[epiphany] Updated Hebrew translation.

commit 92a37489abf637ff043e722079a37919f94c00a6
Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>
Date:   Mon May 9 00:46:55 2011 +0300

    Updated Hebrew translation.

 po/he.po |  516 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
index bbf4cbf..e3d2733 100644
--- a/po/he.po
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: epiphany.HEAD.he\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-31 21:12+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-31 21:13+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-09 00:46+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-09 00:46+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <sh yaron gmail com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hebrew <he li org>\n"
+"Language: he\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -244,8 +245,8 @@ msgid "<small>For example, not from advertisers on these sites</small>"
 msgstr "<small>×?×?×?×?×?×?, ×?×? ×?×?פרס×?×?×? ×?×?תר×?×? ×?×?×?</small>"
 #: ../data/glade/prefs-dialog.ui.h:13
-msgid "A_utomatically download and open files"
-msgstr "×?×?ר×?×? ×?פת×?×?×? ש×? ק×?צ×?×? _×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת"
+msgid "A_utomatically open downloaded files"
+msgstr "פת×?×?ת ק×?צ×?×? ש×?תק×?×?×? _×?×?×?×?×?×?×?ת"
 #: ../data/glade/prefs-dialog.ui.h:14
 msgid "Add Language"
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ msgstr "×?_פע×?ת ת×?ספ×?×?"
 msgid "Fonts & Style"
 msgstr "×?×?פנ×?×? ×?×¢×?צ×?×?"
-#: ../data/glade/prefs-dialog.ui.h:23 ../src/prefs-dialog.c:773
+#: ../data/glade/prefs-dialog.ui.h:23 ../src/prefs-dialog.c:774
 msgid "Language"
 msgstr "שפ×?"
@@ -412,12 +413,12 @@ msgstr "×?×? _×?ס×?רת ×?נפר×?"
 msgid "_Page address"
 msgstr "_×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×£"
-#: ../embed/ephy-download.c:174
+#: ../embed/ephy-download.c:172
 msgctxt "file type"
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
-#: ../embed/ephy-embed.c:495
+#: ../embed/ephy-embed.c:584
 msgid "Web Inspector"
 msgstr "×?נת×? ×?×?תר×?×?"
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ msgstr "×?נת×? ×?×?תר×?×?"
 msgid "Epiphany can't be used now. Initialization failed."
 msgstr "×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?שת×?ש ×?Ö¾Epiphany. ×?×?פע×?×? × ×?ש×?×?."
-#: ../embed/ephy-embed-single.c:507
+#: ../embed/ephy-embed-single.c:505
 msgid ""
 "CA Certificates file we should use was not found, all SSL sites will be "
 "considered to have a broken certificate."
@@ -775,15 +776,15 @@ msgstr "ק×?צ×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?×?×?"
 #. characters
 #. ms
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:67 ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:3385
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:67 ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:3323
 msgid "Blank page"
 msgstr "×?×£ ר×?ק"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:784
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:750
 msgid "Not now"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?עת"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:789
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:755
 msgid "Store password"
 msgstr "×?×?ס×?×? ×?סס×?×?"
@@ -791,42 +792,42 @@ msgstr "×?×?ס×?×? ×?סס×?×?"
 #. * hostname where this is happening. Example: gnome gmail com and
 #. * mail.google.com.
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:800
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:766
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "<big>Would you like to store the password for <b>%s</b> in <b>%s</b>?</big>"
 msgstr "<big>×?×?×? ×?×?×?ס×? ×?ת ×?סס×?×? ×¢×?×?ר <b>%s</b> ×?Ö¾<b>%s</b>?</big>"
 #. Translators: Geolocation policy for a specific site.
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1778
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1723
 msgid "Deny"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
 #. Translators: Geolocation policy for a specific site.
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1784
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1729
 msgid "Allow"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?ר"
 #. Label
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1790
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "The page at <b>%s</b> wants to know your location."
 msgstr "×?×¢×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×?ת <b>%s</b> ×?×¢×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?עת ×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?×?."
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2023
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1968
 msgid "None specified"
 msgstr "×?×? צ×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2032 ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2044
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1977 ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1989
 #, c-format
 msgid "Oops! Error loading %s"
 msgstr "×?×?פס! ×?×?רע×? ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×?נת %s"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2034
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1979
 msgid "Oops! It was impossible to load this website"
 msgstr "×?×?פס! ×?×? × ×?ת×? ×?×?×¢×?×? ×?תר ×?×?"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2035
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The website at <strong>%s</strong> is probably unavailable, the precise "
@@ -838,15 +839,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "><em>%s</em>.<br/><br/> ×?×? תק×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?רת ×¢×? עצ×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?ק ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?ר ש×?×? "
 "×?×?×?× ×?רנ×? ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?תר <strong>%s</strong> ×¢×?×?×? ×?ר×?×?×?."
