[release-notes/gnome-3-0] Add Korean translation
- From: Changwoo Ryu <cwryu src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [release-notes/gnome-3-0] Add Korean translation
- Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 09:03:35 +0000 (UTC)
commit 08306b78e201fc59e4814aad715ec9b3a65d6572
Author: Seong-ho, Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>
Date: Sat Sep 3 18:03:15 2011 +0900
Add Korean translation
help/Makefile.am | 2 +-
help/ko/ko.po | 1026 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 1027 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/Makefile.am b/help/Makefile.am
index 3f72b99..3227e5a 100644
--- a/help/Makefile.am
+++ b/help/Makefile.am
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ DOC_INCLUDES = \
-DOC_LINGUAS = ar ca cs da de el en_GB es et fa fr gl hu id it ja lv nl pa pl pt_BR ro ru sl tr uk zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
+DOC_LINGUAS = ar ca cs da de el en_GB es et fa fr gl hu id it ja ko lv nl pa pl pt_BR ro ru sl tr uk zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW
diff --git a/help/ko/ko.po b/help/ko/ko.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a073e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/ko/ko.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+# Korean translation for release-notes.
+# Copyright (C) 2011 release-notes's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the release-notes package.
+# Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>, 2011.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: release-notes gnome-3-0\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-15 06:38+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-25 06:22+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Seong-ho, Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Korean <gnome-kr googlegroups com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:10(title)
+msgid "Looking Forward to GNOME 3.2"
+msgstr "êë 3.2 ëëëê"
+#: C/rnlookingforward.xml:12(para)
+msgid ""
+"The next release in the GNOME 3.x series is scheduled for September/October "
+"2011. Many new features and enhancements to 3.0 are planned, including the "
+"addition of a documents interface to the Activities Overview, expansion of "
+"the application menus in the top bar, and integrated settings for document "
+"sharing and web accounts."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.x ìëìì ëì ëëìë 2011ë 9,10ì ììëì ììëë. íë êìì "
+"ëì ìííììì ìêìì, ìì ëì íëêë ëëì íì, êëê ëì êì"
+"ì ì êìì ìí íí ììì íííë 3.0ììëë ë ìëì êëê íììì"
+"ê êíëì ììëë."
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:9(title)
+msgid "Getting GNOME 3.0"
+msgstr "êë 3.0 ëê"
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:11(para)
+msgid ""
+"The source code for GNOME 3.0 is <ulink url=\"http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/";
+"\">freely available for download and redistribution</ulink>. (Users are "
+"recommended to wait until GNOME 3.0 is available through a distribution or "
+"vendor, however.) Information on how to get GNOME 3.0 can be found on the "
+"<ulink url=\"http://gnome3.org/\";>GNOME 3 website</ulink>. This site also "
+"provides 3.0 live images that you can use to try it out."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì ìììëë <ulink url=\"http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/\";>ììë"
+"ê ëìëë íê ìëí í ì ììëë</ulink>. (íìë ìììëìêë íëì"
+"ëìë ëííì íí êë 3.0ì ììí ì ììëêì êëëë êì ììíë"
+"ë.) êë 3.0ì ëë ëëì ëí ìëë <ulink url=\"http://gnome3.org/\";>ê"
+"ë 3 ìììí</ulink> ìì ìì ì ììëë. ì ììíììë ëí íë ìë"
+"ê ìì ìììê ììí ì ìëë 3.0 ëìë ìëìë ìêíêë íëë."
+#: C/rninstallation.xml:21(para)
+msgid ""
+"In order to provide a cutting-edge experience, the GNOME 3 desktop requires "
+"hardware accelerated graphics capabilities. If this is not available, the "
+"GNOME 3 fallback desktop provides an excellent experience and incorporates "
+"many of the improvements contained in the release."
+msgstr ""
+"ìêì ìêíêë ìêíê ìí, êë 3 ëìííì íëìì êì êëí êë"
+"ì íìë íëë. ìêì ì ì ìë êìë ëëí êë 3 ëì ëìííì í"
+"í ììì ìêíêë ìêíê ëëìì ííí ìëì íìììë íííììë"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:9(title)
+msgid "Internationalization"
+msgstr "êìí"
+#. Translators: number of languages might change before final date
+#: C/rni18n.xml:12(para)
+msgid ""
+"Thanks to members of the worldwide <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/";
+"TranslationProject\">GNOME Translation Project</ulink>, GNOME 3.0 offers "
+"support for more than 50 languages, often including user and administration "
+msgstr ""
+"ììêì <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject\";>êë ëì í"
+"ëìí</ulink> ììëìê êìí ìì, êë 3.0ì ìì ìììì êëìì ìë"
+"ìë íííì 50êì ììì ììë ììíëë ììëë."
