[seahorse] Updated Japanese translation

commit 18142f5b1edaece4cd1dd231dc775dfd3a2b24b6
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>
Date:   Sat Sep 17 12:53:53 2011 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation

 po/ja.po | 2096 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 files changed, 991 insertions(+), 1105 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 9d9b138..919038f 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: seahorse master\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-22 10:51+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 02:40+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Takayuki KUSANO <AE5T-KSN asahi-net or jp>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-15 08:07+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 08:24+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation gnome gr jp>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -20,336 +20,6 @@ msgstr ""
 "Language: ja\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-daemon.c:64
-msgid "Do not run seahorse-daemon as a daemon"
-msgstr "seahorse-daemon ãããããåããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-daemon.c:94
-msgid "couldn't fork process"
-msgstr "åãããããçæãããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-daemon.c:100
-msgid "couldn't create new process group"
-msgstr "æããããããããããããçæãããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-daemon.c:250
-msgid "Encryption Daemon (Seahorse)"
-msgstr "æåéãããã (Seahorse)"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service.c:164 ../daemon/seahorse-service.c:277
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid or unrecognized key type: %s"
-msgstr "éãçéãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service.c:234
-#, c-format
-msgid "This keytype is not supported: %s"
-msgstr "ããããããéãããããããããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service.c:241
-#, c-format
-msgid "Support for this feature was not enabled at build time"
-msgstr "ããæèããããæãæååããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service.c:341 ../daemon/seahorse-service-keyset.c:180
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-keyset.c:223
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid or unrecognized key: %s"
-msgstr "éãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: <key id='xxx'> is a custom markup tag, do not translate.
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:204
-#, c-format
-msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/> <b>expired</b></i> on %s."
-msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>æéåã</b>ã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:205
-msgid "Invalid Signature"
-msgstr "ããããçåãã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:211
-#, c-format
-msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/></i> on %s <b>Expired</b>."
-msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>æéåã</b>ã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:212
-msgid "Expired Signature"
-msgstr "æéåããçåãã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:218
-#, c-format
-msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/> <b>Revoked</b></i> on %s."
-msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>ååãã</b><i><key id='%1$s'/>ãçåãããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:219
-msgid "Revoked Signature"
-msgstr "ååããçå"
-#. TRANSLATORS: <key id='xxx'> is a custom markup tag, do not translate.
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:225
-#, c-format
-msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/></i> on %s."
-msgstr "%2$s ããã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:226
-msgid "Good Signature"
-msgstr "èãçåãã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:231
-msgid "Signing key not in keyring."
-msgstr "çåçãéãããããããäãããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:232
-msgid "Unknown Signature"
-msgstr "äæãçåãã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:236
-msgid "Bad or forged signature. The signed data was modified."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããçåãããåéãããçåãã (çåããããããåæãããããã)"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:237
-msgid "Bad Signature"
-msgstr "ããããçåãã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:245
-msgid "Couldn't verify signature."
-msgstr "çåãèèãããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:317
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:646
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid or unrecognized signer: %s"
-msgstr "çåèãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:324
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:653
-#, c-format
-msgid "Key is not valid for signing: %s"
-msgstr "çåãåããéãæåãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:335
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid or unrecognized recipient: %s"
-msgstr "ååäãééããããããããèèããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:343
-#, c-format
-msgid "Key is not a valid recipient for encryption: %s"
-msgstr "æååãåããååãååäããããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:352
-#, c-format
-msgid "No recipients specified"
-msgstr "ååäãæåããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:434
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid key type for decryption: %s"
-msgstr "èèããéãçéãééããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:548
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:746
-#, c-format
-msgid "Please set clearuri"
-msgstr "clearuri ãèåãããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:554
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:752
-#, c-format
-msgid "Please set crypturi"
-msgstr "crypturi ãèåãããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:564
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening clearuri"
-msgstr "clearuri ãéãããããããççãããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:641
-#, c-format
-msgid "No signer specified"
-msgstr "çåèãæåããããããã"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-crypto.c:830
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid key type for verifying: %s"
-msgstr "æèããéãçéãééããããã: %s"
-#: ../daemon/seahorse-service-keyset.c:273
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid key id: %s"
-msgstr "éã ID ãééããããã: %s"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A list of key server URIs to search for remote PGP keys. In later versions a "
-"display name can be included, by appending a space and then the name."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããã PGP éãæçããéãããã URI ãäããããæãããããããããç"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:2
-msgid "Auto Retrieve Keys"
-msgstr "éãèååå"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:3
-msgid "Auto Sync Keys"
-msgstr "éãèåçãåæãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:4
-msgid "Controls the visibility of the expires column for the key manager."
-msgstr "éããããããæéãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:5
-msgid "Controls the visibility of the trust column for the key manager."
-msgstr "éããããããäçåããããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:6
-msgid "Controls the visibility of the type column for the key manager."
-msgstr "éããããããçéãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:7
-msgid "Controls the visibility of the validity column for the key manager."
-msgstr "éããããããæåæãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:8
-msgid "Enable DNS-SD sharing"
-msgstr "DNS-SD åæãæåããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:9
-msgid ""
-"Enables DNS-SD (Apple Bonjour) sharing of keys. seahorse-daemon must be "
-"running and must be built with HKP and DNS-SD support."
-msgstr ""
-"éã DNS-SD (ããããã Bonjour) ãäããåæããããseahorse-daemon ã HKP "
-"ã DNS-SD ããããäãããããããããåã seahorse-daemon ãèåããããåè"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid "ID of the default key"
-msgstr "ããããããéã ID"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid ""
-"If set to true, then files encrypted with seahorse will be ASCII armor "
-msgstr ""
-"TRUE ãããããseahorse ãæååããããããã ASCII äèãããããããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:12
-msgid ""
-"If set to true, then the default key will always be added to an encryption "
-"recipients list."
-msgstr "TRUE ãããããåãããããããéãæåãååääèãèåããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "Last key server search pattern"
-msgstr "æåãäçããéããããæçãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "Last key servers used"
-msgstr "æåãäçããéããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:15
-msgid "Last key used to sign a message."
-msgstr "ããããããçåããéãäçããæåãéããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:16
-msgid "PGP Key servers"
-msgstr "PGP éããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:17
-msgid "Publish keys to this key server."
-msgstr "ããéããããéãåéãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:18
-msgid "Show expires column in key manager"
-msgstr "éããããããäã \"æé\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:19
-msgid "Show trust column in key manager"
-msgstr "éããããããäã \"äçå\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:20
-msgid "Show type column in key manager"
-msgstr "éããããããäã \"çé\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:21
-msgid "Show validity column in key manager"
-msgstr "éããããããäã \"æåæ\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:22
-msgid ""
-"Specify the column to sort the recipients window by. Columns are: 'name' and "
-"'id'. Put a '-' in front of the column name to sort in descending order."
-msgstr ""
-"ååäããããããèçããéçãäãæãæåããããæååèãéç: 'name' "
-"ã 'id' (åéçãåéã '-' ãääãããééãäããã)"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:23
-msgid ""
-"Specify the column to sort the seahorse key manager main window by. Columns "
-"are: 'name', 'id', 'validity', 'expires', 'trust', and 'type'. Put a '-' in "
-"front of the column name to sort in descending order."
-msgstr ""
-"Seahorse éããããããããããããããããèçããéçãæåããããæååè"
-"ãéç: 'name'ã'id'ã'validity'ã'expires'ã'trust'ã'length' ã 'type' (å"
-"éçãåéã '-' ãäãããééãäããã)"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:24
-msgid "The ID of the last secret key used to sign a message."
-msgstr "ããããããçåãæåãäçããçåéã ID ããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:25
-msgid "The column to sort the recipients by"
-msgstr "ååäãããããããèçããæå"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:26
-msgid "The column to sort the seahorse keys by"
-msgstr "Seahorse éããããããèçããæå"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:27
-msgid ""
-"The key server to publish PGP keys to. Or empty to suppress publishing of "
-"PGP keys."
-msgstr "PGP éãåéããéããããããçãããã PGP éãåéãçæãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:28
-msgid ""
-"The last key server a search was performed against or empty for all key "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:29
-msgid "The last search pattern searched for against a key server."
-msgstr "éããããåããæåãåæããæçããããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:30
-msgid ""
-"This specifies the default key to use for certain operations, mainly signing."
-msgstr "äãçåãããæäãäçããããããããéãæåãããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:31
-msgid "Whether or not keys should be automatically retrieved from key servers."
-msgstr "éãããããèåçãéãååããããããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:32
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not modified keys should be automatically synced with the default "
-"key server."
-msgstr "åæããéãèåçãããããããéããããåæããããããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:33
-msgid "Whether to always encrypt to default key"
-msgstr "åãããããããéãæååãããããã"
-#: ../data/seahorse.schemas.in.h:34
-msgid "Whether to use ASCII Armor"
-msgstr "ASCII äèãäçãããããã"
 #: ../gkr/seahorse-add-keyring.xml.h:1
 msgid "Add Password Keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããèå"
@@ -370,9 +40,9 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:5
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.xml.h:3
 msgid "The host name or address of the server."
