[gnome-main-menu] Updated Japanese translation

commit 88e0dec558889ee87570c653efae8a4a4b6b42eb
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>
Date:   Wed Nov 23 08:36:16 2011 +0900

    Updated Japanese translation

 po/ja.po |  912 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index dd1f000..dfa6a3c 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: YaST (@memory@)\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-06 17:53+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-23 14:56\n"
-"Last-Translator: Novell Language <language novell com>\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-09 19:39+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-22 12:32+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa src gnome org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Novell Language <language novell com>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,303 +19,90 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.desktop.in.in.h:1
-#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:93
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:100
 msgid "Application Browser"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã "
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:1
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:2
 msgid "Exit shell on add or remove action performed"
 msgstr "èåãããåéããããããåèæãããããçäãã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:2
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:3
 msgid "Exit shell on help action performed"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåèæãããããçäãã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:3
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:4
 msgid "Exit shell on start action performed"
 msgstr "èåããããããåèæãããããçäãã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:4
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:5
 msgid "Exit shell on upgrade or uninstall action performed"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããåèæãããããçäãã"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:5
 msgid "Filename of existing .desktop files"
 msgstr "æåã.desktopãããããããããå"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:6
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:6
 msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when a help action is performed"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåèæãããããçäãããããããçã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:7
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:7
 msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed"
 msgstr "èåããããããåèãããéãããããçäãããããããçã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:8
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:8
-msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed"
+msgid ""
+"Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is "
 msgstr "èåãããåéããããããåèãããéãããããçäãããããããçã"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:9
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:9
-msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããåèãããéãããããçäãããããããçã"
+msgid ""
+"Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is "
+msgstr ""
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:10
 msgid "Max number of New Applications"
 msgstr "æãããããããããããæåæ"
 #: ../application-browser/etc/application-browser.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "The maximum number of applications that will be displayed in the New Applications category"
+msgid ""
+"The maximum number of applications that will be displayed in the New "
+"Applications category"
 msgstr "æãããããããããããããããèçããããããããããããæåæ"
-#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:85
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:63
+msgid "Hide on start (useful to preload the shell)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:93
 msgid "New Applications"
 msgstr "æãããããããããã"
-#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:90
-#: ../control-center/src/control-center.c:160
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:98
 msgid "Filter"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:90
-#: ../control-center/src/control-center.c:160
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:98
 msgid "Groups"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:90
+#: ../application-browser/src/application-browser.c:98
 msgid "Application Actions"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããã "
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.desktop.in.in.h:1
-#: ../control-center/src/control-center.c:164
-msgid "Control Center"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:1
-msgid "Close the control-center when a task is activated"
-msgstr "ããããæååãããååãããããããããããéãã"
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:10
-msgid "Task names and associated .desktop files"
-msgstr "ãããåãééãã.desktopãããã"
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:11
-msgid "The task name to be displayed in the control-center (thus needing to be translated) followed by a \";\" separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for that task."
-msgstr "ããããããããããèçããããããå(åæãåèãã)ãåããã;ããããååãæåãããããããèåããéé.desktopãããããããããåãéãçãããã"
-#. Translators: The format of this string is the task name to be displayed (translate that part) followed by a ";" separator then the filename (DONT translate the file name) of a .desktop file to launch. Multiple entries are separated by a ","
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:13
-msgid "[Change Desktop Background;background.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-manager.desktop,Configure Network;YaST2/lan.desktop,Change Password;gnome-passwd.desktop,Add User;YaST2/users.desktop,Open Administrator Settings;YaST.desktop]"
-msgstr "[ãããããããèæãåæ;background.desktop,ãããããèå;gnome-cups-manager.desktop,ãããããããèå;YaST2/lan.desktop,ããããããåæ;gnome-passwd.desktop,ããããèå;YaST2/users.desktop,ççèèåãéã;YaST.desktop]"
-#: ../control-center/etc/control-center.schemas.in.h:14
-msgid "if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated"
-msgstr "TRUEãååããããããããããããåéãããããæååããããããçäãããã"
-#: ../control-center/src/control-center.c:62
-#, c-format
-msgid "key not found [%s]\n"
-msgstr "ãããèãããããã [%s]\n"
-#: ../control-center/src/control-center.c:160
-msgid "Common Tasks"
-msgstr "åéããã "
-#. make start action
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:316
-#, c-format
-msgid "<b>Start %s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>èå %s</b>"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:335
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:116
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:270
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:342
-msgid "Help Unavailable"
-msgstr "åçããããããã"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:381
-msgid "Upgrade"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:390
-msgid "Uninstall"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:712 ../libslab/document-tile.c:525
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:133
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:138
-msgid "Remove from Favorites"
-msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:714 ../libslab/document-tile.c:527
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:123
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:128
-msgid "Add to Favorites"
-msgstr "ãæãåãããèå"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:769
-msgid "Remove from Startup Programs"
-msgstr "èåããããããããåé"
-#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:771
-msgid "Add to Startup Programs"
-msgstr "èåãããããããèå"
-#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:740
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"<span size=\"large\"><b>No matches found.</b> </span><span>\n"
-" Your filter \"<b>%s</b>\" does not match any items.</span>"
-msgstr ""
-"<span size=\"large\"><b>èåãããããèãããããããããã</b> </span><span>\n"
-" ããããããããã \"<b>%s</b>\" ãããããããããèåããããã</span>"
-#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:879
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "ããä"
-#. make open with default action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:163
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<b>Open</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ããã:</b>"
-#. make rename action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:182 ../libslab/document-tile.c:236
-msgid "Rename..."