+#: C/rni18n.xml:27(para)
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "ìëëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:28(para)
+msgid "Asturian"
+msgstr "ììíëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:29(para)
+msgid "Basque"
+msgstr "ëìíì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:30(para)
+msgid "Bengali"
+msgstr "ëêì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:32(para)
+msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
+msgstr "ëëì íëíêì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:33(para)
+msgid "British English"
+msgstr "ëëíì ìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:34(para)
+msgid "Bulgarian"
+msgstr "ëêëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:35(para)
+msgid "Catalan"
+msgstr "ìíëëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:36(para)
+msgid "Catalan (Valencian)"
+msgstr "ìíëëìì (ëëìì)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:37(para)
+msgid "Chinese (China)"
+msgstr "ìêì (ìê)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:38(para)
+msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)"
+msgstr "ìêì (ëë)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:39(para)
+msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
+msgstr "ìêì (íì)"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:40(para)
+msgid "Czech"
+msgstr "ììì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:41(para)
+msgid "Danish"
+msgstr "ëëíì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:42(para)
+msgid "Dutch"
+msgstr "ëëëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:43(para)
+msgid "Estonian"
+msgstr "ììíëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:44(para)
+msgid "Finnish"
+msgstr "íëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:45(para)
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "íëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:46(para)
+msgid "Galician"
+msgstr "êëììì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:47(para)
+msgid "German"
+msgstr "ëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:48(para)
+msgid "Greek"
+msgstr "êëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:49(para)
+msgid "Gujarati"
+msgstr "êìëíì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:50(para)
+msgid "Hebrew"
+msgstr "íëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:51(para)
+msgid "Hindi"
+msgstr "íëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:52(para)
+msgid "Hungarian"
+msgstr "íêëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:53(para)
+msgid "Indonesian"
+msgstr "ìëëììì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:54(para)
+msgid "Italian"
+msgstr "ìíëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:55(para)
+msgid "Japanese"
+msgstr "ìëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:56(para)
+msgid "Kannada"
+msgstr "ìëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:57(para)
+msgid "Korean"
+msgstr "íêì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:58(para)
+msgid "Latvian"
+msgstr "ëíëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:59(para)
+msgid "Lithuanian"
+msgstr "ëíìëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:61(para)
+msgid "Marathi"
+msgstr "ëëíì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:62(para)
+msgid "Norwegian BokmÃl"
+msgstr "ëëìì ëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:64(para)
+msgid "Polish"
+msgstr "íëëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:65(para)
+msgid "Portuguese"
+msgstr "íëíêì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:66(para)
+msgid "Punjabi"
+msgstr "íìëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:67(para)
+msgid "Romanian"
+msgstr "ëëëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:68(para)
+msgid "Russian"
+msgstr "ëììì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:69(para)
+msgid "Serbian"
+msgstr "ìëëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:70(para)
+msgid "Serbian Latin"
+msgstr "ìëëì ëíì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:71(para)
+msgid "Slovenian"
+msgstr "ìëëëìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:72(para)
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "ìíìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:73(para)
+msgid "Swedish"
+msgstr "ììëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:74(para)
+msgid "Tamil"
+msgstr "íëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:76(para)
+msgid "Thai"
+msgstr "íìì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:77(para)
+msgid "Turkish"
+msgstr "ííì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:78(para)
+msgid "Ukrainian"
+msgstr "ìíëìëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:79(para)
+msgid "Vietnamese"
+msgstr "ëíëì"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:19(para)
+msgid "Supported languages include: <placeholder-1/>"
+msgstr "ëìì ììë ììíëë: <placeholder-1/>"
+#: C/rni18n.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"Many other languages are partially supported. Detailed information on the "
+"extent of GNOME translations is available through the <ulink url=\"http://";
+"l10n.gnome.org/\">GNOME translation status site.</ulink>"
+msgstr ""
+"ìëì ëë ììëì ëëììë ììëëë. êë ëìì ìëë ëìëêì ë"
+"í ììí ìëë <ulink url=\"http://l10n.gnome.org/\";>êë ëì ìí ììí"
+"</ulink> ë íí ë ì ììëë."
+#: C/rni18n.xml:89(para)
+msgid ""
+"Translating a software package as large as GNOME into a different language "
+"can be a difficult task for even the most dedicated translation team. For "
+"this release a stellar effort has been done by the Uighur team, increasing "
+"the completeness of their translation by more than 37 points. The Esperanto "
+"team also increased its coverage by 21 percent."
+msgstr ""
+"êë íëìí ëí í ìííìì ííìë êê ëë ììë ëìíë êì ìì"
+"ì ëì íììì ëìíìêë ìëì ììì ë ì ììëë. ì ëëìë ì"
+"í, ëì ìëìì 37ì ìì ëììë ìêë íì ìí ë êì ëëì ìëìì"
+"ìëë. ììíëí í ëí 21íìí êë ìêíìëë."
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:123(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/app-chooser-3-0.png'; md5=5db084f208656a670e0c7ca7559652d6"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/app-chooser-3-0.png'; md5=5db084f208656a670e0c7ca7559652d6"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:11(title)
+msgid "What's New for Developers"
+msgstr "êëìë ìí ììì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:13(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's developer technologies have been enhanced for 3.0. A substantial "
+"amount of consolidation work has enabled a large number of modules to be "
+"deprecated. Many components have been simplified and modernized, and several "
+"technologies have been replaced with superior facilities."