-msgstr "ãããããããåã IP-ãããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããåã IP-ãããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-add-item.c:61 ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-add-keyring.c:73
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-add-item.c:61 ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-add-keyring.c:72
 msgid "Couldn't add keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããèåãããããããã"
@@ -381,7 +51,7 @@ msgid "Add Password"
 msgstr "ããããããèå"
 #: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-add-item.xml.h:2
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:15 ../pgp/seahorse-revoke.xml.h:5
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:12 ../pgp/seahorse-revoke.xml.h:5
 msgid "_Description:"
 msgstr "èè(_D):"
@@ -397,196 +67,173 @@ msgstr "ããããã(_P):"
 msgid "_Show Password"
 msgstr "ããããããèç(_S)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item.c:473
-msgid "Web Password"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item.c:475
-msgid "Network Password"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item.c:477 ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:107
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-commands.c:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't delete."
+msgid "Couldn't delete item"
+msgstr "åéãããããããã"
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-commands.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the password '%s'?"
 msgstr "æåããããããã '%s' ãåéãããã?"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-commands.c:81
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-commands.c:103
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %d password?"
 msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to delete %d passwords?"
 msgstr[0] "æåã%dåãããããããåéãããã?"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:66
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-commands.c:114
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Deleting item..."
+msgid "Deleting item"
+msgid_plural "Deleting items"
+msgstr[0] "ãããããåéä..."
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:70
 msgid "Access a network share or resource"
 msgstr "ããããããåæããããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:69
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:73
 msgid "Access a website"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:72
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:76
 msgid "Unlocks a PGP key"
 msgstr "PGP éãèé"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:75
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:79
 msgid "Unlocks a Secure Shell key"
 msgstr "SSH éãèé"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:78
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:82
 msgid "Saved password or login"
 msgstr "ããããããäåããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:102
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:106
 msgid "Network Credentials"
 msgstr "ãããããããèææ"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:245
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:111
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:211
 msgid "Couldn't change password."
 msgstr "ããããããåæãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:350
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:256
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:377
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Listing passwords"
+msgid "Updating password"
+msgstr "ãããããåååã"
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:337
 msgid "Couldn't set description."
 msgstr "èæãèåãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.c:656
-msgid "Couldn't set application access."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããæåãããããããã"
 #: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:1
 msgid "<b>Password:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>ããããã:</b>"
 #: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:2
-msgid "<b>Path:</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ããå:</b>"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:3
-msgid "<b>Permissions:</b>"
-msgstr "<b>æé:</b>"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:4
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:8
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:7
 msgid "<b>Technical Details:</b>"
 msgstr "<b>èç:</b>"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:5
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:6
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:3
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:22
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:19
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:15
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:7
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:4
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-subkey.c:366
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:17
 msgid "Key"
 msgstr "é"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:8
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:5
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:30
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:30
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:18
 msgid "Key Properties"
 msgstr "éãããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:9
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:6
 msgid "Login:"
 msgstr "ããããå:"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:10
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:7
 msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "ãããå:"
+msgstr "ããããå:"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:11
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:8
 msgid "Show pass_word"
 msgstr "ããããããååãèçãã(_W)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:12
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:9
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:44
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:38
 msgid "Type:"
 msgstr "çé:"
 #. To translators: This is the noun not the verb.
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:14
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:11
 msgid "Use:"
 msgstr "äççç:"
-#. To translators: This is the infinitive not the imperative.
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:17
-msgid "_Read"
-msgstr "èãèã(_R)"
-#. To translators: This is the infinitive not the imperative.
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:19
-msgid "_Write"
-msgstr "æãèã(_W)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-item-properties.xml.h:20
-msgctxt "infinitive"
-msgid "_Delete"
-msgstr "åé(_D)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring.c:193
-msgid "Listing passwords"
-msgstr "ãããããåååã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring.c:354
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring.c:120
 #, c-format
 msgid "Passwords: %s"
 msgstr "ããããã: %s"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring.c:355
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "<b>Passwords:</b> %s"
 msgstr "<b>ããããã:</b> %s"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:119
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:113
 msgid "Password Keyring"
 msgstr "ãããããçãããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:120
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:114
 msgid "Used to store application and network passwords"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããäçããããããããäçããéãäçããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:121
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:115
 msgid "Stored Password"
 msgstr "äåãããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:122
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:116
 msgid "Safely store a password or secret."
 msgstr "ããããããçåéãååãäåããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:136
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:128
 msgid "Couldn't unlock keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããããããèéãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:177
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:165
 msgid "Couldn't lock keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:218
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:202
 msgid "Couldn't set default keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããæåãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:257
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:239
 msgid "Couldn't change keyring password"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããåæãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:288
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:268
 msgid "_Lock"
 msgstr "ããã(_L)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:289
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:269
 msgid ""
 "Lock the password storage keyring so a master password is required to unlock "
@@ -594,37 +241,50 @@ msgstr ""
 "ããããããäçãããããããããããããããããã (ããããèéããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:290
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:270
 msgid "_Unlock"
 msgstr "ããããèé(_U)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:291
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:271
 msgid ""
 "Unlock the password storage keyring with a master password so it is "
 "available for use."
 msgstr "ããããããäçããããããããããããããèéããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:292
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:272
 msgid "_Set as default"
 msgstr "ãããããããã(_S)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:293
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:273
 msgid "Applications usually store new passwords in the default keyring."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããäçããææãããããããæåããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:294
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:274
 msgid "Change _Password"
 msgstr "ããããããåæ(_P)"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:295
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:275
 msgid "Change the unlock password of the password storage keyring"
 msgstr "ããããããããããèéããéãåèãããããããåæããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:360
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:340
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't delete subkey"
+msgid "Couldn't delete keyring"
+msgstr "åéãåéãããããããã"
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:358
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the password keyring '%s'?"
 msgstr "æåã '%s' ããããããããçããããããåéãããã?"
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-keyring-commands.c:368
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Deleting keyring..."
+msgid "Deleting keyring"
+msgid_plural "Deleting keyrings"
+msgstr[0] "ããããããåéä..."
 #. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #. * PUBLIC
@@ -647,266 +307,196 @@ msgstr "ããããããããããã"
 msgid "_Name:"
 msgstr "åå(_N):"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:168
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:52 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme.c:73
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:662 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:193
+msgid "The operation was cancelled"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:57
 msgid "Access to the key ring was denied"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããæåããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:171
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:60
 msgid "The gnome-keyring daemon is not running"
 msgstr "gnome-keyring ãããããèåããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:174
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:63
 msgid "The key ring has already been unlocked"
 msgstr "ããããããããæãããããèéãããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:177
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:66
 msgid "No such key ring exists"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããååãããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:180
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:69
 msgid "Couldn't communicate with key ring daemon"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããéäãããããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:183
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:72
 msgid "The item already exists"
 msgstr "ãããããããæãçéãããããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:189
+#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:78
 msgid "Internal error accessing gnome-keyring"
 msgstr "gnome-keyring ãããããããéãåéããããççãããã"
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:238 ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:264
-msgid "Saving item..."
-msgstr "ãããããäåä..."
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:300
-msgid "Deleting item..."
-msgstr "ãããããåéä..."
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-operation.c:325
-msgid "Deleting keyring..."
-msgstr "ããããããåéä..."