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2038
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1983
 msgid "Try again"
 msgstr "× ×?ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2046
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1991
 msgid "Oops! This site might have caused Epiphany to close unexpectedly"
 msgstr "×?×?פס! ×?תר ×?×? ×?נר×?×? ×?ר×? ×?Ö¾Epiphany ×?×?×?ס×?ר ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×?ת×? צפ×?×?"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2047
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1992
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This page was loading when the web browser closed unexpectedly.<br/> This "
@@ -854,32 +855,32 @@ msgid ""
 "problem to the <strong>%s</strong> developers."
 msgstr ""
 "×¢×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×? ×?×?×¢×?× ×? ×?×?×?×? ש×?×?פ×?פ×? נס×?ר ×?×?×?פ×? ×?×? צפ×?×?.<br/> פע×?×?×? ×?×? ×¢×?×?×?×? ×?צ×?×¥ "
-"ש×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×£ ×?×?×?×¢×? ש×?×?. ×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×? ק×?ר×? ש×?×? × ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?תק×?×? ×?×?פת×?×? <strong>%"
+"ש×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×£ ×?×?×?×¢×? ש×?×?. ×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×? ק×?ר×? ש×?×? × ×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×¢×? ×?תק×?×? ×?×?פת×?×? <strong>"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2050
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:1995
 msgid "Load again anyway"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?× ×? ×?×?×?ש ×?×?×? ×?×?ת"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2331
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2269
 #, c-format
 msgid "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8";
 msgstr "http://www.google.co.il/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8";
 #. translators: %s here is the address of the web page
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2626
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2564
 #, c-format
 msgid "Loading â??%sâ??â?¦"
 msgstr "â??%sâ?? × ×?×¢×?â?¦"
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2628
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:2566
 msgid "Loadingâ?¦"
 msgstr "×?×?×¢×?× ×?â?¦"
 #. Translators: this is the directory name to store auxilary files
 #. * when saving html files.
-#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:3589
+#: ../embed/ephy-web-view.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Files"
 msgstr "×?ק×?צ×?×? ש×? %s"
@@ -954,33 +955,33 @@ msgstr "Show session management options"
 #. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
 #. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
 #. * please remove.
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:957
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:958
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show â??_%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת â??_%sâ??"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1447
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1448
 msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?×? ×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1448
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1449
 msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ת ×?פר×?×? ×?× ×?×?ר ×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1449
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1450
 msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
 msgstr "×?סר×? ×?_סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1450
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1451
 msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
 msgstr "ש×?× ×?×? ש×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?× ×?ש×? ×?× ×?×?ר"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1451
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1452
 msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
 msgstr "×?_סרת סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1452
+#: ../lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1453
 msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
 msgstr "×?סרת סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?× ×?×?ר"
@@ -1089,13 +1090,13 @@ msgstr "×?×?ס×?×?ר×?×?"
 #: ../lib/ephy-stock-icons.c:49
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-factory-action.c:300
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1507
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1525
 msgid "Bookmark"
 msgstr "ס×?×?× ×?×?×?"
 #: ../lib/ephy-stock-icons.c:50 ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:885
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1661
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-topic-action.c:442 ../src/ephy-window.c:1511
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-topic-action.c:442 ../src/ephy-window.c:1529
 msgid "Bookmarks"
 msgstr "ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
@@ -1141,7 +1142,7 @@ msgid "%b %d %Y"
 msgstr "%b %d %Y"
 #. impossible time or broken locale settings
-#: ../lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:279 ../src/ephy-window.c:1744
+#: ../lib/ephy-time-helpers.c:279 ../src/ephy-window.c:1762
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×¢"
@@ -1222,7 +1223,7 @@ msgstr "ש×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×?: %s"
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:288 ../src/ephy-window.c:1501
+#: ../lib/widgets/ephy-download-widget.c:288 ../src/ephy-window.c:1519
 #: ../src/window-commands.c:312
 msgid "Open"
 msgstr "פת×?×?×?"
@@ -1248,7 +1249,7 @@ msgstr "× ×?ק×?×?"
 msgid "%s:"
 msgstr "%s:"
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-action.c:501
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-action.c:499
 #, c-format
 msgid "Executes the script â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?רצת ×?סקר×?פ×? â??%sâ??"
@@ -1322,56 +1323,56 @@ msgid "Work"
 msgstr "×¢×?×?×?×?"
 #. translators: the %s is the title of the bookmark
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:439
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update bookmark â??%sâ???"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?ת ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?×? \"%s\"?"
 #. translators: the %s is a URL
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:444
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:441
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bookmarked page has moved to â??%sâ??."
 msgstr "×?×?×£ ×?×?ס×?×?×? ×¢×?ר ×?×? â??%sâ??."
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:448
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:445
 msgid "_Don't Update"
 msgstr "_×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:450
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:447
 msgid "_Update"
 msgstr "×?×¢_×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:453
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:450
 msgid "Update Bookmark?"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×? ×?ת ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?×??"
 #. Translators: this topic contains all bookmarks
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1184
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1181
 msgctxt "bookmarks"
 msgid "All"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?"
 #. Translators: this topic contains the most used bookmarks
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1187
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1184
 msgctxt "bookmarks"
 msgid "Most Visited"
 msgstr "×?נצפ×?×? ×?×?×?תר"
 #. Translators: this topic contains the not categorized
 #. bookmarks
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1191
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1188
 msgctxt "bookmarks"
 msgid "Not Categorized"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ק×?×?×?ר×?×?"
 #. Translators: this is an automatic topic containing local
 #. * websites bookmarks autodiscovered with zeroconf.
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1196
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1193
 msgctxt "bookmarks"
 msgid "Nearby Sites"
 msgstr "×?תר×?×? ס×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1430
+#: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:1427
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-import.c:271
 msgid "Untitled"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?תרת"
@@ -1390,22 +1391,22 @@ msgstr "×?סר×? ×?× ×?ש×? ×?×?"
