
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:392 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:495
+msgid "BMP image has bogus header data"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá BMP âáááâááááááááâáááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:240 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:432
+msgid "Not enough memory to load bitmap image"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááââááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:318
+msgid "BMP image has unsupported header size"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá BMP âáááâááááâáááâáááâáááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:356
+msgid "Topdown BMP images cannot be compressed"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááááâáááááá Topdown BMP ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:716 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:707
+msgid "Premature end-of-file encountered"
+msgstr "áááâááááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:1328
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for saving BMP file"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâáááâááááááááâáááááâáááá BMP ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:1369
+msgid "Couldn't write to BMP file"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááââáááááâáááá BMP áááââáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c:1422 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-bmp.c:82
+msgid "The BMP image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááâáááá BMP"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:221
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failure reading GIF: %s"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááá GIF á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:495 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1482
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1648
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GIF file was missing some data (perhaps it was truncated somehow?)"
+msgstr ""
+"ááááâááááááááââáááááâáááâáááááâáááá GIF "
+"(ááááááâááâááâáááááâáááâááááâáááâááááâ somehow?)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:504
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internal error in the GIF loader (%s)"
+msgstr "áááááâáááâáááááââáááááâááááááááâáááááâáááá GIF (%s)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:578
+msgid "Stack overflow"
+msgstr "áááâáááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:638
+msgid "GIF image loader cannot understand this image."
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááááâááááááâáááá GIF áááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááâáááâáá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:667
+msgid "Bad code encountered"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:677
+msgid "Circular table entry in GIF file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááá Circular table ááâáááááâáááááâáááá GIF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:865 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1468
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1521 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1636
+msgid "Not enough memory to load GIF file"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááâáááá GIF ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:959
+msgid "Not enough memory to composite a frame in GIF file"
+msgstr ""
+"áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâ ááááááâáááááááááááâááááâááâáááááâáááááâáááá "
+"GIF áááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1131
+msgid "GIF image is corrupt (incorrect LZW compression)"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá GIF ááâááá (áááâáááááááâáááá LZW áááâáááááááááá)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1181
+msgid "File does not appear to be a GIF file"
+msgstr "áááááââáááâááááááâââááâáááááâáááá GIF ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1193
+#, c-format
+msgid "Version %s of the GIF file format is not supported"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááá %s ááâááááááááááâáááááâáááá GIF ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1302
+msgid ""
+"GIF image has no global colormap, and a frame inside it has no local "
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâáááá GIF âáááááâ colormap ááááâááá áááâááááâáááâáááááâááâááááá "
+"colormap ááááááááâáá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1543
+msgid "GIF image was truncated or incomplete."
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá GIF áááááâáááââááááâáááâáááá áâáááâáááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gif.c:1699 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-gif.c:80
+msgid "The GIF image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá GIF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:228 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:242
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:291 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:302
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:395
+msgid "Invalid header in icon"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:257 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:312
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:405 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:458
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:488
+msgid "Not enough memory to load icon"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááááâááááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:338
+msgid "Compressed icons are not supported"
+msgstr "áááááâááááááááâáááâáááâááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:358
+msgid "Icon has zero width"
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááâáááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:368
+msgid "Icon has zero height"
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááâááááááâ á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:443
+msgid "Unsupported icon type"
+msgstr "ááááááâááááááááâáááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:537
+msgid "Not enough memory to load ICO file"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááâáááá ICO"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:1002
+msgid "Image too large to be saved as ICO"
+msgstr "ááááááâááâáááââáááááâáááâááááááááâáá ICO"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:1013
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cursor hotspot outside image"
+msgstr "ááááááâááááááá Cursor hotspot"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:1036
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unsupported depth for ICO file: %d"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááâáááâáááâááááááâáááááááâááááá ICO á %d"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c:1271 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-ico.c:59