-#: ../gkr/seahorse-gkr-source.c:234
-msgid "Listing password keyrings"
-msgstr "ããããããåååã"
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui.c:272
-msgid ""
-"No encryption keys were found with which to perform the operation you "
-"requested.  The program <b>Passwords and Encryption Keys</b> will now be "
-"started so that you may either create a key or import one."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:174
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:179
-msgid "All Keys"
-msgstr "ããããéããæç"
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:175
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:180
-msgid "Selected Recipients"
-msgstr "éæããååäããæç"
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:176
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:181
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "çæããæç"
-#. Filter Label
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:192
-msgid "Search _for:"
-msgstr "æç(_F):"
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:250
-msgid "None (Don't Sign)"
-msgstr "ãã (çåããã)"
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:263
-#, c-format
-msgid "Sign this message as %s"
-msgstr "%s ãäããããããããçåãã"
-#. Sign Label
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-chooser.c:285
-msgid "_Sign message as:"
-msgstr "æãéãäããããããããçåãã(_S):"
-#. TODO: Icons
-#. The name column
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-list.c:140
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:839
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:865
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "åå"
-#. The keyid column
-#: ../libcryptui/cryptui-key-list.c:145
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1745
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:877
-msgid "Key ID"
-msgstr "éã ID"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:325
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:317
 msgid "Display flags"
 msgstr "èçããæäãæå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:326
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:318
 msgid "Displayed date and/or time properties"
 msgstr "èçããæäãæåãæåãæåããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:331
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:323
 msgid "Lazy mode"
 msgstr "æäãæèåãããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:332
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:324
 msgid "Lazy mode doesn't normalize entered date and time values"
 msgstr "ååããæäãæåãåãæèåããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:337
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:329
 msgid "Year"
 msgstr "å"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:338
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:330
 msgid "Displayed year"
 msgstr "èçããæä (å) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:343
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:335
 msgid "Month"
 msgstr "æ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:344
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:336
 msgid "Displayed month"
 msgstr "èçããæä (æ) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:349
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:341
 msgid "Day"
 msgstr "æ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:350
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:342
 msgid "Displayed day of month"
 msgstr "èçããæä (æ) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:355
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:347
 msgid "Hour"
 msgstr "æ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:356
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:348
 msgid "Displayed hour"
 msgstr "èçããæé (æ) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:361
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:353
 msgid "Minute"
 msgstr "å"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:362
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:354
 msgid "Displayed minute"
 msgstr "èçããæé (å) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:367
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:359
 msgid "Second"
 msgstr "ç"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:368
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:360
 msgid "Displayed second"
 msgstr "èçããæé (ç) ãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:373
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:365
 msgid "Lower limit year"
 msgstr "æåå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:374
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:366
 msgid "Year part of the lower date limit"
 msgstr "èçããåãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:379
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:371
 msgid "Upper limit year"
 msgstr "æåå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:380
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:372
 msgid "Year part of the upper date limit"
 msgstr "èçããåãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:385
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:377
 msgid "Lower limit month"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:386
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:378
 msgid "Month part of the lower date limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:391
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:383
 msgid "Upper limit month"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:392
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:384
 msgid "Month part of the upper date limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:397
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:389
 msgid "Lower limit day"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:398
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:390
 msgid "Day of month part of the lower date limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:403
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:395
 msgid "Upper limit day"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:404
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:396
 msgid "Day of month part of the upper date limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:409
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:401
 msgid "Lower limit hour"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:410
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:402
 msgid "Hour part of the lower time limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:415
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:407
 msgid "Upper limit hour"
 msgstr "æåæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:416
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:408
 msgid "Hour part of the upper time limit"
 msgstr "èçããæãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:421
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:413
 msgid "Lower limit minute"
 msgstr "æåå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:422
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:414
 msgid "Minute part of the lower time limit"
 msgstr "èçããåãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:427
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:419
 msgid "Upper limit minute"
 msgstr "æåå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:428
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:420
 msgid "Minute part of the upper time limit"
 msgstr "èçããåãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:433
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:425
 msgid "Lower limit second"
 msgstr "æåç"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:434
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:426
 msgid "Second part of the lower time limit"
 msgstr "èçããçãæååãã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:439
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:431
 msgid "Upper limit second"
 msgstr "æåç"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:440
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:432
 msgid "Second part of the upper time limit"
 msgstr "èçããçãæååãã"
@@ -915,166 +505,103 @@ msgstr "èçããçãæååãã"
 #. * Do *not* translate it to anything else, if it isn't calendar:week_start:1
 #. * or calendar:week_start:0 it will not work.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:482
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:474
 msgid "calendar:week_start:0"
 msgstr "calendar:week_start:1"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:504
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:496
 msgid "Date"
 msgstr "æä"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:504
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:496
 msgid "Enter the date directly"
 msgstr "æäãçæãããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:511
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:503
 msgid "Select Date"
 msgstr "æäãéæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:511
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:503
 msgid "Select the date from a calendar"
-msgstr "ããããããæäãéæãããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããæäãéæãããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:529 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:2213
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:521 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:2199
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "æå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:529
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:521
 msgid "Enter the time directly"
 msgstr "æåãååãããããã"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:536
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:528
 msgid "Select Time"
 msgstr "æåãéæ"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:536
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:528
 msgid "Select the time from a list"
 msgstr "äèããæåãéæãããããã"
 #. Translators: set this to anything else if you want to use a
 #. * 24 hour clock.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:810
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:793
 msgid "24hr: no"
 msgstr "24hr: no"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:814 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1274
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1278
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:797 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1260
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1264
 msgid "AM"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:816 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1275
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1282
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:799 ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1261
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1268
 msgid "PM"
 msgstr "åå"
 #. Translators: This is hh:mm:ss AM/PM.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:824
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "%02d:%02d:%02d %s"
 msgstr "%4$s%1$02d:%2$02d:%3$02d"
 #. Translators: This is hh:mm AM/PM.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:827
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "%02d:%02d %s"
 msgstr "%3$s%1$02d:%2$02d"
 #. Translators: This is hh:mm:ss.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:831
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:814
 #, c-format
 msgid "%02d:%02d:%02d"
 msgstr "%02d:%02d:%02d"
 #. Translators: This is hh:mm.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:834
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:817
 #, c-format
 msgid "%02d:%02d"
 msgstr "%02d:%02d"
 #. TODO: should handle other display modes as well...
 #. Translators: This is YYYY-MM-DD
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1190
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "%04d-%02d-%02d"
 msgstr "%04d-%02d-%02d"
 #. Translators: This is hh:mm:ss.
-#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1255
+#: ../libegg/egg-datetime.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "%u:%u:%u"
 msgstr "%u:%u:%u"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:165
-#, c-format
-msgid "File is not a valid .desktop file"
-msgstr "ååã .desktop ããããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:188
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unrecognized desktop file Version '%s'"
-msgstr "ããããã '%s' ã .desktop ããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:968
-#, c-format
-msgid "Starting %s"
-msgstr "%sãèåäãã"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1110
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application does not accept documents on command line"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1178
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unrecognized launch option: %d"
-msgstr "äæãèåããããããã: %d"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1383
-#, c-format
-msgid "Can't pass document URIs to a 'Type=Link' desktop entry"
-msgstr "ããããããã URI ã 'Type=Link' ã .desktop ããããããæãããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1404
-#, c-format
-msgid "Not a launchable item"
-msgstr "èååèãããããããããããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:225
-msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæçããã"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:228
-msgid "Specify file containing saved configuration"
-msgstr "èåãäåãããããããæåãã"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:228
-msgid "FILE"
-msgstr "FILE"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:231
-msgid "Specify session management ID"
-msgstr "ãããããççã ID ãæåãã"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:231 ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1314
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:252
-msgid "Session management options:"
-msgstr "ãããããççãããããã:"
-#: ../libegg/eggsmclient.c:253
-msgid "Show session management options"
-msgstr "ãããããççãããããããèçãã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:1
 msgid ":"
 msgstr ":"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:2
 msgid "Add Key Server"
-msgstr "éããããèå"
+msgstr "éãããããèå"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:3
 msgid "Host:"
@@ -1082,109 +609,62 @@ msgstr "ãããå:"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:4
 msgid "Key Server Type:"
-msgstr "éããããçé:"
+msgstr "éãããããçé:"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:6
 msgid "The port to access the server on."
-msgstr "ããããããããããéãäçãããããçåãã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããéãäçãããããçåãã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-add-keyserver.xml.h:7
 msgid "initial temporary item"
 msgstr "åæäæãããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notification.c:576
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notification.c:604
-msgid "Key Imported"
-msgid_plural "Keys Imported"
-msgstr[0] "éãããããããåäãããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notification.c:580
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notification.c:603
-#, c-format
-msgid "Imported %i key"
-msgid_plural "Imported %i keys"
-msgstr[0] " %dåãéãããããããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notification.c:582
-#, c-format
-msgid "Imported a key for"
-msgid_plural "Imported keys for"
-msgstr[0] "æãéãããããããåäãããã: "
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-notify.xml.h:1
-msgid "Notification Messages"
-msgstr "éçããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-object.c:317
-msgid "Symmetric Key"
-msgstr "åçé"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-object.c:320
-msgid "Public Key"
-msgstr "åéé"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-object.c:323
-msgid "Private Key"
-msgstr "çåé"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-object.c:326
-msgid "Credentials"
-msgstr "èææ"
-#. * Translators: "This object is a means of storing items such as
-#. * name, email address, etc. that make up one's digital identity.
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-object.c:333
-msgid "Identity"
-msgstr "èåæå"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:200
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:180
 msgid "Passphrase"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:203
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:480
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:183 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:99
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "ããããã:"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:269
+#. The second and main entry
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-passphrase.c:246
 msgid "Confirm:"
 msgstr "ããããããçè:"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:62
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:68
 msgid "Not a valid Key Server address."