 #. Toplevel
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:156
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:127 ../src/ephy-window.c:112
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:127 ../src/ephy-window.c:114
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_ק×?×?×¥"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:157
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:128 ../src/ephy-window.c:113
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:128 ../src/ephy-window.c:115
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "_ער×?×?×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:158
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:129 ../src/ephy-window.c:114
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:129 ../src/ephy-window.c:116
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "ת_צ×?×?×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:159
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:130 ../src/ephy-window.c:119
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:130 ../src/ephy-window.c:121
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "×¢_×?ר×?"
@@ -1482,7 +1483,7 @@ msgid "Export bookmarks to a file"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ס×?×?× ×?×?ת ×?ק×?×?×¥"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:183
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:143 ../src/ephy-window.c:144
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:143 ../src/ephy-window.c:146
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_ס×?×?ר×?"
@@ -1492,29 +1493,29 @@ msgstr "ס×?×?רת ×?×?×?×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
 #. Edit Menu
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:188
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:148 ../src/ephy-window.c:156
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:148 ../src/ephy-window.c:158
 msgid "Cu_t"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?ר×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:189
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:149 ../src/ephy-window.c:157
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:149 ../src/ephy-window.c:159
 msgid "Cut the selection"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?×?×?×?ר×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:191
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1308
 #: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:151 ../src/ephy-history-window.c:625
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:159
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:161
 msgid "_Copy"
 msgstr "_×?עתק×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:192
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:152 ../src/ephy-window.c:160
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:152 ../src/ephy-window.c:162
 msgid "Copy the selection"
 msgstr "×?עתקת ×?×?×?×?ר×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:194
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:154 ../src/ephy-window.c:162
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:154 ../src/ephy-window.c:164
 msgid "_Paste"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?ק×?"
@@ -1533,7 +1534,7 @@ msgid "Delete the selected bookmark or topic"
 msgstr "×?×?×?קת ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?×? ×?×? ×?× ×?ש×? שנ×?×?ר×?"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:200
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:160 ../src/ephy-window.c:168
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:160 ../src/ephy-window.c:170
 msgid "Select _All"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?_×?×?×?"
@@ -1544,7 +1545,7 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת ×?×? ×?×?קס×?"
 #. Help Menu
 #. Help menu
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:205
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:168 ../src/ephy-window.c:262
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:168 ../src/ephy-window.c:264
 msgid "_Contents"
 msgstr "_ת×?×?×?"
@@ -1553,12 +1554,12 @@ msgid "Display bookmarks help"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?×¢×?ר×? ש×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:208
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:171 ../src/ephy-window.c:265
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:171 ../src/ephy-window.c:267
 msgid "_About"
 msgstr "×¢×? _×?×?×?×?ת"
 #: ../src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:209
-#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:172 ../src/ephy-window.c:266
+#: ../src/ephy-history-window.c:172 ../src/ephy-window.c:268
 msgid "Display credits for the web browser creators"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ש×?×?ת ×?×?צר×? ×?×?פ×?פ×?"
@@ -1807,7 +1808,7 @@ msgid "Find next occurrence of the search string"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?×?×?פע ×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
 #. exit button
-#: ../src/ephy-fullscreen-popup.c:232 ../src/ephy-toolbar.c:620
+#: ../src/ephy-fullscreen-popup.c:232 ../src/ephy-toolbar.c:618
 msgid "Leave Fullscreen"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×?×? ×?×?ס×? ×?×?×?"
@@ -1907,7 +1908,7 @@ msgstr "×?תר×?×?"
 msgid "Date"
 msgstr "ת×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-main.c:77 ../src/ephy-main.c:523 ../src/window-commands.c:1040
+#: ../src/ephy-main.c:77 ../src/ephy-main.c:523 ../src/window-commands.c:1058
 msgid "GNOME Web Browser"
 msgstr "×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×? ש×? GNOME"
@@ -2142,563 +2143,567 @@ msgstr "ת×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?_צנ×?×? ×?סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?:"
 msgid "_Add a New Toolbar"
 msgstr "_×?×?ספת סר×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:115
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:117
 msgid "_Bookmarks"
 msgstr "_ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:116
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:118
 msgid "_Go"
 msgstr "×?_×¢×?ר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:117
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:119
 msgid "T_ools"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:118
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:120
 msgid "_Tabs"
 msgstr "×?ש×?× ×?×?_ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:120
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:122
 msgid "_Toolbars"
 msgstr "_סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
 #. File menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:126
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:128
 msgid "_Openâ?¦"
 msgstr "_פת×?×?×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:127
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:129
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ק×?×?×¥"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:129
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:131
 msgid "Save _Asâ?¦"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר×? _×?ש×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:130
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:132
 msgid "Save the current page"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?×?×£ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:132
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:134
 msgid "Page Set_up"
 msgstr "×?_×?×?ר×?ת ×¢×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:133
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:135
 msgid "Setup the page settings for printing"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת תצ×?רת ×?×?×£ ×?×?×?פס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:135
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:137
 msgid "Print Pre_view"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?פ_× ×? ×?×?פס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:136
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:138
 msgid "Print preview"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?פנ×? ×?×?פס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:138
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:140
 msgid "_Printâ?¦"
 msgstr "×?_×?פס×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:139
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:141
 msgid "Print the current page"
 msgstr "×?×?פסת ×?×?×£ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:141
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:143
 msgid "S_end Link by Emailâ?¦"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת _ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?×?×?×´×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:142
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:144
 msgid "Send a link of the current page"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ק×?ש×?ר ×?×? ×?×?×£ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:145
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:147
 msgid "Close this tab"
 msgstr "ס×?×?רת ×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?×?"