+msgid "The ICO image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááâáááá ICO"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-icns.c:347
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error reading ICNS image: %s"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááâáááâáááâááááááâáááá ICNS á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-icns.c:364
+msgid "Could not decode ICNS file"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâáááááâáááá ICNS áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-icns.c:397
+msgid "The ICNS image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá ICNS áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:74
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for stream"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâáááááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:104
+msgid "Couldn't decode image"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:122
+msgid "Transformed JPEG2000 has zero width or height"
+msgstr "JPEG2000 áááâáááâââáááááââáááâáááááá á áááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:136
+msgid "Image type currently not supported"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâááááááâááááááâááááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:148 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:156
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for color profile"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááâáááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:182
+msgid "Insufficient memory to open JPEG 2000 file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááâáááá JPEG 2000"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:261
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory to buffer image data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jasper.c:305
+msgid "The JPEG 2000 image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá JPEG 2000"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:116
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error interpreting JPEG image file (%s)"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááâáááââááááááâáááááâáááááá JPEG (%s)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:527
+msgid ""
+"Insufficient memory to load image, try exiting some applications to free "
+msgstr ""
+"ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:568 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:781
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unsupported JPEG color space (%s)"
+msgstr "ááááâáááâáááá JPEG áááâáááâáááááá (%s)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:680 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:950
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:1183 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:1192
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááââáááááâááááááâáááá JPEG ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:925
+msgid "Transformed JPEG has zero width or height."
+msgstr "áááâáááááá JPEG áááâáááááá áâáááá á á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:1139 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-jpeg.c:53
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"JPEG quality must be a value between 0 and 100; value '%s' could not be "
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâáááá JPEG áááááâááââáááâáááááâáááááá á ááá ááá ááááá '%s' "
+"áááâáááâáááááâáááâáááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:1154 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-jpeg.c:68
+#, c-format
+msgid "JPEG quality must be a value between 0 and 100; value '%d' is not allowed."
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâáááá JPEG áááááâááâáááâáááááâââáááááá á ááá ááá ááááá '%d' "
+"áááâáááááâáááâááááááááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c:1316 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-jpeg.c:136
+msgid "The JPEG image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá JPEG"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:186
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for header"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:201 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:559
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for context buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:600
+msgid "Image has invalid width and/or height"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááâáááá áááâ/âá ááááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:612 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:673
+msgid "Image has unsupported bpp"
+msgstr "ááááááâááá bpp áááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:617 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:625
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image has unsupported number of %d-bit planes"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááââáááááâááááâááá %d ááááâáááâáááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:641
+msgid "Couldn't create new pixbuf"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâ pixbuf ááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:649
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for line data"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááááááââááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:656
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for PCX image"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááááááâááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááâáááá PCX ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:703
+msgid "Didn't get all lines of PCX image"
+msgstr "áááâááâáááâáááááááâááááâáááááá PCX"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:710
+msgid "No palette found at end of PCX data"
+msgstr "ááâáááâáááâáááááâáááâááâáááâááâááááááááâáááá PCX ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pcx.c:755
+msgid "The PCX image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá PCX"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:54
+msgid "Bits per channel of PNG image is invalid."
+msgstr "ááááâáááâáááááâááááâáááááá PNG áááâááááááááááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:135 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:641
+msgid "Transformed PNG has zero width or height."
+msgstr "PNG áááâáááââáááááâáááâáááááá áâáááá á á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:143
+msgid "Bits per channel of transformed PNG is not 8."
+msgstr "ááááâáááâáááááâáááá PNG áááâáááâááááááâááâááá á ááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:152
+msgid "Transformed PNG not RGB or RGBA."
+msgstr "PNG áááâáááâáááááá áááâááá RGB á RGBA ááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:161
+msgid "Transformed PNG has unsupported number of channels, must be 3 or 4."
