[gnome-disk-utility/gnome-2-28] Updated Kannada(kn) translation
- From: Shankar Prasad <sprasad src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-disk-utility/gnome-2-28] Updated Kannada(kn) translation
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 05:39:33 +0000 (UTC)
commit 507360db3143fc74de9dc7ad33a54cab5208b487
Author: Shankar Prasad <svenkate redhat com>
Date: Mon Sep 21 11:09:22 2009 +0530
Updated Kannada(kn) translation
po/kn.po | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po
index 51bbbfa..f321211 100644
--- a/po/kn.po
+++ b/po/kn.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-disk-utility.master.kn\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-disk-utility&component=general\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-26 05:53+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-18 18:20+0530\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-19 20:26+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad <svenkate redhat com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kannada <en li org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ msgstr "�ದ�ವ �ಾನಲ� ����"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:189
msgid "Margin of a channel while reading data."
-msgstr "ದತà³?ತಾà²?ಶವನà³?ನà³? à²?ದà³?ವಾà²?ಿನ à²?à²?ದà³? à²?ಾನಲà³?â??ನ à²?à²?à²?à³?"
+msgstr "ದತà³?ತಾà²?ಶವನà³?ನà³? à²?ದà³?ವಾà²?ಿನ à²?à²?ದà³? à²?ಾನಲà³?â??ನ à²?à²?à²?à³?."
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ msgstr "G-ಸ�ವ�ದಿ ದ�ಷದ ದರ"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:277
msgid "Frequency of mistakes as a result of impact loads"
-msgstr "à²?ಪà³?ಪಳಿಸà³?ವಿà²?à³? ಲà³?ಡà³?â??à²?ಳ à²?ಾರಣದಿà²?ದಾà²?ಿ ತಪà³?ಪà³?à²?ಳà³? à²?à²?à²?ಾà²?à³?ವ ಲà³?à²?à³?à²?"
+msgstr "�ಪ�ಪಳಿಸ�ವಿ�� ಹ�ರ��ಳ �ಾರಣದಿ�ದಾ�ಿ ತಪ�ಪ��ಳ� ���ಾ��ವ ಲ����"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ msgid ""
"remapped is subsequently written or read successfully, this value is "
"decreased and the sector is not remapped. Read errors on the sector will not "
"remap the sector, it will only be remapped on a failed write attempt"
-msgstr "ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? à²?ಾಯತà³?ತಿರà³?ವ à²à²¾à²?à²?ಳ ಸà²?à²?à³?ಯà³?. à²?ಲà³?ಲಿಯಾದರà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? à²?ಾಯತà³?ತಿರà³?ವ à²à²¾à²?à²?ಳಿà²?à³? ನà²?ತರ ಯಶಸà³?ವಿಯಾà²?ಿ ಬರà³?ಯಲಾದಲà³?ಲಿ à²?ಥವ à²?ದಲಾದಲà³?ಲಿ, à²? ಮà³?ಲà³?ಯವನà³?ನà³? à²?ಡಿಮà³? ಮಾಡಲಾà²?à³?ತà³?ತದà³? ಹಾà²?à³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲಾà²?à³?ವà³?ದಿಲà³?ಲ. à²à²¾à²?ದಲà³?ಲಿನ à²?ದà³?ವಿà²?à³? ದà³?ಷà²?ಳà³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? ಬಿಡà³?ವà³?ದಿಲà³?ಲ, à²?ದà³? à²?à³?ವಲ ಬರà³?ಯà³?ವ ಪà³?ರಯತà³?ನವà³? ವಿಫಲà²?à³?à²?ಡಲà³?ಲಿ ಮಾತà³?ರ ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?ಯಾà²?ಿಸಲà³?ಪಡà³?ತà³?ತದà³?."
