[gbrainy] Family relative is a logic question not a verbal analogy

commit 27b93e260a163a5bb9c1760bfb5c8ba8060e63f6
Author: Jordi Mas <jmas softcatala org>
Date:   Sun May 8 11:42:37 2011 +0200

    Family relative is a logic question not a verbal analogy

 data/games.xml            |   31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/verbal_analogies.xml |    8 --------
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/games.xml b/data/games.xml
index ec280f9..a5d3efb 100644
--- a/data/games.xml
+++ b/data/games.xml
@@ -653,4 +653,35 @@
 		<_rationale>The heavier truck weights [heavier] and the lighter [lighter].</_rationale>
+	<game>
+		<_name>Family relations</_name>
+		<type>Logic</type>
+		<difficulty>All</difficulty>
+		<answer_checkattributes>MultiOption | IgnoreSpaces</answer_checkattributes>
+		<variant>
+			<_question>John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also? Do not assume that John has any relative that has not been mentioned. [option_answers]</_question>
+			<string _text = "Possible answers are:" x = "0.1" y = "0.15" size = "large"/>
+			<option x = "0.25" y = "0.3" width ="0.6" height ="0.1" order ="randomized" correct = "yes">
+				<string _text = "[option_prefix] His mother" x = "0.05" y = "0.02" size = "large"/>
+			</option>
+			<option x = "0.25" y = "0.4" width ="0.6" height ="0.1" order ="randomized">
+				<string _text = "[option_prefix] Has no relation" x = "0.05" y = "0.02" size = "large"/>
+			</option>
+			<option x = "0.25" y = "0.5" width ="0.6" height ="0.1" order ="randomized">
+				<string _text = "[option_prefix] Cousin" x = "0.05" y = "0.02" size = "large"/>
+			</option>
+			<option x = "0.25" y = "0.6" width ="0.6" height ="0.1" order ="randomized">
+				<string _text = "[option_prefix] Son-in-law" x = "0.05" y = "0.02" size = "large"/>
+			</option>
+			<_answer>His mother</_answer>
+			<_rationale>The sister's sister-in-law is John's father's wife, that is, John's mother.</_rationale>
+		</variant>
+	</game>
diff --git a/data/verbal_analogies.xml b/data/verbal_analogies.xml
index 3aea590..622eb59 100644
--- a/data/verbal_analogies.xml
+++ b/data/verbal_analogies.xml
@@ -37,14 +37,6 @@
-		<_question type = "MultipleOptions">John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also? Do not assume that John has any relative that has not been mentioned.</_question>
-		<_answer correct ="yes">His mother</_answer>
-		<_answer>Has no relation</_answer>
-		<_answer>Cousin</_answer>
-		<_answer>Son-in-law</_answer>
-	</analogy>
-	<analogy>
 		<_question type = "MultipleOptions">The word 'taxidermist' is used to define a person that?</_question>
 		<_answer correct ="yes">Works with dead animals</_answer>
 		<_answer>Specializes in skin diseases</_answer>

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