[hyena] Created tag 0.1

The unsigned tag '0.1' was created.

Tagger: Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com>
Date: Tue Aug 18 14:28:48 2009 -0700

    hyena 0.1 release


Aaron Bockover (164):
      Moved Nereid from Core/ to Clients/; fixed up a lot of MonoDevelop stuff
      Added a necessary null check and return default (T) for the generic Query
      Updated MD project files
      Updated MD solution files
      Only run these hacks if we are on Unix, and don't crash even if we are and
      Renamed Username to UserName
      Set RowSensitivePropertyName to 'CanPlay'
      Pack a ConnectedMessageBar
      Set some default spacing
      Make the network connection handshake run in a thread again
      Removed duplicate using declaration
      This commit adds most of the functionality of the notification area back,
      Apply the window default background to override the toolbar background
      If control is being held down when the source view activates a row, set
      Minor fixes for Windows
      Created UI actions for repeat mode functionality; this is where the repeat
      Added a generic Contains method so Contains checks can be type safe just
      Added a new base version of TrackInfoMerge that allows you to switch
      A sweet overlay thingy that draws some big warning/welcome for users about
      A workaround for the somewhat broken terminfo driver for setting console
      Remove writeline
      Various build stuff
      Added InformationTimer methods akin to DebugTimer methods that will work
      Turned on -warnaserror and only show the bold compiling message if the
      Lots of build fixes, preparing for the release
      Use the allocation passed to Render to do the maths
      Added Hutch's terminfo changes to do all the coloring properly
      Added another partial class for drag and drop specific stuff for the view;
      Fixed up sexp tests
      Some minor fixes and cleanups
      Calculate the row index for reordering
      Wrap the Pango Cairo calls we care about so we'll build and run on GTK 2.8
      Do not crash if the native Cairo pop/push group functions do not exist
      Fixed the null check, actually works now
      Defined a starting set of general flags that can be used to describe the
      Non-GUI action that can be attached to a SourceMessage
      Hide the view container when the source doesn't support custom contents or
      Stubbed some stuff out to allow showing separator rows; not complete
      This commit should make Banshee look better on darker themes
      Fixed arrow
      Implement new ClientId property
      Set the source on the track view column controller when it changes
      Build/MD fixes
      Some code clean up and render the idle logo when there is no video playing
      Added Eject and Unmount properties/methods
      Added Scott's musicbrainz-sharp code locally to the project for now; in
      Link against CDDA base library
      More libbanshee cleanup
      Enable my hot new feature in MD, UseParentDirectoryAsNamespace
      Explicitly set TextAsForeground as necessary when entering the header and
      Removed the Name property from UserJob as it's a bit redundant and
      Get the cd importing profile and generate the pipeline for the encoder
      Fixed column separator height
      Added banshee_is_debugging and banshee_get_version_number functions;
      Nothing here yet, hopefully I can actually spare some time for it
      Let Cairo know what DPI we're using so text is rendered at the right size,
      Properly calculate the row height based on actual pango layout
      This commit adds the initial checkin of the new podcasting code by Mike
      Lots of minor build fixes
      Lots of build fixes, disable DAAP and Podcasting by default; only link
      Fix DPI and size request issues
      Avoid using nullable types for some stuffs
      Implemented our own logging functions that can call a handler function
      Lots of window manager and parent window interaction stuff so that
      First pass at adding fullscreen controls - it's by no means complete, and
      Added new horizontal layout mode that is nice for fullscreen
      Added a classic ctor override
      Added config file
      Set up default preferences for some more things
      Added a enableErrorCorrection argument to the Begin method
      This commit adds the initial work for the extension manager to allow you
      Allow setting the parent/transient for window
      Updated to the new DapSource API
      This commit hopefully addresses remaining hardware and threading issues
      Make ConditionSql virtual and add a protected setter; make CanUnmap
      When hidden, preserve the active state and pause the stage to prevent
      Do not chain SizeAllocated if the allocation doesn't actuall change - not
      Build stuff for the BooScript extension
      Explicitly destroy gradient patterns and tweak the selection gradient a
      Set the sensitive property on the cell context