-msgstr "ååãåæ..."
-#. make move to trash action
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:195 ../libslab/document-tile.c:249
-msgid "Move to Trash"
-msgstr "ãããããããçå"
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:205 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:448
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:259 ../libslab/document-tile.c:629
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "åé"
-#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:225 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:234
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:295 ../libslab/document-tile.c:304
-msgid "Send To..."
-msgstr "éäå..."
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:154
-msgid "Edited %m/%d/%Y"
-msgstr "çéæã %Y/%m/%d"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:192
-#, c-format
-msgid "<b>Open with \"%s\"</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ã%sããéã</b>"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:204
-msgid "Open with Default Application"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããéã"
-#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:220
-msgid "Open in File Manager"
-msgstr "ããããããããããéã "
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:909 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1001
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1080 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1127
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Unexpected attribute '%s' for element '%s'"
-msgstr "ãããããããå:ã%sããäæãããæåããããã"
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:920 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1012
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1022 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1138
-#, c-format
-msgid "Attribute '%s' of element '%s' not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1329 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1394
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1444 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1454
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unexpected tag '%s', tag '%s' expected"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1354 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1368
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1422 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:1476
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unexpected tag '%s' inside '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2187
-msgid "No valid bookmark file was be found in data dirs"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2388
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "A bookmark for URI '%s' already exists"
-msgstr "CAããããããããããååãããããã"
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2432 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2593
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2682 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2763
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2848 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2931
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3009 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3088
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3130 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3227
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3350 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3540
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3616 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3765
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3830 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3919
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:4053
-#, c-format
-msgid "No bookmark found for URI '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2772
-#, c-format
-msgid "No MIME type defined in the bookmark for URI '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:2857
-#, c-format
-msgid "No private flag has been defined in bookmark for URI '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3236
-#, c-format
-msgid "No groups set in bookmark for URI '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3634 ../libslab/eggbookmarkfile.c:3775
-#, c-format
-msgid "No application with name '%s' registered a bookmark for '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../libslab/search-bar.c:255
-msgid "Find Now"
-msgstr "äããæç"
-#: ../libslab/system-tile.c:113
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "<b>Open %s</b>"
-msgstr "<b>ã%sããéã</b>"
-#: ../libslab/system-tile.c:126
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Remove from System Items"
-msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/GNOME_MainMenu.server.in.in.h:1
 msgid "Default menu and application browser"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/GNOME_MainMenu.server.in.in.h:2
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-ui.c:1560 ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:7
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-ui.c:2423 ../main-menu/src/main-menu.c:66
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:6
 msgid "GNOME Main Menu"
 msgstr "GNOMEããããããã "
@@ -328,7 +116,7 @@ msgstr "ããããããã "
 #: ../main-menu/etc/GNOME_MainMenu_ContextMenu.xml.h:1
 msgid "_About"
-msgstr "ãããã(&A)"
+msgstr "ãããã(_A)"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/GNOME_MainMenu_ContextMenu.xml.h:2
 #, fuzzy
@@ -336,376 +124,625 @@ msgid "_Open Menu"
 msgstr "ãããããããã "
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:1
-msgid ".desktop file for the YaST2 network_devices utility"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ".desktop file for the YaST2 network_devices utility"
+msgid ".desktop file for the Network Manager editor utility"
 msgstr "YaST2ãããããããããããããããããçã.desktopãããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:2
+msgid ".desktop file for the YaST2 network_devices utility"
+msgstr "YaST2ãããããããããããããããããçã.desktopãããã"
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:3
 msgid ".desktop file for the file browser"
 msgstr "ããããããããçã.desktopãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:3
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:4
 msgid ".desktop file for the gnome-system-monitor"
 msgstr "gnomeãããããããçã.desktopãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:4
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:5
 msgid ".desktop file for the net config tool"
 msgstr "netèåãããç.desktopãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:5
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:6
 msgid ".desktop path for the application browser"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããçã.desktopãã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:6
-msgid "Location of the system-wide directory in which startup programs are found."
