[gedit] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit 59fee2d156866e1aa43f701ce6ff8f949ade30b3
Author: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>
Date:   Mon Aug 6 21:14:12 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  718 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 520 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 3f4af82..4646d29 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -15,16 +15,15 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gedit master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 17:15+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-25 15:09+0900\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gedit&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-06 03:27+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-06 20:17+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 #: ../data/gedit.desktop.in.in.h:1
@@ -56,27 +55,16 @@ msgid "Use Default Font"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããäã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Whether to use the system's default fixed width font for editing text "
-"instead of a font specific to gedit. If this option is turned off, then the "
-"font named in the \"Editor Font\" option will be used instead of the system "
-msgstr ""
-"gedit ãæåãããããããäããããããããããããããããããçéãäçã"
-"ããã \"ãããããããããã\" ããããããæåãããããããäçããããã"
+msgid "Whether to use the system's default fixed width font for editing text instead of a font specific to gedit. If this option is turned off, then the font named in the \"Editor Font\" option will be used instead of the system font."
+msgstr "gedit ãæåãããããããäããããããããããããããããããçéãäçãããããããæåããããããããããããçåãããååãããããããããããããã \"ãããããããããã\" ããããããæåãããããããäçããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
 msgid "Editor Font"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"A custom font that will be used for the editing area. This will only take "
-"effect if the \"Use Default Font\" option is turned off."
-msgstr ""
-"çééåãäçãããããããããããæåããããããã \"ãããããããããã"
-"ãäã\" ããããããçåãããããååãããåæãããããã"
+msgid "A custom font that will be used for the editing area. This will only take effect if the \"Use Default Font\" option is turned off."
+msgstr "çééåãäçãããããããããããæåããããããã \"ãããããããããããäã\" ããããããçåãããããååãããåæãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
 msgid "Style Scheme"
@@ -84,97 +72,62 @@ msgstr "ããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
 msgid "The ID of a GtkSourceView Style Scheme used to color the text."
-msgstr ""
-"æååãèãäããéãäçãã GtkSourceView ããããããèãããããã ID ã"
+msgstr "æååãèãäããéãäçãã GtkSourceView ããããããèãããããã ID ããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
 msgid "Create Backup Copies"
 msgstr "ããããããããããäæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"Whether gedit should create backup copies for the files it saves. You can "
-"set the backup file extension with the \"Backup Copy Extension\" option."
-msgstr ""
-"\"ããããããããããæåå\" ãããããããããããããããããæååãèå"
+msgid "Whether gedit should create backup copies for the files it saves. You can set the backup file extension with the \"Backup Copy Extension\" option."
+msgstr "ãããããäåããæãããããããããããäæãããããããæåãããã\"ããããããããããæåå\" ãããããããããããããããããæååãèåãããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
 msgid "Autosave"
 msgstr "èåäå"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Whether gedit should automatically save modified files after a time "
-"interval. You can set the time interval with the \"Autosave Interval\" "
-msgstr ""
-"æåæéåãåæãããããããã gedit ãèåçãäåãããããããæåãã"
-"ãã\"èåäåãéé\" ããããããæéãèåããããã"
+msgid "Whether gedit should automatically save modified files after a time interval. You can set the time interval with the \"Autosave Interval\" option."
+msgstr "æåæéåãåæãããããããã gedit ãèåçãäåãããããããæåãããã\"èåäåãéé\" ããããããæéãèåããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
 msgid "Autosave Interval"
 msgstr "èåäåãéé"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
-msgid ""
-"Number of minutes after which gedit will automatically save modified files. "
-"This will only take effect if the \"Autosave\" option is turned on."
-msgstr ""
-"åæããããããã gedit ãèåçãäåãããããæé(ååä)ãããããã "
-"\"èåäå\" ããããããæåãååããåæãããããã"
+msgid "Number of minutes after which gedit will automatically save modified files. This will only take effect if the \"Autosave\" option is turned on."
+msgstr "åæããããããã gedit ãèåçãäåãããããæé(ååä)ãããããã \"èåäå\" ããããããæåãååããåæãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
 msgid "Undo Actions Limit (DEPRECATED)"
 msgstr "\"åãæã\" åäãéå (éæå)"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of actions that gedit will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1"
-"\" for unlimited number of actions. Deprecated since 2.12.0"
-msgstr ""
-"gedit ã \"åãæã\" ã \"ããçã\" ããããããåäãæåæãæåããã "
-"(çåéãããååã \"-1\") (ããããã GNOME 2.12.0 ããéæåããããã"
+msgid "Maximum number of actions that gedit will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1\" for unlimited number of actions. Deprecated since 2.12.0"
+msgstr "gedit ã \"åãæã\" ã \"ããçã\" ããããããåäãæåæãæåããã (çåéãããååã \"-1\") (ããããã GNOME 2.12.0 ããéæåãããããã)ã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
 msgid "Maximum Number of Undo Actions"
 msgstr "\"åãæã\" ãæååæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:16
-msgid ""
-"Maximum number of actions that gedit will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1"
-"\" for unlimited number of actions."
-msgstr ""
-"gedit ã \"åãæã\" ããã \"ããçã\" ããããããåäãåæãæååãæ"
-"åããã (çåéãããååã \"-1\")ã"
+msgid "Maximum number of actions that gedit will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1\" for unlimited number of actions."