+msgstr "PNG áááâááááááâáááâááááááâáááááâááááá áááááâááâ á á á á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:182
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal error in PNG image file: %s"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááááááâááâáááááâáááááâááááááâ PNG á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:315
+msgid "Insufficient memory to load PNG file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááá PNG ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:656
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Insufficient memory to store a %ld by %ld image; try exiting some "
+"applications to reduce memory usage"
+msgstr ""
+"ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâááá %ld áááâáááááá %ld á "
+"áááááááâááááááááâáááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:719
+msgid "Fatal error reading PNG image file"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááááááâáááááâáááââáááâáááááâáááááá PNG"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:768
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal error reading PNG image file: %s"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááááááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááâáááááá PNG á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:862
+msgid "Keys for PNG text chunks must have at least 1 and at most 79 characters."
+msgstr ""
+"ááâáááááááâááááááâááááááâáááá PNG áááâáááááááââááááááááááá á áááâáááááâááááá "
+"áá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:871
+msgid "Keys for PNG text chunks must be ASCII characters."
+msgstr "ááâáááááááâááááááâááááááâáááá PNG âáááááâááâáááâááááááá ASCII á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:885 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:737
+#, c-format
+msgid "Color profile has invalid length %d."
+msgstr "ááááááâáááâáááâááááááâáááâáááááááááá %d á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:898
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"PNG compression level must be a value between 0 and 9; value '%s' could not "
+"be parsed."
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâáááâáááááááââáááá PNG áááááâááâáááâáááááâáááááá á ááá á ááááá '%s' "
+"áááâáááâáááááâáááâáááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:911
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"PNG compression level must be a value between 0 and 9; value '%d' is not "
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááâáááâáááááá PNG áááááâááâáááâáááááâáááááá á ááá á ááááá '%d' "
+"áááâáááááâáááâááááááááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:959
+#, c-format
+msgid "Value for PNG text chunk %s cannot be converted to ISO-8859-1 encoding."
+msgstr ""
+"áááááâáááááááâááááááâááááááââááááááâááááââ PNG %s "
+"áááâáááâáááááâáááâááááááâááâááâáááâááááááá ISO-8859-1 ááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-png.c:1122
+msgid "The PNG image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâ PNG"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:248
+msgid "PNM loader expected to find an integer, but didn't"
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááááâáááá PNM áááâáááááâáááááâáááâááâáááááá áááááááâââáááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:280
+msgid "PNM file has an incorrect initial byte"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá PNM áááâááâáááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:310
+msgid "PNM file is not in a recognized PNM subformat"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá PNM áááââááááâááááááâááááááááááââááââáááá PNM ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:335
+msgid "PNM file has an image width of 0"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá PNM âáááâááááâááááááâ á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:356
+msgid "PNM file has an image height of 0"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá PNM áááâááááááâáááááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:379
+msgid "Maximum color value in PNM file is 0"
+msgstr "áááááâáááâáááááááâááââáááááâáááááâáááá PNM áá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:387
+msgid "Maximum color value in PNM file is too large"
+msgstr "áááááâáááâáááááááâááâáááááâáááááâáááá PNM ááâááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:427 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:457
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:502
+msgid "Raw PNM image type is invalid"
+msgstr "ááááááâááááááâáááá PNM áááâááâáááâááááááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:652
+msgid "PNM image loader does not support this PNM subformat"
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááááâáááááá PNM âáááâááááááâááááááááááâááââáááá PNM áááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:739 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:966
+msgid "Raw PNM formats require exactly one whitespace before sample data"
+msgstr ""
+"ááááááááááâáááá PNM áááâááááááâááááááâáááâáááâááá áááâáááââááááááááâáááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:766
+msgid "Cannot allocate memory for loading PNM image"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááââáááááâáááááá PNM ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:816
+msgid "Insufficient memory to load PNM context struct"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááááááááâáááááâáááá PNM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:867
+msgid "Unexpected end of PNM image data"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááâáááááââááâááááááááâááááááâáááá PNM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:995
+msgid "Insufficient memory to load PNM file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááâ PNM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-pnm.c:1079
+msgid "The PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM image format family"
+msgstr "áááááâááááááááááâáááááá PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:128
+msgid "Input file descriptor is NULL."