-msgstr "éãããããããããééããããã"
+msgstr "éããããããããããééããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:63
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:69
 msgid ""
 "For help contact your system adminstrator or the administrator of the key "
 msgstr "èçãããããççèãããéãççèãåãåããããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:172
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:183
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:352
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:348
 msgid "Custom"
 msgstr "ããä"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:425
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.c:406
 msgid "None: Don't publish keys"
 msgstr "ãã (éãåéããã)"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:1
 msgid "Automatically retrieve keys from _key servers"
-msgstr "éãããããéãèåçãååãã(_K)"
+msgstr "éããããããéãèåçãååãã(_K)"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:2
 msgid "Automatically synchronize _modified keys with key servers"
-msgstr "åæããéãéããããèåçãåæãã(_M)"
+msgstr "åæããéãéãããããèåçãåæãã(_M)"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:3
 msgid "Key Servers"
-msgstr "éããã"
+msgstr "éãããã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:4
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -1192,60 +672,66 @@ msgstr "èå"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:5
 msgid "_Find keys via:"
-msgstr "éããããäè(_F):"
+msgstr "éãããããäè(_F):"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-prefs.xml.h:6
 msgid "_Publish keys to:"
 msgstr "éãåéå(_P):"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-progress.xml.h:1
-msgid "Progress Title"
-msgstr "éèçæããããã"
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-transfer.c:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Retrieving keys"
+msgid "Retrieving data"
+msgstr "éãååä"
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-transfer.c:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Exporting Keys"
+msgid "Exporting data"
+msgstr "éããããããã"
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-transfer.c:182
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Importing Keys"
+msgid "Importing data"
+msgstr "éãããããã"
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-transfer.c:182
+msgid "Sending data"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-unknown.c:67
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-unknown.c:59
 msgid "Unavailable"
 msgstr "åçäå"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:240
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:259
 msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
 msgstr "%Y-%m-%d"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:519
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:444
 msgid "Key Data"
 msgstr "éãããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:521
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:446
 msgid "Multiple Keys"
 msgstr "èæãé"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:777
-msgid "Couldn't run file-roller"
-msgstr "'file-roller' ãèåãããããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:783
-msgid "Couldn't package files"
-msgstr "ãããããæåãæçãããããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:784
-msgid "The file-roller process did not complete successfully"
-msgstr "'file-roller' ãèåãåæãããã"
 #. Filter for PGP keys. We also include *.asc, as in many
 #. cases that extension is associated with text/plain
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:960
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:734
 msgid "All key files"
 msgstr "ããããéãããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:971 ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:1019
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:745 ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:793
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:242
 msgid "All files"
 msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:1012
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:786
 msgid "Archive files"
 msgstr "æåãããã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:1082
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:856
 msgid ""
 "<b>A file already exists with this name.</b>\n"
@@ -1255,12 +741,12 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:1085
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-util.c:859
 msgid "_Replace"
 msgstr "äæããã(_R)"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:40 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-subkey.c:197
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1133
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1273
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:46
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:40
 msgid "Unknown"
@@ -1268,40 +754,40 @@ msgstr "äæ"
 # åè: http://pgp.iijlab.net/trans/
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:42
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1139
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1279
 msgctxt "Validity"
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "äçããã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:44
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1146
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1286
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:32
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "ããããäçãã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:46
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1152
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1292
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:26
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "ååãäçãã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:48
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1158
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1298
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:45
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "çæãäçãã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:50
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1351
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1491
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "çåããã"
 #: ../libseahorse/seahorse-validity.c:52
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1347
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1487
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "ååæã"
-#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-widget.c:480
+#: ../libseahorse/seahorse-widget.c:461
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not display help: %s"
 msgstr "ããããèçãããããããã: %s"
@@ -1336,11 +822,11 @@ msgstr "æåæéãèåããã(_X)"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-add-uid.xml.h:1
 msgid "Add User ID"
-msgstr "ããã ID ãèå"
+msgstr "ãããã ID ãèå"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-add-uid.xml.h:2
 msgid "Create the new user ID"
-msgstr "æããããã ID ãçæ"
+msgstr "æãããããã ID ãçæ"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-add-uid.xml.h:3 ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:7
 msgid "Full _Name:"
@@ -1378,102 +864,98 @@ msgstr "éãåå"
 msgid "_Never expires"
 msgstr "æåæéãèåããã(_N)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:147
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:162
 msgid "Couldn't add subkey"
 msgstr "åéãèåãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:166
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Add subkey to %s"
 msgstr "%s ãåéãèåãã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:182 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:118
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:197 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:130
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (çåãã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:190
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:205
 msgid "ElGamal (encrypt only)"
 msgstr "ElGamal (æååãã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:196 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:119
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:211 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:131
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (çåãã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:202
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-subkey.c:217
 msgid "RSA (encrypt only)"
 msgstr "RSA (æååãã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-uid.c:85
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-uid.c:100
 msgid "Couldn't add user id"
-msgstr "ããã ID ãèåãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããã ID ãèåãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-uid.c:107
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-add-uid.c:122
 #, c-format
 msgid "Add user ID to %s"
-msgstr "%s ãããã ID ãèåãã"
+msgstr "%s ããããã ID ãèåãã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme.c:72
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme.c:69
 msgid "Decryption failed. You probably do not have the decryption key."
 msgstr "åååãããããããã (ããããååéããæãããããããã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:58
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:65
 msgid "Invalid expiry date"
 msgstr "æåæéãééããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:59
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:66
 msgid "The expiry date must be in the future"
 msgstr "æåæéããåæãæäãæåãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:72
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:79
 msgid "Couldn't change expiry date"
 msgstr "æåæéãåæãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:131
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-expires.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expiry: %s"
 msgstr "æåæé: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:79
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:91
 msgid "PGP Key"
 msgstr "PGP é"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:80
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:92
 msgid "Used to encrypt email and files"
 msgstr "ãããããããããæååããéãäçããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:116 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:9
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:128
 msgid "RSA"
 msgstr "RSA"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:117
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:129
 msgid "DSA Elgamal"
 msgstr "DSA Elgamal"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:135
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:178
 msgid "Couldn't generate PGP key"
 msgstr "PGP éãçæãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:195
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:209
 msgid "Passphrase for New PGP Key"
 msgstr "æãã PGP éããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:196
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:210
 msgid "Enter the passphrase for your new key twice."
 msgstr "æããéããããããããäåååãããããã:"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:205
-msgid "Couldn't generate key"
-msgstr "éãçæãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:207
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-generate.c:219
 msgid "Generating key"
 msgstr "éãçæä"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-key-op.c:301
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-key-op.c:370
 msgid "Wrong password"
 msgstr "ããããããééããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-key-op.c:301
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-key-op.c:370
 msgid "This was the third time you entered a wrong password. Please try again."
 msgstr "ééããããããããååãããã3åçãããååèããããããã"
@@ -1515,65 +997,71 @@ msgstr "ãããã JPEG ãããã"
 msgid "Choose Photo to Add to Key"
 msgstr "éãçéããçåãéæ"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:290 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:294
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:278
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't add photo"
+msgid "Couldn't prepare photo"
+msgstr "çåãçéãããããããã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:288 ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:292
 msgid "Couldn't add photo"
 msgstr "çåãçéãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:291
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:289
 msgid "The file could not be loaded. It may be in an invalid format"
 msgstr ""
 "ãããããèãèããããããã (ãããããããééããããããããããã)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:320
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:318
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the current photo from your key?"
 msgstr "æåãããéãçéããçåãéãããããããããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:333
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-photos.c:331
 msgid "Couldn't delete photo"
 msgstr "çåãåéãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:70
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:75
 msgid "Couldn't revoke subkey"
 msgstr "åéãååãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:91
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:96
 #, c-format
 msgid "Revoke: %s"
 msgstr "åå: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:102
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:107
 msgid "No reason"
 msgstr "ççãã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:103
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:108
 msgid "No reason for revoking key"
 msgstr "éãååãããççãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:109
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:114
 msgid "Compromised"
 msgstr "ææ"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:110
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:115
 msgid "Key has been compromised"
 msgstr "éãææããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:116
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:121
 msgid "Superseded"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:117
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:122
 msgid "Key has been superseded"
 msgstr "éãååããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:123
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:128
 msgid "Not Used"
 msgstr "æäç"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:124
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:129
 msgid "Key is no longer used"
 msgstr "éãåçããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:161
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are about to add %s as a revoker for %s. This operation cannot be "
@@ -1582,11 +1070,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ã %s ã Revoker (åå) ãããèåããããããããããããåçãåãæãã"
 "ããããã! çèãããããããããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:173
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-revoke.c:178
 msgid "Couldn't add revoker"
 msgstr "Revoker ãèåãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:99
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:101
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This key was already signed by\n"
@@ -1595,183 +1083,148 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:103
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:105
 msgid "Couldn't sign key"
 msgstr "éãçåãããããããã"
 #. TODO: We should be giving an error message that allows them to
 #. generate or import a key
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:157 ../pgp/seahorse-signer.c:61
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:161 ../pgp/seahorse-signer.c:61
 msgid "No keys usable for signing"
 msgstr "çåãåçãããéããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:158
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-sign.c:162
 msgid ""
 "You have no personal PGP keys that can be used to indicate your trust of "
 "this key."
 msgstr "ããéãäçåãèãããäçããåäçã PGP éããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:102
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:86
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wrong passphrase."
 msgstr "ãããããããééããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:106
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "Enter new passphrase for '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ãæãããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:108
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:92
 #, c-format
 msgid "Enter passphrase for '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:111
-#: ../src/seahorse-change-passphrase.xml.h:4
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:95 ../src/seahorse-change-passphrase.xml.h:4
 msgid "Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "æãããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:113
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:97
 msgid "Enter passphrase"
 msgstr "ãããããããååãããããã"
-#. TODO: We can use the GPGME progress to make this more accurate
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:725
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loaded %d key"
 msgid_plural "Loaded %d keys"
 msgstr[0] " %dåãéãèãèãããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:780
-msgid "Loading Keys..."
-msgstr "éãèãèãä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:823
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:649
 msgid ""
 "Invalid key data (missing UIDs). This may be due to a computer with a date "
 "set in the future or a missing self-signature."
 msgstr ""
-"éããããééããããã (UID ãããããã)ãããããããããããæäãææã"
+"éããããééããããã (UID ãããããã)ããããããããããããæäãææ"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:913 ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:544
-msgid "Importing Keys"
-msgstr "éãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-source.c:949
-msgid "Exporting Keys"
-msgstr "éããããããã"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-gpgme-subkey.c:199
 msgid "ElGamal"
 msgstr "ElGamal"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:387
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:645
+msgid "HTTP Key Server"
+msgstr "HTTP ãéãããã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:680
 #, c-format
 msgid "Search was not specific enough. Server '%s' found too many keys."
 msgstr ""
-"ããã '%s' ããéåããããããéããããããäèããéãçåããããããã"
+"ãããã '%s' ããéåããããããéããããããäèããéãçåãããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:389
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:683
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't communicate with server '%s': %s"
-msgstr "ããã '%s' ãéäãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:671
-msgid "Searching for keys..."
-msgstr "éãæçä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:759
-msgid "Uploading keys..."
-msgstr "éãèãèãä..."
+msgstr "ãããã '%s' ãéäãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:857
-msgid "Retrieving keys..."
