[transmageddon] Add audio engine

commit f13d4d0f82ac76529cfe30fa1eec5a18fc533bdb
Author: Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <christian schaller collabora co uk>
Date:   Sun Feb 20 17:32:48 2011 +0000

    Add audio engine

 src/transcoder_engine_audio.py |  253 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/transcoder_engine_audio.py b/src/transcoder_engine_audio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09713be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/transcoder_engine_audio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Transmageddon
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Schaller <uraeus gnome org>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This librarmy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import sys
+import os
+import codecfinder
+import presets
+   import gobject; gobject.threads_init()
+   import pygst
+   import glib
+   pygst.require("0.10")
+   import gst
+except Exception, e:
+   print "failed to import required modules"
+   print e
+   sys.exit(1)
+class Transcoder(gobject.GObject):
+   __gsignals__ = {
+            'ready-for-querying' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []),
+            'got-eos' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []),
+            'got-error' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,))
+                    }
+       gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+       # Choose plugin based on Container name
+       print "Containerchoice is " + str(CONTAINERCHOICE)
+       if CONTAINERCHOICE != "No container":
+           containercaps = codecfinder.containermap[CONTAINERCHOICE]
+           print "containercaps is " + str(containercaps)
+           self.ContainerFormatPlugin = codecfinder.get_muxer_element(containercaps)
+       # Choose plugin based on Codec Name
+       # or switch to remuxing mode if any of the values are set to 'pastr'
+       self.stoptoggle=False
+       self.audiocaps = AUDIOCODECVALUE
+       self.audiopasstoggle = AUDIOPASSTOGGLE
+       self.doaudio= False
+       if self.audiopasstoggle == False:
+           self.AudioEncoderPlugin = codecfinder.get_audio_encoder_element(self.audiocaps)
+       self.achannels = ACHANNELS
+       self.outputfilename = OUTPUTNAME
+       self.timestamp = TIMESTAMP
+       self.vbox = {}
+       self.containerchoice = CONTAINERCHOICE
+       # Create transcoding pipeline
+       self.pipeline = gst.Pipeline("TranscodingPipeline")
+       self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+       self.uridecoder = gst.element_factory_make("uridecodebin", "uridecoder")
+       self.uridecoder.set_property("uri", FILECHOSEN)
+       self.uridecoder.connect("pad-added", self.OnDynamicPad)
+       self.gstmultiqueue = gst.element_factory_make("multiqueue")
+       self.multiqueueaudiosinkpad = self.gstmultiqueue.get_request_pad("sink0")
+       self.multiqueueaudiosrcpad = self.gstmultiqueue.get_pad("src0")
+       self.pipeline.add(self.gstmultiqueue) 
+       self.remuxcaps = gst.Caps()
+       if self.audiopasstoggle:
+          self.remuxcaps.append(self.audiocaps)
+       if not self.audiopasstoggle:
+          self.remuxcaps.append_structure(gst.Structure("audio/x-raw-float"))
+          self.remuxcaps.append_structure(gst.Structure("audio/x-raw-int"))  
+       if (self.audiopasstoggle):
+           self.uridecoder.set_property("caps", self.remuxcaps)
+       self.pipeline.add(self.uridecoder)
+       if self.containerchoice != "No container":
+           print "self.containerformatplugin is " + str(self.ContainerFormatPlugin)
+           self.containermuxer = gst.element_factory_make(self.ContainerFormatPlugin, "audiocontainermuxer")
+           print " successful container muxer creation" + str(self.containermuxer)
+           audiointersect = ("EMPTY")   
+           factory = gst.registry_get_default().lookup_feature(self.ContainerFormatPlugin)
+           for x in factory.get_static_pad_templates():
+               if (x.direction == gst.PAD_SINK):
+                   sourcecaps = x.get_caps()
+                   if audiointersect == ("EMPTY"):
+                       audiointersect = sourcecaps.intersect(gst.caps_from_string(self.audiocaps))
+                       if audiointersect != ("EMPTY"):
+                           self.containermuxeraudiosinkpad = self.containermuxer.get_request_pad(x.name_template)
+           self.pipeline.add(self.containermuxer)
+       #else:
+       #    factory = gst.registry_get_default().lookup_feature(self.audioencoder)
+       #    for x in factory.get_static_pad_templates():
+       #        if (x.direction == gst.PAD_SINK):
+       #            self.audioencodersinkpad = self.audioencoder.get_request_pad(x.name_template)
+           # Add a tag setting Transmageddon as the application used for creating file if supported by format
+	   GstTagSetterType = gobject.type_from_name("GstTagSetter")
+	   if GstTagSetterType in gobject.type_interfaces(self.containermuxer):
+	       taglist=gst.TagList()
+	       taglist[gst.TAG_APPLICATION_NAME] = "Transmageddon"
+               self.containermuxer.merge_tags(taglist, gst.TAG_MERGE_APPEND)
+       self.transcodefileoutput = gst.element_factory_make("filesink", "transcodefileoutput")
+       self.transcodefileoutput.set_property("location", (DESTDIR+"/"+self.outputfilename))
+       self.pipeline.add(self.transcodefileoutput)
+       self.uridecoder.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+       # print "setting uridcodebin to paused"
+       self.BusMessages = self.BusWatcher()
+       self.uridecoder.connect("no-more-pads", self.noMorePads) # we need to wait on this one before going further
+       # print "connecting to no-more-pads
+   def noMorePads(self, dbin):
+       self.transcodefileoutput.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+       if self.containerchoice != "No container":
+           self.containermuxer.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+       glib.idle_add(self.idlePlay)
+       # print "No More pads received"
+   def idlePlay(self):