+msgstr "gedit ã \"åãæã\" ããã \"ããçã\" ããããããåäãåæãæååãæåããã (çåéãããååã \"-1\")ã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
 msgid "Line Wrapping Mode"
 msgstr "èãæãèãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:18
-msgid ""
-"Specifies how to wrap long lines in the editing area. Use \"none\" for no "
-"wrapping, \"word\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"char\" for "
-"wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-"
-"sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
-msgstr ""
-"çééååãéãèããããããæãèãããæåããããæãèãããååã "
-"\"none\"ãåèãåçãæãèãååã \"word\"ããããæåãåçãæãèãåå"
-"ã \"char\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããã"
+msgid "Specifies how to wrap long lines in the editing area. Use \"none\" for no wrapping, \"word\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"char\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "çééååãéãèããããããæãèãããæåããããæãèãããååã \"none\"ãåèãåçãæãèãååã \"word\"ããããæåãåçãæãèãååã \"char\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããããããããèèããããããèçããããçèããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:19
 msgid "Tab Size"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:20
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the number of spaces that should be displayed instead of Tab "
+msgid "Specifies the number of spaces that should be displayed instead of Tab characters."
 msgstr "ããæåãäãããèçããããããããæãæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:21
@@ -238,32 +191,16 @@ msgid "Smart Home End"
 msgstr "ãããã [Home]/[End]"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:36
-msgid ""
-"Specifies how the cursor moves when the HOME and END keys are pressed. Use "
-"\"disabled\" to always move at the start/end of the line, \"after\" to move "
-"to the start/end of the line the first time the keys are pressed and to the "
-"start/end of the text ignoring whitespaces the second time the keys are "
-"pressed, \"before\" to move to the start/end of the text before moving to "
-"the start/end of the line and \"always\" to always move to the start/end of "
-"the text instead of the start/end of the line."
-msgstr ""
-"[Home]/[End] ãããæäããæããããããåããæåãããã\"disabled\" ãæ"
-"åãããåãèãåé/æåããããããçåãã\"after\" ãæåããããããåã"
-"ååãåé/ççããããããçåãã\"before\" ãæåãããèãåé/æåãçå"
-"ããåãäææååãåé/ççããããããçåãã\"always\" ãæåãããèã"
+msgid "Specifies how the cursor moves when the HOME and END keys are pressed. Use \"disabled\" to always move at the start/end of the line, \"after\" to move to the start/end of the line the first time the keys are pressed and to the start/end of the text ignoring whitespaces the second time the keys are pressed, \"before\" to move to the start/end of the text before moving to the start/end of the line and \"always\" to always move to the start/end of the text instead of the start/end of the line."
+msgstr "[Home]/[End] ãããæäããæããããããåããæåãããã\"disabled\" ãæåãããåãèãåé/æåããããããçåãã\"after\" ãæåããããããåããæäããæãèãåé/æåãçåãäåçãæäããããããããããããéãæååãåé/ççããããããçåãã\"before\" ãæåãããèãåé/æåãçåããåãäææååãåé/ççããããããçåãã\"always\" ãæåãããèãåé/æåããããåãæååãåé/ççããããããçåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:37
 msgid "Restore Previous Cursor Position"
 msgstr "äåãããããããäçãæã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
-msgid ""
-"Whether gedit should restore the previous cursor position when a file is "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Whether gedit should restore the previous cursor position when a file is loaded."
+msgstr "ãããããèãèããæãèæããããããããäçãæãããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:39
 msgid "Enable Syntax Highlighting"
@@ -278,8 +215,7 @@ msgid "Enable Search Highlighting"
 msgstr "æçæãåèèçãæåããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:42
-msgid ""
-"Whether gedit should highlight all the occurrences of the searched text."
+msgid "Whether gedit should highlight all the occurrences of the searched text."
 msgstr "æçããæãäèããæååããããåèèçãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:43
@@ -287,8 +223,7 @@ msgid "Ensure Trailing Newline"
 msgstr "æåãåãæè"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:44
-msgid ""
-"Whether gedit will ensure that documents always end with a trailing newline."
+msgid "Whether gedit will ensure that documents always end with a trailing newline."
 msgstr "ãããããããæåãåãæèããããããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:45
@@ -304,24 +239,15 @@ msgid "Notebook Show Tabs Mode"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããèç"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:48
-msgid ""
-"Specifies when to show the notebook tabs. Use \"never\" to never show the "
-"tabs, \"always\" to always show the tabs, and \"auto\" to show the tabs only "
-"when there is more than one tab. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so "
-"make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
-msgstr ""
-"ããååèçãååãããããæåãããããããäåèçãããååã \"never"
-"\"ãåãèçããååã \"always\"ã2 ãääãããåèãããããããèçããå"
-"åã \"auto\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææããããããã"
+msgid "Specifies when to show the notebook tabs. Use \"never\" to never show the tabs, \"always\" to always show the tabs, and \"auto\" to show the tabs only when there is more than one tab. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "ããååèçãååãããããæåãããããããäåèçãããååã \"never\"ãåãèçããååã \"always\"ã2 ãääãããåèãããããããèçããååã \"auto\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããããããããèèããããããèçããããçèããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:49
 msgid "Status Bar is Visible"
 msgstr "ããããããããèç"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:50
-msgid ""
-"Whether the status bar at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
+msgid "Whether the status bar at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
 msgstr "çéããããããäåãããããããããèçãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:51
@@ -329,8 +255,7 @@ msgid "Side panel is Visible"
 msgstr "ãããããããèçãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:52
-msgid ""
-"Whether the side panel at the left of editing windows should be visible."