+msgstr "ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? à²?ಾಯತà³?ತಿರà³?ವ à²à²¾à²?à²?ಳ ಸà²?à²?à³?ಯà³?. à²?ಲà³?ಲಿಯಾದರà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? à²?ಾಯತà³?ತಿರà³?ವ à²à²¾à²?à²?ಳಿà²?à³? ನà²?ತರ ಯಶಸà³?ವಿಯಾà²?ಿ ಬರà³?ಯಲಾದಲà³?ಲಿ à²?ಥವ à²?ದಲಾದಲà³?ಲಿ, à²? ಮà³?ಲà³?ಯವನà³?ನà³? à²?ಡಿಮà³? ಮಾಡಲಾà²?à³?ತà³?ತದà³? ಹಾà²?à³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲಾà²?à³?ವà³?ದಿಲà³?ಲ. à²à²¾à²?ದಲà³?ಲಿನ à²?ದà³?ವಿà²?à³? ದà³?ಷà²?ಳà³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?à²?à³?ಳಿಸಲà³? ಬಿಡà³?ವà³?ದಿಲà³?ಲ, à²?ದà³? à²?à³?ವಲ ಬರà³?ಯà³?ವ ಪà³?ರಯತà³?ನವà³? ವಿಫಲà²?à³?à²?ಡಲà³?ಲಿ ಮಾತà³?ರ ಮರà³?ನà²?à³?ಷà³?ಯಾà²?ಿಸಲà³?ಪಡà³?ತà³?ತದà³?"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ msgid ""
"The total number of uncorrectable errors when reading/writing a sector. A "
"rise in the value of this attribute indicates defects of the disk surface "
"and/or problems in the mechanical subsystem"
-msgstr "à²?à²?ದà³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? à²?ದà³?ವಾà²?/ಬರà³?ಯà³?ವಾà²? ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಲಾà²?ದà³? à²?ರà³?ವ ದà³?ಷà²?ಳ à²?à²?à³?à²?à³? ಸà²?à²?à³?ಯà³?. à²? à²?à³?ಣವಿಶà³?ಷದಲà³?ಲಿ à²?à²?ದà³? ಮà³?ಲà³?ಯ ಹà³?à²?à³?à²?ಾದಲà³?ಲಿ ಡಿಸà³?à²?ಿನ ಮà³?ಲà³?ಪದರದಲà³?ಲಿ ಹಾà²?à³?/à²?ಥವ ಮà³?à²?à³?ಯಾನಿà²?ಲà³? à²?ಪವà³?ಯವಸà³?ಥà³?ಯಲà³?ಲಿ à²?ನà³? ತà³?à²?ದರà³? à²?ದà³? à²?à²?ದà³? ಸà³?à²?ಿಸà³?ತà³?ತದà³?."
+msgstr "à²?à²?ದà³? à²à²¾à²?ವನà³?ನà³? à²?ದà³?ವಾà²?/ಬರà³?ಯà³?ವಾà²? ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಲಾà²?ದà³? à²?ರà³?ವ ದà³?ಷà²?ಳ à²?à²?à³?à²?à³? ಸà²?à²?à³?ಯà³?. à²? à²?à³?ಣವಿಶà³?ಷದಲà³?ಲಿ à²?à²?ದà³? ಮà³?ಲà³?ಯ ಹà³?à²?à³?à²?ಾದಲà³?ಲಿ ಡಿಸà³?à²?ಿನ ಮà³?ಲà³?ಪದರದಲà³?ಲಿ ಹಾà²?à³?/à²?ಥವ ಮà³?à²?à³?ಯಾನಿà²?ಲà³? à²?ಪವà³?ಯವಸà³?ಥà³?ಯಲà³?ಲಿ à²?ನà³? ತà³?à²?ದರà³? à²?ದà³? à²?à²?ದà³? ಸà³?à²?ಿಸà³?ತà³?ತದà³?"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -2041,17 +2041,17 @@ msgstr "à²?ಫà³?â??ಲà³?ನà³?â?? à²?ಾರà³?ಯà²?ಳಲà³?ಲಿ ಡà³?ರ
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:437
msgid "Disk Shift"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ಡಿಸ��ಿನ ಸ�ಥಳಾ�ತರ"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:438
msgid ""
"Shift of disk is possible as a result of strong shock loading in the store, "
"as a result of falling (or) temperature"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ಬà³?ಳà³?ವಿà²?à³? (à²?ಥವ) à²?ಷà³?ಣತà³?ಯಿà²?ದಾà²?ಿ ಸà³?à²?à³?ರಿನಲà³?ಲಿ à²?à²?à²?ಾà²?ಿರಬಹà³?ದಾದ ಬಲವಾದ ಶಾà²?à³?â??ನ à²?ಾರಣದಿà²?ದಾà²?ಿ ಡಿಸà³?à²?à³? ಸà³?ಥಳಾà²?ತರà²?à³?à²?ಡಿರಬಹà³?ದà³?"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:447
msgid "Number of errors as a result of impact loads as detected by a shock sensor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ರ�ಷಣ� ಹ�ರ��ಳ �ಾರಣದಿ�ದಾ�ಿ ಶಾ�� ಸ�ವ�ದಿಯ� ಪತ�ತ�ಹ���ಿದ ದ�ಷ�ಳ ಸ���ಯ�"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -2069,28 +2069,28 @@ msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ�ಯ �ಾರ�ಯ ಸ�ಥಿತಿಯಲ�ಲಿ
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:462
msgid "Load/Unload Retry Count"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ಲà³?ಡà³?/à²?ನà³?â??ಲà³?ಡà³? ಮಾಡà³?ವಿà²?à³?ಯ ಮರà³?ಪà³?ರಯತà³?ನದ à²?ಣಿà²?à³?"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:463
msgid ""
"Loading on drive caused by numerous recurrences of operations, like reading, "
