Re: Layouting in Clutter 2.0

Hi Neil,

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about this. Some comments below :

On 25/10/12 12:22, Neil Roberts wrote:

As development is starting for Clutter 2 and we have a chance to break
API, I think it would be good to think about whether it would be worth
making any changes to the layouting mechanism.

Queuing a relayout will be changed so that it doesn't bubble up the
hierarchy and queue a relayout on every ancestor. The âneeds_allocationâ
flag will be removed. Instead, the stage will maintain a list of actors
that need relayouting. Just before painting, the stage will keep pulling
off the head of this list and calling âallocateâ on that actor until the
list becomes empty. We might want to rename âallocateâ to âlayoutâ or
something to avoid confusing it with set_allocation. It should be
supported and expected that actors can queue a relayout and add
themselves to the list during the allocation cycle.

So basically the implementation of queue_relayout would be modified
to take a extra argument telling which one of your child has queued
a relayout (pretty much like queue_draw() today) and could be rewritten
as a simple test :

Are you a container who cares about its children size?
1) Yes => call queue_relayout() on your parent
2) No => add the actor that called your queue_relayout() function to the stage's layouting queue

The list will be kept sorted in increasing order of the depth of the
actor. That way, the relayout callbacks for an actor's parent will
always be called before the actor's own relayout callback. This should
ensure that by the time the actor lays out its children it will have its
final size.

Why would want to make this change?

â People seem to often encounter problems with the old system where they
   would accidentally queue a relayout during the allocation cycle. This
   ends up with awkward to solve bugs.

Yes, I've seen a few g_idle_add() to workaround allocation issues.
Also until Clutter 1.8 which removed a warning (only visible when
compiled in debug) in queue_relayout(), it was nearly impossible
to implement an infinite scrolling container. The modifications
you're proposing would surely help with that, to avoid dirty trick
like overriding the queue_relayout vfunc to prevent these warnings.

â We've had a fair few problems keeping track of the âneed_allocationâ
   flag. This is particularly problematic if containers do not allocate
   their children for whatever reason because then the flag will end up
   in an inconsistent state. This can prevent the allocation from
   bubbling up if the broken actor later again needs a relayout.

â The new model lets us optimise certain types of containers. For
   example, a container that is displaying a split pane with two actors
   might not care what the preferred size of the children are. In that
   case if one of the child panes needs a relayout, it doesn't need to
   involve the container or any of the ancestors.

This would certainly optimize usual cases where a small bit of text
changing deep in the scene graph's tree triggers a relayout on
massive amount of actors above him even though the parent of
the text actor is going to allocate him at the exact same size.

â It makes it easier for example to implement scroll-view containers
   that don't want to bother allocating children that are not visible.

Or infinite scrolling container that reuses children from a pool as
it's allocating them. This triggers relayouts within the allocation cycle.

I'd be happy to help with a patch for something like this model if we
can agree on a plan.

Hope we do.


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