-msgstr "éãååä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:987
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:440
 #, c-format
-msgid "Searching for keys on: %s"
-msgstr "æããããããéãæçä: %s"
+msgid "Couldn't communicate with '%s': %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ãéäãããããããã: %s"
-#. The ldap_cb and chain_cb were set in seahorse_ldap_operation_start
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:1072 ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:1154
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:668
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to: %s"
 msgstr "æçä: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c:1184
-msgid "HTTP Key Server"
-msgstr "HTTP ãéããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:459
-#, c-format
-msgid "Couldn't communicate with '%s': %s"
-msgstr "'%s' ãéäãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:641
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:657
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't resolve address: %s"
 msgstr "æããããããèæãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:719
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:701
 #, c-format
 msgid "Resolving server address: %s"
-msgstr "æããããããããããèæããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:955
-#, c-format
-msgid "Searching for keys containing '%s'..."
-msgstr "'%s' ãåãéãæçä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:983
-#, c-format
-msgid "Searching for key id '%s'..."
-msgstr "é (ID='%s') ãæçä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:1089
-msgid "Retrieving remote keys..."
-msgstr "ãããããéãååä..."
+msgstr "æãããããããããããèæããããã: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:1221
-msgid "Sending keys to key server..."
-msgstr "éãéããããèéä..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:1423
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-ldap-source.c:781
 msgid "LDAP Key Server"
-msgstr "LDAP ãéããã"
+msgstr "LDAP ãéãããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:103
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:104
 msgid "_Sign Key..."
 msgstr "éãçåãã(_S)..."
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:103
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:104
 msgid "Sign public key"
 msgstr "åééãçåããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:171
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete %s?"
 msgstr "æåã %s ãããéãææãããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:176
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:179
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete %d keys and identities?"
 msgstr "æåã %dåãéã ID ãææãããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:178
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:181
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete %d keys?"
 msgstr "æåã %dåãéãææãããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:180
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:183
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete %d identities?"
 msgstr "æåã %dåã ID ãææãããã?"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:201 ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:348
+msgid "Couldn't delete user ID"
+msgstr "ãããã ID ãåéãããããããã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:205
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't generate key"
+msgid "Couldn't delete private key"
+msgstr "éãçæãããããããã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-commands.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't delete subkey"
+msgid "Couldn't delete public key"
+msgstr "åéãåéãããããããã"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:1 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:1
 msgid "<b>_Advanced key options</b>"
 msgstr "<b>æåããããã(_A)</b>"
@@ -1793,7 +1246,7 @@ msgstr "çæ(_R)"
 msgid "E_xpiration Date:"
 msgstr "æåæé(_X):"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:6 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:5
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:6 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:4
 msgid "Encryption _Type:"
 msgstr "æååãçé(_T):"
@@ -1801,7 +1254,7 @@ msgstr "æååãçé(_T):"
 msgid "Generate a new key"
 msgstr "æããéãçæããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:9 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:7
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-generate.xml.h:9 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:6
 msgid "Key _Strength (bits):"
 msgstr "éãéã (ããã)(_S):"
@@ -1817,123 +1270,123 @@ msgstr "æãã PGP é"
 msgid "_Comment:"
 msgstr "ãããã(_C):"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key.c:201
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:38
-msgid "Private PGP Key"
-msgstr "åäçãåçãã PGP é"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key.c:572 ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1489
+msgid "Expired"
+msgstr "æéåã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key.c:204
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:34
-msgid "Public PGP Key"
-msgstr "åéçã PGP é"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key.c:583 ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1349
-msgid "Expired"
-msgstr "æéåã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:224
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:319
 msgid "Couldn't change primary user ID"
-msgstr "ããããããããã ID ãåæãããããããã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããã ID ãåæãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:241
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the '%s' user ID?"
-msgstr "æåã '%s' ãããããããææãããã?"
+msgstr "æåã '%s' ããããããããææãããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:251
-msgid "Couldn't delete user ID"
-msgstr "ããã ID ãåéãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:333
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1464
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:433
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1604
 msgid "[Unknown]"
 msgstr "[äæ]"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:426
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1742
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:533
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1885
 msgid "Name/Email"
 msgstr "åå/E-ããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:431
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:538
 msgid "Signature ID"
 msgstr "çåã ID"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:552
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:671
 msgid "Couldn't change primary photo"
 msgstr "ããããããçåãåæãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:775
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:903
 msgid "(unknown)"
 msgstr "(äæ)"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:778
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "This key expired on: %s"
 msgstr "ããéãæåæé: %s"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:946
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:967
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:802
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "åå"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1078
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete subkey %d of %s?"
 msgstr "æåãåé %d (%s) ãååãåéãããã?"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:955
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1087
 msgid "Couldn't delete subkey"
 msgstr "åéãåéãããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:991
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1427
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1127
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1567
 msgid "Unable to change trust"
 msgstr "äçåãåæããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1006 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:291
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:168
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1142 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:298
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:201
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't export key to \"%s\""
 msgstr "\"%s\" ãéããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1035
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:193
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1172
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:225
 msgid "Export Complete Key"
 msgstr "éããããããã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1060
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:215
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1197
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:247
 msgid "Couldn't export key."
 msgstr "éããããããããããããããã"
 # åè: http://pgp.iijlab.net/trans/
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1267
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1356
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1407
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1496
 msgctxt "Expires"
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "æåæéãã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1454
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
 #. The key type column
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1317
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:896
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1457
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:833
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "çé"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1320
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1460
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr "çææã"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1323
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1463
 msgid "Expires"
 msgstr "æåæé"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1326
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1466
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "çæ"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1329
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1469
 msgid "Strength"
 msgstr "åå"
-#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1353
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1493
 msgid "Good"
 msgstr "èã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-key-properties.c:1888
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:814
+msgid "Key ID"
+msgstr "éã ID"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:1
 msgid "<b>Actions</b>"
 msgstr "<b>ããããã</b>"
@@ -2076,6 +1529,10 @@ msgstr "ææè"
 msgid "Primary"
 msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:38
+msgid "Private PGP Key"
+msgstr "åäçãåçãã PGP é"
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-private-key-properties.xml.h:39
 msgid "Remove this photo from this key"
 msgstr "ãããããããåéããã"
@@ -2170,9 +1627,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Marginally"
 msgstr "ããããäçãã"
+#: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:34
+msgid "Public PGP Key"
+msgstr "åéçã PGP é"
 #. Trust column
 #: ../pgp/seahorse-pgp-public-key-properties.xml.h:37
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:890
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:827
 msgid "Trust"
 msgstr "äçå"
@@ -2327,17 +1788,29 @@ msgstr "æãéãäããããããããçåãã(_S):"
 msgid "Certificate"
 msgstr "èææ"
-#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:108
+#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:106
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't delete."
+msgid "Couldn't delete"
+msgstr "åéãããããããã"
+#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the certificate '%s'?"
 msgstr "æåã '%s' ãããèææãåéãããã?"
-#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:111
+#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %d certificate?"
 msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to delete %d certificates?"
 msgstr[0] "æåã%dåãèææãåéãããã?"
+#: ../pkcs11/seahorse-pkcs11-commands.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Deleting..."
+msgid "Deleting"
+msgstr "åéä..."
 #: ../src/seahorse-change-passphrase.xml.h:1
 msgid "Change Passphrase"
 msgstr "ãããããããåæ"
@@ -2358,8 +1831,11 @@ msgstr "æãããããããã(_P):"
 msgid "Manage your passwords and encryption keys"
 msgstr "ããããããæåéãççããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:862
-msgid "Passwords and Encryption Keys"
+#: ../src/seahorse.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:868
+#: ../src/seahorse-main.c:76 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:147
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Passwords and Encryption Keys"
+msgid "Passwords and Keys"
 msgstr "ããããããæåé"
 #: ../src/seahorse-generate-select.xml.h:1
@@ -2374,112 +1850,116 @@ msgstr "çè(_O)"
 msgid "Create New ..."
 msgstr "æãããããããçæ"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:233 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:108
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:251 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Selected %d key"
 msgid_plural "Selected %d keys"
 msgstr[0] " %dåãéãéæãããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:410 ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:470
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:533 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:459
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:431 ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:489
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:550 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:453
 msgid "Couldn't import keys"
 msgstr "éãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:415 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:464
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:433 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:455
 msgid "Imported keys"
 msgstr "éãããããããåäãããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:464
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:484
 msgid "Importing keys"
 msgstr "éããããããä"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:487 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:1017
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:504 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:891
 msgid "Import Key"
 msgstr "éãããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:533
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:550
 msgid "Unrecognized key type, or invalid data format"
 msgstr "éãçéãèèãããããããããããããããããããééããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:731 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:245
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:565
+msgid "Importing Keys"
+msgstr "éãããããã"
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:737 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:254
 msgid "_Remote"
 msgstr "ãããã(_R)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:733
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:739
 msgid "Close this program"
 msgstr "ããããããããçäããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:734
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:740
 msgid "_New..."
 msgstr "æè(_N)..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:735
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:741
 msgid "Create a new key or item"
 msgstr "æããéããããããããçæããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:736
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:742
 msgid "_Import..."
 msgstr "ããããã(_I)..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:737
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:743
 msgid "Import from a file"
 msgstr "ããããããåãèããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:739
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:745
 msgid "Import from the clipboard"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåãèããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:744 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:255
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:750 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:264
 msgid "_Find Remote Keys..."
 msgstr "ãããããéãæç(_F)..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:745 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:256
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:751 ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:265
 msgid "Search for keys on a key server"
-msgstr "éãããããéãæçããã"
+msgstr "éããããããéãæçããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:746
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:752
 msgid "_Sync and Publish Keys..."
 msgstr "éãåéãåæ(_S)..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:747
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:753
 msgid "Publish and/or synchronize your keys with those online."
 msgstr "ããéãåéããããããããéãåæããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:752
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:758
 msgid "T_ypes"
 msgstr "çé(_Y)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:752
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:758
 msgid "Show type column"
 msgstr "\"çé\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:754
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:760
 msgid "_Expiry"
 msgstr "æåæé(_E)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:754
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:760
 msgid "Show expiry column"
 msgstr "\"æåæé\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:756
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:762
 msgid "_Trust"
 msgstr "äçå(_T)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:756
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:762
 msgid "Show owner trust column"
 msgstr "\"äçå\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:758
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:764
 msgid "_Validity"
 msgstr "ååæ(_V)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:758
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:764
 msgid "Show validity column"
 msgstr "\"ååæ\" ãéçãèçãã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:937
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.c:941
 msgid "Filter:"
-msgstr "ãããã:"
+msgstr "ããããã:"
 #: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.xml.h:1
 msgid "<big><b>First time options:</b></big>"
@@ -2505,7 +1985,7 @@ msgstr "äãé(_K)"
 msgid "To get started with encryption you will need keys."
 msgstr "æååãåããããéãåèãã: "
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.xml.h:7 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:523
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager.xml.h:7 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:518
 msgid "_Import"
 msgstr "ããããã(_I)"
@@ -2513,51 +1993,51 @@ msgstr "ããããã(_I)"
 msgid "_Passwords"
 msgstr "ããããã(_P)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:685 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:257
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:610 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:263
 msgid "Couldn't export keys"
 msgstr "éããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:883
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:820
 msgid "Validity"
 msgstr "ååæ"
 #. Expiry date column
-#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:902
+#: ../src/seahorse-key-manager-store.c:839
 msgid "Expiration Date"
 msgstr "æåæé"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:247
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:256
 msgid "Close this window"
 msgstr "ããããããããéããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:248
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:257
 msgid "_Expand All"
 msgstr "ãããåéãã(_E)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:249
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:258
 msgid "Expand all listings"
 msgstr "ããããããããåéããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:250
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:259
 msgid "_Collapse All"
 msgstr "ãããçã(_C)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:251
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:260
 msgid "Collapse all listings"
 msgstr "ããããããããçããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:322
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:331
 msgid "Remote Keys"
 msgstr "ãããããé"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:324
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-results.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote Keys Containing '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ãåããããããé"
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-search.xml.h:1
 msgid "<b>Key Servers:</b>"
-msgstr "<b>éããã:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>éãããã:</b>"
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-search.xml.h:2
 msgid "<b>Shared Keys Near Me:</b>"
@@ -2577,7 +2057,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-search.xml.h:5
 msgid "Where to search:"
-msgstr "æçããéããã:"
+msgstr "æçããéãããã:"
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-search.xml.h:6
 msgid "_Search"
@@ -2587,27 +2067,22 @@ msgstr "æç(_S)"
 msgid "_Search for keys containing: "
 msgstr "æçããéãåå(_S): "
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:45
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:58
 msgid "Couldn't publish keys to server"
-msgstr "éãããããæçãããããããã"
+msgstr "éããããããæçãããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:61
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:77
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't retrieve keys from server: %s"
-msgstr "ãããããéãååãããããããã: %s"
+msgstr "ããããããéãååãããããããã: %s"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:155
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:161
 #, c-format
 msgid "<b>%d key is selected for synchronizing</b>"
 msgid_plural "<b>%d keys are selected for synchronizing</b>"
 msgstr[0] "<b> %dåãéãåæããã</b>"
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:216
-msgid "Synchronizing keys"
-msgstr "éãåæ"
-#. Show the progress window if necessary
-#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:248
+#: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.c:247
 msgid "Synchronizing keys..."
 msgstr "éãåæä..."
@@ -2630,30 +2105,26 @@ msgid ""
 "keys. No key server has been chosen for publishing, so your keys will not be "
 "made available to others."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.xml.h:4
 msgid "_Key Servers"
-msgstr "éããã(_K)"
+msgstr "éãããã(_K)"
 #: ../src/seahorse-keyserver-sync.xml.h:5
 msgid "_Sync"
 msgstr "åæãã(_S)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-main.c:62
+#: ../src/seahorse-main.c:60
 msgid "Version of this application"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-main.c:78 ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:144
-msgid "Encryption Key Manager"
-msgstr "æåéããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:120
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:123
 msgid "Contributions:"
 msgstr "èçè:"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:146
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:149
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "çè æ <takeshi aihana gmail com>\n"
@@ -2662,153 +2133,176 @@ msgstr ""
 "Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <henrich debian or jp>\n"
 "ææGNOMEããããä http://www.gnome.gr.jp/";
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:149
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:152
 msgid "Seahorse Project Homepage"
 msgstr "Seahorse ãããããããããã"
 #. Top menu items
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:169
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:172
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "ãããã(_F)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:170
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:173
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "çé(_E)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:171
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:174
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "èç(_V)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:172
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:175
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "ããã(_H)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:174
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:177
 msgid "Prefere_nces"
 msgstr "èå(_N)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:175
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:178
 msgid "Change preferences for this program"
 msgstr "ããããããããèåãåæããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:178
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:181
 msgid "About this program"
 msgstr "ããããããããæåãèçããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:179
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:182
 msgid "_Contents"
 msgstr "çæ(_C)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:180
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:183
 msgid "Show Seahorse help"
 msgstr "Seahorse ãããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:277
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:284
 msgid "Export public key"
 msgstr "åééããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:297
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:305
 msgid "Exporting keys"
 msgstr "éããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:322
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:334
 msgid "Couldn't retrieve data from key server"
-msgstr "éãããããéããããååãããããããã"
+msgstr "éããããããéããããååãããããããã"
 #. Translators: "Copied" is a verb (used as a status indicator), not an adjective for the word "keys"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:341
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:346
 msgid "Copied keys"
 msgstr "éãããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:361
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:371
 msgid "Retrieving keys"
 msgstr "éãååä"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:376
-msgid "Couldn't delete."
-msgstr "åéãããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:410
-msgid "Deleting..."
-msgstr "åéä..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:436
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a private key. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
 msgstr "%s ãçåéãããããããçèãããããããããã?"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:484
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:480
 msgid "Importing keys from key servers"
-msgstr "éãéãããããããããããã"
+msgstr "éãéããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:510
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:505
 msgid "Show properties"
 msgstr "ããããããèçããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:511
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:506
 msgctxt "This text refers to deleting an item from its type's backing store."
 msgid "_Delete"
 msgstr "åé(_D)"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:512
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:507
 msgid "Delete selected items"
 msgstr "éæãããããããåéããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:516
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:511
 msgid "E_xport..."
 msgstr "ãããããã(_X)..."
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:517
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:512
 msgid "Export to a file"
 msgstr "ãããããæãåããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:519
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:514
 msgid "Copy to the clipboard"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:524
+#: ../src/seahorse-viewer.c:519
 msgid "Import selected keys to local key ring"
 msgstr "éæããéãããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:99
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:60 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:68
 msgid "Enter your Secure Shell passphrase:"
 msgstr "SSH ããããããããååãããããã:"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:85
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:82
+msgid "Old Key Passphrase"
+msgstr "åãéããããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:83
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enter the old passphrase for: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ãåããããããããååãããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:87 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:92
+msgid "New Key Passphrase"
+msgstr "æããéããããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enter the new passphrase for: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ãæãããããããããååãããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-askpass.c:93
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Enter the new passphrase for: %s"
+msgid "Enter the new passphrase again: %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ãæãããããããããååãããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:86
 msgid "Configure Key for _Secure Shell..."
 msgstr "SSH ãéãèå(_S)..."
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:86
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:87
 msgid ""
 "Send public Secure Shell key to another machine, and enable logins using "
 "that key."
 msgstr ""
-"SSH çãéãäããããããããéäãããããäããããããããããããããã"
+"SSH çãéãäãããããããããéäãããããäãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:115
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:118
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the secure shell key '%s'?"
 msgstr "æåã '%s' ããã SSH ãéãåéãããã?"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:118
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %d secure shell keys?"
 msgstr "æåã %dåã SSH çãéãåéãããã?"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:59 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:91
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-commands.c:133
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Couldn't delete subkey"
+msgid "Couldn't delete key"
+msgstr "åéãåéãããããããã"
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:60 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:91
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:95 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:19
 msgid "Secure Shell Key"
 msgstr "ãããããããããé"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:60
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:61
 msgid "Used to access other computers (eg: via a terminal)"
-msgstr "çæããããäããããããããããããããéãäçããã"
+msgstr "çæããããäãããããããããããããããéãäçããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:90
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:115 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:131
 msgid "Couldn't generate Secure Shell key"
 msgstr "SSH çãéãçæãããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:213
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.c:197
 msgid "Creating Secure Shell Key"
 msgstr "SSH çãéãçæ"
@@ -2825,35 +2319,31 @@ msgid ""
 "A Secure Shell (SSH) key lets you connect securely to trusted computers "
 "using SSH, without entering a different password for each of them."