+msgstr ""
+"êëì êëì êìì 3.0ì ìí íìëììëë. ìëí ìì êë ììì íí "
+"ìëì ìì ëëì ëìí ì ìê íììëë. ëì êìììëì ëìí íê "
+"ììí íììë ëë êìëì ëìë êëìë ëìëììëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:22(title)
+msgid "Modern Graphics"
+msgstr "ìëìì êëí"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:24(para)
+msgid ""
+"GTK+, the GNOME graphical toolkit, has made a clean break from antiquated "
+"drawing APIs. This has allowed it to be consolidated around modern graphics "
+"facilities, making it faster and more portable."
+msgstr ""
+"êë êëí íí GTK+ ì ìëë ëëì APIëëí êëíê êëìììëë. ì"
+"ë ì ë ëëê ììì ììíëë ìì êëí êëì ííí ì ìëë íìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:33(title)
+msgid "Advanced Input Device Handling"
+msgstr "ìëë ìë ìì ìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:35(para)
+msgid ""
+"GTK+ will now make use of XInput2 if it is available. This offers a number "
+"of significant advantages, such as support for input device hot-plugging and "
+"support for complex input devices such as tablets. Integration with XInput2 "
+"also enables handling of multiple pointers and means that GNOME is ready for "
+"the arrival of multitouch in X11."
+msgstr ""
+"GTK+ë XInput2ê ìì êëíëë ììí ì ìê í êìëë. ìë ìë ìì "
+"ííëê ììê íëëê êì ëí ìë ììë ììíë ëì ìëì ììí ì"
+"ìì ìêíëë. XInput2ìì ííì ëí ëì íìíì ììì êëíê íë "
+"ìë êëì X11ìì ëííì êëì ëìëì ìëê ëìëë ëìëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:46(title)
+msgid "Improved Theming Capabilities"
+msgstr "íìë íë êë"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:48(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 introduces a new visual theming system. Themes are more human-"
+"readable thanks to the use of CSS syntax, and theme authors now have access "
+"to a greater range of effects such as curves, gradients and alpha colors. "
+"The new system also supports implicit animations and RGBA colors."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì ìëì ìêìì íë ììíì ëìíììëë. íëë CSS ëë ìì"
+"ì ëìì ëì ëë ìëì ìê ìëë íìê, íë ìììëì êììë êë"
+"ëìí êëê ìí ìëì êì ëë êëìí íêì ìêíê ëììëë. ìë"
+"ì ììíì ëí íìì ìëëììê RGBA ìë ìêë ììíëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:59(title)
+msgid "Multiple Platform Support"
+msgstr "ëì íëí ìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:61(para)
+msgid ""
+"GTK+ 3.0 includes a new capacity to easily support multiple platforms (these "
+"can be built against simultaneously and selected at run time). This will "
+"make make the transition to new platforms, such as Wayland, much easier."
+msgstr ""
+"GTK+ 3.0ì ëì íëí (ëìì ëëìì ì ìê ìíìêì ìíë ì ììë"
+"ë) ì ìê ììíë ìëì êëì íííëë. ìë íìê Waylandì êì ì"
+"ëì íëíìëì ìíì ëë ë ìê í êìëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:71(title)
+msgid "Easy Application Creation"
+msgstr "ììí ììíëêë ìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:73(para)
+msgid ""
+"The new <classname>GtkApplication</classname> class automatically takes care "
+"of many application integration tasks, including keeping track of open "
+"windows, ensuring uniqueness and exporting actions. It means that creating a "
+"GNOME application is more convenient and requires less code. This facility "
+"will be further expanded during the 3.x cycle."
+msgstr ""
+"ìëì <classname>GtkApplication</classname> íëìë ìë ìì ìíë ììí"
+"ê, ìììì ëìíë, ëìì ìëë ìëíë ìëí ëì íëêëì ííìì"
+"ì ëí ìëìë ìëíëë. ìë êë íëêëì ëëììëë ëë ë íëí"
+"ìê ìì ìëë íìë íê ëì ìëíëë. ìëí êëì 3.x ìêëì ë"
+"ì íìë êìëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:84(title)
+msgid "First Class Bindings"
+msgstr "ììì íëì ëìë"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:86(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME has traditionally supported a range of high-level languages. The "
+"introduction of GObject Introspection in GNOME 3.0 means that these language "
+"bindings are dynamically updated, ensuring reliability and giving developers "
+"access to the full range of functionality contained in our core technologies."
