Personal opinion and a suggestion


I would like to express my opinion about Cheese.
First of all I am using version 0.2.3 coming with ubuntu gutsy, so some of this things may have changed in newer version so forgive me in advance.

What I don't like:
* Speed! The program is awfully cpu hungry. My cpu comes to 50% when running cheese (core 2 duo 2Ghz). Really too much cpu usage for something
that others do it for me with 1-5% cpu usage like effectv in real time.
* That effects are not configurable, some of them could afford parametrization, but didn't find something like that.
* You can't select the order of effects (or this can be done in some way that I haven't discovered?)
* I would like to have file saved in my desired location, quite annoying... but on the other hand, it is nice to have them all together independent from other pictures/photos. So I think it should be configurable.

What I do like:
* I really ADORE the UI of the program. Simple, minimal and gnomish till the bone. Good job here.
* The ability to add many effects in the same time. cute! ;)
* The whole idea of consistent application of this kind with high quality of implementation (speed is a regression though)

What I would love to see:
* Video pipelines. What I mean is use cheese as a real time video effect processor and redirect output to other video programs like skype/(a)msn bla bla.
I used to archive this by installing videoloopback and using effectv to output the result at the input channel of videoloopback, and at the other end (video input programs) could
open the videolooback output device for input rather than the camera directly. It worked just fine with most programs but videoloopback is external and not well supported.
What I recently found is which from what I have understand creates a video device from a gstream source (like a video file), maybe I am wrong, but if I am not this could be less painfull.

I hope to helped you with my feedback from the point of an humble user, keep up work plz! :)

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