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááááâââáááááââááááâáááááááâááááááâááâáááááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:143
+msgid "Failed to read QTIF header"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááá QTIF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:152 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:189
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:460
+#, c-format
+msgid "QTIF atom size too large (%d byte)"
+msgid_plural "QTIF atom size too large (%d bytes)"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "ááááâáááááâáááá QTIF ááâááá (%d áá)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to allocate %d byte for file read buffer"
+msgid_plural "Failed to allocate %d bytes for file read buffer"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááááááâááá %d "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:206
+#, c-format
+msgid "File error when reading QTIF atom: %s"
+msgstr "áááááâáááááâ ááâáááââáááâáááááâáááá QTIF á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to skip the next %d byte with seek()."
+msgid_plural "Failed to skip the next %d bytes with seek()."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "áááâááááááâáááááâááááááá %d ááâáááááááâáááâáááâ seek() á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:270
+msgid "Failed to allocate QTIF context structure."
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááááááâáááâááááááááááááâáááááâáááá QTIF á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:330
+msgid "Failed to create GdkPixbufLoader object."
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááááááâááááá GdkPixbufLoader á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:434
+msgid "Failed to find an image data atom."
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááââáááááâááááááááâáááááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-qtif.c:619
+msgid "The QTIF image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááââáááá QTIF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:125
+msgid "RAS image has bogus header data"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá RAS áááâááááááááâááááááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:147
+msgid "RAS image has unknown type"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá RAS âáááâááâáááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:155
+msgid "unsupported RAS image variation"
+msgstr "áááááááááááâááááááâáááá RAS áááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:170 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:199
+msgid "Not enough memory to load RAS image"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááá RAS ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c:544
+msgid "The Sun raster image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâ Sun raster"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:153
+msgid "Cannot allocate memory for IOBuffer struct"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâáááááááááááá IOBuffer ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:172
+msgid "Cannot allocate memory for IOBuffer data"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâáááááááá IOBuffer ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:183
+msgid "Cannot realloc IOBuffer data"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááâáááááááá realloc IOBuffer"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:213
+msgid "Cannot allocate temporary IOBuffer data"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááááááâáááá IOBuffer ááááááâááááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:346
+msgid "Cannot allocate new pixbuf"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâááá pixbuf ááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:685
+msgid "Image is corrupted or truncated"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááááâáááâááááâáááâáááá áâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:692
+msgid "Cannot allocate colormap structure"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááááááááááâ colormap áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:699
+msgid "Cannot allocate colormap entries"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâáááá colormap áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:721
+msgid "Unexpected bitdepth for colormap entries"
+msgstr "bitdepth áááâáááâáááááâáááááááâáááá colormap"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:739
+msgid "Cannot allocate TGA header memory"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâááááááâáááá TGA áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:772
+msgid "TGA image has invalid dimensions"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá TGA áááâááááâáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:778 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:787
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:797 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:807
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:814
+msgid "TGA image type not supported"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâááááááâááááááâáááá TGA ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:861
+msgid "Cannot allocate memory for TGA context struct"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâááááááááááááâáááááâáááá TGA áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:926
+msgid "Excess data in file"
+msgstr "ááááááááâáááâáááâááâáááááâááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tga.c:1007
+msgid "The Targa image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâ Targa"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:164
+msgid "Could not get image width (bad TIFF file)"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááâááááâááááááâáááâáá (áááááâáááá TIFF áááâáááááâááááá)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:171
+msgid "Could not get image height (bad TIFF file)"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááâááááááâááááááâáááâáá (áááááâáááá TIFF áááâáááááááááá)"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:179
+msgid "Width or height of TIFF image is zero"
+msgstr "áááá áâááááááâââááááââáááááá TIFF áá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:188 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:197
+msgid "Dimensions of TIFF image too large"
+msgstr "ááááâááááâáááááá TIFF ááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:221 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:233
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:560
+msgid "Insufficient memory to open TIFF file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááââáááááâáááâáááâáááááâáááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:294
+msgid "Failed to load RGB data from TIFF file"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááááâáááá RGB ááâáááááâáááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:350
+msgid "Failed to open TIFF image"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááâáááááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:362 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:777
+msgid "TIFFClose operation failed"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááááááááááááá TIFFClose"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:492 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:505
+msgid "Failed to load TIFF image"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááâ TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:691
+msgid "Failed to save TIFF image"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâááááááááâáááááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:726
+msgid "TIFF compression doesn't refer to a valid codec."