+msgstr ""
+"êëì ììê êê ììì ììì ììíììëë. êë 3.0ììì GObject "
+"Introspectionì ëìì ìëí ìì ëìëì ëììë ìëìíëê ìëìì ë"
+"ìíë êëìë íìê ìëì íìêì ëì ííë ìì êëììì ìêí ì "
+"ììì ìëíëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:97(title)
+msgid "Fast and Simple Settings"
+msgstr "ëëê êëí ìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:99(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's previous settings facilities have been replaced with two new "
+"components for 3.0. Both have major advantages over their predecessors. "
+"GSettings provides a simple and effective settings API and allows class "
+"properties to be bound to settings with little effort. dconf is the new "
+"blazing fast storage and retrieval part of the partnership."
+msgstr ""
+"êëì ìì ìí êëì 3.0ì ìí ìëì ëêì ììë ëìëììëë. ì ë"
+"êì ììí êëì êëì ìì êì ëìëë ììí ììì ëìíê ëììë"
+"ë. GSettingsë êëíê íììì ìì APIë ìêíë íëì ììì ìì ëë"
+"ìëë ìì ëìëë ìíë ì ìëë íëë. dconfë ìëì ë êì ìììì"
+"ë, ííëìì ëí êì ííìëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:110(title)
+msgid "Richer, More Flexible User Interfaces"
+msgstr "ëë íëíê ììí ììì ìííìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:112(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME interface toolkit has gained enhanced layout abilities which makes "
+"for more flexible and efficient space allocation for both interface controls "
+"and content display. 3.0 also introduces several new interface widgets, such "
+"as a switch and application chooser dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"êë ìííìì ííì ëë ë ììíìê ìí íìë ëììì êëê ìíí"
+"ìì ìíëê ëì ëìíëìë ìí íììì êê íëêëì íëíììë"
+"ë. 3.0ì ëí íëêë ìììì ìí ëíìì êì ëì ìëì ìííìì ì"
+"ìì ëìíììëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:121(title)
+msgid "The new application chooser dialog"
+msgstr "ì ììíëêë ìíì ëíìì"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:130(title)
+msgid "Anjuta Integrated Development Environment"
+msgstr "Anjuta íí êë íê"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:132(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Anjuta</application>, the GNOME integrated development "
+"environment, includes a number of enhancements in 3.0, including the "
+"automatic connection of signals to interface widgets, improved autotools/pgk-"
+"config support, and a new Git integration system."
+msgstr ""
+"êëì íí êë íêì <application>Anjuta</application>ë 3.0ìì ìêëê "
+"ìííìì ììêì ìëìê, íìë autotools/pgk-config ìì, êëê ìë"
+"ì Git íí ììíì íííë ìëì íì ììë ìêíê ììëë."
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:142(title)
+msgid "Upgrading to GNOME 3"
+msgstr "êë 3 ìë ìêëìë"
+#: C/rndevelopers.xml:144(para)
+msgid ""
+"Our <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/DevGnomeOrg/Gnome3PortingGuide\";> "
+"porting guide</ulink> contains instructions on how to port existing GNOME "
+"software to our new developer technologies."
+msgstr ""
+"<ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/DevGnomeOrg/Gnome3PortingGuide\";>ìì ìë"
+"ì</ulink> ìë ììíë êë ìííììë ìëì êëì êì ìêë ììí"
+"ë ëëì ìêëëë."
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:28(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/overview-3-0.png'; md5=a99ac4165dcc5dd11ce0ac19c1320b01"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/overview-3-0.png'; md5=a99ac4165dcc5dd11ce0ac19c1320b01"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:74(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/chat-3-0.png'; md5=fbe893386a0b747545f06fa5720ceaf8"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/chat-3-0.png'; md5=fbe893386a0b747545f06fa5720ceaf8"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:105(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/search-3-0.png'; md5=e3567e77e5dfcbb15e34981a28ff55f2"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/search-3-0.png'; md5=e3567e77e5dfcbb15e34981a28ff55f2"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:191(None)
+msgid ""
+"@@image: 'figures/nautilus-3-0.png'; md5=1f15d199de687a5e194e2ea539ac7880"
+msgstr ""
+"@@image: 'figures/nautilus-3-0.png'; md5=1f15d199de687a5e194e2ea539ac7880"
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/rnusers.xml:237(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/gedit-3-0.png'; md5=d4eac6c2db74fc8b5e58f30660be0aeb"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gedit-3-0.png'; md5=d4eac6c2db74fc8b5e58f30660be0aeb"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:12(title)
+msgid "What's New for Users"
+msgstr "ìììë ìí ììì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:15(title)
+msgid "A New Desktop"
+msgstr "ìëì ëìíí"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:17(para)
+msgid ""
+"3.0 introduces a new GNOME desktop. Elegant and beautiful, it has been "
+"designed to enable people to get things done with ease, comfort and control. "
+"The 3.0 desktop is the continuation of the GNOME Project's focus on "
+"providing an easy to use desktop environment that can be used by everybody. "
+"It includes a host of major new features."