+msgid "Whether the side panel at the left of editing windows should be visible."
 msgstr "çéããããããååããããããããèçããããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:53
@@ -338,11 +263,8 @@ msgid "Maximum Recent Files"
 msgstr "\"æèäãããããã\" ãèçããæåæ"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:54
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the maximum number of recently opened files that will be displayed "
-"in the \"Recent Files\" submenu."
-msgstr ""
-"\"æèäãããããã\" ããããããããèçãããããããæåæãæåãããã"
+msgid "Specifies the maximum number of recently opened files that will be displayed in the \"Recent Files\" submenu."
+msgstr "\"æèäãããããã\" ããããããããèçãããããããæåæãæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:55
 msgid "Print Syntax Highlighting"
@@ -350,8 +272,7 @@ msgstr "åèèçãåå"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:56
 msgid "Whether gedit should print syntax highlighting when printing documents."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããååããéãææãåèèçãååãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:57
 msgid "Print Header"
@@ -366,37 +287,23 @@ msgid "Printing Line Wrapping Mode"
 msgstr "ååæãèãæãèãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:60
-msgid ""
-"Specifies how to wrap long lines for printing. Use \"none\" for no wrapping, "
-"\"word\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"char\" for wrapping at "
-"individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so "
-"make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
-msgstr ""
-"ååããéãéãèããããããæãèãããæåããããæãèãããååã "
-"\"none\"ãåèãåçãæãèãååã \"word\"ããããæåãåçãæãèãåå"
-"ã \"char\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããã"
+msgid "Specifies how to wrap long lines for printing. Use \"none\" for no wrapping, \"word\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"char\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "ååããéãéãèããããããæãèãããæåããããæãèãããååã \"none\"ãåèãåçãæãèãååã \"word\"ããããæåãåçãæãèãååã \"char\" ãäããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããããããããèèããããããååããããçèããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:61
 msgid "Print Line Numbers"
 msgstr "èçåãåå"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:62
-msgid ""
-"If this value is 0, then no line numbers will be inserted when printing a "
-"document. Otherwise, gedit will print line numbers every such number of "
-msgstr ""
-"ããåã 0 ãååããããããããååããæãèçåãæåãããããããäåã"
-"ååã gedit ãèçåãååãããã"
+msgid "If this value is 0, then no line numbers will be inserted when printing a document. Otherwise, gedit will print line numbers every such number of lines."
+msgstr "ããåã 0 ãååããããããããååããæãèçåãæåãããããããäåãååã gedit ãèçåãååãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:63
 msgid "Body Font for Printing"
 msgstr "ååæãææãäããããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:64
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the font to use for a document's body when printing documents."
+msgid "Specifies the font to use for a document's body when printing documents."
 msgstr "ãããããããååããéãææãäçãããããããæåãããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:65
@@ -404,62 +311,61 @@ msgid "Header Font for Printing"
 msgstr "ååæããããããäçãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:66
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the font to use for page headers when printing a document. This "
-"will only take effect if the \"Print Header\" option is turned on."
-msgstr ""
-"ã \"ãããããåå\" ããããããæåãååããåæãããããã"
+msgid "Specifies the font to use for page headers when printing a document. This will only take effect if the \"Print Header\" option is turned on."
+msgstr "ãããããããååããéãããããããããäçãããããããæåããããããã \"ãããããåå\" ããããããæåãååããåæãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:67
 msgid "Line Number Font for Printing"
 msgstr "ååæãèçåãäçãããããã"
 #: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:68
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only "
-"take effect if the \"Print Line Numbers\" option is non-zero."
-msgstr ""
-"ååããéãèçåãäçãããããããæåããããããã \"èçåãåå\" ã"
-"ããããã 0 äåãååããåæãããããã"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:69
+msgid "Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only take effect if the \"Print Line Numbers\" option is non-zero."
+msgstr "ååããéãèçåãäçãããããããæåããããããã \"èçåãåå\" ãããããã 0 äåãååããåæãããããã"
+#. Translators: This is the sorted list of encodings used by gedit
+#. for automatic detection of the file encoding. You may want to customize it adding
+#. encodings that are common in your country, for instance the GB18030 encoding
+#. for the Chinese translation. You may also want to remove the ISO-8859-15 encoding
+#. (covering English and most Western European languages) if you think people
+#. in you country will rarely use it.
+#. "CURRENT" is a magic value used by gedit and it represents the encoding
+#. for the current locale, so please don't translate the "CURRENT" term.
+#. Only recognized encodings are used.
+#. See http://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit/tree/gedit/gedit-encodings.c#n152 for
+#. a list of supported encodings
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:80
+msgid "['UTF-8', 'CURRENT', 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-16']"
+msgstr "['UTF-8', 'CURRENT', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'SHIFT_JIS', 'EUC-JP']"
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:81
 msgid "Automatically Detected Encodings"
 msgstr "èåæåããããããããããã"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:70
-msgid ""
-"Sorted list of encodings used by gedit for automatically detecting the "
-"encoding of a file. \"CURRENT\" represents the current locale encoding. Only "
-"recognized encodings are used."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããããããããèåæåããéã gedit ãäçãããããããããã"
-"ããããããã\"CURRENT\" ãçåäçãããããããããèããããèèãããã"
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:82
+msgid "Sorted list of encodings used by gedit for automatically detecting the encoding of a file. \"CURRENT\" represents the current locale encoding. Only recognized encodings are used."
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããèåæåããéã gedit ãäçããããããããããããããããã\"CURRENT\" ãçåäçãããããããããèããããèèããããããããããããäçããããã"
+#. Translators: This is the list of encodings shown by default in the Character Encoding
+#. menu in open/save file selector. Only recognized encodings are displayed.
