[gnome-screenshot/gnome-3-4] Assamese translation updated
- From: Nilamdyuti Goswami <ngoswami src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-screenshot/gnome-3-4] Assamese translation updated
- Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 08:52:59 +0000 (UTC)
commit bdcff9abfcf9ad4dfffc9c239bdedaae9ad33b8f
Author: Nilamdyuti Goswami <nilamdyuti gmail com>
Date: Fri Aug 10 14:22:50 2012 +0530
Assamese translation updated
po/as.po | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po
index 0edbd81..cc03212 100644
--- a/po/as.po
+++ b/po/as.po
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà ààà àààààà
#: ../src/gnome-screenshot.ui.h:1
msgid "Save Screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààààà ààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/gnome-screenshot.ui.h:2
msgid "C_opy to Clipboard"
-msgstr "ààààà-àààààà ààà ààà (_o)"
+msgstr "àààààààààà ààà ààà (_o)"
#: ../src/gnome-screenshot.ui.h:3
msgid "_Name:"
-msgstr "ààà :(_N)"
+msgstr "ààà (_N):"
#: ../src/gnome-screenshot.ui.h:4
msgid "Save in _folder:"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà ààààààà ààà à'à (_f)"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà ààààààà ààà (_f):"
#: ../src/gnome-screenshot.ui.h:5
msgid "*"
@@ -59,27 +59,27 @@ msgstr "*"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Window-specific screenshot (deprecated)"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà àààààà ààà (ààààà)"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà ààààààààààà (àààààà)"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Grab just the current window, rather than the whole desktop. This key has "
"been deprecated and it is no longer in use."
msgstr ""
-"àààààààà àààààààà àààààààà, ààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà ààààà ààà à'à à àà àààà ààààà "
-"àààà ààà àààààààà ààààààà ààà ààà à"
+"àààààààà àààààààà àààààààà, ààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà ààààà àààà àà àà' àààààà "
+"àààà ààà àààààààà ààààààà ààà àààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Screenshot delay"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà àààààà àààà àààààààà ààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:4
msgid "The number of seconds to wait before taking the screenshot."
-msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààà àààà àààààààà ààà, ààààààà ààààààà ààààà à"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààà àààà àààààààà ààà, ààààààà ààààààà àààààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Screenshot directory"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà àààààààà ààààààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà àààààààà ààààààààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:6
#| msgid "The directory the last screenshot was saved in."
@@ -98,19 +98,19 @@ msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààà àà ààà à
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Include Border"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à"
+msgstr "ààààààà àààà ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Include the window manager border along with the screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà àààà àààààà àààààààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà àààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Include Pointer"
-msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Include the pointer in the screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà àààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:13
msgid "Include ICC Profile"
@@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ msgstr "àààààààààààà ààààààà ICC ààà
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Border Effect"
-msgstr "àààààààààààà àààààà"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà àààààà"
#: ../src/org.gnome.gnome-screenshot.gschema.xml.in.h:16
msgid ""
"Effect to add to the outside of a border. Possible values are \"shadow\", "
"\"none\", and \"border\"."
-msgstr "ààà a ààààà ààà."
+msgstr "ààà àààààààà àààààà ààà àààà ààààà ààààààà àààààààà ààààààà àà \"shadow\", "
+"\"none\", ààà \"border\"à"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:147
#, c-format
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ msgstr "ààààààà àààààà ààààà ààààà
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:350 ../src/screenshot-application.c:419
msgid "Screenshot taken"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààà ààà àààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà àààà àà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:389
msgid "All possible methods failed"
@@ -174,23 +175,23 @@ msgstr "àààààà ààààààààààààà àààà
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:505
msgid "Grab a window instead of the entire screen"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààààà àààààààà ààà ààà ààààààà ààà àààà à'à"
+msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àààààààà ààà ààà ààààààà ààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:506
msgid "Grab an area of the screen instead of the entire screen"
-msgstr "ààààààà àààààà àààààààà, àààààà ààà àààà ààà àààà à'à"
+msgstr "àààààààà àààààà àààààààà, àààààà ààà àààà ààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:507
msgid "Include the window border with the screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà ààààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à"
+msgstr "ààààààààààààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:508
msgid "Remove the window border from the screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà àààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à'à"
+msgstr "àààààààààààà ààà ààààààà ààààààààààà àààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:509
msgid "Take screenshot after specified delay [in seconds]"
-msgstr "àààààààààà ààà [àààààààà àààààà] àààààààààà ààààà ààà ààà àààà à'à"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà [àààààààà àààààà] àààààààààà ààààà àààà ààà ààà"
#. translators: this is the last part of the "grab after a
#. * delay of <spin button> seconds".