+msgstr ""
+"3.0ììë ìëì êë ëìííì ëìíëë. ììíê ìëëì ìêì ìëë"
+"ë íìê ìê íìíë ììì ììí ìêì ììí ì ìêë ìêëììë"
+"ë. 3.0 ëìííì ëëìëì ììí ì ìë ììíê ìì ëìíí íêì ì"
+"ìì ëì êë íëìíì ììëìëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:26(title)
+msgid "An overview at a glance"
+msgstr "êì ëëëê"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:33(title)
+msgid "The Activities Overview"
+msgstr "íì íë êì ëê"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:35(para)
+msgid ""
+"The Activities Overview is a key feature of the GNOME 3 desktop. Accessible "
+"through the Activities button, top-left hot corner or windows key, it is the "
+"portal to all your computing activities. The overview allows you to see all "
+"of your windows at once and can be used to switch between tasks and launch "
+msgstr ""
+"íì íë êì ëê ë êë 3 ëìííì íì êëìëë. ìì ì í ìëë "
+"ìëìì íë ììíì íì íë ëíì íí ìêí ì ììë ëë ìíí í"
+"ëì ëí êëìëë. êì ëêë íí ëë ìì íëì ë ì ììë ììê "
+"ìíê íëêë ìíì íìë ì ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:46(title)
+msgid "Notifications That Work for You"
+msgstr "ëìì ìí ëìíë ìë"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:48(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 includes a new notifications system which has been designed to let "
+"you focus on your current task. Notifications are unobtrusive and will wait "
+"for you in the Messaging Tray until you are ready to respond to them. "
+"Notifications in GNOME 3 are also interactive: clicking them will switch to "
+"the relevant window, and they can feature buttons for common responses."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0 ìë íì ììì ììì ëì ì ìëë ìêë ìëì ìë ììíì "
+"íííììëë. ìë êëì ëì êìëì ììë, ìëëì ììë ëììì ë"
+"ìí ìëê ë ëêì êëëìëë. êë 3ì ìëêëì ëí ëíììë êì"
+"ëì ììëë. ìë ìì ëëë êì êëë ììë ìíëë, êêëì ìëì"
+"ì ììì ìí êë ëíì ë ì ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:60(title)
+msgid "Integrated Messaging"
+msgstr "ííë ëìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:62(para)
+msgid ""
+"Messaging are directly integrated into the GNOME 3 desktop. With GNOME 3.0, "
+"you can reply to a message directly from its notification, and you can pick "
+"up previous conversations through the Messaging Tray at the bottom of the "
+"screen. This means that you can communicate with your contacts without the "
+"need to switch to a different window."
+msgstr ""
+"ëììì êë 3 ëìííì ëë ííëììëë. êë 3.0ê íêëë ìëìì "
+"íí ëììì ëìí ì ìê ìíë íëì ëìì íëìëëí ìì ëíëì"
+"ì ëìë ì ììëë. ìë ëë ììë ìíí íì ìì ìëìë êìêë ì"
+"ììíì í ì ìëë êì ìëíëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:72(title)
+msgid "Inline chat"
+msgstr "í ì ëí"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:81(title)
+msgid "Group Your Windows"
+msgstr "ìì ëììì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:83(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3's new workspaces interface makes it easy to group your windows and "
+"provides a simple way to organize your work. Windows can be easily added to "
+"workspaces using drag and drop, and the thumbnails in the workspace switcher "
+"can be used to move between spaces."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3ì ìëì ììêê ìííììë ìì ìê ëì ì ìëë íê ììì ë"
+"ìíê ììí ì ìê íëë. ìëì ëì ëêë íí ìê ììêêìë ìê"
+"í ì ììë, ììêê ìíêì ìëìì êê ììë ìëí ì ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:93(title) C/rnusers.xml:103(title)
+msgid "Desktop Search"
+msgstr "ëìíí íì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:95(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME 3 desktop includes an integrated search facility which can be used "
+"to launch applications, switch windows, and open recent documents and "
+"settings. The GNOME project will be extending this desktop search facility "
+"in future releases."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3 ëìííì íëêëì ìííê ìì ìííë ìê ëìì ììì ì ì "
+"ìë íí êì êëì íííëë. êë íëìíë ììë ì ëìíí êì ê"
+"ëì íìí êìëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:112(title)
+msgid "Redesigned Settings Framework"
+msgstr "ììêë ìì íëììí"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:114(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 includes a new settings browser which allows you to explore your "
+"system settings from the same window as well as to search for settings "
+"panels. GNOME's systems settings have also been reorganized for 3.0, making "
+"it straightforward to find the setting you want, and many settings panels "
+"have also been redesigned to make them easier to use."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì ìì íëìì êìíë êê êì ëì ììëëí ììí ììì í"
+"ìí ì ìëë íë ìëì ìì ëëììë íííëë. ëí êëì ììí ì"
+"ìì 3.0ì ìí ììì ëìê, ìëëì ìíë ììì ëë ìì ì ìëë í"
+"ììë, ìëì ìì íëì ììíê ìê ììêíììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:126(title)
+msgid "Topic-Oriented Help"
+msgstr "ìì ìí ëìë"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:128(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3 features new topic-oriented help, which has been designed to enable "
+"you to find the answers you need without sifting through lengthy manuals. "
+"Huge performance improvements and faster searches in the GNOME help browser "
+"mean that you will spend less time looking for the advice you are looking "
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3ì ê ëìëì ììë íììì íìí ëì ìì ì ìê ìêë ìëì "
+"ìììí ëìë êëì ëìíê ììëë. êë ëìë ëëìììì ëì ëë "
+"ìëëíì ëë ë ëëì êììëë ìëëì ìë ììì ììëê ìí ìê"
+"ì ìê ëì êìëë ìëê ëê ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:139(title)
+msgid "And That's Not Allâ"
+msgstr "êëê ìêì ìëê ìëëëâ"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:141(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME 3 desktop contains many other features. Here are just some of them:"
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3 ëìííì ëë ëì êëì íííê ììëë. êêë ìì ìëê ìê"
+"ì ììëë:"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:147(para)
+msgid ""
+"A place to keep your favorite applications, called the <application>Dash</"
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ëì</application>ëê ëëìë ìì ìííë íëêëì ììí"
+"ë êì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:151(para)
+msgid ""
+"Side-by-side window tiling so that you can easily use two windows at once."