 #. Edit menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:150
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:152
 msgid "_Undo"
 msgstr "×?×?_×?×?×? פע×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:151
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:153
 msgid "Undo the last action"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×? ×?פע×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:153
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:155
 msgid "Re_do"
 msgstr "×?×?_צ×?×¢ ש×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:154
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:156
 msgid "Redo the last undone action"
 msgstr "×?×?צ×?×¢ ×?×?×?ר ש×? ×?פע×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?× ×? ש×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:163
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:165
 msgid "Paste clipboard"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ק×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:166
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:168
 msgid "Delete text"
 msgstr "×?×?×?קת ×?קס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:169
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:171
 msgid "Select the entire page"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ×?×? ×?×?×£"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:171
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:173
 msgid "_Findâ?¦"
 msgstr "_×?×?פ×?שâ?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:172
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:174
 msgid "Find a word or phrase in the page"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×£"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:174
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:176
 msgid "Find Ne_xt"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?_×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:175
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:177
 msgid "Find next occurrence of the word or phrase"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?×?×?פע ×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:177
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:179
 msgid "Find Pre_vious"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?_ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:178
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:180
 msgid "Find previous occurrence of the word or phrase"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש ×?×?×?פע ×?ק×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:180
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:182
 msgid "P_ersonal Data"
 msgstr "×?×?_×?×¢ ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:181
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:183
 msgid "View and remove cookies and passwords"
 msgstr "צפ×?×?×? ×?×?סר×? ש×? ×¢×?×?×?×?ת ×?סס×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:184
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:186
 msgid "Certificate_s"
 msgstr "_×?×?ש×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:185
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:187
 msgid "Manage Certificates"
 msgstr "× ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ש×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:188
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:190
 msgid "P_references"
 msgstr "×?_×¢×?פ×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:189
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:191
 msgid "Configure the web browser"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת תצ×?רת ×?×?פ×?פ×?"
 #. View menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:194
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:196
 msgid "_Customize Toolbarsâ?¦"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?ת _סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:195
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:197
 msgid "Customize toolbars"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?ת סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:197 ../src/ephy-window.c:200
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:199 ../src/ephy-window.c:202
 msgid "_Stop"
 msgstr "עצ×?_ר×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:198
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:200
 msgid "Stop current data transfer"
 msgstr "עצ×?רת ×?×¢×?רת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:202
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:204
 msgid "_Reload"
 msgstr "_רענ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:203
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:205
 msgid "Display the latest content of the current page"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?ת×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?× ×? ×?×?×?תר ש×? ×?×?×£ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:205
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:207
 msgid "_Larger Text"
 msgstr "×?קס×? _×?×?×?×? ×?×?תר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:206
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:208
 msgid "Increase the text size"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?קס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:208
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:210
 msgid "S_maller Text"
 msgstr "×?קס×? _ק×?×? ×?×?תר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:209
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:211
 msgid "Decrease the text size"
 msgstr "×?ק×?נת ×?×?קס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:211
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:213
 msgid "_Normal Size"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?×? ר×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:212
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:214
 msgid "Use the normal text size"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ש ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?קס×? ×?ר×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:214
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:216
 msgid "Text _Encoding"
 msgstr "ק_×?×?×?×? ×?×?קס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:215
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:217
 msgid "Change the text encoding"
 msgstr "×?×?×?פת ק×?×?×?×? ×?×?קס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:217
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:219
 msgid "_Page Source"
 msgstr "ק×?×? ×?×?ק×?ר ש×? ×?_×?×£"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:218
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:220
 msgid "View the source code of the page"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ק×?×? ×?×?ק×?ר ש×? ×?×?×£"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:220
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:222
 msgid "Page _Security Information"
 msgstr "פר×?×? _×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×?×£"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:221
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:223
 msgid "Display security information for the web page"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת פר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ש×? ×?×£ ×?×?"
 #. Bookmarks menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:226
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:228
 msgid "_Add Bookmarkâ?¦"
 msgstr "×?×?ספת _ס×?×?× ×?×?×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:227 ../src/ephy-window.c:301
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:229 ../src/ephy-window.c:307
 msgid "Add a bookmark for the current page"
 msgstr "×?×?ספת ס×?×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×£ ×?× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:229
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:231
 msgid "_Edit Bookmarks"
 msgstr "_ער×?×?ת ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:230
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:232
 msgid "Open the bookmarks window"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
 #. Go menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:235
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:237
 msgid "_Locationâ?¦"
 msgstr "_×?×?ק×?×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:236
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:238
 msgid "Go to a specified location"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?ר ×?×?×?ק×?×? ×?ס×?×?×?"
 #. History
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:238 ../src/pdm-dialog.c:403
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:240 ../src/pdm-dialog.c:403
 msgid "Hi_story"
 msgstr "×?×?_ס×?×?ר×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:239
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:241
 msgid "Open the history window"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ס×?×?ר×?×?"