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:85
+msgid "['ISO-8859-15']"
+msgstr "['ISO-8859-15']"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:71
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:86
 msgid "Encodings shown in menu"
 msgstr "ãããããèçãããããããããã"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:72
-msgid ""
-"List of encodings shown in the Character Encoding menu in open/save file "
-"selector. Only recognized encodings are used."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:87
+msgid "List of encodings shown in the Character Encoding menu in open/save file selector. Only recognized encodings are used."
+msgstr "éã/äåãããããéæããããããæåãããããããããããããäãèçãããããããããããããããããèèããããããããããããäçãããã"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:73
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:88
 msgid "Active plugins"
 msgstr "åçåèãããããã"
-#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:74
-msgid ""
-"List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active plugins. "
-"See the .gedit-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
-msgstr ""
-"åçåèãããããããäèããããããããã \"åæ\" ãåãããããæåãã"
-"ãããããã \"åæ\" ãåããã .gedit-plugin ãããããåçããããããã"
+#: ../data/org.gnome.gedit.gschema.xml.in.in.h:89
+msgid "List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .gedit-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "åçåèãããããããäèããããããããã \"åæ\" ãåãããããæåãããããããã \"åæ\" ãåããã .gedit-plugin ãããããåçããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-app.c:222
 msgid "There was an error displaying the help."
@@ -487,35 +393,24 @@ msgstr "èå"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:414
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "äåããããã%ldçåãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:423
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last minute will be permanently lost."
 msgstr "äåããããã1ååãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:429
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld second will be "
-"permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
-"permanently lost."
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "äåããããã1å %ldçåãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:439
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minutes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "äåããããã%ldååãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:454
@@ -524,20 +419,14 @@ msgstr "äåããããã1æéåãããåæååãååãåã
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:460
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minute will be "
-"permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will be "
-"permanently lost."
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "äåããããã1æé %dååãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:475
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"If you don't save, changes from the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
+msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "äåããããã%dæéåãããåæååãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:519
@@ -564,11 +453,8 @@ msgstr[0] "%dåãããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "There is %d document with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"There are %d documents with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"ããäåãããããããããããã %dåãããããéããåãããããäåããã"
+msgid_plural "There are %d documents with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "ããäåãããããããããããã %dåãããããéããåãããããäåãããã?"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:733
 msgid "Docum_ents with unsaved changes:"
@@ -596,9 +482,7 @@ msgid "Display list of possible values for the encoding option"
 msgstr "åçåèãããããããããããããããåäèãèçãã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-command-line.c:270
-msgid ""
-"Set the character encoding to be used to open the files listed on the "
-"command line"
+msgid "Set the character encoding to be used to open the files listed on the command line"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããäçããæåãããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-command-line.c:271
@@ -649,8 +533,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"'%s --help' ãåçåèããããããããããããããããããäèãèçããã"
+"'%s --help' ãåçåèããããããããããããããããããäèãèçãããã\n"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:272
 #, c-format
@@ -677,7 +560,7 @@ msgstr "ãããã \"%s\" ãèãèãåçããã"
 msgid "Do you want to try to replace it with the one you are saving?"
 msgstr "ãããããããäæããããããã?"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:570 ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:270
+#: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:570 ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:283
 msgid "_Replace"
 msgstr "çæ(_R)"
@@ -687,12 +570,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããäåããæãåçãããããã?"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:613
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The file \"%s\" was previously saved as plain text and will now be saved "
-"using compression."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããã %s ãäåãããããããããäåãããããããããäåãåçãããã"
+msgid "The file \"%s\" was previously saved as plain text and will now be saved using compression."
+msgstr "ãããã %s ãäåãããããããããäåãããããããããäåãåçããããäåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:615
 msgid "_Save Using Compression"
@@ -704,12 +583,8 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããããããäåãããã?"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:620
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The file \"%s\" was previously saved using compression and will now be saved "
-"as plain text."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããã %s ãäååçããããäåãããããããããäåãããããããããã"
+msgid "The file \"%s\" was previously saved using compression and will now be saved as plain text."
+msgstr "ãããã %s ãäååçããããäåãããããããããäåããããããããããäåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:622
 msgid "_Save As Plain Text"
@@ -736,35 +611,24 @@ msgstr "åæéåãäåãããããåããããããã '%s' ãæ
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1227
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "%ldçåãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1236
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last minute will be permanently lost."
 msgstr "1ååãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1242
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld second will be "
-"permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
-"permanently lost."
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "1å %ldçåãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1252
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %ld minutes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "%ldååãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1267
@@ -773,20 +637,14 @@ msgstr "1æéåãçéããããããããããåæãååãå
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1273
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minute will be "
-"permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minutes will be "
-"permanently lost."
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minutes will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "1æé %dååãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1288
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Changes made to the document in the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
 msgstr[0] "%dæéåãçéããããããããããåæãååãåããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1314
@@ -795,8 +653,7 @@ msgstr "æã(_R)"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-help.c:88
 msgid "gedit is a small and lightweight text editor for the GNOME Desktop"
-msgstr ""
-"gedit ã GNOME ããããããçãäãããååèéããããããããããããã"
+msgstr "gedit ã GNOME ããããããçãäãããååèéããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-commands-help.c:113
 msgid "translator-credits"
@@ -830,7 +687,7 @@ msgstr "1 ãæãæçãçæãèããããã"
 msgid "\"%s\" not found"
 msgstr "\"%s\" ãèããããããããã"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-document.c:1222 ../gedit/gedit-document.c:1248
+#: ../gedit/gedit-document.c:1221 ../gedit/gedit-document.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unsaved Document %d"
 msgstr "çéäããããããã %d"
@@ -1060,9 +917,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããæçãããããåæãããããããããã
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:242
 msgid "The location of the file cannot be accessed because it is not mounted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããæçãããããåæãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:246
 #, c-format
@@ -1076,21 +931,13 @@ msgstr "%s ãéåãåæããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:289
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Host %s could not be found. Please check that your proxy settings are "
-"correct and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"ããã %s ãèãããããããããããããããèåãæãããçèãããããäå"
+msgid "Host %s could not be found. Please check that your proxy settings are correct and try again."