-msgstr "èåããããããéçãããããããããåäããããããããåæ"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:7
-msgid "Location of the user directory in which startup programs are found. The dir path should not be absolute, as the value of this key is appended to this path: ~/."
-msgstr "èåããããããéçãããããããããããããããåæã ãããããåãæããããèåããããããããããããããçåãããããåèãããããã: ~/."
+msgid ""
+"This is the command to execute when the \"Open in File Manager\" menu item "
+"is activated."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:8
-msgid "System-wide autostart program drop dir"
-msgstr "ãããããããèåèåããããããããããããããã"
+msgid ""
+"This is the command to execute when the \"Open in File Manager\" menu item "
+"is activated. FILE_URI is replaced with a uri corresponding to the dirname "
+"of the activated file."
+msgstr ""
+"ãã FILE_URIãæåãããããããããããåãèåããURIãçãæãããããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:9
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the \"Open in File Manager\" menu item is activated."
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããéããããããéçãæåãååãåèãããã"
+msgid ""
+"This is the command to execute when the \"Send To...\" menu item is "
+msgstr "ãããããããããéäåãããããéçãæåãååãåèãããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:10
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the \"Open in File Manager\" menu item is activated. FILE_URI is replaced with a uri corresponding to the dirname of the activated file."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããéããããããéçãæåãååãåèãããã FILE_URIãæåãããããããããããåãèåããURIãçãæãããããã"
+msgid ""
+"This is the command to execute when the \"Send To...\" menu item is "
+"activated. DIRNAME and BASENAME are replaced with the corresponding "
+"components of the activated tile."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:11
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the \"Send To...\" menu item is activated."
-msgstr "ãããããããããéäåãããããéçãæåãååãåèãããã"
+msgid "This is the command to execute when the search entry is used."
+msgstr "ãããæçãããããäçããéãåèããããããããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:12
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the \"Send To...\" menu item is activated. DIRNAME and BASENAME are replaced with the corresponding components of the activated tile."
-msgstr "ãããããããããéäåãããããéçãæåãååãåèããããDIRNAMEãBASENAMEããæåããããèåããããããããããçãæãããããã"
+msgid ""
+"This is the command to execute when the search entry is used. SEARCH_STRING "
+"is replaced with the entered search text."
+msgstr ""
+"ãããæçãããããäçããéãåèããããããããã SEARCH_STRINGãååã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:13
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the search entry is used."
-msgstr "ãããæçãããããäçããéãåèããããããããã"
+msgid "command to uninstall packages"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:14
-msgid "This is the command to execute when the search entry is used. SEARCH_STRING is replaced with the entered search text."
-msgstr "ãããæçãããããäçããéãåèããããããããã SEARCH_STRINGãååããæçãããããçãæãããããã"
+msgid ""
+"command to uninstall packages, PACKAGE_NAME is replaced by the name of the "
+"package in the command"
+msgstr ""
+"ãããåãçãæãããããã "
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:15
-msgid "User autostart program drop dir (within the home dir)"
-msgstr "ãããèåèåããããããããããããããã(ãããããããããå)"
+msgid "command to upgrade packages"
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:16
-msgid "command to uninstall packages"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããã"
+msgid ""
+"command to upgrade packages, PACKAGE_NAME is replaced by the name of the "
+"package in the command"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:17
-msgid "command to uninstall packages, PACKAGE_NAME is replaced by the name of the package in the command"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããPACKAGE_NAMEãããããããããããããåãçãæãããããã "
+msgid ""
+"contains the list (in no particular order) of allowable file tables to show "
+"in the file area. possible values: 0 - show the user-specified or \"Favorite"
+"\" applications table, 1 - show the recently used applications table, 2 - "
+"show the user-specified or \"Favorite\" documents table, 3 - show the "
+"recently used documents table, 4 - show the user-specified of \"Favorite\" "
+"directories or \"Places\" table, and 5 - show the recently used directories "
+"or \"Places\" table."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:18
-msgid "command to upgrade packages"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:19
-msgid "command to upgrade packages, PACKAGE_NAME is replaced by the name of the package in the command"
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããPACKAGE_NAMEãããããããããããããåãçãæãããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:20
-msgid "contains the list (in no particular order) of allowable file tables to show in the file area. possible values: 0 - show the user-specified or \"Favorite\" applications table, 1 - show the recently used applications table, 2 - show the user-specified or \"Favorite\" documents table, 3 - show the recently used documents table, 4 - show the user-specified of \"Favorite\" directories or \"Places\" table, and 5 - show the recently used directories or \"Places\" table."