+msgstr ""
+"ëëí ìëìë ìì ëëìì ë êì ìì íëì ìê ììí ì ììëë"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:155(para)
+msgid "New wallpapers, including a new default GNOME wallpaper."
+msgstr "ìëì êë êë ëí íëì ííí ì ëí íëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:158(para)
+msgid ""
+"A beautiful new visual theme and an elegant new GNOME font called "
+msgstr ""
+"ìëëê ìëì ìêí íëì ììíê ìëì êë ììë "
+"<application>Cantarell</application> ìëê ëëëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:138(sect3)
+msgid "<placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/> h <placeholder-3/>"
+msgstr "<placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/> h <placeholder-3/>"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:167(title)
+msgid "More Information"
+msgstr "ìê ìë"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:169(para)
+msgid ""
+"More information about the GNOME 3 desktop, including video demonstrations, "
+"can be found on the <ulink url=\"http://www.gnome3.org/\";>GNOME 3 website</"
+msgstr ""
+"ëìì ììì ííë êë 3 ëìííì ëí ìêìëë <ulink url=\"http://";
+"www.gnome3.org/\">êë 3 ìììí</ulink> ìì ììì ì ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:180(title)
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "íëêëë"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:182(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME's applications have received a huge number of improvements for 3.0, "
+"and it is impossible to describe all of them. Here are some of the biggest "
+"changes that are included in the release."
+msgstr ""
+"êëì íëêëëì 3.0ì ìí êìí ëì íìììê ììë, ê ëë êëì "
+"ìëíêìë ëêëíëë. ìë íê ëë ìì ëëìì ííëìëì ëëë "
+#: C/rnusers.xml:189(title)
+msgid "The Nautilus File Browser"
+msgstr "ëíëì íì ëëìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:196(title)
+msgid "Redesigned File Browser"
+msgstr "ìë ëììë íì ëëìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:198(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Nautilus</application>, the GNOME file manager, has been given "
+"a fresh new design for 3.0. The new interface is clean and elegant, and the "
+"new places sidebar makes it easy to jump to important folders. The "
+"<application>Connect to Server</application> dialog has also been redesigned "
+"in order to make it more efficient."
+msgstr ""
+"êë íì ëëì <application>ëíëì</application> ë 3.0 ìí êëë ìë"
+"ì ëììì ëìíììëë. ìëì ìííììë êëíê ììíë, ìëì ì"
+"ìí ììëëë ììí íëë ìê êë ë ì ìê íìëë. <application>ì"
+"ëë ìê</application> ëíììë ë íìììë ìíí ì ìëë ììêëì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:209(title)
+msgid "Modernized Web Browsing"
+msgstr "ììíë ì ëëìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:211(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <application>Epiphany</application> web browser has received a number of "
+"improvements for 3.0. Navigation is faster and more responsive, and the new "
+"release introduces geolocation support. Epiphany also includes a new "
+"downloads interface and status bar, which give it a more focused user "
+"interface and which, alongside numerous visual enhancements, gives a "
+"polished, modern browsing experience."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ìííë</application> ì ëëììë 3.0ì ìí ìëêì êëì "
+"íìëììëë. ëëêììì ëëìê ì ë ëë ëìíë, ìëì ëëììì"
+"ë ìëìì ììì ìëìëë. ìííëë ëí ìëëë ìêììë íìë ì"
+"ëì ìì ì ë ìëë ìì ëëìì êíì ìêíë, ììì ìííììì ì"
+"ë ììì ëì ìêëë ìëì ëìëë ìííììì ìí ëë íííê ìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:223(title) C/rnusers.xml:235(title)
+msgid "Smarter Text Editing"
+msgstr "ëì ìëë íìí íì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:225(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 includes updates to the <application>gedit </application> text "
+"editor, including intelligent spell checking, full support for compressed "
+"files, and the ability to handle documents which contain invalid characters. "
+"gedit 3.0 also includes a new search interface which does not interfere with "
+"viewing a document and tab groups which make it possible to view several "
+"documents at once."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì ìëìì ëìë êìì ììë íìëì ìëìì, êëê ìëë ë"
+"ìë íííë ëìë ëëë ëëì ííí <application>ììëí </"
+"application> íìí íìêì ìì ëìì íííê ììëë. ììëí 3.0ì ë"