@@ -202,19 +203,19 @@ msgstr "ààààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:510
msgid "Effect to add to the border (shadow, border or none)"
-msgstr "ààààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààà ààà àààà ààààà àààààà (àààà, ààààààà àààà ààà ààà)"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:510
msgid "effect"
-msgstr "àààààà"
+msgstr "àààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:511
msgid "Interactively set options"
-msgstr "Interactively set options"
+msgstr "àààààààààààààà àààààààààà ààààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-application.c:525
msgid "Take a picture of the screen"
-msgstr "àààààààà àààààà ààà ààà ààà"
+msgstr "àààààà ààà ààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-config.c:54
#, c-format
@@ -222,30 +223,30 @@ msgid ""
"Conflicting options: --window and --area should not be used at the same "
msgstr ""
-"ààààààààààààà àààààà: --window ààà --area àààààà àààà àààààà ààààààà ààà ààààà à\n"
+"ààààààààààààà àààààààààà: --window ààà --area àààààà àààà àààààà ààààààà ààà àààà àààà\n"
#: ../src/screenshot-config.c:61
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Conflicting options: --area and --delay should not be used at the same "
-msgstr "ààààààààààààà àààààààààà: --area ààà --delay àààààà ààààààà àààà àààààààà\n"
+msgstr "ààààààààààààà àààààààààà: --area ààà --delay àààààà ààààààà ààà àààà àààà\n"
#: ../src/screenshot-dialog.c:171
msgid ""
"UI definition file for the screenshot program is missing.\n"
"Please check your installation of gnome-utils"
msgstr ""
-"àààààà ààà àààààààààà àààààààààà àààà àààààà UI àààààààà ààààààà ààààààà ààà à\n"
-"âààààààà ààà àààààààà gnome-utils àààààààà ààààààà ààà"
+"ààààààààààà ààààààààà àààà àààààà UI ààààà ààààààà ààààààà àààà\n"
+"âààààààà ààà àààààà gnome-utils ààààààààà ààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-dialog.c:192
msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "ààà ààààààà àààààààà ààà"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààà àààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-dialog.c:301
msgid "Screenshot.png"
-msgstr "Scàeenshot.png"
+msgstr "Screenshot.png"
#. translators: this is the name of the file that gets made up
#. * with the screenshot if the entire screen is taken
@@ -268,61 +269,61 @@ msgstr "ààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:166
msgid "Drop shadow"
-msgstr "àààà ààà"
+msgstr "àààà àààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:167
msgid "Border"
-msgstr "Boàdeà"
+msgstr "ààààààà"
#. * Include pointer *
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:271
msgid "Include _pointer"
-msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà à'à (_p)"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà (_p)"
#. * Include window border *
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:281
msgid "Include the window _border"
-msgstr "Include the window _border"
+msgstr "àààààà ààààààà ààààààààààà ààà (_b)"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:298
msgid "Apply _effect:"
-msgstr "àààààà:"
+msgstr "àààààà àààààà ààà (_e):"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:360
msgid "Grab the whole _desktop"
-msgstr "Grab the whole _desktop"
+msgstr "àààààààà ààààààà ààààà àààà (_d)"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:374
msgid "Grab the current _window"
-msgstr "Grab the current _window"
+msgstr "ààààààà ààààààà ààààà àààà (_w)"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:386
msgid "Select _area to grab"
-msgstr "ààààà àààà ààààààààà ààààààààà ààà àààààààà ààà (_a)"
+msgstr "ààààà ààààààà ààà àààà (_a)"
#. translators: this is the first part of the "grab after a
#. * delay of <spin button> seconds".
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:406
msgid "Grab _after a delay of"
-msgstr "ààà a ààà"
+msgstr "ààà ààààààà àààà ààààà àààà (_a)"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:444
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:452
msgid "Take Screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà ààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:453
msgid "Effects"
-msgstr "Effects"
+msgstr "àààààààààà"
#: ../src/screenshot-interactive-dialog.c:458
msgid "Take _Screenshot"
-msgstr "àààààà ààà"
+msgstr "ààààààààààà ààà (_S)"
#: ../src/screenshot-utils.c:723
msgid "Error loading the help page"
-msgstr "àààààà àààààà"
+msgstr "àààà àààààà à'à ààààà àààààà"
#~ msgid "Error while saving screenshot"
-#~ msgstr "àààààà ààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
+#~ msgstr "ààààààààààà ààààààà àààààà àààààà"
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