+msgid ""
+"contains the list of files (including .desktop files) to be excluded from "
+"the \"Recently Used Applications\" and \"Recent Files\" lists"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:21
-msgid "contains the list of files (including .desktop files) to be excluded from the \"Recently Used Applications\" and \"Recent Files\" lists"
-msgstr "ãæèäçããããããããããããããæèãããããããããããåéããããããããããã(.desktopãããããåã)ãåãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:22
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:19
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "determines the limit of items in the file-area."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæãåéãæåãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:23
-msgid "determines the limit of items in the file-area. The number favorite items is not limited. This limit applies to the number of recent items, i.e. the number of recent items displayed is limited to max_total_items - the number of favorite items. If the number of favorite items exceeds max_total_items - min_recent_items than this limit is ignored."
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:20
+msgid ""
+"determines the limit of items in the file-area. The number of favorite items "
+"is not limited. This limit applies to the number of recent items, i.e. the "
+"number of recent items displayed is limited to max_total_items - the number "
+"of favorite items. If the number of favorite items exceeds max_total_items - "
+"min_recent_items then this limit is ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:24
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:21
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "determines the minimum number of items in the \"recent\" section of the file-area."
+msgid ""
+"determines the minimum number of items in the \"recent\" section of the file-"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæãåéãæåãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:25
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:22
 msgid "determines which types of files to display in the file area"
 msgstr "ããããããããèçããããããããããããæåãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:26
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:23
 msgid "if true, main menu is more anxious to close"
 msgstr "TRUEãååãããããããããéãããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:27
-msgid "if true, main menu will close under these additional conditions: tile is activated, search activated"
-msgstr "TRUEãååãããããããããæãèåæäãäãéããããã: ããããæçãæåãããåå"
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:24
+msgid ""
+"if true, main menu will close under these additional conditions: tile is "
+"activated, search activated"
+msgstr ""
+"TRUEãååãããããããããæãèåæäãäãéããããã: ããããæçãæ"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:28
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:25
 msgid "lock-down configuration of the file area"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããèå"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:29
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:26
 msgid "lock-down status for the application browser link"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:30
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:27
 msgid "lock-down status for the search area"
 msgstr "æçããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:31
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:28
 msgid "lock-down status for the status area"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:32
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:29
 msgid "lock-down status for the system area"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:33
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:30
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "lock-down status for the user-specified apps section"
 msgstr "æçããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:34
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:31
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "lock-down status for the user-specified dirs section"
 msgstr "æçããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:35
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:32
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "lock-down status for the user-specified docs section"
 msgstr "æçããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:36
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:33
 msgid "possible values = 0 [Applications], 1 [Documents], 2 [Places]"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:37
-msgid "set to true if the link to the application browser should be visible and active."
-msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããèçãããããæåãååãTRUEãèåããããã"
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:34
+msgid ""
+"set to true if the link to the application browser should be visible and "
+msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:38
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:35
 msgid "set to true if the search area should be visible and active."
 msgstr "æçããããèçãããããæåãååãTRUEãèåããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:39
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:36
 msgid "set to true if the status area should be visible and active."
 msgstr "ãããããããããèçãããããæåãååãTRUEãèåããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:40
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:37
 msgid "set to true if the system area should be visible and active."
 msgstr "ããããããããèçãããããæåãååãTRUEãèåããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:41
-msgid "set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or \"Favorite\" applications."
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "set to true if the search area should be visible and active."
+msgid "set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of system items."
+msgstr "æçããããèçãããããæåãååãTRUEãèåããããã"
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:39
+msgid ""
+"set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or "
+"\"Favorite\" applications."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:42
-msgid "set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or \"Favorite\" directories or \"Places\"."
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:40
+msgid ""
+"set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or "
+"\"Favorite\" directories or \"Places\"."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:43
-msgid "set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or \"Favorite\" documents."