      Only update the progress if it hasn't changed and if we're already pulsing
      Added a spin entry to change the height for testing; queue a resize when
      Minor fixes
      constrain test module dialog height
      Implemented a proper default column controller with the columns as static
      Defined a column controller for video sources
      Patch from Bertrand Lorentz (BGO #533099)
      Fixed the horribly broken indexer that looked like a late night copy and
      Made the indexer code more sexy so it doesn't look like I wrote it at 4:30
      FIxed improper ctor chain; set Min/MaxWidth if a cell is ISizeRequestCell
      Set ENABLE_TESTS as a define variable; this will allow unit tests to be
      Tell the renderer what opacities we like
      Small fix
      Added a PointerLeaveEvent method
      Added an EnabledCount property
      Stupid MD project file XML reordering crap update
      Migo cleanup
      Save and reset the bound object on motion/pointer leave to a hover object
      Offset the cell damage areas by the view adjustment values
      MonoDevelop changed XML attr ordering in project files again. FFS.
      Support changing the renderer on columns
      Added support for the classic new item blue ball
      A new Banshee client that runs only only the console and proxies command
      Split audio CD preferences into a separate tab
      Add label support
      Show the correct number of songs that are ripping in the status area
      Only set the rating when the mouse is released; fix some small issues with
      Translate a few query fields to be more familiar, allow setting volume and
      A pretty disgusting hack that forces the style of our source view
      Use Gtk.Rc.GetStyleByPaths to grab the GtkTreeView style directly and
      Lots of bug fixes with FSQ behavior around starting a new instance with
      Fix some special case playback issue that was broken depending on cache
      Removed bad tests
      Removed in favor of the XML column controller stuff I completely forgot
      Added some more tests, including negative indexes, and a real world IP
      Make CompareRanges static
      Work around a nasty little bug in GDK and subsequently Gdk# (2.8.5 through
      Fix build
      Temporary hack that provides a Genre browser for Internet Radio
      Small code cleanups
      Implemented a new high resolution track info display; quite optimized for
      svn merge -r 4350:4349; backed out my large commit from yesterday due to
      Merged the really nice and blingy cover art display back from r4350 now
      Turned into a real service and support overriding the connection status to
      Phase 1 of Hackweek: wrote JSON tokenizer and parser/deserializer and lots
      So fucking tired of monodevelop changing these mdp files on a whim
      Change GetCairoTextMidColor to use AlphaBlend function (BGO #544840)
      Merged branches/banshee/abock/@4403 to trunk (the hot new track editor,
      Converted project infrastructure from MonoDevelop 1.0 format (mds/mdp) to
      More csproj fixes
      fucking monodevelop, fine
      This commit implements the first pass at providing a mechanism for third
      If an IIndexerClient is located on the bus, tell that client to reboot
      Use Hyena.Action instead of System.Action
      Remove unused variable
      When the mouse is over the sync all button, tell all the other sync
      Added a Stopping property
      Iterate over all ICanUndo's and disconnect/connect the adapters when
      Break the column menu into multiple columns so it's easier to read and
      Force the foreground color of embedded menu labels in the prelight state
      Fix math for choosing the number of rows to influence the number of
      Use the foreground selected color from the menu item, not the label
      Only draw the header separator if the column can be resized, or a previous
      Removed the old Style override that didn't even work and caused theme
      Do nothing if the theme is null
      Implement Surface lookup methods
      This commit finishes the port to using Cairo surface in almost all places
      Do not re-create the layout on every expose; this fixes a pretty bad leak
      Like I fixed for the ListView yesterday, do not recreate the pango layouts
      Updated to use the now generic EditableUndoAdapter
      Only click sync buttons when they are sensitive
      This is round one of Eoin's core fixes for OS X support. This commit
      Wrote a DllImport and config file map verifier tool that analyzes source
      Automatically --enable-release if there is no .svn directory (this is for
      Because it's so hard to detect when properties change, I get it. Or maybe it's just fun to reorder elements?
      Fixed quoting in wrapper script so filenames with spaces work; especially
      Another MD fixup. lesigh
      Forward port theme engine patch from stable-vis
      Revert "[PixbufImageSurface] Use factory to handle null pb"
      Fixed up Scott's crappy line endings