+"í ëìë ëëë êìì ìì ìë ìëì êì ìííììë íííê ììë, "
+"ìëêì ëìë íëì ë ì ìëë íë í êëì ìêíëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:244(title)
+msgid "Better Messaging"
+msgstr "ë ììì ëìì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:246(para)
+msgid ""
+"The 3.0 release of the <application>Empathy</application> messaging "
+"application contains a number of changes, including improved call handling, "
+"spelling assistance, password and certificate handling. It is now possible "
+"to block incoming messages from unwanted contacts and to search for contacts "
+"on remote servers."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ìíì</application> ëìì íëêëì 3.0 ëëìë íìë íì"
+"ìì, ëìë ëìë, ìí ë ìì ìêì íííë ìëì ëíìíì íííë"
+"ë. ìì ìíì ìë ìëìëëí ìë ëììë ìëí ì ììë ìê ìëë"
+"ëí ìëìë êìí ì ììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:257(title)
+msgid "Improvements Under the Hood"
+msgstr "ëìì íì"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:259(para)
+msgid ""
+"Changes to GNOME's underlying technologies mean that GNOME 3 applications "
+"will be faster, and our new theming system will give them a more "
+"sophisticated visual appearance. Many of GNOME's stock interfaces, such as "
+"About dialogs, have also been enhanced."
+msgstr ""
+"êë êì êìì ëíë êë 3 íëêëì ë ëëì êìê ìëì íë ììí"
+"ì íí ëë ìêíë ìêì ììì ìêíì ìëíëë. ëëëì ìë ëíì"
+"ìì êì êëì êìì ìííìì ëí íìëììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:269(title)
+msgid "But Wait, There's More!"
+msgstr "ìê, ìê ëêë ë ììëë!"
+#: C/rnusers.xml:271(para)
+msgid "Other GNOME applications have also got better for GNOME 3.0:"
+msgstr "ëë êë ììíëêëëë êë 3.0ì ìí ì ë ëìììëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:273(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <application>Cheese</application> webcam booth includes both new effects "
+"and user-configurable effects."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ìì</application> ìì ëìë ìëì íêì ììì íì êë í"
+"êë íííìëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:277(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Evince</application> now enables you to create bookmarks in the "
+"documents that you are viewing."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>ìëì</application>ë ìì ëê ìë ëìì ëí ëëíë ìì"
+"í ì ìê íìëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:281(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME image viewer, called <application>Eye of GNOME</application>, has "
+"received a speed boost and a new plugin system."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>êëì ë</application>ìë ëëìë êë ìëì ëìë ìíë "
+"ëìíì ìëì íëêì ììíì ììíìëë."
+#: C/rnusers.xml:285(para)
+msgid ""
+"<application>Totem</application> 3.0 includes improved streaming support for "
+"video and audio."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>íí</application> 3.0 ì ëëìì ìëìë ìí íìë ìíë"
+"ë ììì íííìëë."
+#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
+#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
+#: C/release-notes.xml:70(None)
+msgid "@@image: 'figures/gnome-3-0.png'; md5=c3a1f02337003866a79678d064f8be6e"
+msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gnome-3-0.png'; md5=c3a1f02337003866a79678d064f8be6e"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:11(title)
+msgid "GNOME 3.0 Release Notes"
+msgstr "êë 3.0 ìì ìë"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:14(year)
+msgid "2011"
+msgstr "2011"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:15(holder) C/release-notes.xml:19(publishername)
+msgid "GNOME Foundation"
+msgstr "êë ìë"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:21(pubdate)
+msgid "2011-04-06"
+msgstr "2011-04-06"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:22(edition)
+msgid "3.0"
+msgstr "3.0"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:24(para) C/release-notes.xml:74(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 follows the project's predictable release cycle and comes six "
+"months after the last GNOME release, version 2.32. It is the culmination of "
+"three years' planning and development and is the project's first major "
+"release in nine years."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì ìì êë ëëì ëì 2.32 ìí íëìíì ìì êëí 6êìì ì"
+"ì ìêë ëëëë. ìêì 3êë êíê êëì ììëìë, 9ëëì íëìí"
+"ì ì ëìì ëëììëë."