+msgstr "áááâáááááááâáááá TIFF áááââááááâááááááââááááááááááâááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:766
+msgid "Failed to write TIFF data"
+msgstr "áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááááâáááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:813
+msgid "Couldn't write to TIFF file"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááááâáááá TIFF áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-tiff.c:868
+msgid "The TIFF image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááâáááá TIFF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-wbmp.c:245
+msgid "Image has zero width"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááâáááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-wbmp.c:263
+msgid "Image has zero height"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááâáááááá á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-wbmp.c:274
+msgid "Not enough memory to load image"
+msgstr "áááááâááááâáááááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-wbmp.c:333
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Couldn't save the rest"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááááá rest áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-wbmp.c:374
+msgid "The WBMP image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááá WBMP"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xbm.c:296
+msgid "Invalid XBM file"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá XBM áááâááááááááááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xbm.c:306
+msgid "Insufficient memory to load XBM image file"
+msgstr "ááááâáááááâáááâáááááááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâáááááâááááááâáááá XBM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xbm.c:454
+msgid "Failed to write to temporary file when loading XBM image"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááâââáááááâááááááâáááááá ááâáááâáááááâáááááá "
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xbm.c:493
+msgid "The XBM image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááá XBM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:469
+msgid "No XPM header found"
+msgstr "ááâáááâáááâááááááâáááá XPM ááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:478
+msgid "Invalid XPM header"
+msgstr "ááááááâáááá XPM áááâááááááááááâááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:486
+msgid "XPM file has image width <= 0"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá XPM áááâááááâáááááá <= á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:494
+msgid "XPM file has image height <= 0"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá XPM áááâááááááâáááááá <= á"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:502
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "XPM has invalid number of chars per pixel"
+msgstr "XPM áááâáááááâáááááááâáááââááááááááááââáááááâáááâáááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:511
+msgid "XPM file has invalid number of colors"
+msgstr "áááááâáááá XPM áááâáááááâáááââáááâáááááááááá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:523 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:532
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:584
+msgid "Cannot allocate memory for loading XPM image"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááááááâáááááâáááááá XPM áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:546
+msgid "Cannot read XPM colormap"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááâ XPM colormap áááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:778
+msgid "Failed to write to temporary file when loading XPM image"
+msgstr ""
+"áááâááááááâáááááâáááâáááááâááááâáááááâááááááâáááááá ááâáááâáááááâáááááá XPM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-xpm.c:817
+msgid "The XPM image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááá XPM"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-emf.c:59
+msgid "The EMF image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááá EMF"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:154
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not allocate memory: %s"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááâááááâáááááâáááâáá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:179 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:293
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:333
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not create stream: %s"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááâáááááááâáááâáá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:193
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not seek stream: %s"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááááâáááááááâáááâáá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not read from stream: %s"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááâááâáááááááâáááâáá á %s"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:617 ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:752
+msgid "Couldn't load bitmap"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâááááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:774
+msgid "Couldn't load metafile"
+msgstr "áááâáááâáááááâáááááâááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:933
+msgid "Unsupported image format for GDI+"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâááááááâáááâáááâáááâááááááâááááááá GDI+"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-utils.c:940
+msgid "Couldn't save"
+msgstr "áááâáááâááááááááâáááâáá"
+#: ../gdk-pixbuf/io-gdip-wmf.c:58
+msgid "The WMF image format"
+msgstr "ááááááááááâáááááá WMF"
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