Alan McGovern (1):
      XmlDocument can't load xml which starts with whitespace.

Alexander Hixon (15):
      Remove reference to the old extension name and paths.
      Use a slightly less brain-dead method of checking the total length of the
      Use the static instance of Account shared by others, rather than creating
      Rewrote the SongTimer class to use PlayerEngine.Position. Doesn't rely on
      Get track duration and progress information before showing the popup and
      Decrease spacing between time and progress bar.
      Remove class- based UserAgent properties, values and constructor
      Attempt to queue the currently playing track when we dispose the service,
      Support lazy authentication. Also implement retrying if sending a 'Now
      Modify the LastfmTrackInfo object, and add in the new trackauth variable
      Changed a few multiline comments to single line comments. Fixed some
      Make sure that we check the hash string length before performing a
      Only post Now Playing information to AS servers after all tracks have been
      Only use 'Log' rather than 'Hyena.Log' in the code since we've already
      Enable the track editor to display the duration of tracks one hour or

Alexander Kojevnikov (14):
      Changed the RatingEntry widget to make it easier to edit and reset the
      Fixed row rendering glitch when hscroll position is non-zero (BGO #548526)
      Allowing to resize track list view columns as long as one column to the
      Fixed zero rating display in the main menu (BGO #577835)
      Fixed the RatingEntry colors on dark themes (BGO #576459)
      Trimming dots and spaces in file and folder names (BGO #572999)
      Reset the mouse cursor when it leaves the ListView (BGO #580053)
      Fixed smart playlist templates in non-English locales (bgo#581987)
      Fixed theming of the MessageBar (bgo#557756)
      Fixed a Bit Rate column glitch (bgo#584587)
      Fixed a UI glitch in the Smart Playlist Editor (bgo#571288)
      Fixed a gtk+ warning when the SmartPlaylistEditor is created.
      Dispose the SqliteCommand after it's executed (bgo#586498)
      Keep the playing song visible in the track list

Andrea Cimitan (1):
      Add thin highlight to ListView selection for 3D effect

Bertrand Lorentz (27):
      Patch from Félix Velasco fixing a crash when editing a smart playlist
      Fix handling of special characters in quotes (BGO #547078).
      Patch from Iain Lane to not validate characters in XML returned from
      Fix a DllNotFoundException by making the DllImport statements match the
      Various fixes and updates.
      Make a regex a static field, for a small performance improvement (BGO
      Patch from John Millikin to unescape URLs returned by Last.fm (BGO
      patch from Christian Krause fixing the timezone handling (BGO #570721).
      Fix a test by adding the SQL escape clause that is now used.
      Make search fields not case sensitive, so that "Search by Matching Album"
      Move the ToLower call added in my previous commit outside of the loop.
      Various fixes to the unit tests. There are still a few failures left, but
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov fixing the Next button so that its pressed
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov fixing the bug where right-clicking on a
      Set the file attributes to normal before deleting podcast file
      Do not ignore exceptions while downloading podcasts
      Cleanups and code formatting fixes, no actual code changed
      Fix handling of podcast feeds that don't specify their encoding
      Add an additional parameter to LIBMTP_Create_Folder for libmtp >= 0.3.0
      Improve the parsing of the encoding in podcast feeds by using a RegEx
      [Audioscrobbler] Send the length of the now playing track as an integer
      [ListView] Escape the text in the tooltip
      [WrapLabel] Fix crash when opening the profile conf dialog (BGO#587308)
      [Lastfm] Use a GTK LinkButton for the badge and signup buttons
      Automatically set the version in the pkg-config files
      Have the makefiles use the compiler found by configure
      Fix some parallel make issues

Eoin Hennessy (1):
      The current path is not gauranteed to be a valid Uri (especially when