 msgstr ""
-"ãããããããã (SSH) ãéãåçããããSSH ãäããäçãããããããããã"
-"ååãæçãããã (ããããããæãèæãããããããçæããããåèããã"
+"ãããããããã (SSH) ãéãåçããããSSH ãäããäçãããããããããã"
+"ãååãæçãããã (ãããããããæãèæãããããããçæããããåèã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:4
-msgid "DSA"
-msgstr "DSA"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:6
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:5
 msgid ""
 "If there is already a computer you want to use this key with, you can set up "
 "that computer to recognize your key now. "
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããããåãèåããããããã "
+"ããããããããããåãèåããããããã "
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:8
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:7
 msgid "New Secure Shell Key"
 msgstr "æãããããããããããé"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:10
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:8
 msgid "_Create and Set Up"
 msgstr "çæãèå(_C)"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:11
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:9
 msgid "_Just Create Key"
 msgstr "çæãã(_J)"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:12
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-generate.xml.h:10
 msgid "_Key Description:"
 msgstr "éãèæ(_K):"
@@ -2861,27 +2351,15 @@ msgstr "éãèæ(_K):"
 msgid "(Unreadable Secure Shell Key)"
 msgstr "(èãèãããããããã SSH çãé)"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:105
-msgid "Invalid"
-msgstr "ééããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:116
-msgid "Private Secure Shell Key"
-msgstr "åäçããããããããããé"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key.c:119
-msgid "Public Secure Shell Key"
-msgstr "åéåèããããããããããé"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:71
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:79
 msgid "Couldn't rename key."
 msgstr "éãååãåæãããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:112
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:132
 msgid "Couldn't change authorization for key."
 msgstr "éãèèãåæãããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:127
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.c:167
 msgid "Couldn't change passphrase for key."
 msgstr "éããããããããåæãããããããã"
@@ -2920,86 +2398,50 @@ msgstr "éããããããã(_X)"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:20
 msgid "The owner of this key is _authorized to connect to this computer"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããæçããããããéãææèãèèãèã(_A)"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããæçããããããéãææèãèèãèã(_A)"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-key-properties.xml.h:21
 msgid "Used to connect to other computers."
-msgstr "äããããããããæçããéãäçãã"
+msgstr "äãããããããããæçããéãäçãã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:143 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:732
-#, c-format
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:198
 msgid "The SSH command was terminated unexpectedly."
 msgstr "SSH ããããããååçäãããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:151 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:739
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:208
 msgid "The SSH command failed."
 msgstr "SSH ãããããæåãåæãããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:445 ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:477
-msgid "Secure Shell key"
-msgstr "ãããããããããé"
-# åè: 
-# PGP ãéããèèè (http://pgp.iijlab.net/trans/)
-# GPG ã README çè (http://www.hyuki.com/gnu/gnupg-v12-readme.html)
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:448
-msgid "Passphrase:"
-msgstr "ãããããã:"
-#. Just prompt over and over again
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:762
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:518
 msgid "Remote Host Password"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:850
-msgid "Old Key Passphrase"
-msgstr "åãéããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:851
-#, c-format
-msgid "Enter the old passphrase for: %s"
-msgstr "'%s' ãåããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:855
-msgid "New Key Passphrase"
-msgstr "æããéããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:856
-#, c-format
-msgid "Enter the new passphrase for: %s"
-msgstr "'%s' ãæãããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:864
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:634
 msgid "Enter Key Passphrase"
 msgstr "éããããããããååããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:931
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:724
 msgid "Passphrase for New Secure Shell Key"
 msgstr "ãããããããããäçããæããéããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:932
-msgid "Enter a passphrase for your new Secure Shell key."
-msgstr "ãããããããããäçããæããéããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:1013
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Importing key: %s"
 msgstr "éãããããã: %s"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:1015
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-operation.c:910
 msgid "Importing key. Enter passphrase"
 msgstr "éããããããããã (ãããããããååãããããã)"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-source.c:825
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-source.c:951
 msgid "No private key file is available for this key."
 msgstr "ããéãåããåçãããçåéãããããããããã"
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.c:45
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.c:50
 msgid "Couldn't configure Secure Shell keys on remote computer."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããäããã SSH çãéãèåãããããããã"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããäããã SSH çãéãèåãããããããã"
-#. Show the progress window if necessary
-#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.c:181
+#: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.c:133
 msgid "Configuring Secure Shell Keys..."
 msgstr "SSH ãéãèåããããã..."
@@ -3009,19 +2451,19 @@ msgstr "<i>ä: fileserver.example.com:port</i>"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.xml.h:2
 msgid "Set Up Computer for SSH Connection"
-msgstr "SSH ãæçãããããããããèå"
+msgstr "SSH ãæçããããããããããèå"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.xml.h:4
 msgid ""
 "To use your Secure Shell key with another computer that uses SSH, you must "
 "already have a login account on that computer."
 msgstr ""
-"SSH ãéãåããããããããåçããååãããããããããããããããããã"
+"SSH ãéãåãããããããããåçããååããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.xml.h:5
 msgid "_Computer Name:"
-msgstr "ãããããããåå(_C):"
+msgstr "ããããããããåå(_C):"
 #: ../ssh/seahorse-ssh-upload.xml.h:6
 msgid "_Login Name:"
@@ -3031,6 +2473,450 @@ msgstr "ããããå(_L):"
 msgid "_Set Up"
 msgstr "èå(_S)"
+#~ msgid "DSA"
+#~ msgstr "DSA"
+#~ msgid "Secure Shell key"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããé"
+#~ msgid "Enter a passphrase for your new Secure Shell key."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããäçããæããéããããããããååãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Do not run seahorse-daemon as a daemon"
+#~ msgstr "seahorse-daemon ãããããåããã"
+#~ msgid "couldn't fork process"
+#~ msgstr "åãããããçæãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "couldn't create new process group"
+#~ msgstr "æããããããããããããçæãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Encryption Daemon (Seahorse)"
+#~ msgstr "æåéãããã (Seahorse)"
+#~ msgid "Invalid or unrecognized key type: %s"
+#~ msgstr "éãçéãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "This keytype is not supported: %s"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããéãããããããããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Support for this feature was not enabled at build time"
+#~ msgstr "ããæèããããæãæååããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid or unrecognized key: %s"
+#~ msgstr "éãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/> <b>expired</b></i> on %s."
+#~ msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>æéåã</b>ã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid Signature"
+#~ msgstr "ããããçåãã"
+#~ msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/></i> on %s <b>Expired</b>."
+#~ msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>æéåã</b>ã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
+#~ msgid "Expired Signature"
+#~ msgstr "æéåããçåãã"
+#~ msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/> <b>Revoked</b></i> on %s."
+#~ msgstr "%2$s ããã<b>ååãã</b><i><key id='%1$s'/>ãçåãããã"
+#~ msgid "Revoked Signature"
+#~ msgstr "ååããçå"
+#~ msgid "Signed by <i><key id='%s'/></i> on %s."
+#~ msgstr "%2$s ããã<i><key id='%1$s'/></i>ãçåãããã"
+#~ msgid "Good Signature"
+#~ msgstr "èãçåãã"
+#~ msgid "Signing key not in keyring."
+#~ msgstr "çåçãéãããããããäãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Unknown Signature"
+#~ msgstr "äæãçåãã"
+#~ msgid "Bad or forged signature. The signed data was modified."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããçåãããåéãããçåãã (çåããããããåæãããããã)"
+#~ msgid "Bad Signature"
+#~ msgstr "ããããçåãã"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't verify signature."
+#~ msgstr "çåãèèãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid or unrecognized signer: %s"
+#~ msgstr "çåèãééãããããèèããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Key is not valid for signing: %s"
+#~ msgstr "çåãåããéãæåãããããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Invalid or unrecognized recipient: %s"
+#~ msgstr "ååäãééããããããããèèããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Key is not a valid recipient for encryption: %s"
+#~ msgstr "æååãåããååãååäããããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "No recipients specified"
+#~ msgstr "ååäãæåããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid key type for decryption: %s"
+#~ msgstr "èèããéãçéãééããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Please set clearuri"
+#~ msgstr "clearuri ãèåãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Please set crypturi"
+#~ msgstr "crypturi ãèåãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Error opening clearuri"
+#~ msgstr "clearuri ãéãããããããççãããã"
+#~ msgid "No signer specified"
+#~ msgstr "çåèãæåããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid key type for verifying: %s"
+#~ msgstr "æèããéãçéãééããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid "Invalid key id: %s"
+#~ msgstr "éã ID ãééããããã: %s"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A list of key server URIs to search for remote PGP keys. In later "
+#~ "versions a display name can be included, by appending a space and then "
+#~ "the name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããã PGP éãæçããéããããã URI ãäããããæãããããããã"
+#~ "ãççãåãããããåãèåããèçãããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Auto Retrieve Keys"
+#~ msgstr "éãèååå"
+#~ msgid "Auto Sync Keys"
+#~ msgstr "éãèåçãåæãã"
+#~ msgid "Controls the visibility of the expires column for the key manager."
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããæéãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
+#~ msgid "Controls the visibility of the trust column for the key manager."
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããäçåããããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
+#~ msgid "Controls the visibility of the type column for the key manager."
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããçéãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
+#~ msgid "Controls the visibility of the validity column for the key manager."
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããæåæãããããèç/éèçãååãããã"
+#~ msgid "Enable DNS-SD sharing"
+#~ msgstr "DNS-SD åæãæåããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Enables DNS-SD (Apple Bonjour) sharing of keys. seahorse-daemon must be "
+#~ "running and must be built with HKP and DNS-SD support."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "éã DNS-SD (ããããã Bonjour) ãäããåæããããseahorse-daemon ã "
+#~ "HKP ã DNS-SD ããããäãããããããããåã seahorse-daemon ãèåãã"
+#~ "ããåèãããããã"
+#~ msgid "ID of the default key"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããéã ID"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If set to true, then files encrypted with seahorse will be ASCII armor "
+#~ "encoded."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "TRUE ãããããseahorse ãæååããããããã ASCII äèãããããããã"
+#~ "ããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If set to true, then the default key will always be added to an "
+#~ "encryption recipients list."