+#: ../main-menu/etc/slab.schemas.in.in.h:41
+msgid ""
+"set to true if the user is allowed to modify the list of user-specified or "
+"\"Favorite\" documents."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:110
+#: ../main-menu/etc/trigger-panel-run-dialog.desktop.in.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Hard _Drive"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgid "Run Application"
+msgstr "æèäçãããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:345
-#, c-format
-msgid "%lluG"
-msgstr "%lluG"
+#: ../main-menu/etc/trigger-panel-run-dialog.desktop.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Show the \"Run Application\" dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:347
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:99
+msgid "_System Monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:212
 #, c-format
-msgid "%lluM"
-msgstr "%lluM"
+msgid "%.1fG"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:349
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:214
 #, c-format
-msgid "%lluK"
-msgstr "%lluK"
+msgid "%.1fM"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:351
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:216
 #, c-format
-msgid "%llub"
-msgstr "%llub"
+msgid "%.1fK"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:372
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:218
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s Free / %s Total"
+msgid "%.1fb"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../main-menu/src/hard-drive-status-tile.c:239
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "%s Free / %s Total"
+msgid "Home: %s Free / %s"
 msgstr "%s çã/ %s åè"
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:118
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:273
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:126
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:248
+#: ../main-menu/etc/system-items.xbel.in.h:1
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:130
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:250
+#: ../main-menu/etc/system-items.xbel.in.h:3
 msgid "Logout"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:120
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:276
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:134
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:252
+#: ../main-menu/etc/system-items.xbel.in.h:4
 msgid "Shutdown"
 msgstr "åæãã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:205
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:192
+#: ../main-menu/etc/system-items.xbel.in.h:2
 msgid "Lock Screen"
 msgstr "çéãããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:207
-msgid "gnome-lockscreen"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:531
-msgid "New Spreadsheet"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-migration.c:536
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Document"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-ui.c:1561
+#: ../main-menu/src/main-menu-ui.c:2424
 msgid "The GNOME Main Menu"
 msgstr "GNOMEããããããã "
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:91
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:89
 msgid "Network: None"
 msgstr "ãããããã: ãã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:94
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:199
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:92
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:205
 msgid "Click to configure network"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããèåãã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:198
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:204
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Networ_k: None"
 msgstr "ãããããã: ãã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:207
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:213
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:230
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:238
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to: %s"
 msgstr "æçå: %s"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:210
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:216
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Networ_k: Wireless"
 msgstr "ãããããã: ããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:215
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:221
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using ethernet (%s)"
 msgstr "ãããããããäç (%s)"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:219
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:225
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Networ_k: Wired"
 msgstr "ãããããã: æç"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:320
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:233
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Networ_k: GSM"
+msgstr "ãããããã: ãã"
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Networ_k: CDMA"
+msgstr "ãããããã: ãã"
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wireless Ethernet (%s)"
 msgstr "ããããããããããã(%s)"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:325
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wired Ethernet (%s)"
 msgstr "æçãããããã(%s)"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:329
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:339
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:354
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:359
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+#| msgid "Wired Ethernet (%s)"
+msgid "Mobile Ethernet (%s)"
+msgstr "æçãããããã(%s)"
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:363
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:373
+#, c-format
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "äæ"
-#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:337
+#: ../main-menu/src/network-status-tile.c:371
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d Mb/s"
 msgstr "%d Mb/s"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:1
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:2
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-button.ui.h:1
 msgid "Computer"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:3
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:1
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:2
 msgid "Documents"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:4
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:3
 msgid "Favorite Applications"
 msgstr "ãæãåãããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:5
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:4
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Favorite Documents"
 msgstr "My Documents"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:6
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:5
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Favorite Places"
 msgstr "ãæãåãããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:8
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:7
 msgid "More Applications..."
 msgstr "äããããããããã..."
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:9
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:8
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "More Documents..."
 msgstr "ãããããããããã..."
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:10
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:9
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "More Places..."
 msgstr "äããããããããã..."