 #. Tabs menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:244
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:246
 msgid "_Previous Tab"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?_ק×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:245
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:247
 msgid "Activate previous tab"
 msgstr "×?פע×?ת ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?ק×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:247
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:249
 msgid "_Next Tab"
 msgstr "×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?_×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:248
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:250
 msgid "Activate next tab"
 msgstr "×?פע×?ת ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:250
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:252
 msgid "Move Tab _Left"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?× ×?ת _ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:251
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:253
 msgid "Move current tab to left"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ת ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ש×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:253
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:255
 msgid "Move Tab _Right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ת ×?ש×?× ×?ת _×?×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:254
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:256
 msgid "Move current tab to right"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ת ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:256
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:258
 msgid "_Detach Tab"
 msgstr "_× ×?ת×?ק ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:257
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:259
 msgid "Detach current tab"
 msgstr "× ×?ת×?ק ×?×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?× ×?×?×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:263
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:265
 msgid "Display web browser help"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?×¢×?ר×? ש×? ×?×?פ×?פ×?"
 #. File Menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:274
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:276
 msgid "_Work Offline"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?ר _×?×?צ×? ×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:275
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:277
 msgid "Switch to offline mode"
 msgstr "×?×¢×?ר ×?×?צ×? ×?×? ×?ק×?×?×?"
 #. View Menu
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:280
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:282
 msgid "_Hide Toolbars"
 msgstr "_×?סתרת סר×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:281
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:283
 msgid "Show or hide toolbar"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×? ×?×? ×?סתר×? ש×? סר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:283
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:285
 msgid "_Downloads Bar"
 msgstr "סר_×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:284
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:286
 msgid "Show the active downloads for this window"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?×?×?ר×?×?ת ×?פע×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:286
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:289
+msgid "Hide Men_ubar"
+msgstr "×?סתרת סר×?×? ×?_תפר×?×?×?×?"
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:292
 msgid "_Fullscreen"
 msgstr "×?ס×? ×?_×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:287
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:293
 msgid "Browse at full screen"
 msgstr "×?×?×?ש×? ×?×?ס×? ×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:289
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:295
 msgid "Popup _Windows"
 msgstr "_×?×?×?× ×?ת ק×?פצ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:290
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:296
 msgid "Show or hide unrequested popup windows from this site"
 msgstr "×?צ×?×?/×?סתר×? ש×? ×?×?×?× ×?ת ק×?פצ×?×? ×?×? ×?×?רש×?×? ×?×?תר ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:292
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:298
 msgid "Selection Caret"
 msgstr "ס×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?"
 #. Document
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:300
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:306
 msgid "Add Boo_kmarkâ?¦"
 msgstr "_×?×?ספת ס×?×?× ×?×?×?â?¦"
 #. Framed document
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:306
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:312
 msgid "Show Only _This Frame"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?ס×?רת _×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:307
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:313
 msgid "Show only this frame in this window"
 msgstr "×?צ×?ת ×?ס×?רת ×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?"
 #. Links
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:312
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:318
 msgid "_Open Link"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?_ק×?ש×?ר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:313
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:319
 msgid "Open link in this window"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?×?_×?×?×? ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:315
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:321
 msgid "Open Link in New _Window"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?_×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:316
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:322
 msgid "Open link in a new window"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?_×?×?×?×? ×?×?ש"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:318
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:324
 msgid "Open Link in New _Tab"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?_×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:319
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:325
 msgid "Open link in a new tab"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?_×?ש×?× ×?ת ×?×?ש×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:321
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:327
 msgid "_Download Link"
 msgstr "×?×?ר_×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:323
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:329
 msgid "_Save Link Asâ?¦"
 msgstr "_ש×?×?רת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?ש×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:324
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:330
 msgid "Save link with a different name"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?ש×? ×?×?ר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:326
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:332
 msgid "_Bookmark Linkâ?¦"
 msgstr "×?×?ספת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?_ס×?×?× ×?×?תâ?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:328
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:334
 msgid "_Copy Link Address"
 msgstr "×?עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר"
 #. Email links
 #. This is on the context menu on a mailto: link and opens the mail program
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:334
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:340
 msgid "_Send Emailâ?¦"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת _×?×?×?×´×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:336
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:342
 msgid "_Copy Email Address"
 msgstr "×?_עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?×´×?"
 #. Images
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:341
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:347
 msgid "Open _Image"
 msgstr "_פת×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:343
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:349
 msgid "_Save Image Asâ?¦"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?_ש×?â?¦"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:345
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:351
 msgid "_Use Image As Background"
 msgstr "_ש×?×?×?ש ×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?רקע"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:347
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:353
 msgid "Copy I_mage Address"
 msgstr "×?_עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?× ×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:349
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:355
 msgid "St_art Animation"
 msgstr "×?_פע×?ת ×?×?נפש×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:351
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:357
 msgid "St_op Animation"
 msgstr "_עצ×?רת ×?×?נפש×?"
 #. Inspector
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:355
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:361
 msgid "Inspect _Element"
 msgstr "_×?ק×?רת ×?ר×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:563
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:566
 msgid "There are unsubmitted changes to form elements"
 msgstr "×?שנ×? ש×?× ×?×?×?×? ש×?×? נש×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:564
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:567
 msgid "If you close the document anyway, you will lose that information."
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?ס×?×? ×?×?ס×?ר ×?×?×? ×?×?ת, ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?."