+msgstr "ããã %s ãèãããããããããããããããèåãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:304
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Hostname was invalid. Please check that you typed the location correctly and "
-"try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Hostname was invalid. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "ãããåãééããããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:312
 #, c-format
@@ -1131,12 +978,8 @@ msgid "Edit Any_way"
 msgstr "ååçãçéãã(_W)"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:608
-msgid ""
-"The number of followed links is limited and the actual file could not be "
-"found within this limit."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The number of followed links is limited and the actual file could not be found within this limit."
+msgstr "ããããæãåéãããåéããããããããåéåãèããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:612
 msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to open the file."
@@ -1161,12 +1004,8 @@ msgid "There was a problem opening the file %s."
 msgstr "ãããã %s ãéãããéãããããççããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:629
-msgid ""
-"The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing "
-"this file you could corrupt this document."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing this file you could corrupt this document."
+msgstr "éãããããããæããããæåãåããããããããããããããçéãçããããããææãåããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:632
 msgid "You can also choose another character encoding and try again."
@@ -1180,8 +1019,7 @@ msgstr "ãããã %s ãæåãããããããã %s ãéãããã
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:643
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:717
 msgid "Select a different character encoding from the menu and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããåãæåãããããããããéæãããããäååèããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:653
 #, c-format
@@ -1194,12 +1032,8 @@ msgid "Could not save the file %s using the %s character encoding."
 msgstr "ãããã %s ãæåãããããããã %s ãäåããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:715
-msgid ""
-"The document contains one or more characters that cannot be encoded using "
-"the specified character encoding."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The document contains one or more characters that cannot be encoded using the specified character encoding."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããæåããæåãããããããããèãããæåãäãääåããããããã"
 #. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
 #. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
@@ -1213,11 +1047,8 @@ msgid "This file (%s) is already open in another gedit window."
 msgstr "ãããããã (%s) ãæãåã gedit ããããããäãéãããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:815
-msgid ""
-"gedit opened this instance of the file in a non-editable way. Do you want to "
-"edit it anyway?"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "gedit opened this instance of the file in a non-editable way. Do you want to edit it anyway?"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããçéäåããããéãããããçéãçèãããã?"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:873
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:971
@@ -1242,9 +1073,7 @@ msgstr "ãããã %s ãåæããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:910
 msgid "If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããäåãããåéãããåæããããåãããããååçãäåãããã?"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:998
 #, c-format
@@ -1257,87 +1086,47 @@ msgid "Could not create a temporary backup file while saving %s"
 msgstr "%s ãäåããéãäæçããããããããããããäæããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1020
-msgid ""
-"gedit could not back up the old copy of the file before saving the new one. "
-"You can ignore this warning and save the file anyway, but if an error occurs "
-"while saving, you could lose the old copy of the file. Save anyway?"
-msgstr ""
-"gedit ãæãããããããäåããåãåãããããããããããããããããäæ"
+msgid "gedit could not back up the old copy of the file before saving the new one. You can ignore this warning and save the file anyway, but if an error occurs while saving, you could lose the old copy of the file. Save anyway?"
+msgstr "gedit ãæãããããããäåããåãåãããããããããããããããããäæãããããããããããããèåãçèãããããããååçãäåãããããåèããããäåäãããããççãããåããããããååãåãåèæããããããããããäåãããã?"
 #. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1080
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"gedit cannot handle %s locations in write mode. Please check that you typed "
-"the location correctly and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"åæ %s ãæãèãããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããã"
+msgid "gedit cannot handle %s locations in write mode. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "åæ %s ãæãèãããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1088
-msgid ""
-"gedit cannot handle this location in write mode. Please check that you typed "
-"the location correctly and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "gedit cannot handle this location in write mode. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "ããåæãæãèãããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1097
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"%s is not a valid location. Please check that you typed the location "
-"correctly and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"åæ %s ãééããããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããã"
+msgid "%s is not a valid location. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "åæ %s ãééããããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1104
-msgid ""
-"You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check "
-"that you typed the location correctly and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "ãããããããäåãããããåèãæéãããããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1110
-msgid ""
-"There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space "
-"and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space and try again."
+msgstr "ãããããããäåããããååãçãåéãããããããçãåéãåããããããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1115
-msgid ""
-"You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you "
-"typed the location correctly and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "èãèãåçãããããããããããäåããããããããããååããåæãæãããçèãããããäååèããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1121
 msgid "A file with the same name already exists. Please use a different name."
 msgstr "ååããããããååããããåãååãããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1126
-msgid ""
-"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of "
-"the file names. Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of the file names. Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr "äååãããããããæåãããããããåãéããåéãããããããããçãããããåãããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1133
-msgid ""
-"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file "
-"sizes. Please try saving a smaller file or saving it to a disk that does not "
-"have this limitation."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file sizes. Please try saving a smaller file or saving it to a disk that does not have this limitation."
