[tracker/sparql-update: 23/23] functional-tests: Make the REPLACE test a bit more easy to use

commit 3fa0fce9a0d253e277f45b3edec533d266583347
Author: Philip Van Hoof <philip codeminded be>
Date:   Wed Mar 16 00:08:21 2011 +0100

    functional-tests: Make the REPLACE test a bit more easy to use

 .../ipc/test-insert-or-replace.vala                |  237 +++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/ipc/test-insert-or-replace.vala b/tests/functional-tests/ipc/test-insert-or-replace.vala
index 554c8d3..6def3bc 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/ipc/test-insert-or-replace.vala
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/ipc/test-insert-or-replace.vala
@@ -3,105 +3,92 @@ using Tracker;
 using Tracker.Sparql;
 const string insert_query_replace = "
-  ?r nao:hasProperty ?property .
-} WHERE {
-    ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
-	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\";
-	nao:hasProperty ?property .
+DELETE { ?r nao:hasProperty ?property . }
+	?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
+	   nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\";
+	   nao:hasProperty ?property .
-  ?r a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
-	      nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber,
-	      nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber,
-	      nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
+	?r a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
+	     nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:VoicePhoneNumber,
+	     nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
 } WHERE {
-  ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
-	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
+	?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
+	   nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
-  _:tel a nco:PhoneNumber ;
-	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
+	_:tel a nco:PhoneNumber ;
+	      nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
 } WHERE {
-    ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
-	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
-  }
-  FILTER(!bound(?r)) .
-DELETE { <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> ?predicate ?object . }
-  <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> ?predicate ?object .
-  FILTER(?predicate IN (nco:emailAddress)) .
+		?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
+		   nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
+	}
+	FILTER(!bound(?r)) .
-    <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
-		nco:emailAddress \"rhome0 example com%d\" .
+INSERT OR REPLACE { <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
+		nco:emailAddress \"rhome0 example com%d\" . }
-DELETE { <contact:r:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e }
-WHERE { <contact:r:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e }
+DELETE { <contact:r:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e . ?e a rdfs:Resource }
+WHERE { <contact:r:%d> a nco:PersonContact ; nco:hasAffiliation ?e }
-    _:af1 a nco:Affiliation ;
-		rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
-		nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> .
+	_:af1 a nco:Affiliation ;
+	      rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
+	      nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:rhome0 example com%d> .
-    _:af2 a nco:Affiliation ;
-		rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
-		nco:hasPhoneNumber ?tel .
+	_:af2 a nco:Affiliation ;
+	      rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
+	      nco:hasPhoneNumber ?tel .
 	<contact:r:%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
-		nco:nameHonorificPrefix \"Mrs.\" ;
-		nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
-		nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
-		nco:hasAffiliation _:af1 ;
-		nco:hasAffiliation _:af2 ;
-		nie:generator \"addressbook\" ;
-		nie:contentLastModified \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
-		nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
-		nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
+	               nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
+	               nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
+	               nco:hasAffiliation _:af1 ;
+	               nco:hasAffiliation _:af2 ;
+	               nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
+	               nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
 } WHERE {
-  ?tel nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\"
-const string insert_query_orig = "
-DELETE { <mailto:home0 example com%d> ?predicate ?object . }
-  <mailto:home0 example com%d> ?predicate ?object .
-  FILTER(?predicate IN (nco:emailAddress)) .
-DELETE { ?resource nao:hasProperty ?property . }
-  ?resource nao:hasProperty ?property ; nco:phoneNumber ?key .
-  FILTER(?key IN (\"2141730585%d\")) .
+	?tel nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\"
+const string insert_query_original = "
+DELETE { ?r nao:hasProperty ?property . }
+	?r a nco:PhoneNumber; nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\";
+	   nao:hasProperty ?property .
-  ?resource a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
-	      nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber,
-	      nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber,
-	      nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
+	?r a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
+	     nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber, nco:VoicePhoneNumber,
+	     nco:CellPhoneNumber, nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
 } WHERE {
-  ?resource a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber ?key .
-  FILTER(?key IN (\"2141730585%d\")) .
+	?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
+	   nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
-  _:_ a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
+	_:tel a nco:PhoneNumber ;
+	      nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
 } WHERE {
-    ?resource a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
-  }
-  FILTER(!bound(?resource)) .
+		?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
+		   nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
+	}
+	FILTER(!bound(?r)) .
+INSERT { <mailto:home0 example com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
+			nco:emailAddress \"home0 example com%d\" . }
+DELETE { <contact:o:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e . ?e a rdfs:Resource }
+WHERE { <contact:o:%d> a nco:PersonContact ; nco:hasAffiliation ?e }
 DELETE { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
     <contact:o:%d> ?predicate ?object .
 } } WHERE { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
@@ -110,60 +97,60 @@ DELETE { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
 } }
 INSERT { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
-    <mailto:home0 example com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
-		nco:emailAddress \"home0 example com%d\" .
-    _:_Affiliation_Work1 a nco:Affiliation ;
-		rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
-		nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:home0 example com%d> .
-    ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 a nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:PhoneNumber ;
-		nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
-    _:_Affiliation_Other2 a nco:Affiliation ;
-		rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
-		nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 .
-    <contact:o:%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
-		nco:nameHonorificPrefix \"Mrs.\" ;
-		nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
-		nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
-		nco:hasAffiliation _:_Affiliation_Work1 ;
-		nco:hasAffiliation _:_Affiliation_Other2 ;
-		nie:generator \"addressbook\" ;
-		nie:contentLastModified \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
-		nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
-		nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
+	_:af1 a nco:Affiliation ;
+	      rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
+	      nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:home0 example com%d> .
+	_:af2 a nco:Affiliation ;
+	      rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
+	      nco:hasPhoneNumber ?tel .
+	<contact:o:%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
+	               nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
+	               nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
+	               nco:hasAffiliation _:af1 ;
+	               nco:hasAffiliation _:af2 ;
+	               nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
+	               nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
 } } WHERE {
-  ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\"
-main( string[] args )
-	uint i, y = 1000;
-	Timer t1 = new Timer ();
-	Timer t2 = new Timer ();
-	Connection c;
-	c = Connection.get ();
-	t1.start ();
-	for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
-		c.update (insert_query_replace.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
+	?tel nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\"
+int main (string[] args) {
+	try {
+		uint i, y = 100;
+		Timer timer = new Timer ();
+		Connection c;
+		c = Connection.get ();
+		if (args.length == 3) {
+			y = args[2].to_int();
+		}
+		if (args.length == 1 || args[1] == "replace") {
+			timer.start ();
+			for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
+				c.update (insert_query_replace.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
+			}
+			timer.stop ();
+			print ("REPLACE  : %u contacts: %f\n", y, timer.elapsed());
+		}
+		if (args.length == 1 || args[1] == "original") {
+			timer.start ();
+			for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
+				c.update (insert_query_original.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
+			}
+			timer.stop ();
+			print ("ORIGINAL : %u contacts: %f\n", y, timer.elapsed());
+		}
+	} catch (GLib.Error e) {
+		critical ("%s", e.message);
-	t1.stop ();
-	print ("REPLACE: %u contacts: %f\n", y, t1.elapsed());
-	t2.start ();
-	for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
-		c.update (insert_query_orig.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
-	}
-	t2.stop ();
-	print ("ORIGINAL: %u contacts: %f\n", y, t2.elapsed());
 	return 0;

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