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:11
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:10
 msgid "Places"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:12
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:11
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent Applications"
 msgstr "æèäçãããããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:13
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:12
 msgid "Recent Documents"
 msgstr "ææããããããã"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:14
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:13
 msgid "Search:"
 msgstr "æç:"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:15
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:14
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "çæ"
-#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.glade.h:16
+#: ../main-menu/src/slab-window.ui.h:15
 msgid "System"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:124
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:114
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:119
+msgid "Add to Favorites"
+msgstr "ãæãåãããèå"
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:115
 msgid "Add the current launcher to favorites"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:129
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:120
 msgid "Add the current document to favorites"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:134
-#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:139
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:124
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:129
+msgid "Remove from Favorites"
+msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:125
+#: ../nautilus-main-menu/nautilus-main-menu.c:130
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove the current document from favorites"
 msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
+#~ msgid "Control Center"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Close the control-center when a task is activated"
+#~ msgstr "ããããæååãããååãããããããããããéãã"
+#~ msgid "Task names and associated .desktop files"
+#~ msgstr "ãããåãééãã.desktopãããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The task name to be displayed in the control-center (thus needing to be "
+#~ "translated) followed by a \";\" separator then the filename of an "
+#~ "associated .desktop file to launch for that task."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããããããèçããããããå(åæãåèãã)ãåããã;ãããã"
+#~ "ååãæåãããããããèåããéé.desktopãããããããããåãéãçã"
+#~ "ããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "[Change Desktop Background;background.desktop,Add Printer;gnome-cups-"
+#~ "manager.desktop,Configure Network;YaST2/lan.desktop,Change Password;gnome-"
+#~ "passwd.desktop,Add User;YaST2/users.desktop,Open Administrator Settings;"
+#~ "YaST.desktop]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "[ãããããããèæãåæ;background.desktop,ãããããèå;gnome-cups-"
+#~ "manager.desktop,ãããããããèå;YaST2/lan.desktop,ããããããåæ;"
+#~ "gnome-passwd.desktop,ããããèå;YaST2/users.desktop,ççèèåãéã;"
+#~ "YaST.desktop]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "TRUEãååããããããããããããåéãããããæååããããããçäãã"
+#~ "ãã"
+#~ msgid "key not found [%s]\n"
+#~ msgstr "ãããèãããããã [%s]\n"
+#~ msgid "Common Tasks"
+#~ msgstr "åéããã "
+#~ msgid "<b>Start %s</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>èå %s</b>"
+#~ msgid "Help Unavailable"
+#~ msgstr "åçããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Upgrade"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Uninstall"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããã"
+#~ msgid "Remove from Startup Programs"
+#~ msgstr "èåããããããããåé"
+#~ msgid "Add to Startup Programs"
+#~ msgstr "èåãããããããèå"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<span size=\"large\"><b>No matches found.</b> </span><span>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " Your filter \"<b>%s</b>\" does not match any items.</span>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<span size=\"large\"><b>èåãããããèãããããããããã</b> </"
+#~ "span><span>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " ããããããããã \"<b>%s</b>\" ãããããããããèåããããã</span>"
+#~ msgid "Other"
+#~ msgstr "ããä"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<b>Open</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ããã:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Rename..."
+#~ msgstr "ååãåæ..."
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããçå"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "åé"
+#~ msgid "Send To..."
+#~ msgstr "éäå..."
+#~ msgid "Edited %m/%d/%Y"
+#~ msgstr "çéæã %Y/%m/%d"
+#~ msgid "<b>Open with \"%s\"</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ã%sããéã</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with Default Application"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããããããéã"
+#~ msgid "Open in File Manager"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããããããéã "
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Unexpected attribute '%s' for element '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããå:ã%sããäæãããæåããããã"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "A bookmark for URI '%s' already exists"
+#~ msgstr "CAããããããããããååãããããã"
+#~ msgid "Find Now"
+#~ msgstr "äããæç"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<b>Open %s</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ã%sããéã</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Remove from System Items"
+#~ msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Location of the system-wide directory in which startup programs are found."
+#~ msgstr "èåããããããéçãããããããããåäããããããããåæ"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Location of the user directory in which startup programs are found. The "
+#~ "dir path should not be absolute, as the value of this key is appended to "
+#~ "this path: ~/."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "èåããããããéçãããããããããããããããåæã ãããããåãæ"
+#~ "ããããèåããããããããããããããçåãããããåèãããããã: "
+#~ "~/."
+#~ msgid "System-wide autostart program drop dir"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããèåèåããããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "User autostart program drop dir (within the home dir)"
+#~ msgstr "ãããèåèåããããããããããããããã(ãããããããããå)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Hard _Drive"
+#~ msgstr "ããããããã"
+#~ msgid "%lluG"
+#~ msgstr "%lluG"
+#~ msgid "%lluM"
+#~ msgstr "%lluM"
+#~ msgid "%lluK"
+#~ msgstr "%lluK"
+#~ msgid "%llub"
+#~ msgstr "%llub"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "New Document"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããã"
 #~ msgid "Software Update"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
@@ -715,20 +752,53 @@ msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
 #~ msgid "System area items"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããéç"
-#~ msgid "The list of the items which will appear in the System area. Possible values are HELP = 0, CONTROL_CENTER = 1, PACKAGE_MANAGER = 2, LOG_OUT = 3, LOCK_SCREEN = 4. HELP, CONTROL_CENTER and PACKAGE_MANAGER need to the have the appropriate .desktop files defined in the, respectively, \"help_item\", \"control_center_item\" and \"package_manager_item\" keys."