Gabriel Burt (269):
      New directory for what was Extras in stable.
      Create Mono.Media library.
      Add System.Web to Lastfm deps.
      Forgot to commit this.
      The Last.fm extension can actually play music now. Still need to port the
      The last commit reverted some of scottp's changes due to svn mv'ing files
      Forgot to svn add.
      Fix warnings.
      Remove unnecessary usings.
      This commit adds support for most of the user-particular data feeds
      Rename to RadioConnection.cs
      Add tests.
      Change LastPlayed and DateAdded order names.
      Avoid hitting the model/database when clicking where there is no row.
      This commit adds a CorePrimarySources table and a SourceID column to the
      Add implementation, gleaned from MonoDevelop.
      If possible, set album art on the lists of tracks. Unfortunately the
      Add DateUpdated property and update it in Save method.
      Add Mono.Unix dep to Hyena so strings can be translated, like they already
      Make the regex static.
      This commit brings back a thread-safe database layer. Unfortunately, that
      Fix MD build.
      Add a Save (bool notify) method so processes that are triggering lots of
      Fix warnings.
      This patch fixes a poor assumption made quite a while ago that for
      This commit adds more granular events for when tracks are added, changed,
      This commit fixes a long standing bug in trunk - selections now persist
      Forgot to commit new file.
      Update to 2008.
      Change to prevent the method from being called while it is still running,
      Small but powerful fix - was not clearing the selection between reloads at
      Add ToString override for debugging purposes.
      Avoid unnecessary db queries in saving/restoring selection. Fix bugs with
      Add override to Reload method with options for suppressing notification
      Add CacheId property that can be used to uniqued ID an item within a list.
      Fix bug with inconsistent table name in SQL.
      Rename CacheId to SourceEntryId, only require T : ICacheableItem in
      Default the sort of the TrackList to sort by Artist.
      Fix scrolling to jump to the first selected item only if a selected item
      New tag, recommended, neighbour, and personal icons.
      This commit cleans up and speeds up reloading.
      Add a CacheModelId property to Track/Artist/Album classes, and rename
      Rename LibraryAlbumInfo to DatabaseAlbumInfo.
      Patch from Scott Peterson fixing up some DateTime/SQL related issues.
      Super ugly hack to work around ArguemtnOutOfRangeException thrown by
      This patch fixes issues with smart playlist/search date fields not working
      In FindOrCreate methods, cache the last result to avoid looking up an
      Change icon to application-multimedia. Not perfect, but at least not
      This patch adds proper case-insensitive sorting and searching. It should
      Make much much prettier. Pack in a RoundedFrame, draw white bg, add Top
      Optimize CreateKey method.
      This commit adds Jump to Playing support, and hides the search box for
      Before incrementing play/skip count, Refresh the track so we don't
      Make sure to create the SQL with culturally invariant string formatting.
      Pass InvariantCulture in ToString calls, though probably not too necessary
      Fix bug where newly migrated databases kept refreshing metadata each time
      Fix issue with searching and NULL values, eg "a not like '%a%'" would not
      This patch adds the first support for DAPs to trunk. It currently only
      Make sure to load all columns in FindOrCreate methods.
      Fix love/ban icons.
      Add Mtp and Banshee.Dap.Mtp deps.
      Banshee.Dap.Mtp depends on Mtp library.
      This commit makes adding and deleting from a PrimarySource async, and pops
      Implement GetRandom method, using SQL for DatabaseTrackListModel.
      Call Next () instead of First () when source/artist/album activated, so
      Fix capitalization of menu items, use 'Last.fm' instead of
      Fix IndexOutOfBounds exception.
      This commit adds usable MTP device support. Still no transcoding for any
      Specify what folder to upload the track to - Music or Video.
      This commit adds transcoding support to DAPs. Transcoded files are stored
      Fix typo in delete tracks user job message.
      Rename FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS enum to FeedDownloadStatus. (Props to MD for
      Rename a few more enums.
      Fix bug with not saving the account info when the user clicked (vs
      WARNING: This commit is a first pass at reworking some of the Podcast/Migo
      Implement smart playlists limited by file size and duration. Fixes BGO
      Be more careful with unregistering handlers to status message events.
      Don't begin/commit a transaction or run InnerMigrate if the version is
      Move some files up into their namespace folder.
      Set SourceManager.Dispose property to true so that the SourceManager knows
      Fix bug with queries on fields that have a custom 'column' (eg maybe they
      Set Love/Hate as Important so text shows up; accidentally removed.
      Fix up disposing.
      Better handle there not being any playlists or smart playlists.
      Removed old files.
      Be more careful with native code.
      Add mimetype for .m4a files.
      Increase both accel and decel, and fix bug where things would bounce back
      This commit greatly improves performance when editing/saving track
      Massive commit that brings Podcasting back to the land of the living. Our
      This commit fixes a major (though one-line) bug with threading that should
      Add placeholder.