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:566
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:569
 msgid "Close _Document"
 msgstr "ס×?×?רת ×?_×?ס×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:584
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:587
 msgid "There are ongoing downloads in this window"
 msgstr "×?שנ×? ×?×?ר×?×?ת פע×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:585
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:588
 msgid "If you close this window, the downloads will be cancelled"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?×?ס×?ר ×¢×? ×?×?×?×?, ×?×?×?ר×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:586
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:589
 msgid "Close window and cancel downloads"
 msgstr "ס×?×?רת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?ר×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1503
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1521
 msgid "Save As"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר×? ×?ש×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1505
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1523
 msgid "Print"
 msgstr "×?×?פס×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1509
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1527
 msgid "Find"
 msgstr "×?×?פ×?ש"
 #. Translators: This refers to text size
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1522
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1540
 msgid "Larger"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×? ×?×?תר"
 #. Translators: This refers to text size
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1525
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1543
 msgid "Smaller"
 msgstr "ק×?×? ×?×?תר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1747
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1765
 msgid "Insecure"
 msgstr "×?×? ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1752
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1770
 msgid "Broken"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1760
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1778
 msgid "Low"
 msgstr "× ×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1767
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1785
 msgid "High"
 msgstr "×?×?×?×?×?"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1777
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:1795
 #, c-format
 msgid "Security level: %s"
 msgstr "ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?×?: %s"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2053
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open image â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "פת×?×?ת ×?ת×?×?× ×? \"%s\""
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2058
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Use as desktop background â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ש ×?Ö¾\"%s\" ×?רקע ש×?×?×?×? ×?×¢×?×?×?×? "
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2063
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2081
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save image â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ת×?×?× ×? \"%s\""
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2068
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2086
 #, c-format
 msgid "Copy image address â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ת×?×?× ×? \"%s\""
 # ת c-format
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2082
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Send email to address â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "ש×?×?×?ת ×?×?×?×´×? ×?×? \"%s\""
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2088
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2106
 #, c-format
 msgid "Copy email address â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?×?×?×?×´×? \"%s\""
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2102
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "Save link â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ק×?ש×?ר \"%s\""
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2108
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2126
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bookmark link â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?×?ספת ×?ק×?ש×?ר â??%sâ?? ×?ס×?×?× ×?×?ת"
-#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2113
+#: ../src/ephy-window.c:2131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Copy link's address â??%sâ??"
 msgstr "×?עתקת ×?ת×?×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר \"%s\""
@@ -2796,15 +2801,15 @@ msgstr "ש×? ×?שת×?ש"
 msgid "User Password"
 msgstr "סס×?ת ×?שת×?ש"
-#: ../src/popup-commands.c:278
+#: ../src/popup-commands.c:280
 msgid "Download Link"
 msgstr "×?×?ר×?ת ×?ק×?ש×?ר"
-#: ../src/popup-commands.c:286
+#: ../src/popup-commands.c:288
 msgid "Save Link As"
 msgstr "_ש×?×?רת ×?ק×?ש×?ר ×?ש×?"
-#: ../src/popup-commands.c:293
+#: ../src/popup-commands.c:295
 msgid "Save Image As"
 msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?ש×?"
@@ -2812,7 +2817,7 @@ msgstr "ש×?×?רת ×?ת×?×?× ×? ×?ש×?"
 #. * second %s is the locale name. Example:
 #. * "French (France)"
-#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:467 ../src/prefs-dialog.c:473
+#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:468 ../src/prefs-dialog.c:474
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "language"
 msgid "%s (%s)"
@@ -2821,20 +2826,20 @@ msgstr "%s (%s)"
 #. Translators: this refers to a user-define language code
 #. * (one which isn't in our built-in list).
-#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:482
+#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:483
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "language"
 msgid "User defined (%s)"
 msgstr "×?ת×?×?×? ×?×?ש×?ת (%s)"
-#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:504
+#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:505
 #, c-format
 msgid "System language (%s)"
 msgid_plural "System languages (%s)"
 msgstr[0] "שפת ×?×?ער×?ת (%s)"
 msgstr[1] "שפ×?ת ×?×?ער×?ת (%s)"
-#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:862
+#: ../src/prefs-dialog.c:863
 msgid "Select a Directory"
 msgstr "×?×?×?רת ת×?ק×?×?×?"
@@ -2842,7 +2847,7 @@ msgstr "×?×?×?רת ת×?ק×?×?×?"
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "ש×?×?ר"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:940
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:958
 msgid ""
 "The GNOME Web Browser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or "
 "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by "
@@ -2854,7 +2859,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your "
 "option) any later version."
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:944
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:962
 msgid ""
 "The GNOME Web Browser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but "
 "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY "
@@ -2866,7 +2871,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for "
 "more details."
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:948
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:966
 msgid ""
 "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
 "the GNOME Web Browser; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., "
@@ -2876,20 +2881,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "the GNOME Web Browser; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., "
 "51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:994 ../src/window-commands.c:1010
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1021
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1012 ../src/window-commands.c:1028
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1039
 msgid "Contact us at:"
 msgstr "× ×?ת×? ×?×?צ×?ר ×?תנ×? קשר ×?ר×?:"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:997
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1015
 msgid "Contributors:"
 msgstr "ת×?ר×?×?×?:"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1000
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1018
 msgid "Past developers:"
 msgstr "×?פת×?×?×? ×?×¢×?ר:"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1030
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1048
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lets you view web pages and find information on the internet.\n"
@@ -2906,7 +2911,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. * this translation; in that case, please write each of them on a separate
 #. * line seperated by newlines (\n).