+        self.Pipeline("playing")
+        # print "gone to playing"
+        return False
+   def BusWatcher(self):
+       bus = self.pipeline.get_bus()
+       bus.add_watch(self.on_message)
+   def on_message(self, bus, message):
+       mtype = message.type
+       # print mtype
+       if mtype == gst.MESSAGE_ERROR:
+           err, debug = message.parse_error()
+           print err 
+           print debug
+           gst.DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE (self.pipeline, gst.DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, 'transmageddon.dot')
+       elif mtype == gst.MESSAGE_ASYNC_DONE:
+           self.emit('ready-for-querying')
+       elif mtype == gst.MESSAGE_EOS:
+           self.emit('got-eos')
+           self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
+       elif mtype == gst.MESSAGE_APPLICATION:
+           print "I am getting the appliation message"
+           self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
+           self.pipeline.remove(self.uridecoder)
+       return True
+   def list_compat(self, a1, b1):
+       for x1 in a1:
+           if not x1 in b1:
+               return False
+       return True
+   def OnDynamicPad(self, dbin, sink_pad):
+       c = sink_pad.get_caps().to_string()
+       if c.startswith("audio/"):
+           if self.stoptoggle==True:
+               bus = self.pipeline.get_bus()
+               bus.post(gst.message_new_application(self.pipeline, gst.Structure('STOP TRANSCODER')))
+               return
+           # First check for passthough mode
+           if self.audiopasstoggle is False:
+               self.audioconverter = gst.element_factory_make("audioconvert")
+               self.pipeline.add(self.audioconverter)
+               self.audioencoder = gst.element_factory_make(self.AudioEncoderPlugin)
+               self.pipeline.add(self.audioencoder)
+               self.audioresampler = gst.element_factory_make("audioresample")
+               self.pipeline.add(self.audioresampler)
+               sink_pad.link(self.audioconverter.get_pad("sink"))
+               self.audioconverter.link(self.audioresampler)
+               self.audioresampler.link(self.audioencoder)
+               self.audioconverter.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+               self.audioresampler.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+               self.audioencoder.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+               self.gstmultiqueue.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+               if self.containerchoice != "No container":
+                   self.audioencoder.get_static_pad("src").link(self.multiqueueaudiosinkpad)
+                   self.multiqueueaudiosrcpad.link(self.containermuxeraudiosinkpad)
+                   self.containermuxer.link(self.transcodefileoutput)
+               else:
+                    self.audioencoder.link(self.transcodefileoutput)
+       else:
+           # This code is for handling passthrough mode. 
+           # TODO: dynamically plug correct parser. Iterate on parsers and intersect.
+           # No parser if output is framed
+           parsedcaps = gst.caps_from_string(self.audiocaps+",parsed=true")
+           framedcaps = gst.caps_from_string(self.audiocaps+",framed=true")
+           if (sink_pad.get_caps().is_subset(parsedcaps)) or (sink_pad.get_caps().is_subset(framedcaps)):
+               sink_pad.link(self.multiqueueaudiosinkpad)
+               self.multiqueueaudiosrcpad.link(self.containermuxeraudiosinkpad)
+               self.gstmultiqueue.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+           else:
+               flist = gst.registry_get_default().get_feature_list(gst.ElementFactory)
+               parsers = []
+               self.aparserelement = False
+               for fact in flist:
+                   # print "fact is " + str(fact)
+                   if self.list_compat(["Codec", "Parser","Audio"], fact.get_klass().split('/')):
+                      parsers.append(fact.get_name())
+                      for x in parsers:
+                          parser = x
+                          factory = gst.registry_get_default().lookup_feature(str(x))
+                          sinkcaps = [x.get_caps() for x in factory.get_static_pad_templates() if x.direction == gst.PAD_SRC]
+                          parseintersect = ("EMPTY")   
+                          for caps in sinkcaps:
+                               if parseintersect == ("EMPTY"):
+                                   parseintersect = caps.intersect(gst.caps_from_string(self.audiocaps))
+                               if parseintersect != ("EMPTY"):
+                                   self.aparserelement = parser
+               if self.aparserelement == False:
+                   error_message="noaudioparser"
+                   self.emit("got-error", error_message)
+                   self.stoptoggle=True
+                   return  
+               self.audioparse = gst.element_factory_make(self.aparserelement)
+               self.pipeline.add(self.audioparse)
+               # print "audiopad " + str(self.multiqueueaudiosinkpad)
+               sink_pad.link(self.audioparse.get_static_pad("sink"))
+               self.audioparse.get_static_pad("src").link(self.multiqueueaudiosinkpad)
+               if CONTAINERCHOICE != "None":                   
+                   self.multiqueueaudiosrcpad.link(self.containermuxeraudiosinkpad)
+                   self.containermuxer.link(self.transcodefileoutput)
+               else:
+                   self.multiqueueaudiosrcpad.link(self.transcodefileoutput)
+               self.audioparse.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+               self.gstmultiqueue.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
+   def Pipeline (self, state):
+       if state == ("playing"):
+           self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
+       elif state == ("null"):
+           self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)

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