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããèçãããéçããããã æååããHELP = 0ãCONTROL_CENTER = 1ãPACKAGE_MANAGER = 2ãLOG_OUT = 3ãLOCK_SCREEN = 4ããããããHELPãCONTROL_CENTERãããPACKAGE_MANAGERãããéåã.desktopããããããããããhelp_itemãããcontrol_center_itemãããpackage_manager_itemããããåçãããåèãããããã"
-#~ msgid "contains the list (in no particular order) of allowable file types to show in the file area. possible values (see also the note for /desktop/gnome/applications/main-menu/file-area/file_class): 0 [USER_SPECIFIED_APPS], 1 [RECENTLY_USED_APPS], 2 [RECENT_FILES]. RECENTLY_USED_APPS is the list of recently used (instantiated with the main-menu or the application-browser). USER_SPECIFIED_APPS is equivalent to \"Favorite Applications\". RECENT_FILES is the list of files from ~/.recently-used."
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããèçãããåèåèãããããããããããã(çåãéåãããã)ãåããããæååãääãéããã(/desktop/gnome/ applications/main-menu/file-area/file_classãææãåçï: 0ïUSER_SPECIFIED_APPSïã1ïRECENTLY_USED_APPSïã2ïRECENT_FILESïãRECENTLY_USED_APPSãæèäçãããããããã(ãããããããããããããããããããããããããåæåæã)ã  USER_SPECIFIED_APPSããããæãåããããããããããããåçãããRECENT_FILESãã~/.recently usedãããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The list of the items which will appear in the System area. Possible "
+#~ "values are HELP = 0, CONTROL_CENTER = 1, PACKAGE_MANAGER = 2, LOG_OUT = "
+#~ "have the appropriate .desktop files defined in the, respectively, "
+#~ "\"help_item\", \"control_center_item\" and \"package_manager_item\" keys."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããããèçãããéçããããã æååããHELP = 0ã"
+#~ "ããããHELPãCONTROL_CENTERãããPACKAGE_MANAGERãããéåã.desktopãã"
+#~ "ããããããããhelp_itemãããcontrol_center_itemãã"
+#~ "ãpackage_manager_itemããããåçãããåèãããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "contains the list (in no particular order) of allowable file types to "
+#~ "show in the file area. possible values (see also the note for /desktop/"
+#~ "gnome/applications/main-menu/file-area/file_class): 0 "
+#~ "RECENTLY_USED_APPS is the list of recently used (instantiated with the "
+#~ "main-menu or the application-browser). USER_SPECIFIED_APPS is equivalent "
+#~ "to \"Favorite Applications\". RECENT_FILES is the list of files from ~/."
+#~ "recently-used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããããèçãããåèåèãããããããããããã(çåãéåãã"
+#~ "ãã)ãåããããæååãääãéããã(/desktop/gnome/ applications/main-"
+#~ "menu/file-area/file_classãææãåçï: 0ïUSER_SPECIFIED_APPSïã1"
+#~ "ããããããã(ãããããããããããããããããããããããããåæåæ"
+#~ "ã)ã  USER_SPECIFIED_APPSããããæãåããããããããããããåçããã"
+#~ "RECENT_FILESãã~/.recently usedãããããããããããããã"
 #~ msgid "control center item .desktop file"
 #~ msgstr "ãããããããããéç.desktopãããã"
-#~ msgid "determines the limit of tiles in the file-area. *Note: this does not affect the number of tiles if the file-class is USER_SPECIFIED_*."
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããããæãåéãæåãããã *ææ: ããããããããUSER_SPECIFIED_*ãååãããããæãåéãåããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "determines the limit of tiles in the file-area. *Note: this does not "
+#~ "affect the number of tiles if the file-class is USER_SPECIFIED_*."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ãããããããããããæãåéãæåãããã *ææ: ãããããããã"
+#~ "USER_SPECIFIED_*ãååãããããæãåéãåããããã"
-#~ msgid "determines the reordering algorithm used when moving tiles around the main-menu"
-#~ msgstr "ããããããããååãããããçåããéãäçããããããããããéåäããæåãããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "determines the reordering algorithm used when moving tiles around the "
+#~ "main-menu"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ããããããããååãããããçåããéãäçããããããããããéåäã"
+#~ "ãæåãããã"
 #~ msgid "help item .desktop file"
 #~ msgstr "ãããéç.desktopãããã"
@@ -736,11 +806,39 @@ msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
 #~ msgid "package manager item .desktop file"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããããããéç.desktopãããã"
-#~ msgid "possible values = 0 [SWAP], 1 [PUSH], 2 [PUSH_PULL]. SWAP indicates that when a tile is dragged onto another tile they should simply swap position. PUSH indicates that when a tile, A, is dragged onto another tile, B, a vacant spot is created in tile A's place. tile B (and all tiles after B) shift down until the new vacant space is filled. this operation wraps around in the case that tile A appears before tile B prior to the drag and drop operation. PUSH_PULL is similar to PUSH except that when tiles are shifted they are either pushed into the vacant spaced or pulled from the other direction, depending on which strategy affects the least number of tiles."