      Migrate podcast feeds and items from 0.13.2 podcast plugin.
      Rename ListBrowserSourceContents to FilteredListSourceContents.
      There were some pretty big performance issues with podcasting if you had
      Don't set the PersistentColumnController within the composite_view check,
      Fix issue with feed item Guids being empty so we'd have duplicates of
      This patch adds another filter to the podcast browser - the ability to
      Fix two bugs, one I introduced in my last big podcast commit that made the
      Fix bug where preview-on-hover stars weren't cleared before showing the
      Fix bug with not saving the rating when set from either the context menu
      Remove old comment
      Add method to disconnect the seek slider so it's not still listening for
      Fix bug with querying and smart playlists with "genre!:rock" would still
      Fix crasher in save-selection by being properly defensive and not assuming
      Don't pulse the podcasts source when feeds are changes, just when items
      remove \r\n's
      Don't clear the FocusedIndex when we clear the selection - they shouldn't
      If a XML blob isn't valid XML, log the actual error so we have a hope of
      If we fail to load a XML document b/c it's invalid, remove any
      Fix bug with the guid we use for identifying podcast items. Some feeds
      Fix bug with earlier fix for <item> guids that would cause some duplicates
      Get rid of some racy wait handle usage that was causing shutdown to freeze
      Remove some verbose logging.
      Fix bug with our cell_context.Drawable going missing b/c we weren't
      This commit adds support for multi-artist (compilation) albums. It
      First pass at bringing the recommendations extension back. It's got three
      Fix the OnSizeRequested override so that the Recommendations pane is the
      New class that shows the Text of the object, or if blank, a given string.
      Importing playlists (.m3u and .pls) should work again.
      Patch from Peter de Kraker adds ability to press enter from password entry
      Make the query tests that used to pass pass again.
      This commit adds manual playlist (including play queue) sorting. To
      Remove WriteLines.
      Sort podcasts by case-insensitive title.
      Patch from Michael Kaiser fixing issue with parsing user queries starting
      Add a SortOrder int property so we can hint at the order import sources
      Patch from Peter de Kraker adding support for fetching cover art from
      Patch from Arthur Carli fixing issue with parsing percentages from Last.fm
      Add curlies.
      Fix glitch where the resize cursor would flash away when you actually
      Optimize the loop that checks to see if a click happened on a column's
      Remove ClearManagedCache method, was redundant w/ Clear method.
      Create default columns within a private method so we can manipulate them
      Change GetString calls to Get<string> calls, to avoid a lot of strings
      New addin, not yet finished or really working, to view SQL queries that
      New but totally-unfinished extension for embedding WebKit.
      Factor out activate-selection code into protected method.
      Instead of throwing an exception when the uri scheme isn't one we support,
      Patch from Félix Velasco that makes never played tracks match 'last
      Patch from Félix Velasco and myself adding NRE protection, should fix
      Catch and log exceptions thrown while loading the device's items.
      Patch from Alan McGovern laying the groundwork for torrent support in
      Add protected MetadataHash property, really only used to store a hashed
      Fix deadlock caused by a property change event triggering a propety
      Add inner class for testing sync logic. Currently will calculate how many
      Add new files.
      Merged branches/banshee/gburt/ -r4443:4452 to trunk (muinshee, working
      Use ThreadAssist.ProxyToMain to ensure GUI actions happen on the main
      Create a HyenaSqliteCommand to reuse for adding tracks to playlists -
      Slightly more useful job status, shows how many total downloads in the job
      This commit adds playlist support to USB Mass Storage players, and fixes a
      Don't add duplicate tracks to devices.
      Fill and expand the label so that it's centered (BGO #551436).
      Don't set the active source to the FSQ until it's done importing and
      Add UriList as a DragDropSource and handle setting the data when such
      Add Rescan action that triggers rescan of the Music Library folder.
      Add protected IntPtr ctor to avoid GLib.MissingIntPtrCtorException I don't
      Fix issue with the ListViews getting scrolled to the top of the list every
      Bring back logic that scrolls to the first selected item when the view is
      Allow shrinking selections with the shift-key pressed (BGO #535561).
      Comment out unused classes; should probably be removed.
      Use the new SetMinMaxStrings method in ColumnCellText to define the
      Add a LongTitle property.
      New classes for N of M columns for track/disc #/count.
      Fix bug I introduced the other day with not being able to DnD more than
      Patch from Salah Coronya adding support for libmtp >= 0.3.0 (aka libmtp8).
      Change the order of some hides so that the footer widget is hidden before
      Use the invariant culture to avoid invalid gconf keys (BGO #548144).
      Run UPDATE queries against CoreTracks and PodcastItems to remove any
      New cell for bools that renders yes/no.
      Prevent NRE (BGO #552428).
      This patch adds a Description column to podcasts.
      Remove a bunch of old, commented-out code.
      Ignore 0169 warning.