+#: C/release-notes.xml:32(firstname)
+msgid "Allan"
+msgstr "Allan"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:33(surname)
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Day"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:35(orgname)
+msgid "GNOME Marketing Team"
+msgstr "êë íë í"
+#. TRANSLATOR: change your affiliation if required
+#: C/release-notes.xml:46(orgname)
+msgid "GNOME Translation Project"
+msgstr "êë ëì íëìí"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:54(title)
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr "ëìë"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:56(para)
+msgid ""
+"GNOME 3.0 is a major milestone in the history of the GNOME Project. The "
+"release introduces an exciting new desktop which has been designed for "
+"today's users and which is suited to a range of modern computing devices. "
+"GNOME's developer technologies have been substantially improved for 3.0. "
+"Modernized and streamlined, they will enable developers to provide better "
+"user experiences with less time and effort. And GNOME 3.0 comes with the "
+"same GNOME applications that users know and trust, many of which have "
+"received significant enhancements."
+msgstr ""
+"êë 3.0ì êë íëìí ììì ììí ììíìëë. ëëìë íí ìëëì "
+"ìììë ìí ìêëìê ìì ìíí ììì ììì ììëê ëë íëëê ì"
+"ëì ëìííì ìëìëë. êë êëìëì êìì 3.0ì ìí ìëí íìëì"
+"ìëë. íëììê ëëìì êëì êëìë íìê ëë ìì ìêê ëëìë "
+"ëë ë ëì ììì ìêíêë ììí ì ìê í êìëë. êëê êë 3.0ì "
+"ìììëì ìíì ìëê ëêìë, ìëí íìë ëìí êë íëêëê íê "
+#: C/release-notes.xml:68(title)
+msgid "GNOME 3.0"
+msgstr "GNOME 3.0"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:81(para)
+msgid ""
+"3.0 is the beginning of a new journey for GNOME. The 3.x release series will "
+"continue with the project's predictable six-month development cycles, but "
+"will build on the trend of innovation seen in 3.0, delivering significant "
+"enhancements to the GNOME user and developer experiences."
+msgstr ""
+"3.0 ì êëì ìí ìëì ììì ìììëë. 3.x ìì ìëìë íëìíì ì"
+"ì êëí 6êì êë ìêì ëë êìë êììë, êë ìììì êëìì êí"
+"ì ìëí íìì ëìí 3.0ìì ëì íìì íëëì êëíì ëëìì êìë"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:89(para)
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME Project is an international community which works to make great "
+"software available to all. All our work is free to use, modify and "
+"redistribute, and everyone is welcome to participate in its creation. If you "
+"would like to help make our products even better, <ulink url=\"http://live.";
+"gnome.org/JoinGnome\"> you can join us.</ulink>"
+msgstr ""
+"êë íëìíë ëëìëì ììí ì ìë íëí ìííììë ëëê ìí ì"
+"íë êìì ìëëíìëë. ìëì ëë ìëì ììëê ììíê ììíë ì"
+"ëí í ì ìê, ìêì ìëì ëëê ìí ìëëì ììë íìíëë. ëì "
+"ìëì ìíì ì ë ëê ëëê ìí ëìì ìê ìëë, <ulink url=\"http://";
+"live.gnome.org/JoinGnome\">ì êì íí ììí ì ììëë.</ulink>"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:121(title)
+msgid "Credits"
+msgstr "ëë ìëë"
+#. TRANSLATOR: insert your translation credit between the 1st and 2nd
+#. sentences:
+#. These release notes were compiled by Davyd Madeley with extensive
+#. help from the GNOME community. The translation into Alpha Centaurian
+#. was done by the GNOME Furry Creatures from Alpha Centauri Translation
+#. Team. On behalf of the community, ...
+#: C/release-notes.xml:129(para)
+msgid ""
+"This release could not have been possible without the hard work and "
+"dedication of the GNOME community. Congratulations and thanks everyone who "
+"made it a reality."
+msgstr ""
+"ì ëëìë êë ìëëíì ëêì íì ììë êëí ì ììëë. ììë ì"
+"ííë ìë êííì ê ëë ìëìê êìëëëë."
+#: C/release-notes.xml:135(para)
+msgid ""
+"These release notes can be freely translated into any language. If you wish "
+"to translate them into your language, please contact the <ulink url=\"http://";
+"live.gnome.org/TranslationProject\">GNOME Translation Project</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+"ì ìì ìëë ìë ììëë ììëê ëìë ì ììëë. ìêëì ìëëì "
+"ììíë ììë ëìíê ìììëë <ulink url=\"http://live.gnome.org/";
+"TranslationProject\">êë ëì íëìí</ulink>ì ìëí ììê ëëëë."
+#: C/release-notes.xml:142(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document is distributed under the <ulink url=\"http://creativecommons.";
+"org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/\">Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license</ulink>. "
+"Copyright  The GNOME Project"
+msgstr ""
+"ì ëìë <ulink url=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/";
+"\">Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 license</ulink> íì ëíëëë. "
+"Copyright  êë íëìí"
+#: C/release-notes.xml:148(para)
+msgid "Compiled by Allan Day with help from the GNOME community."
+msgstr "êë ìëëíì ëìì ëì Allan Day ê ììíìëë."
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
+#: C/release-notes.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ììí <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>"
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