-#~ msgstr "æåå= 0ïSWAPïã1ïPUSHïã2ïPUSH_PULLïã SWAPãããããåãããããããããããéããäçãäæããããããçãããã.  PUSHãããããAãåããããBãããããããããçãåæãAãåæãäæããããããããB (ãããBäéãããããããã)ãæããçããããããäæãããããçåãããããããAããããBãåãèçããããããããã&ããããããããããæäããããããããã. ããããçåãããéããããããæåæãåéããããããããåããçããããããæãåãããåãæåããåãåãããäåããPUSH_PULLãPUSHãåæããã"
-#~ msgid "possible values = 0 [USER_SPECIFIED_APPS], 1 [RECENTLY_USED_APPS], 2 [RECENT_FILES]. RECENTLY_USED_APPS is the list of recently used (instantiated with the main-menu or the application-browser). USER_SPECIFIED_APPS is equivalent to \"Favorite Applications\". RECENT_FILES is the list of files from ~/.recently-used."
-#~ msgstr "æåå= 0ïUSER_SPECIFIED_APPSïã1ïRECENTLY_USED_APPSïã2ïRECENT_FILESïã RECENTLY_USED_APPSãæèäçãããããããã(ãããããããããããããããããããããããããèææã)ãUSER_SPECIFIED_APPSããããæãåããããããããããããåçããã RECENT_FILESãã~/.recently usedãããããããããããããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "possible values = 0 [SWAP], 1 [PUSH], 2 [PUSH_PULL]. SWAP indicates that "
+#~ "when a tile is dragged onto another tile they should simply swap "
+#~ "position. PUSH indicates that when a tile, A, is dragged onto another "
+#~ "tile, B, a vacant spot is created in tile A's place. tile B (and all "
+#~ "tiles after B) shift down until the new vacant space is filled. this "
+#~ "operation wraps around in the case that tile A appears before tile B "
+#~ "prior to the drag and drop operation. PUSH_PULL is similar to PUSH except "
+#~ "that when tiles are shifted they are either pushed into the vacant spaced "
+#~ "or pulled from the other direction, depending on which strategy affects "
+#~ "the least number of tiles."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "æåå= 0ïSWAPïã1ïPUSHïã2ïPUSH_PULLïã SWAPãããããåããããã"
+#~ "ããããããéããäçãäæããããããçãããã.  PUSHãããããAãåã"
+#~ "ãããBãããããããããçãåæãAãåæãäæããããããããB (ãããB"
+#~ "äéãããããããã)ãæããçããããããäæãããããçåãããããã"
+#~ "ãAããããBãåãèçããããããããã&ããããããããããæäãããã"
+#~ "ããããã. ããããçåãããéããããããæåæãåéããããããããå"
+#~ "ããçããããããæãåãããåãæåããåãåãããäåããPUSH_PULLã"
+#~ "PUSHãåæããã"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "possible values = 0 [USER_SPECIFIED_APPS], 1 [RECENTLY_USED_APPS], 2 "
+#~ "[RECENT_FILES]. RECENTLY_USED_APPS is the list of recently used "
+#~ "(instantiated with the main-menu or the application-browser). "
+#~ "USER_SPECIFIED_APPS is equivalent to \"Favorite Applications\". "
+#~ "RECENT_FILES is the list of files from ~/.recently-used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ïRECENT_FILESïã RECENTLY_USED_APPSãæèäçãããããããã(ãããã"
+#~ "ãããããããããããããããããããããèææã)ãUSER_SPECIFIED_APPS"
+#~ "ããããæãåããããããããããããåçããã RECENT_FILESãã~/."
+#~ "recently usedãããããããããããããã"
 #~ msgid "prioritized list of commands to lock the screen"
 #~ msgstr "çéãããããããããããåååããã"
@@ -760,8 +858,12 @@ msgstr "ãæãåããããåé"
 #~ msgid "Number of days to be in New Applications category"
 #~ msgstr "æãããããããããããããããåããææ "
-#~ msgid "The number of days relative to current date that an application will be considered a New Application"
-#~ msgstr "ãããããããããæãããããããããããèããããçåãæäãééããææ"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The number of days relative to current date that an application will be "
+#~ "considered a New Application"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ãããããããããæãããããããããããèããããçåãæäãééããæ"
+#~ "æ"
 #~ msgid "All Applications..."
 #~ msgstr "ãããããããããããã..."

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