+msgstr "äååãããããããããããããããåéããããããåãããããããäåããããããåéããããããããäåããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1149
 #, c-format
@@ -1371,10 +1160,8 @@ msgid "Some invalid chars have been detected while saving %s"
 msgstr "%s ãäåäãäæãæåãããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:1294
-msgid ""
-"If you continue saving this file you can corrupt the document.  Save anyway?"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "If you continue saving this file you can corrupt the document.  Save anyway?"
+msgstr "ãããããããäåãçèããããææãåãããããããããããããçãããã?"
 #. Keep in sync with the respective GtkActions
 #: ../gedit/gedit-notebook-popup-menu.c:172 ../gedit/gedit-ui.h:140
@@ -1399,9 +1186,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããéããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:423
 msgid "Click on this button to select the font to be used by the editor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããäçãããããããéæããååãããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:438
 #, c-format
@@ -1411,9 +1196,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããåååãããã (%s) ãäã(_U)"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Directory '%s' could not be created: g_mkdir_with_parents() failed: %s"
-msgstr ""
-"'%s' ãããããããããçæãããããããã: g_mkdir_with_parents() ãåæ: %"
+msgstr "'%s' ãããããããããçæãããããããã: g_mkdir_with_parents() ãåæ: %s"
 #: ../gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:860
 msgid "The selected color scheme cannot be installed."
@@ -1697,12 +1480,12 @@ msgid "The preview of a page in the document to be printed"
 msgstr "ååããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #. ex:set ts=8 noet:
-#: ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:207 ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.ui.h:1
+#: ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:220 ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.ui.h:1
 #: ../gedit/gedit-window.c:1557
 msgid "Replace"
 msgstr "çæ"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:269
+#: ../gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:282
 msgid "Replace _All"
 msgstr "ãããçæ(_A)"
@@ -2114,22 +1897,22 @@ msgstr "ãããããã(_B)"
 msgid "Show or hide the bottom panel in the current window"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããèç/éèçãåãæããã"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1017
+#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1033
 msgid "Please check your installation."
 msgstr "gedit ããããããããçèããããããã"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1075
+#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to open UI file %s. Error: %s"
 msgstr "UI ãããã %s ãéãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1094
+#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1110
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to find the object '%s' inside file %s."
 msgstr "ããããããã '%s' ã %s ããããããããäãããããããããã"
 #. Translators: '/ on <remote-share>'
-#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1316
+#: ../gedit/gedit-utils.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "/ on %s"
 msgstr "%s ã / (ããã)"
@@ -2301,12 +2084,8 @@ msgid "There is a new version of gedit"
 msgstr "gedit ãæãããããããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/checkupdate/gedit-check-update-plugin.c:321
-msgid ""
-"You can download the new version of gedit by clicking on the download button "
-"or ignore that version and wait for a new one"
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããããæããæãããããããã gedit ããããããããããããã"
+msgid "You can download the new version of gedit by clicking on the download button or ignore that version and wait for a new one"
+msgstr "ããããããããããæããæãããããããã gedit ããããããããããããããããããããçèããæãããåããããããããã"
 #. ex:set ts=8 noet:
 #: ../plugins/checkupdate/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.checkupdate.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
@@ -2325,12 +2104,8 @@ msgid "Document Statistics"
 msgstr "ãããããããçè"
 #: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.plugin.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Analyzes the current document and reports the number of words, lines, "
-"characters and non-space characters in it."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Analyzes the current document and reports the number of words, lines, characters and non-space characters in it."
+msgstr "ãããããããèæãããåèãèãæåãéããããæåãæãæåãããçæãèçãããã"
 #: ../plugins/docinfo/gedit-docinfo-plugin.c:427
 msgid "_Document Statistics"
@@ -2430,12 +2205,8 @@ msgid "Whether to use the system font"
 msgstr "ãããããããããäããããã"
 #: ../plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"If true, the external tools will use the desktop-global standard font if "
-"it's monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
-msgstr ""
-"ãã true ããããåéããããããããããææã monospace ãããããããã "
-"monospace (ããããäãäãããããããã) ãäãããã"
+msgid "If true, the external tools will use the desktop-global standard font if it's monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
+msgstr "ãã true ããããåéããããããããããææã monospace ãããããããã monospace (ããããäãäãããããããã) ãäãããã"
 #: ../plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
 #: ../plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
@@ -2741,12 +2512,8 @@ msgid "(Empty)"
 msgstr "(ç)"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3467
-msgid ""
-"The renamed file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
-"settings to make the file visible"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The renamed file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the file visible"
+msgstr "æããååããããããããããããæèãããèçãããããããããããããããèçããããããããããèåãèæããããããã"
 #. Translators: This is the default name of new files created by the file browser pane.
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3711
@@ -2754,12 +2521,8 @@ msgid "file"
 msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3739
-msgid ""
-"The new file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
-"settings to make the file visible"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The new file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the file visible"
+msgstr "æãããããããããããããæèãããèçãããããããããããããããèçããããããããããèåãèæããããããã"
 #. Translators: This is the default name of new directories created by the file browser pane.