      Set some properties on the BPM spin entry - 3 chars max, 0 decimal digits,
      Style fixes.
      Add TODO to use transactions when loading tracks and use slightly better
      Add FIXME note
      This patch adds support for importing all white-listed file formats, even
      Ref System.Xml
      This patch refactors the Podcast code so that it can have playlists and
      Add custom make and make run commands for build/execute
      Patch from Brandon Perry fixing warning that mono svn raises (BGO #561392)
      Recommit pragma disable
      Patch from Wouter Bolsterlee fixing mnemonic support (BGO #557880)
      Patch from John Millikin fixing bug encoding/scrobbling non-ASCII info
      Update to new QueryField api - will probably need some work when we
      If RFC 822 datetime parsing fails, try falling back to parsing the pubDate
      Add both upper and lowercase versions of file extensions to the file
      Patch from Benjamín Valero Espinosa fixing bug with not handling the XML
      Fix recently introduced bug that hung Banshee when Last.fm submitted Now
      Fix bug with IfModifiedSince header that prevented subscribing to some
      Fix compilation issues when building with Mono 2.2
      Name threads so kill -s QUIT thread dumps are easier to grok.
      Improve the smooth scrolling by stopping in a nearly constant amount of
      Fix the Begin/Commit/RollbackTransaction methods in HyenaSqliteConnection.
      Fix a warning.
      Patch from John Millikin transitioning us from Mono.Data.SqliteClient to
      Convert ArrayList to List<T>.
      Fix up the libmtp8 support which was crashing on loading MTP devices due
      This patch fixes issues with adding tracks to a MTP device, the symptoms
      Add copy of Mono.Data.Sqlite from Mono svn (revision 120995), with a patch
      Check for a very small change in the remaining width in the column size
      Modified patch from William Pettersson fixing NRE with transferring song
      Patch from John Millikin fixing issue with downloading some podcasts.
      Patch from John Millikin adding support for full/proper case-insensitive
      Patch from Andrés G. Aragoneses fixing bug with string matching functions
      Patch from John Millikin (with some style fixups added in by me) that
      Patch from John Millikin revamping the illegal_chars array, removing a
      Fix another freeze in the RecalculateColumnSize code due to some values
      Massive, awesomely-well-done patch by John Millikin adding proper support
      Patch from John Millikin adding support for importing and exporting XSPF
      Patch from Andrés G. Aragoneses and John Millikin fixing the wildcard
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov moving the focus to the list of songs when
      Updated by MonoDevelop, removing empty elements and saving some
      Patch from Andrés G. Aragoneses with input from John Millikin to keep
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov fixing mouse interactions with ListView's
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov fixing a dragged column rendering glitch
      Updated to latest MusicBrainz# courtesy of Scott Peterson and Tom Corner.
      Apply patch from Bertrand Lorentz optimizing the method that does type
      Remove old comment about how to fix the transactions code.
      Dispose underlying reader after reading in all its values.
      Building on Bertrand's patch, improve performance even more.
      Performance fixes ported from upstream System.Data.Sqlite, making
      Change corecache itemid to text
      2009-04-16 Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com>
      Add a smart, priority-aware, resource-contention-avoiding job scheduler. Net result is BPM analysis will pause while importing, etc (BGO #577772). Still need to convert Banshee.Kernel jobs.
      Make save-to-file and move-on-info-save jobs restartable
      Fix album art support for MTP devices when using libmtp8 (BGO #560520)
      Fix mono 2.0.1 runtime method-not-found issue in Hyena.Jobs (BGO #580044)
      Add a new, extensible context pane for Last.fm recommendations and
      If failed to retrieve Last.fm data, try once more to rule out a corrupted cache
      Update to build and run on Windows
      Add a missing source file to .csproj
      Support setting an API URL for the audio scrobbler engine
      [PixbufImageSurface] Use factory to handle null pb
      [PixbufImageSurface] Add convenience factory func
      Catch NotImplementedException in MB# (BGO #527788)
      Uncomment the support for ListView tooltips
      When user picks new sort column, sort ascending
      Add null check to avoid common podcast update NRE
      Use Equals not == in CheckBox column
      Refactor some model classes
      Add UseMarkup property to ColumnCellText
      Move IsRunningUnix to new Hyena.PlatformUtil class
      Fix ImageSurface shared memory crash on Windows
      Fix up some .csproj files
      Some more .csproj file fixes
      Pull some useful bits out of Banshee into Hyena
      Move HigMessageDialog to Hyena.Widgets
      [LruCache] Add HitRatio and min hit ratio ability
      Move DragDropList to Hyena.Gui
      Always fire UndoChanged on stack change; expose peek vals
      Move TrySetProcessName to Hyena
      Move XdgBaseDirectorySpec to Hyena
      Move Hyena etc to src/
      Add Hyena.sln and fixes to build
      Set output dir to bin/
      Working make-fu
      Split Hyena.Data.Sqlite off into its own assembly
      Get rid of mono.data.sqlite.pc.in; included in hyena.data.sqlite.pc.in Libs now
      Build and .pc fixes
      Pass make distcheck
      Add COPYING and README
      Add hyena.doap
      Update NEWS and README for 0.1 release