+#~ msgstr "TRUE ãããããåãããããããéãæåãååääèãèåããããã"
+#~ msgid "Last key server search pattern"
+#~ msgstr "æåãäçããéãããããæçãããã"
+#~ msgid "Last key servers used"
+#~ msgstr "æåãäçããéãããã"
+#~ msgid "Last key used to sign a message."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããçåããéãäçããæåãéããã"
+#~ msgid "PGP Key servers"
+#~ msgstr "PGP éãããã"
+#~ msgid "Publish keys to this key server."
+#~ msgstr "ããéãããããéãåéãã"
+#~ msgid "Show expires column in key manager"
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããäã \"æé\" ãéçãèçãã"
+#~ msgid "Show trust column in key manager"
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããäã \"äçå\" ãéçãèçãã"
+#~ msgid "Show type column in key manager"
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããäã \"çé\" ãéçãèçãã"
+#~ msgid "Show validity column in key manager"
+#~ msgstr "éãããããããäã \"æåæ\" ãéçãèçãã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Specify the column to sort the recipients window by. Columns are: 'name' "
+#~ "and 'id'. Put a '-' in front of the column name to sort in descending "
+#~ "order."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ååäããããããèçããéçãäãæãæåããããæååèãéç: "
+#~ "'name' ã 'id' (åéçãåéã '-' ãääãããééãäããã)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Specify the column to sort the seahorse key manager main window by. "
+#~ "Columns are: 'name', 'id', 'validity', 'expires', 'trust', and 'type'. "
+#~ "Put a '-' in front of the column name to sort in descending order."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Seahorse éãããããããããããããããããèçããéçãæåããããæ"
+#~ "ååèãéç: 'name'ã'id'ã'validity'ã'expires'ã'trust'ã'length' ã "
+#~ "'type' (åéçãåéã '-' ãäãããééãäããã)"
+#~ msgid "The ID of the last secret key used to sign a message."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããçåãæåãäçããçåéã ID ããã"
+#~ msgid "The column to sort the recipients by"
+#~ msgstr "ååäãããããããèçããæå"
+#~ msgid "The column to sort the seahorse keys by"
+#~ msgstr "Seahorse éãããããããèçããæå"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The key server to publish PGP keys to. Or empty to suppress publishing of "
+#~ "PGP keys."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "PGP éãåéããéãããããããçãããã PGP éãåéãçæãããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The last key server a search was performed against or empty for all key "
+#~ "servers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "æåãæçãåèããéãããããããããããéãããããåèãããååãç"
+#~ "ãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "The last search pattern searched for against a key server."
+#~ msgstr "éãããããåããæåãåæããæçããããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This specifies the default key to use for certain operations, mainly "
+#~ "signing."
+#~ msgstr "äãçåãããæäãäçããããããããéãæåãããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether or not keys should be automatically retrieved from key servers."
+#~ msgstr "éããããããèåçãéãååããããããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether or not modified keys should be automatically synced with the "
+#~ "default key server."
+#~ msgstr "åæããéãèåçãããããããéãããããåæããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Whether to always encrypt to default key"
+#~ msgstr "åãããããããéãæååãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Whether to use ASCII Armor"
+#~ msgstr "ASCII äèãäçãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Web Password"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Network Password"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't set application access."
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããããããæåãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "<b>Path:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ããå:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Permissions:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>æé:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Applications"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "_Read"
+#~ msgstr "èãèã(_R)"
+#~ msgid "_Write"
+#~ msgstr "æãèã(_W)"
+#~ msgctxt "infinitive"
+#~ msgid "_Delete"
+#~ msgstr "åé(_D)"
+#~ msgid "Saving item..."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããäåä..."
+#~ msgid "Listing password keyrings"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããåååã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "No encryption keys were found with which to perform the operation you "
+#~ "requested.  The program <b>Passwords and Encryption Keys</b> will now be "
+#~ "started so that you may either create a key or import one."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "èæããæäãåèããéãåèãããæåéãèãããããããããã<b>ãã"
+#~ "ããããæåé</b>ãããããããããèåããããããéãçæããããããã"
+#~ "ãããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "All Keys"
+#~ msgstr "ããããéããæç"
+#~ msgid "Selected Recipients"
+#~ msgstr "éæããååäããæç"
+#~ msgid "Search Results"
+#~ msgstr "çæããæç"
+#~ msgid "Search _for:"
+#~ msgstr "æç(_F):"
+#~ msgid "None (Don't Sign)"
+#~ msgstr "ãã (çåããã)"
+#~ msgid "Sign this message as %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s ãäããããããããçåãã"
+#~ msgid "_Sign message as:"
+#~ msgstr "æãéãäããããããããçåãã(_S):"
+#~ msgid "File is not a valid .desktop file"
+#~ msgstr "ååã .desktop ããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Unrecognized desktop file Version '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "ããããã '%s' ã .desktop ããããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Starting %s"
+#~ msgstr "%sãèåäãã"
+#~ msgid "Application does not accept documents on command line"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Unrecognized launch option: %d"
+#~ msgstr "äæãèåããããããã: %d"
+#~ msgid "Can't pass document URIs to a 'Type=Link' desktop entry"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããã URI ã 'Type=Link' ã .desktop ããããããæãããã"
+#~ msgid "Not a launchable item"
+#~ msgstr "èååèãããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããæçããã"
+#~ msgid "Specify file containing saved configuration"
+#~ msgstr "èåãäåãããããããæåãã"
+#~ msgid "FILE"
+#~ msgstr "FILE"
+#~ msgid "Specify session management ID"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããççã ID ãæåãã"
+#~ msgid "Session management options:"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããççãããããã:"
+#~ msgid "Show session management options"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããççãããããããèçãã"
+#~ msgid "Key Imported"
+#~ msgid_plural "Keys Imported"
+#~ msgstr[0] "éãããããããåäãããã"
+#~ msgid "Imported %i key"
+#~ msgid_plural "Imported %i keys"
+#~ msgstr[0] " %dåãéãããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Imported a key for"
+#~ msgid_plural "Imported keys for"
+#~ msgstr[0] "æãéãããããããåäãããã: "
+#~ msgid "Notification Messages"
+#~ msgstr "éçããããã"
+#~ msgid "Symmetric Key"
+#~ msgstr "åçé"
+#~ msgid "Public Key"
+#~ msgstr "åéé"
+#~ msgid "Private Key"
+#~ msgstr "çåé"
+#~ msgid "Credentials"
+#~ msgstr "èææ"
+#~ msgid "Identity"
+#~ msgstr "èåæå"
+#~ msgid "Progress Title"
+#~ msgstr "éèçæããããã"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't run file-roller"
+#~ msgstr "'file-roller' ãèåãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't package files"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããæåãæçãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "The file-roller process did not complete successfully"
+#~ msgstr "'file-roller' ãèåãåæãããã"
+#~ msgid "Loading Keys..."
+#~ msgstr "éãèãèãä..."
+#~ msgid "Searching for keys..."
+#~ msgstr "éãæçä..."
+#~ msgid "Uploading keys..."
+#~ msgstr "éãèãèãä..."
+#~ msgid "Retrieving keys..."
+#~ msgstr "éãååä..."
+#~ msgid "Searching for keys on: %s"
+#~ msgstr "æãããããããéãæçä: %s"
+#~ msgid "Searching for keys containing '%s'..."
+#~ msgstr "'%s' ãåãéãæçä..."
+#~ msgid "Searching for key id '%s'..."
+#~ msgstr "é (ID='%s') ãæçä..."
+#~ msgid "Retrieving remote keys..."
+#~ msgstr "ãããããéãååä..."
+#~ msgid "Sending keys to key server..."
+#~ msgstr "éãéãããããèéä..."
+#~ msgid "Synchronizing keys"
+#~ msgstr "éãåæ"
+#~ msgid "Encryption Key Manager"
+#~ msgstr "æåéãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Invalid"
+#~ msgstr "ééããããã"
+#~ msgid "Private Secure Shell Key"
+#~ msgstr "åäçããããããããããé"
+#~ msgid "Public Secure Shell Key"
+#~ msgstr "åéåèããããããããããé"
+# åè: 
+# PGP ãéããèèè (http://pgp.iijlab.net/trans/)
+# GPG ã README çè (http://www.hyuki.com/gnu/gnupg-v12-readme.html)
+#~ msgid "Passphrase:"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããã:"
 #~ msgid "Couldn't share keys"
 #~ msgstr "éãåæãããããããã"
@@ -3050,9 +2936,9 @@ msgstr "èå(_S)"
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "<b>Note:</b> Your personal keys will not be compromised."
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "éãåæããããåéããéãããããããäãããäããããããåçãããã"
-#~ "ããããããããããããããããçæãéãéããããããããããé (ããã"
-#~ "ãããããçããããé) ãèåçãæååãããããããããããããã\n"
+#~ "éãåæããããåéããéãããããããäãããäãããããããåçããã"
+#~ "ãããããããããããããããããçæãéãéããããããããããé (ãã"
+#~ "ããããããçããããé) ãèåçãæååãããããããããããããã\n"
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "<b>ææ:</b> åäçãäçããéãåéããããããããããããã"

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