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3770
@@ -2767,12 +2530,8 @@ msgid "directory"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3795
-msgid ""
-"The new directory is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
-"settings to make the directory visible"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The new directory is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the directory visible"
+msgstr "æããååãããããããããããããæèãããèçããããããããããããããããèçããããããããããèåãèæããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:733
 msgid "Bookmarks"
@@ -2909,12 +2668,8 @@ msgid "Open With Tree View"
 msgstr "ãããèçãéã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Open the tree view when the file browser plugin gets loaded instead of the "
-"bookmarks view"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Open the tree view when the file browser plugin gets loaded instead of the bookmarks view"
+msgstr "ããããåçããããããèãèããéããããããããèçãããããããèçãéãããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
 msgid "File Browser Root Directory"
@@ -2922,26 +2677,16 @@ msgstr "ããããåçãããããããããããã"
 # (pofilter) accelerators: accelerator _ is missing from translation
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The file browser root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin "
-"and onload/tree_view is TRUE."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããåçããããããèãèãã onload/tree_view ã TRUE ãååããããã"
+msgid "The file browser root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin and onload/tree_view is TRUE."
+msgstr "ããããåçããããããèãèãã onload/tree_view ã TRUE ãååãããããåçãããããããããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
 msgid "File Browser Virtual Root Directory"
 msgstr "ããããåçããããäæçããããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"The file browser virtual root directory to use when loading the file browser "
-"plugin when onload/tree_view is TRUE. The virtual root must always be below "
-"the actual root."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããåçããããããèãèãã onload/tree_view ã TRUE ãååããããã"
+msgid "The file browser virtual root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin when onload/tree_view is TRUE. The virtual root must always be below the actual root."
+msgstr "ããããåçããããããèãèãã onload/tree_view ã TRUE ãååãããããåçããããããåçããäæçããããããããããæåããããããäæããããããåãåéãããããããäåãããããããããæåããããããã"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
 msgid "Enable Restore of Remote Locations"
@@ -2956,42 +2701,24 @@ msgid "Set Location to First Document"
 msgstr "åããéããããããããåæãèå"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"If TRUE the file browser plugin will view the directory of the first opened "
-"document given that the file browser hasn't been used yet. (Thus this "
-"generally applies to opening a document from the command line or opening it "
-"with Nautilus, etc.)"
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããåããéããããããããããããããããããããããåçããã"
-"èçãããããããããããããããããéãååã Nautilus ããããããããã"
+msgid "If TRUE the file browser plugin will view the directory of the first opened document given that the file browser hasn't been used yet. (Thus this generally applies to opening a document from the command line or opening it with Nautilus, etc.)"
+msgstr "TRUE ãããããåããéããããããããããããããããããããããåçããããããããäãããããããããããããããèçãããã(ãããããããæèãäèçãããããããããããããããããéãååã Nautilus ãããããããããããéãéãåäãããã)"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
 msgid "File Browser Filter Mode"
 msgstr "ããããåçããããããããã (ããã)"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
-msgid ""
-"This value determines what files get filtered from the file browser. Valid "
-"values are: none (filter nothing), hide-hidden (filter hidden files) and "
-"hide-binary (filter binary files)."
-msgstr ""
-"å: none (ãããããããã)ãhide-hidden (éããããããããããããã)ã"
-"hide-binary (ãããããããããããããããã)"
+msgid "This value determines what files get filtered from the file browser. Valid values are: none (filter nothing), hide-hidden (filter hidden files) and hide-binary (filter binary files)."
+msgstr "ããããåçãããããããããããèçããããããããæåããããæååèãå: none (ãããããããã)ãhide-hidden (éããããããããããããã)ãhide-binary (ãããããããããããããããã)"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
 msgid "File Browser Filter Pattern"
 msgstr "ããããåçããããããããã (ãããã)"
 #: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
-msgid ""
-"The filter pattern to filter the file browser with. This filter works on top "
-"of the filter_mode."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããåçããããããããããããããããããããã filter_mode ãåéãæ"
+msgid "The filter pattern to filter the file browser with. This filter works on top of the filter_mode."
+msgstr "ããããåçããããããããããããããããããããã filter_mode ãåéãæèãããã"
 #: ../plugins/modelines/modelines.plugin.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid "Modelines"
@@ -3018,12 +2745,8 @@ msgid "The error color text"
 msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"If true, the terminal will use the desktop-global standard font if it's "
-"monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
-msgstr ""
-"ãã true ããããçæãããããããææã monospace ãããããããã "
-"monospace (ããããäãäãããããããã) ãäãããã"
+msgid "If true, the terminal will use the desktop-global standard font if it's monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
+msgstr "ãã true ããããçæãããããããææã monospace ãããããããã monospace (ããããäãäãããããããã) ãäãããã"
 #: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui.h:1
 msgid "C_ommand color:"
@@ -3148,12 +2871,8 @@ msgstr "éæããããããããåéããã"
 #. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(3)
 #: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/manager.py:663
-msgid ""
-"This is not a valid Tab trigger. Triggers can either contain letters or a "
-"single (non-alphanumeric) character like: {, [, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"ããã [Tab] ãããããããããååãããããããããããããæåãããéèæ"
-"æå(ä: {, [ ãã) ãäãããåãããããããããã"
+msgid "This is not a valid Tab trigger. Triggers can either contain letters or a single (non-alphanumeric) character like: {, [, etc."
+msgstr "ããã [Tab] ãããããããããååãããããããããããããæåãããéèææå(ä: {, [ ãã) ãäãããåãããããããããã"
 #. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(0)
 #: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/manager.py:670
@@ -3238,9 +2957,7 @@ msgstr "(æããããããããããååãããããã)"
 #: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/placeholder.py:602
 #, python-format
-msgid ""
-"Execution of the Python command (%s) exceeds the maximum time, execution "
+msgid "Execution of the Python command (%s) exceeds the maximum time, execution aborted."
 msgstr "Python ãããã (%s) ãåèãããããããããããäæããã"
 #: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/placeholder.py:610
@@ -3597,12 +3314,8 @@ msgid "Prompt Type"
 msgstr "ãããããåå"
 #: ../plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"If the user should be prompted for a format or if the selected or custom "
-"format should be used."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "If the user should be prompted for a format or if the selected or custom format should be used."