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1056
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1074
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr ""
 "ר×?×¢×? קרש×?×?×?×? <sf_kersteinroie bezeqint net>\n"
@@ -2917,15 +2922,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "פר×?×?ק×? תר×?×?×? GNOME ×?×¢×?ר×?ת:\n"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1059
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1077
 msgid "GNOME Web Browser Website"
 msgstr "×?תר ×?×?×?ת ש×? ×?פ×?פ×? ×?×?×?× ×?רנ×? ש×? GNOME"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1215
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1233
 msgid "Enable caret browsing mode?"
 msgstr "×?×?×? ×?×?פשר ×?צ×? × ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ס×?×??"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1218
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Pressing F7 turns caret browsing on or off. This feature places a moveable "
 "cursor in web pages, allowing you to move around with your keyboard. Do you "
@@ -2935,7 +2940,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "×?×?תר×? ×?×?× ×?רנ×? ×?×?×?פשר ×?×? ×?× ×?×?×? ×?×?×?צע×?ת ×?×?ק×?×?ת. ×?×?×? ×?רצ×?× ×? ×?×?פע×?×? ×?×?×?ש×? "
 "×?×?×?צע×?ת ס×?×??"
-#: ../src/window-commands.c:1221
+#: ../src/window-commands.c:1239
 msgid "_Enable"
 msgstr "×?_פע×?×?"
@@ -3097,9 +3102,6 @@ msgstr "×?_פע×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Epiphany cannot quit"
 #~ msgstr "â??×?×?×? ×?פשר×?ת ×?צ×?ת ×?Ö¾Epiphany"
-#~ msgid "Hide menubar by default"
-#~ msgstr "×?סתר תפר×?×? ×?×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?"
 #~ msgid "Hide the menubar by default."
 #~ msgstr "×?סתר ×?ת ×?תפר×?×? ×?×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?."
@@ -3148,41 +3150,41 @@ msgstr "×?_פע×?×?"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Default encoding. Accepted values are: \"armscii-8\", \"Big5\", \"Big5-"
 #~ "HKSCS\", \"EUC-JP\", \"EUC-KR\", \"gb18030\", \"GB2312\", \"geostd8\", "
-#~ "\"HZ-GB-2312\", \"IBM850\", \"IBM852\", \"IBM855\", \"IBM857\", \"IBM862"
-#~ "\", \"IBM864\", \"IBM866\", \"ISO-2022-CN\", \"ISO-2022-JP\", \"ISO-2022-"
-#~ "KR\", \"ISO-8859-1\", \"ISO-8859-2\", \"ISO-8859-3\", \"ISO-8859-4\", "
-#~ "\"ISO-8859-5\", \"ISO-8859-6\", \"ISO-8859-7\", \"ISO-8859-8\", \"ISO-"
-#~ "8859-8-I\", \"ISO-8859-9\", \"ISO-8859-10\", \"ISO-8859-11\", \"ISO-8859-"
-#~ "13\", \"ISO-8859-14\", \"ISO-8859-15\", \"ISO-8859-16\", \"ISO-IR-111\", "
-#~ "\"KOI8-R\", \"KOI8-U\", \"Shift_JIS\", \"TIS-620\", \"UTF-7\", \"UTF-8\", "
-#~ "\"VISCII\", \"windows-874\", \"windows-1250\", \"windows-1251\", "
-#~ "\"windows-1252\", \"windows-1253\", \"windows-1254\", \"windows-1255\", "
-#~ "\"windows-1256\", \"windows-1257\", \"windows-1258\", \"x-euc-tw\", \"x-"
-#~ "gbk\", \"x-johab\", \"x-mac-arabic\", \"x-mac-ce\", \"x-mac-croatian\", "
-#~ "\"x-mac-cyrillic\", \"x-mac-devanagari\", \"x-mac-farsi\", \"x-mac-greek"
-#~ "\", \"x-mac-gujarati\", \"x-mac-gurmukhi\", \"x-mac-hebrew\", \"x-mac-"
-#~ "icelandic\", \"x-mac-roman\", \"x-mac-romanian\", \"x-mac-turkish\", \"x-"
-#~ "mac-ukrainian\", \"x-user-defined\", \"x-viet-tcvn5712\", \"x-viet-vps\" "
-#~ "and \"x-windows-949\"."
+#~ "\"HZ-GB-2312\", \"IBM850\", \"IBM852\", \"IBM855\", \"IBM857\", "
+#~ "\"IBM862\", \"IBM864\", \"IBM866\", \"ISO-2022-CN\", \"ISO-2022-JP\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-2022-KR\", \"ISO-8859-1\", \"ISO-8859-2\", \"ISO-8859-3\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-4\", \"ISO-8859-5\", \"ISO-8859-6\", \"ISO-8859-7\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-8\", \"ISO-8859-8-I\", \"ISO-8859-9\", \"ISO-8859-10\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-11\", \"ISO-8859-13\", \"ISO-8859-14\", \"ISO-8859-15\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-16\", \"ISO-IR-111\", \"KOI8-R\", \"KOI8-U\", \"Shift_JIS\", "
+#~ "\"TIS-620\", \"UTF-7\", \"UTF-8\", \"VISCII\", \"windows-874\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1250\", \"windows-1251\", \"windows-1252\", \"windows-1253\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1254\", \"windows-1255\", \"windows-1256\", \"windows-1257\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1258\", \"x-euc-tw\", \"x-gbk\", \"x-johab\", \"x-mac-arabic\", "
+#~ "\"x-mac-ce\", \"x-mac-croatian\", \"x-mac-cyrillic\", \"x-mac-devanagari"
+#~ "\", \"x-mac-farsi\", \"x-mac-greek\", \"x-mac-gujarati\", \"x-mac-gurmukhi"
+#~ "\", \"x-mac-hebrew\", \"x-mac-icelandic\", \"x-mac-roman\", \"x-mac-"
+#~ "romanian\", \"x-mac-turkish\", \"x-mac-ukrainian\", \"x-user-defined\", "
+#~ "\"x-viet-tcvn5712\", \"x-viet-vps\" and \"x-windows-949\"."