"recording, positioning of heads, etc"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "à²?ದà³?ವà³?ದà³?, ರà³?à²?ಾರà³?ಡà³? ಮಾಡà³?ವà³?ದà³?, ಹà³?ಡà³?â??à²?ಳನà³?ನà³? à²?ರಿಸà³?ವà³?ದà³? ಮà³?à²?ತಾದ ಹಲವಾರà³? à²?ಾರà³?ಯà²?ಳ ಪà³?ನರಾವರà³?ತನà³?à²?ಳ à²?ಾರಣದಿà²?ದ à²?à²?à²?ಾದ ಹà³?ರà³?"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:471
msgid "Load Friction"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ರ�ಷಣ�ಯ ಹ�ರ�"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:472
msgid "Load on drive cause by friction in mechanical parts of the store"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ಸà³?à²?à³?ರಿನ ಯಾà²?ತà³?ರಿà²? à²à²¾à²?à²?ಳ à²?ರà³?ಷಣà³?ಯಿà²?ದ ಡà³?ರà³?ವಿನ ಮà³?ಲà³? à²?à²?à²?ಾದ ಹà³?ರà³?"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:480
msgid "Total number of load cycles"
-msgstr "ಲ�ಡ� �ವರ�ತನ�ಳ ����� ಸ���ಯ�"
+msgstr "ಹ�ರ� �ವರ�ತನ�ಳ ����� ಸ���ಯ�"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -2108,15 +2108,15 @@ msgstr "à²?à²?ದà³? ಡà³?ರà³?ವà³?â??ನಲà³?ಲಿ ಲà³?ಡà³? ಮಾಡ
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:495
msgid "Torque Amplification Count"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "�ಾರ��� ��ಪ�ಲಿಫಿ��ಶನ� ಲ����"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:496
msgid "Quantity efforts of the rotating moment of a drive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "��ದ� ಡ�ರ�ವಿನ ��ಷಣವನ�ನ� ತಿರ��ಿಸ�ವ ಪ�ರಯತ�ನ�ಳ ಪ�ರಮಾಣ"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:504
msgid "Number of power-off retract events"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ಸ�ಥ�ಿತ (ಪವರ�-�ಫ�) ಸನ�ನಿವ�ಶ�ಳ ಹಿಮ�ಮರಳಿ��ಯ ಸ���ಯ�"
#. Translators: S.M.A.R.T attribute, see http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/doc.html
#. * or the next string for a longer explanation.
@@ -2706,12 +2706,12 @@ msgstr "ಸ�ವಯ�-ಪರ���ಷ� ಪ�ರ�ತಿಯಲ�ಲಿ
#. Translators: Shown in the "Self-tests" item in the status table when a test is underway
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:2749
msgid "Short self-test in progress: "
-msgstr "�ಿರ� ಸ�ವಯ�-ಪರ���ಷ� ಪ�ರ�ತಿಯಲ�ಲಿದ�:"
+msgstr "�ಿರ� ಸ�ವಯ�-ಪರ���ಷ� ಪ�ರ�ತಿಯಲ�ಲಿದ�: "
#. Translators: Shown in the "Self-tests" item in the status table when a test is underway
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:2753
msgid "Extended self-test in progress: "
-msgstr "ವಿಸ�ತ�ತ ಸ�ವಯ�-ಪರ���ಷ� ಪ�ರ�ತಿಯಲ�ಲಿದ�:"
+msgstr "ವಿಸ�ತ�ತ ಸ�ವಯ�-ಪರ���ಷ� ಪ�ರ�ತಿಯಲ�ಲಿದ�: "
#. Translators: Shown in the "Self-tests" item in the status table when a test is underway
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-ata-smart-dialog.c:2757
@@ -3031,7 +3031,7 @@ msgstr "ವಿà²à²¾à²? %d, %s ನಲà³?ಲಿನ"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-gtk.c:367
msgid "Cannot unmount volume"
-msgstr "ಪರಿಮಾಣವನ�ನ� �ವರ�ಹಿಸಲ� ಸಾಧ�ಯವಾ�ಿಲ�ಲ."
+msgstr "ಪರಿಮಾಣವನ�ನ� �ವರ�ಹಿಸಲ� ಸಾಧ�ಯವಾ�ಿಲ�ಲ"
#: ../src/gdu-gtk/gdu-gtk.c:377
msgid ""
@@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@ msgstr "ಫಾರà³?ಮಾà²?à³?â?? ಮಾಡà³?(_F)..."
#: ../src/nautilus-extension/nautilus-gdu.c:226
msgid "Create new filesystem on the selected device"
-msgstr "�ಯ��� ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಾಧನದಲ�ಲಿ ಹ�ಸ �ಡತವ�ಯವಸ�ಥ�ಯನ�ನ� ನಿರ�ಮಿಸಿ."
+msgstr "�ಯ��� ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಾಧನದಲ�ಲಿ ಹ�ಸ �ಡತವ�ಯವಸ�ಥ�ಯನ�ನ� ನಿರ�ಮಿಸಿ"
#. Translators: %s is the name of the device
#: ../src/notification/gdu-slow-unmount-dialog.c:162
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