+msgstr "æåããããããããããããæåãæåããããéæãããæåããããããæåãæäãæéãæåããããã"
 #: ../plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
 msgid "Selected Format"
@@ -3657,29 +3370,14 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgid "External Tools Manager"
 #~ msgstr "åéããããããããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "List of VFS schemes gedit supports in write mode. The 'file' scheme is "
-#~ "writable by default."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "gedit ãæãèããããããããããã VFS ãäãããã'file' ããããããã"
-#~ "ãããããæãèãåèããã"
+#~ msgid "List of VFS schemes gedit supports in write mode. The 'file' scheme is writable by default."
+#~ msgstr "gedit ãæãèããããããããããã VFS ãäãããã'file' ããããããããããããæãèãåèããã"
 #~ msgid "Writable VFS schemes"
 #~ msgstr "æãèãåèã VFS ãããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Style for the toolbar buttons. Possible values are \"system\" to use the "
-#~ "system's default style, \"icons\" to display icons only, \"icons-and-text"
-#~ "\" to display both icons and text, and \"icons-both-horiz\" to display "
-#~ "prioritized text beside icons. Note that the values are case-sensitive, "
-#~ "so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ãããããããããããããããæåããããåèãåãããããããããããã"
-#~ "ãããããäã \"system\" ããããããããèçãã \"icons\"ããããããã"
-#~ "ãããäæãèçãã \"icons-and-text\"ããããããããããããååçãã"
-#~ "ããããèçãã \"icons-both-horiz\" ããããããåãåæååæåãååã"
-#~ "ããããææãããããããããããããèèããããããèçããããçèãã"
-#~ "ããããã"
+#~ msgid "Style for the toolbar buttons. Possible values are \"system\" to use the system's default style, \"icons\" to display icons only, \"icons-and-text\" to display both icons and text, and \"icons-both-horiz\" to display prioritized text beside icons. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããæåããããåèãåãããããããããããããããããäã \"system\" ããããããããèçãã \"icons\"ããããããããããäæãèçãã \"icons-and-text\"ããããããããããããååçããããããèçãã \"icons-both-horiz\" ããããããåãåæååæåãååãããããææãããããããããããããèèããããããèçããããçèããããããã"
 #~ msgid "Toolbar Buttons Style"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
@@ -4127,8 +3825,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgstr "accept åæ (ãããããããåãäãããããããããããããMIMEå)"
 #~ msgid "List of supported character sets"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "accept-charset åæ (ããããåçããããåãäãèãæåçååãããã)"
+#~ msgstr "accept-charset åæ (ããããåçããããåãäãèãæåçååãããã)"
 #~ msgid "Listing"
 #~ msgstr "listing èç"
@@ -4422,8 +4119,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgstr "sqrt èç"
 #~ msgid "Standby load message"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "standby åæ (object èçããããäããããããããäçãããããããã)"
+#~ msgstr "standby åæ (object èçããããäããããããããäçãããããããã)"
 #~ msgid "Starting sequence number"
 #~ msgstr "start åæ (ol èçãåæãæåãéçãçå)"
@@ -4785,12 +4481,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgid "Unbreakable text"
 #~ msgstr "Unbreakable text"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Provides a method to easily insert commonly used tags/strings into a "
-#~ "document without having to type them."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããåçãããããæååãããããããäããããããããããæåããæèã"
-#~ "æäãããã"
+#~ msgid "Provides a method to easily insert commonly used tags/strings into a document without having to type them."
+#~ msgstr "ããåçãããããæååãããããããäããããããããããæåããæèãæäãããã"
 #~ msgid "Tag list"
 #~ msgstr "ãããäè"
@@ -4861,21 +4553,11 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgid "Sans 8"
 #~ msgstr "Sans 8"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Whether gedit should highlight the bracket matching the selected one."
+#~ msgid "Whether gedit should highlight the bracket matching the selected one."
 #~ msgstr "gedit ãéæããæåãååããæåãåèèçããããããããã"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Whether the bottom panel at the bottom of editing windows should be "
-#~ "visible."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "çéããããããäåãããããããããèçãããããããæåãããã"
-#~ msgid "[ISO-8859-15]"
-#~ msgstr "[ISO-8859-15]"
-#~ msgid "[UTF-8,CURRENT,ISO-8859-15,UTF-16]"
-#~ msgstr "[UTF-8,CURRENT,ISO-2022-JP,SHIFT_JIS,EUC-JP]"
+#~ msgid "Whether the bottom panel at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
+#~ msgstr "çéããããããäåãããããããããèçãããããããæåãããã"
 #~ msgid "Automatic Indentation"
 #~ msgstr "èåããããã"
@@ -4943,12 +4625,8 @@ msgstr "ãããããèéããgedit ãäçãããææããããã
 #~ msgid "Backup Copy Extension"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããæåå"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Extension or suffix to use for backup file names. This will only take "
-#~ "effect if the \"Create Backup Copies\" option is turned on."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ããããããããããåãäãããæååãæåããããããã \"ãããããã"
-#~ "ããããäæ\" ããããããæåããããããååããåæãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Extension or suffix to use for backup file names. This will only take effect if the \"Create Backup Copies\" option is turned on."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããåãäãããæååãæåããããããã \"ããããããããããäæ\" ããããããæåããããããååããåæãããããã"
 #~ msgid "Character Codings"
 #~ msgstr "ãããããããã"

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