Ivan N. Zlatev (1):
      Fix missing () in ?? operator usage. Fixes compilation with gmcs HEAD (BGO

Jensen Somers (1):
      Fix off-by-one-day date querying bug (BGO #546844)

John Millikin (4):
      Change the color used for warning messages to dark yellow (BGO #546647).
      Patch from Alexander Kojevnikov: Change "limit to" entry in the smart
      Collapse runs of spaces into a single space when searching for strings.
      When splitting the "Now playing" info text into lines, only split if there

Marek Habersack (1):
      newer versions of gmcs enforce ordering of 'where' constraints from less

Mike Urbanski (2):
      Added CommandQueueManager.
      Change the way timeouts are handled during a podcast download

Nils Naumann (1):
      Trim filename dots and spaces (BGO #588350)

Scott Peterson (6):
      Added animated layout widgets to Hyena.Gui
      Make sure that a columns max height is not less that its min height. This
      Fixed first column being unsortable.
      Fixed rendering problem with sort arrow if the first column was sorted.
      Add null checks to avoid NRE.
      Add IsSubscribed to Feed and modified migration code to use true as the

Scott Thomas Peterson (45):
      Implements new HasDepenencies property.
      Added methods to search a QueryNode tree for values of a given type either
      Got rid of unnecessary condition.
      Removed unnessisary reference.
      This gets rid of the 5 (count 'em: five) GdkWindows we were using
      Fixed rendering in with non-composited window managers.
      Minor rendering fix when reordering columns.
      This fixes the header disapearing if you switch to and from the Now
      Better polymorphism, removed unnessisary qualifications.
      Added some rendering fixes, hook up the Pixmap canvases.
      Override QueueDraw to use our own methods. (Fixes bug where hiding/showing
      Minor improvements to rendering. Vertical resizing is now much more
      Fixed rendering issue when dragging ends.
      Added MaxWidth property (currently not used anywhere).
      Moved the ColumnHeaderCellText.HasSort determination from PaintHeaderCell
      Use QueueDraw.
      Emergency fix0rz!!1!
      Queue saving of column widths.
      This fixes BGO #525453
      This adds experimental smooth scrolling. The behavior still needs to be
      Removed max velocity limit.
      You can now pass --debug-sql to get a full log of all SQL commands
      More better.
      Instantiate the CellContext on realization.
      Got rid of now unnessiary work around and use new Query overload.
      Synced w/ MB#
      Pack in the NextArrowButton.
      Ctor now takes a PlaybackActions object so that it always has a reference
      Cosmetic change.
      Fixed stupid NRE error.
      OK, I totally re-did the arrow button stuff. We still don't use the
      Fixed style attachtment problem which was gave spew when the theme was
      Better vadjustment handling. This fixes BGO #526689.
      We now inherit from Widget and render to the parent GdkWindow and call
      Fixed stupid stupid crash.
      Use bools instead of the None enums (previously instituted to eliminate
      Make sure we don't handle header-related interaction stuff if the header
      This patch does two things. First, it cleans up the AnimatedBox classes
      Added support for BorderWidth. Sexeh!
      More accurate easing equations.
      Reverted IL injection changes.
      Look for DB-bound members amoung the public fields. Don't know what we
      We were instantiating a List<string> on every render. Now we just use one
      Use new StartPadding.

Sebastian Dröge (1):
      Dist and install Hyena.Gui.dll.config.

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