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "ק×?×?×?×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?. ×?ער×?×?×? ×?×?פשר×?×?×? ×?×?: \"armscii-8\", \"Big5\", \"Big5-"
 #~ "HKSCS\", \"EUC-JP\", \"EUC-KR\", \"gb18030\", \"GB2312\", \"geostd8\", "
-#~ "\"HZ-GB-2312\", \"IBM850\", \"IBM852\", \"IBM855\", \"IBM857\", \"IBM862"
-#~ "\", \"IBM864\", \"IBM866\", \"ISO-2022-CN\", \"ISO-2022-JP\", \"ISO-2022-"
-#~ "KR\", \"ISO-8859-1\", \"ISO-8859-2\", \"ISO-8859-3\", \"ISO-8859-4\", "
-#~ "\"ISO-8859-5\", \"ISO-8859-6\", \"ISO-8859-7\", \"ISO-8859-8\", \"ISO-"
-#~ "8859-8-I\", \"ISO-8859-9\", \"ISO-8859-10\", \"ISO-8859-11\", \"ISO-8859-"
-#~ "13\", \"ISO-8859-14\", \"ISO-8859-15\", \"ISO-8859-16\", \"ISO-IR-111\", "
-#~ "\"KOI8-R\", \"KOI8-U\", \"Shift_JIS\", \"TIS-620\", \"UTF-7\", \"UTF-8\", "
-#~ "\"VISCII\", \"windows-874\", \"windows-1250\", \"windows-1251\", "
-#~ "\"windows-1252\", \"windows-1253\", \"windows-1254\", \"windows-1255\", "
-#~ "\"windows-1256\", \"windows-1257\", \"windows-1258\", \"x-euc-tw\", \"x-"
-#~ "gbk\", \"x-johab\", \"x-mac-arabic\", \"x-mac-ce\", \"x-mac-croatian\", "
-#~ "\"x-mac-cyrillic\", \"x-mac-devanagari\", \"x-mac-farsi\", \"x-mac-greek"
-#~ "\", \"x-mac-gujarati\", \"x-mac-gurmukhi\", \"x-mac-hebrew\", \"x-mac-"
-#~ "icelandic\", \"x-mac-roman\", \"x-mac-romanian\", \"x-mac-turkish\", \"x-"
-#~ "mac-ukrainian\", \"x-user-defined\", \"x-viet-tcvn5712\", \"x-viet-vps\" ×?"
-#~ "\"x-windows-949\"."
+#~ "\"HZ-GB-2312\", \"IBM850\", \"IBM852\", \"IBM855\", \"IBM857\", "
+#~ "\"IBM862\", \"IBM864\", \"IBM866\", \"ISO-2022-CN\", \"ISO-2022-JP\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-2022-KR\", \"ISO-8859-1\", \"ISO-8859-2\", \"ISO-8859-3\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-4\", \"ISO-8859-5\", \"ISO-8859-6\", \"ISO-8859-7\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-8\", \"ISO-8859-8-I\", \"ISO-8859-9\", \"ISO-8859-10\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-11\", \"ISO-8859-13\", \"ISO-8859-14\", \"ISO-8859-15\", "
+#~ "\"ISO-8859-16\", \"ISO-IR-111\", \"KOI8-R\", \"KOI8-U\", \"Shift_JIS\", "
+#~ "\"TIS-620\", \"UTF-7\", \"UTF-8\", \"VISCII\", \"windows-874\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1250\", \"windows-1251\", \"windows-1252\", \"windows-1253\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1254\", \"windows-1255\", \"windows-1256\", \"windows-1257\", "
+#~ "\"windows-1258\", \"x-euc-tw\", \"x-gbk\", \"x-johab\", \"x-mac-arabic\", "
+#~ "\"x-mac-ce\", \"x-mac-croatian\", \"x-mac-cyrillic\", \"x-mac-devanagari"
+#~ "\", \"x-mac-farsi\", \"x-mac-greek\", \"x-mac-gujarati\", \"x-mac-gurmukhi"
+#~ "\", \"x-mac-hebrew\", \"x-mac-icelandic\", \"x-mac-roman\", \"x-mac-"
+#~ "romanian\", \"x-mac-turkish\", \"x-mac-ukrainian\", \"x-user-defined\", "
+#~ "\"x-viet-tcvn5712\", \"x-viet-vps\" ×?\"x-windows-949\"."
 #~ msgid "Enable JavaScript"
 #~ msgstr "×?פשר ש×?×?×?ש ×?Ö¾JavaScript"
@@ -3899,8 +3901,8 @@ msgstr "×?_פע×?×?"
 #~ "×?×?ש×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?ס×?×? ש×?×?."
 #~ msgid ""
-#~ "You should only accept the security information if you trust â??%sâ?? and â??%"
-#~ "sâ??."
+#~ "You should only accept the security information if you trust â??%sâ?? and "
+#~ "â??%sâ??."
 #~ msgstr "ק×?×? ×?ת ×?×?×?×¢ ×?×?×?×?×?×? ×?×? ×?רק ×?×? ×?ת×? ס×?×?×? ×¢×? \"%s\" ×?×¢×? \"%s\"."
 #~ msgid "Accept incorrect security information?"

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